Chaos Earth is here & now. Let the Chaos ensue.

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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
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To all arm tech (Advanced Research Military Technology) we are at war either with aliens or W.W.W3 , I don’t know what the hell they are or where they are from but I rather tell you survive ,we have the stuff and hardware to survive we don’t need N.E.MA for they will not come in time . I am so so sorry but this is the truth!!! Set base of operation either join them or we stick together act as we are war. Set base operations , supply line ,base line defenses, set kill box zones and don’t move and help fast . I lost more than half of my drones, we are at war! All communication systems are dead , all WIFI systems, all laser communication, all hard lines, we have 45% coverage in cell phone communication, and SAT communication are 89% and dropping, last use HAM radios when all systems are down .forget N.E.M.A, forget the military, forget search and rescue, we must help ourselves now!!!
Said president john Williams of ARM TECH(Advanced Research Military Technology)
This was the last message before all systems went down

in a desperate way to keep up with M.D.C weapon system that cannot afford new high tech beam or rail gun systems to fend off or give civil defense a chance to fight even or lower budget country or Security companies .many companies of light MDC weapon systems .INC and made M.D.C gun powder ,well the rest of many companies follow suit .This has been a god send gifts to low budget country or Security companies and small military companies as well low to budget mercenaries which is what happen in south America and led to nuclear strikes and the Fall of mankind happen
.to some they are collectible weapons to play with .But in the end open up for the needed or the really cheap customers to buy.


Fall of mankind happen

Story line:
Arm tech(Advanced Research Military Technology ) international security firm all over the world and the U.S.A is it main headquarters, it was able to set many manufacturing all over the country. It was know as the best of the best in light M.D.C Damage .but when the fall happen many turn to self preservation, some became warlords or few protectors ( but wont work for N.E.M.A ) or bandits or M.D.C gangs . The access of light M.D.C only add to the problem, if all would had join
Join N.E.M.A it would have been a game changer and would have added the support need to cover area that could have been done by civilian. Instead this made faction with faction and add to the problem in C.E. The fire powered gave a chance to fight MDC being and more, including going against N.E.M.A as well.

Location : this where the tundra ranger survive the dark age thank to arm tech it was in the dark against and later as myth and legend come in .still they help the. Ranger survives and set a foundation in the future earth.

America USA: They lasted as far deep 280 years after the fall of man .and were replace by the future power bloc of rifts earth. But waste of resource that could of help turn the tide instead for being selfish it made worst in the USA

Mexico and Central America: none survive the vampire infestation

South America: they were vital in keeping human settlement alive long enough to make new Tech to survive the Dark Age and we see these nation states now in rifts earth

Africa/middle east: there still many settlements that are alive thanks to ARM TECH but are in the lower section of Africa

North American Military Equipment
Book needed Rifts - Chaos Earth, Core Book
Neural mace page 50
All Vibro blades page 51
Plasma torch page 52
All fusion blocks page 52
All Grenades page 53
N.E.M.A automage page 53
N.E.M.A 5.56 MM assault rifle page 54
N.E.M.A PLP -20 police special laser pistol page 55
N.E.M.A MIP-21 crime stopper Maxi ion pistol page 56
N.E.M.A laser sharpshooter laser rifle page 56
N.E.M.A LGR 360 terror stopper laser rifle and grenade launcher N.E.M.A 57
N.E.M.A hot seat plasma rifle page 57
N.E.M.A Incinerator plasma cannon page 58
N.E.M.A thundered grenade rifle page 58
N.E.M.A destroyer mini missiles rifle page 59
N.E.M.A R-660 striker rail gun page 59
N.E.M.A R-670 lighting rail gun page 60
N.E.M.A body armor pages 63 – 66
N.E.M.A HX 288 street tornado hover cycle page 64
N.E.M.A HX 355 hover platform page 66
N.E.M.A MX 144 combat bike page 67
N.E.M.A combat ATV page 68
N.E.M.A MX 422 armored personnel carrier page 69
N.E.M.A combat drones soldiers page 71
N.E.M.A combat hounds page 75
N.E.M.A pup scout page 77

These rounds are L.E.A.P rounds light weight add 50% more ammo, 19 critical strike, the more round down range the more damage
the following weapons are:
Pistols / revolverMD 20
Low caliber Pistols / revolver 1d4 /1d6 single shot
Medium caliber Pistols / revolver 1d6/2d4 single shot
High power caliber Pistols / revolver 2d4/1d10 single shot

Sub machine guns
MD 25
Short burst 2d4 / medium burst 3d4 / long burst 4d4 / full melee 5d4

MDC 30
[b]Low caliber assault rifle
short burst 2d4 / medium burst 2d6 / long burst 4d4 / full melee 4d6

Medium caliber assault rifle
short burst 2d6/ medium burst 2d8 / long burst 1d10 / full melee 4d8

High power caliber assault rifle short burst 3d4 / medium burst 4d4 / long burst 3d6 / full melee 5d6

Machine gun
MD 40
Light Machine gun
Short burst 4d4 / medium burst 5d4 / long burst 5d6 / full melee not possible
Medium /Multi-purpose Machine gun
Short burst 5d4 / medium burst 5d6 / long burst6d6 / full melee not possible
Heavy Machine gun
Short burst 5d6 / medium burst 6d6 / long burst 1d4x10 / full melee not possible

Mega Machine gun
Short burst 6d6 / medium burst 1d4x10 / long burst 1d6x10/ full melee not possible

Shot gun
Buck shot 5d4 or 5d6 military version range 100 feet max for all shot guns

.30 caliber sniper rifle
Tech: MDC Gunpowder ... 1292024975

this a dual barrel .30 caliber rifle

weight :10 pounds
Damage varies
H.E.A.P 5D4 M.D.C EACH rounds
DUR 5D8 M.D.C EACH rounds
Incendiary plasmas 3D6M.D.C EACH rounds
Rate of Fire: single shot or dual shot
Maximum Effective Range: 1.5 to 2 Miles
Payload: 10 rounds
Black Market Cost: 2000 credit
Note with scope add + 3 strike

50 caliber sniper rifle

this can fold in one attack ... 1310488055

MDC Gunpowder
13 pounds
Damage: H.E.A.P 5d8 M.D.C EACH, Incendiary plasmas 5d6, DUR 1d4x10+8
Rate of Fire: single shot or dual shot
Maximum Effective Range: 2 miles to 2.5 miles
Payload: 6 rounds
Black Market Cost: 3000 credit
Note with scope add + 3 strike

The beret MK3 series the idea is sound, but weights like a ton of bricks said sniper drill
The idea if stopping power, range, payload, digital targeting systems are there, however the weight is to can be high still but those basic exo-suits, super human physical strength and even power amour love!!!! But standard infantry mortal unless well braces to fire can do severe damage to the user .second very loud sound can be heard under 100 feet radius and that’s with silencer!!! Still damage, firepower, range, and no muzzle flash it can be an effective weapon. at long range .Enemy have only seen their officers head, arms ,legs blow of clean even in full body armor with even force fields .given the one shot, one kill a comeback. NEMA will hate this weapon for the next 45 years

Tech rail gun light ... 1292024928

Weight 22 lds fully loaded
H.E.A.P 5D4 M.D.C EACH rounds

DUR 5D8 M.D.C EACH rounds

Incendiary plasmas 3D6M.D.C EACH rounds

Rate of Fire: single shot or dual shot

Maximum Effective Range 2 miles

Payload:6 rounds

Black Market Cost: credit2500

Note with scope add1000 ... 1292033669

The beret 20 MM rail rifle cannon look above
Tech type rail gun type tech

20MM Solid slug 5D4 M.DC

20MM Sabot 5D6M.DC

20MM H.E.A.P 5D8M.DC or 1D4 X10


20MM plasmas 1D6X10M.DC

20MM Incendiary plasmas 1D6X10M.DC plus 5D6M.DC for 1D6 melee for each melee

20MM Smart H.E Rounds add+3 to strike damage 1D4X10+8

Weight 25 Lds fully loaded

Rate of Fire: single shot or dual shot (call double tap)

Range Maximum Effective Range 2.5 miles

Payload: 4 or 6 or 8 or 10 round clip

Black /Market Cost: credit 3500
Note with scope add 2000

The beret MK 3.0
Tech heavy ram jet and rail gun tech look above

Weight 15 Lds fully loaded


Solid slug 5D6 M.DC

Sabot 5D8 M.DC

H.E.A.P 2D4x10+8 M.DC or 1D4 X10

DUR 1d6x10M.D.C

Plasmas 2d4X10M.D.C

Incendiary plasmas 2d4X10M.D.C plus 5D8M.DC for 1D6 melee for each melee

Smart H.E Rounds add+3 to strike damage 1D6X10+8

Rate of Fire: single or double tap long burst (four rounds)

Maximum Effective Range 2.5 miles

Payload: 20 rounds

Black Market Cost: 4500 credit
Note with scope add 2000 credit

Quad rapid fire and forget systems
This systems is the R.P.G of the modern world and their two type original model and copied version ... 1292034770

M.D.C /S.D.C stats later ( soon)
Weight 45 pounds fully loaded
Damage type:
Heavy explosive war head 1d6x10 M.D.C per tube
HEAT missile 2d4x10 +10 M.D.C per tube
Plasma missile 2d6x10 M.D.C per tube
AP warhead 6d6 M.D.C per tube

Smart missiles standard 1 to 3 to strike, advance guidance 1 to 5 to strike, non guided systems 1 to 2 strike
Note add W.P skills

Quad missile this is four missiles fired at one target or at four different targets in one attack!!!
Incendiary plasma missile 2d6x10 M.D.C 5d4 M.D.C for each Melee for 2d6 melees
Quad missile
Heavy explosive war head 5d4 each four per tube
HEAT missile 1d4x10
Plasma missile 1d6x10
Incendiary plasma missile 2d4x10 each

Rate of Fire: 1 to 4 missiles
Maximum Effective Range direct fire 3000 feet non guided systems , smart missiles and advance guidance standard up to 4 miles
Payload:4 standard type or 4 per tube quad missile or 16 total
Black Market Cost: credit empty launcher 5000 credit, new 15,000credit fully loaded , non guided system 10,000 credit

IWI Desert Eagle 30 caliber and 50 caliber ... 1294109835

IWI Desert Eagle 30 caliber and .50 calibers

(top)dual barrel .30 caliber
Range : 250 feet
Damage :
High power caliber revolver 2d4 or 1d10 single barrel fired, double tap 4d4/2d10 M.D or both barrel double tap 4d8/1d4x10
Payload : 30 rounds clip standard only
R.O.F : single shot or dual /both barrel fired , note can fire a

Personal defense weapon.30 caliber middle gun
Damage: 2d4 or 1d10 single shot , 5 round burst 1d4x10 , 10 round burst 2d4x10,
Range: 1000 feet
R.O.F:single shot or burst
Payload: 60 rounds or 2 clips per sided , drum clip 250 rounds

Rapid fire pistol .50 calibers (button )
Damage:2d6 single shot , three round burst 6d6 , six round burst 2d4x10
Range: 1000 feet
R.O.F: single shot or burst
Payload: 30 round clip
Note: advance anti recoil systems

All gun can used one of the following
1) Anti-muzzle flash ( fired from a distance and can see flash best at 100 feet or more )
2)silencer , can not be heard but can see flash need perception roll under 100 feet roll under a 10 on D20, + 1 for every 50 feet
3) Night sight of different types ... 1304305752

R.P.G 8 M.K-2
Is a second generation design of the RPG-7 MARK II class or rocket propelled grenade, back in the days this was common over the shoulder rocket used fro anti personal to anti tank .well came with the ideas and make a full M.D.C version of it b using the standard grenades used in Rifts earth but also able to fire Mini-missiles (or M.D.C rockets) of any type, and short range missiles. This is a game changer one enemies must guest which system is been fires upon them, two this give the user a wide use of warheads. Last the weight always been problem for short range missiles and medium range missiles (but not for M.D.C rockets or mini-missiles range , but if you the use of basic exo-suit this change all this to carry what they need .on the plus sides it cheap and mass produce easily. Many security companies can make a killing with systems plus to make a knock off version is easy. This gotten to the point no can tell unless you have the skills to see (G.M) if it a knock off. Many mercenary companies world wide buy them by truck loads due to the fact an infantry can act as ant tank, anti power armored, anti installation, anti bases , to anti-air use. The most common are grenades launchers or mini-missiles launchers and the used of short range missiles with high P.S, basic Exo-suit, super human P.S, supernatural P.S can use at a 9 or better which is vey useful , however you can use a medium range missiles as well!!! The R.P.G 8 M.K-2 can add a portable targeting system and varies vision equipment for night time operations as well. The Tube launcher is simple and very light weight and special (water and salt) to fire inside a confine spaces. The launchers always has two hand held and grip, and bi-pod plus
Standard grenades and Mini-missiles clip plus one inside 6 in the clip plus one in tube. It has been a hit in the market. it will appear later 300 year by G.A.W but not the same as what it was former glory.


Standard grenades add +1 to strike plus any other bonus and W.P as well weight: half pounds each
, First generation M.D.C rockets AS WELL
Explosive: 2D6 M.D.C
Heavy Explosive 4D6 M.D.C
Amour piercing grenade: 3D6 M.D.C
Plasma 5D6 M.D.C
Mini-missiles add +2 to strike plus any other bonus and W.P as well weight: 10 pounds each
Heavy Explosive: 1D6X10 M.D.C
Amour piercing grenade 1D4X10 M.D.C
Plasma: 2D6X10 M.D.C
Second generation M.D.C rockets add +1 to strike plus any other bonus and W.P as well weight: 2 pounds each, this is due move explosive material and weight been add
Heavy Explosive 2D4X10 M.D.C
Amour piercing grenade 1D6X10
Plasma: 2D6X10 M.D.C
Short Range Missiles add +3 to strike plus any other bonus and W.P as well, weight: 33 pounds each

Medium range missiles add +6 to strike plus any other bonus and W.P as well, weight: 100 pounds each

Standard grenades 1

Mini-missiles 1 or any

M.D.C rockets 1 or ten shot

Short Range Missiles 1

Medium range missiles1

Range: varies

Standard grenades/ First generation and second generation M.D.C rockets 3000 feet

Mini-missiles Varies

M.D.C rockets Varies

Short Range Missiles Varies

Medium range missiles max 10 miles

Standard grenades / First generation M.D.C rockets 30 per clip (look above)

Mini-missiles 10 per clip (look above)

M.D.C rockets 20 per clip (look above)

Short Range Missiles 1

Medium range missiles 1


Standard grenades .5 pounds

Mini-missiles 10 pounds

M.D.C rockets look above

Short Range Missiles 30 pounds

Medium range missiles 100 pounds ( N.A.A.T version ) standard fir and forget 125 pounds ... SCLASS.jpg

OR just ... 1291860830

Rift AK 98 series

Rift AK 98: the AK 47 series are has not change much but when the AK 98 was made it to heavy to use at first .but it became the best cheapest weapon mount in the world to shoot down any military vehicles and anti personal .it was used by warlords to military to allied forces . When powered armored, cyborg use this weapon systems came to life from the heavy foot solider to man size power robot it been used. It kept with the AK -47 features, it is easy to clean, repair and finally to operated AK 98 by itself act like a light machine and operated by one person and with under rapid fire grenade launcher. The design was copied from the American empire which was the reason it was so heavy, still it was available to fried both 7.62x39mm S.D.C Cartridge and the M.D.C .
human can use but must have a P.S of 10 or better fully loaded which will be found all over the world but will disappear about hundred year of the dark ages .
Weight: 21 lds fully loaded
Cartridge: 7.62x39mm
• single shot 1d6 SDC , 5d6 burst S.D.C burst, or ,
• MDC single shot 1D4 M.D.C each rounds 5d4 M.D.C burst
• SDC and MDC Cartridge can not be mix,
• 20mm grenade round type single shot H.E.A.T 5d6 MDC, or 1d6x100 SDC (1d6 MDC) dual shot short burst round burst two round 1D6X10 M.D.C ,burst medium four round shot 2D6X0 M.D.C ,burst, six round long burst 3D6X10 M.D.C full melee 10 rounds burst 5D6X10 M.D.C Blast radius 4 feet per grenade fired
Rate of Fire: as per W.P rules single shot, burst
Maximum Effective Range: AK 98 rifle 2666 feet, 20 MM rapid fire grenade launcher shot by 2, 4, 6, 8 the maximum
Payload: standard clip 30 rounds, long clip 46 rounds, drum clip 120 rounds
20mm rapid fire grenade launcher 10 grenade can use any 20 MM grenade SDC or MDC
Black Market Cost: 10,000 credits rifle used only, fully systems 21,000 credits new
Note: reload both weapons take 15 seconds or 1 melee, rifle by it self 2 attacks add +2 to range attacks/strike. also bottom attachment sound suppressor this can not be heard more than 1d6 feet top attachment flash hinder no flash to indicate where weapon is fired both add 1 to initiative /strike

Attention please give your input good bad just post thank you fro your time from zino or zino117
 ... aketom.jpg

artist comment
A sentry gun...
The gun is loosely based on the Machine gun from Aliens.

This sentry gun is the staple for security companies and customer that are used by. When the fall of mankind happen thousand of hidden turret pop out from hiding form the building and had a massive payload and slow down many advances from getting close to many important target to give time either to run or fight, security companies has allowed to weapon platform to be add to any firm for urban combat .it made many kill zone for hours till they ran out of ammo. They respected by many and hated but those who have to face it but the main draw back it is that they are stationary position. They can be but on tank, A.P.C, robots, cyborg and on any weapon platform and not just a drone but can be control by operator and a safety feature to self destruct if enemy combated tries to take over by force or even by Psionic powers . Add a walker drone they made terrible loss to the enemy. the walker drone has help the sentry gun stay even longer in combat due it mobility and ability to attack in place where human have a hard time get to . This was throwing by the thousand for urban combat and front line use which work extremely well in the fall of mankind happen. These systems can be add to any robot taller than 12 feet as extra line of squads
Both stationary and mobile weapon platform note 12 to 20 add two of each , for 21 to 25 feet 4 each , 26 to 30 feet add 5 each , for 31 and up to 6 each .
Note this weapon systems will be lost and rediscover again some 300 years later and better then ever before .

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes , +3 MDC machine gun, NONE stationary dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles

5. External audio pick up: same as robots

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional

7. NONE: Ejection systems: 1 ton add

8. Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 1 tons

9. Voice actuated locking systems

10. NONE: Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add: 2 tons

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons

12. Solar powered and battery powered (for 2 months) N.A.A.T Special Forces

13. Can add Five TW Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

14. Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 50 or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 45 M.D.C and third hit 40 M.D.C and so

15.Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level

16. Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total .
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 24
Weight add: 10 pounds

18. Can add Five TW Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

19. N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

20. has a 360 turret base plus a 90 vector aiming

height 3 feet to 5 feet with tripod or handed must have PS normal 24 or supernatural /super human strength 10 or better

M.D.C Stats
Main body 125
Ammo box 50
Scope 25
Tripod 100
Small shield 100
Carrying case 200
Weapon system

Pick one from below also not this is first generation
Note in a building add 10000 rounds and 3500 rounds as secondary payload plusn standard payload
1) Heavy M.D Machine gun: pick one below
.30 calibers standard
First generation ammo 10 rounds 2d4 , calibers short burst, 4d4 medium burst, 4d8 long burst
Standard Second generation ammo 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 800

2).50 calibers standard
First generation ammo10 rounds 2d6 short burst, 4d62 medium burst, 6d6 long burst
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: security companies Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun

4).30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: time three

5) Security companies has a new round H.E.A.P or (heavy explosive armored pricing rounds)
.50 calibers ( standard use )
Damage: 1D6 M.D.C
Burst: 2D6 two round Burst, 3D6 three round Burst, 4D6 four round Burst. 5D6 Five round Burst, 6D6 six round Burst, 8D6 eight round Burst, 1D6X10 for a 10 round Burst, 2D6X10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d6x10 for a 40 round Burst, 5d6x10 for a 60 round Burst
R.O.F: Burst only
Payload: w/ 2500 round drum magazine
NOTE: security companies Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun

6)grenade Launcher is for up close and personal Anti-infantry used but for monster as well, the rent use of Automatic grenade Launcher with a 360 angles. It can be replace with a heavy grenade Launcher
Damage per tube pick two
1. Use only amour piercing grenade 3d6x10 for 8 feet blast radius
2. Flares look below
3. Chaffs look below
4. Smoke look below
5. Tear gas looks below
Range; 3000 feet
Rate of fire burst only 10 shot
Payload: 200 grenades each
Bonus: add +1 to hit
Weight: 100 pounds empty
Note: add the following
Smoke /Tear gas /Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 24 total
Last edited by ZINO on Thu Oct 20, 2011 9:39 pm, edited 6 times in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Joined: Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:02 pm
Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
Location: new york


Unread post by ZINO »

A.R.M. Tech North America before the fall of man was able to get started in the industrial espionage and later as a M.D.C race allowed to take the initiative . This allowed a major advantage for the military in the US and other allies . but was stolen MDC tech alloys was not the same but work . ARM Tech became the leader in stopping gap for many military forces and was cheap to introduce. Last the Agency Design work perfect in North America and later controlled over sea mercenary units that many military were no longer need .

Agency Design

4. Superspy Agency. The player characters' main enemies are villains with extraordinary powers, devices and/or skills. Because of this, the organization is generously funded and equipped. 300 POINTS are available.
5. Mega-Spy Agency. An agency of this size and power indicates that the role-playing world is extremely dangerous. Most, if not all, of the bad guys also belong to agencies with lots of points. And the opposition will have plenty of skills and powers to test the mettle of the player characters. 400 POINTS are available

A. Outfits
. The standard clothing issued by the agency to its members. Replacement of any agency issued outfits is automatic.
30 Points
6. Unlimited Clothing. The agency offers any and all clothing Gimmicks for any standard clothing, uniforms or specialty outfits. Any quality level is available, and the world's top designers are on call to specially make appropriate outfits for any agent. Agency Cost: 50 Points Superspy Agency Mega-Spy Agency

B. Equipment.
This describes all the equipment and supplies provided free of charge by the agency. Replacement of any lost or damaged, agency-issued equipment is automatic.
All Superspy Agency Mega-Spy Agency

C. Weapons.
This includes all the weapons issued from the agency's armory. Any agency-issued weapons come with an unlimited supply of ammunition. Any expended ammo or damage weapons are replaced automatically
4. Ninja Weapons. Any and all Ninja, Martial Arts and Ancient Weapons are provided. This includes swords, bows, spears and the like. Ammunition is restricted to arrows, shuriken, slingshot pellets and so forth. Agency Cost: 10 Points Superspy Agency
5. The Arsenal. Each agent is allowed to choose up to $50,000 worth of weapons, with all appropriate ammunition included. Agency Cost: 30 Points Superspy Agency
6. Unlimited Weapons. Characters belonging to the agency can take any and all available weapons and gimmick weapons, as they are needed. Agency Cost: 50 Points Superspy Agency
4. Ninja Weapons. Any and all Ninja, Martial Arts and Ancient Weapons are provided. This includes swords, bows, spears and the like. Ammunition is restricted to arrows, shuriken, slingshot pellets and so forth. Agency Cost: 10 Points
5. The Arsenal. Each agent is allowed to choose up to $50,000 worth of weapons, with all appropriate ammunition included. Agency Cost: 30 Points Mega-Spy Agency
6. Unlimited Weapons. Characters belonging to the agency can take any and all available weapons and gimmick weapons, as they are needed. Agency Cost: 50 Points Mega-Spy Agency

D. Vehicles.
Transportation provided by the agency to the characters. Also includes information on the agency's fleet of vehicles. Superspy Agency
6. Unlimited Vehicles. Any existing vehicle is available, including rare and expensive models (I'll take a 1928 Duesenberg, Model SJ.) Any and all modifications, including one"conversion"Mega-Spy Agency

E. Communications.
This is a measure of how good the communications network and devices are in the agency. Superspy Agency
5. Satellite Network. Instant communications anywhere in the world is provided through a system of ground-based, microwave transmitters and satellite relay stations. Each and every individual agent is wired with a scrambled, private signal channel. Computer networks and other sophisticated services are employed. Agency Cost: 30 Points
6. Unlimited Communications. The agency has a private satellite network with 12 dedicated satellites covering the globe, its own private telephone network, and a private mail carrier system. Plus a worldwide data network serviced by a supercomputer at each main HQ. Agency Cost: 50 Points Mega-Spy Agency

F. Offices and Distribution. Just how widespread the offices and personnel of the organization are.
4. Regional.(ARM Tech north America) The agency has offices in all the cities of its own country, and in all the major cities of all neighboring countries. Field agents cover all strategic areas in the home country and in any bordering countries. Agency Cost: 15 Points Superspy Agency
5. International.( central /south America , Europe and the middle east) Agency maintains major offices in every major city in the world. Have field agents in every capital city and in most strategic locations. Agency Cost: 25 Points
6. Ubiquitouslocations like USA ,Canada , Europe .Mexico, South America , the Middle East, Pacific islands and Africa Every city in the world has an office or a field agent representing the agency. This agency is everywhere, with their people covering every population center of 10,000 or more. Agency Cost: 50 Points Mega-Spy Agency

G. Military Power. The amount of military force that the agency can command directly. Note that directly means just that; the agency can order around the unit without needing permission or authorization from any other source.
3. Militia. (A.R.M tech in all headquarters) locations Europe .Mexico, South America , the Middle East, Pacific islands, and Africa The agency can call directly on a 150 man force of national guardsmen. They have access to standard military weapons and equipment. Agency Cost: 10 Points Superspy Agency
4. Private Armies . ( ,Canada , Europe .Mexico, South America , the Middle East,)A small unit of 200 experienced mercenaries and combat veterans. They come complete with weapons and equipment. Constantly on duty and ready to be mobilized. Agency Cost: 20 Points Superspy Agency
5. Strike Force. (Canada , Europe .Mexico, South America , the Middle East, asia ) One of the country's commando battalions, with up to 450 soldiers, is ready to be airlifted to anywhere in the world at a moment's notice. Includes infantry weapons, eight tanks, and four artillery pieces, plus three armed helicopters. Agency Cost: 30 Points Mega-Spy Agency
6. Major Strategic Force. ( locations Europe .Mexico, South America , the Middle East, Pacific Islands ,Asia and Africa )The agency directly commands a 5,000 soldier force complete with vehicles, aircraft, artillery and shipping. Agency Cost: 50 Points Mega-Spy Agency

H. Sponsorship. Exactly who is controlling the agency, providing them with their leadership and their real source of funds?
2. Military.( U.S.A Military) The agency is run by a unit of the military that is specifically concerned with military goals. Spying on enemy armies, stealing military secrets, and national security are always top priorities. Agency Cost: 4 Point Superspy Agency
4. Government. .( U.S.A Government) This kind of agency is sponsored by an official government and is covered by the government's legal framework. The group's emphasis can range from fighting crime to internal security (ferreting out moles and traitors in government departments), to external investigation (international spying). Agency Cost: 10 Points Superspy Agency
6. Agent Sponsored. (A.R.M Tech varies area of markets , manufacturing around the world , transport hundreds of holding area around the world ) The agents themselves control the agency, and can set policy and choose whatever goals they like. Agency Cost: 50 Points Mega-Spy Agency

I. Budget. Reveals the money available, not for regular operating costs, but for any kind of special projects. In other words, how much money is available to "front" an operation.
6. Mega Bucks. .( U.S.A ) Agency has up to $5 billion available. Agency Cost: 50 Pointsany important mission. Agency Cost: 25 Points Superspy Agency
5. Big Bucks. (A.R.M Tech )Agency can get up to $100 million. AgencyCost: 35 Points Mega-Spy Agency
6. Mega Bucks. Agency has up to $5 billion available.Agency Cost: 50 Points Mega-Spy Agency

Freedom the agents have.

6. Above the Law. The agency is given authority above the laws of its country. Agents can do anything they wish. Not possible in the U.S., or most Western democracies, but definitely an option in communist, most oriental and third world countries. Agency Cost: 50 Points Superspy Agency Mega-Spy Agency

K. Internal Security.
This is the level of internal infiltration that the agency is vulnerable to. Note that this is the only thing that prevents spies from already having been placed in the organization. It varies according to the agency's security measures. Enemy agents, moles, "turned" employees, and other unreliable can only be prevented with high levels of internal security.
4. Iron-Clad. Every entrance and exit is under constant video monitoring. Everyone entering is checked for fingerprints signature, subjected to a metal detector and must be personally recognized. Only a 5% chance of finding a mole in any office.Agency Cost: 25 Points Superspy Agency

5. Paranoid. Everybody entering is strip searched, and no one can so much as enter a bathroom without surveillance. Multiple checkpoints and constant personnel checking reduce infiltrations to less than a 3% chance in each office. Agency Cost: 30 Points
6. Impregnable. An insanely complicated barrage of tests, signs and countersigns, searches, and (choose one) either X-ray Checking (comparing skeleton/dental patterns to make positive ID), Retinal Scans, or Biochemical (checking a person's blood type and genetic markers for positive identification) for each and every person entering any office of the agency. Only a 1% chance of an infiltrator being found anywhere in the agency. Agency Cost: 50 Points Mega-Spy Agency

L. External Infiltration. A measure of how well the player characters' agency has infiltrated and corrupted enemy organizations. There are even attempts at infiltrating friendly or allied agencies (just in case). An important side benefit of external infiltration is that captured characters may be provided with"accidental" opportunities to escape by friendly infiltrators4. General Infiltration. The agency has placed infiltrate or sand moles throughout the enemy agency's structure. Thereis a 5% chance that each employee of each enemy agency is working with the player characters. Agency Cost: 25 Points
5. Blanket Infiltration. Every enemy agent encountered is 5% likely to be secretly working for the group's agency.
Agency Cost: 35 Points Superspy Agency
6. Major Infiltration. Not only is the structure of all enemy organizations filled with informers, but the actual leadership of the opposition has at least one mole among them. Of course, this mole can only be used once, so it's likely that he/she will not be exposed for anything short of global catastrophe.
Agency Cost: 50 Points Mega-Spy Agency

M. Agency Credentials.
Just what is the reputation and authority of the agency? The credentials determine just how much respect the characters' agents can command.
2. Unknown. No one has even heard of the agency. They get no cooperation and receive no attention. Agency Cost: 3 Points

N. Agency Salary.
The amount of money received weekly by the player characters. Check the character's O.C.C. for the base salary (it's listed under Income).
3. Freelance. Agents are paid at the completion of each assignment. Price can vary, but generally it's 3 times the base salary per job. Agency Cost: 5 Points
Superspy Agency
4. Civil Servants. Characters receive exactly their base salary. The job doesn't pay well compared to private industry, but job security is solid. Will often get a 1D4 x $100 bonus for a successful or profitable assignment. Agency Cost: 10 Points
5. Excellent. Characters get four (4) times their base pay. They can afford to dress well, eat well, and live upper-class lives. Agency Cost: 20 Points
Superspy Agency
6. Outrageous. Want your characters to hang around with Jackie and Princess Di and the rest of the jet set? This feature pays them twenty times their base salary. Agency Cost: 50 PointsMega-Spy Agency

A.R.M Tech this is out side the U.S

Mega-Spy Agency A.R.M Tech in Mexico ,central America ,South America North and South Pole , Europe ,Middle East Africa ,all of Asia pacific and Atlantic oceans ,this applies outside the US
A. Outfits
4. Specialty Clothing
5. Gimmick Clothing
6. Unlimited Clothing

B. Equipment No Magic Technologies
C. Vehicles
4. Combat Cars
5. Specialty Vehicles

6. Unlimited Vehicles D. Weapons, Power Armor
4. Advanced Weaponry
5. Extensive Weaponry
6. Maximum Firepower

E. Communications
4. Full Range System
5. Deluxe Com. Network
6. Superior Communications

F. Internal Security
3. Tight
4. Iron-Clad
5. Paranoid
6. Impregnable

G. Permanent Bases
2. Partial Headquarters
3. Headquarters
4. Fortified Headquarters
5. Company Town
6. Company City

H. Intelligence Resources
All but no magic and pisices
I. Special Budget
4. Large Loans
5. Big Bucks
6. Mega Bucks

J. General Alignment
5. Unprincipled/Scrupulous
Criminal Activity
All but 7. Psychic Enforcer (1) or magic
3. Unknown
4. Known

4. Good Salary
5. Excellent Salary
6. Outrageous Salary
Last edited by ZINO on Thu Aug 26, 2021 1:13 pm, edited 6 times in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Snake Eyes
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i just skimmed over it for right now...but it is quite impressive
The Dragon Has Spoken
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if you dont like PLZ tell me ,I really want to hear your opinion
shot me out of the sky
that OK man PLZ :(
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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A little history this was the first ARM TECH ( Advanced Research Military Technology ) robot it was and became the universal robot vehicle .it will become like the soviet tank copied and recopied and not the best but not a death tarp either .it was to light or to heavy but it can do a lot with what it haves .it close quarter combat with no hands and can box looking design was weird but many America U.S.A military didn’t like it when the GB robot came they allow anyone to buy from security firms to civil defense forces to foreign countries .even to rogue countries it lack robot abilities to that of America USA. From allied then when new robot models came ARM TECH resold they to any countries that need one. Cheap and easy to get many countries went for them and ARM TECH made a massive killing .this allowed for ARM TECH to sell even more light M.D.C tech man size .
Last edited by ZINO on Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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mecha sketch 2 by ~ProgV
Digital Art / Drawings / Sci-Fi
©2011 ~ProgV

this is not the FSV just a normal mecha


a little history this was the first ARM TECH ( Advanced Research Military Technology )robot it was and became the universal robot vehicle .it will become like the soviet tank copied and recopied and not the best but not a death tarp either .it was to light or to heavy but it can do a lot with what it haves .it close quarter combat with no hands and can box looking design was weird but many America U.S.A military didn’t like it when the GB robot came they allow anyone to buy from security firms to civil defense forces to foreign countries .even to rogue countries it lack robot abilities to that of America USA. From allied then when new robot models came ARM TECH resold they to any countries that need one. Cheap and easy to get many countries went for them and ARM TECH( Advanced Research Military Technology ) made a massive killing .this allowed for ARM TECH ( Advanced Research Military Technology )to sell even more light M.D.C tech man size .

America USA:
ARM TECH ( Advanced Research Military Technology )main battle urban combat robot vehicle or any type of environment (even space ...hint …hint for any GM). It carries the best ARM TECH had at the time

Mexico and Central America South America it will be the last to make a stand against the vampire hordes, and allowed thousand to live and make it to the US borders thanks. You ARM TECH( Advanced Research Military Technology ).

Africa/middle east: Knock off
ARM TECH( Advanced Research Military Technology ) sold by using in the Middle East wars and they made the Knock off and made a hell of mess for USA, Germany, common wealth countries( Russia ) , Canada and Mexico forces .

Knock off this as disposable combat robot light MDC and use any ARM TECH ( Advanced Research Military Technology )weapon systems. And it also a drone unit only can be running in fossil fuel to solar powered to nuclear powered. And many will be lost in so many conflicts from Africa to Asia to the pacific and severe to save so many live at the end of mankind civilization and will run for the next 290 year after!!!

N.A.A.T and N.A.M.E.S (300 years later) took the design and add a 50 MM rail gun with heavy explosive tip round making more powerful than the GB Boom gun !!

Knock off RIFTS EARTH (300 years later) like the Middle East but better easy to make and is been sold and made by northern gun , Wellington industries, G.A.W, Manistique Impreium, Lazo, New lazo, King dale, Merc town, Bandito arms, and Columbia this way Coalition states wouldn’t banned it in north America.

Kingdom of Tarnow (300 years later) is the must heavily armed and beast urban and have all the ARM TECH been turned S.D.C to M.D.C and is mass produce in greater amount then the standard deign M.D.C version.

All Robot Vehicles have the following features.
1. Nuclear Powered: Which means they have an effectively unlimited fuel capacity and power source. Average life: 15 to 20 years.
2. Radar: Can identify and track up to 48 targets simultaneously at a range of 30 miles (48 km).
3. Combat Computer: Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the head up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the
Targeting computer.
4. Targeting Computer: Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. 30 mile range (48 km).
5. Laser Targeting System: Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + 1 to strike when using long range weapons. Does not apply to hand to hand combat or SAMAS.
6. Radio communication: Long range, directional communication system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short range radio. Range is 5 miles (8 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.
7. External Audio Pickup: A sound amplification listening system that can pick up a whisper 300 feet (91.5 m) away.
8. Spotlights: Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 600 feet (182 m).
9. Ejector seat: In case of an emergency, the pilot and crew can be instantly ejected (about 1000 feet) and parachute to safety.
10. Self-Destruct: A last resort measure to prevent one's robot from being captured by the enemy. The explosive damage is fairly self contained, destroying most of the internal systems with 2D6 x 10 M.D. However, it is very likely, 1-89% chance, that the nuclear
power system is spewing forth deadly levels of radiation!
11. Voice Actuated Locking System: The robot's access hatch issealed by an automatic locking system. A six digit spoken code programmed to a specific voice(s) pattern (six voice memory) is standard operating procedure. A manual key pad is provided in case
of system failure/override.
12. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment: The compartment can usually seat 2 to 6 people and is reinforced to protect the people from mega-damage. It is air tight, pressurized and suitable
for use in all hostile environments, including under water (500 foot max. depth) and space. The following features are included.
• Computer controlled life support system.
• Internal cooling and temperature control.
• Air purification and circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier/ dehumidifier automatically engages when needed. Can recirculate breathable air for up to four weeks before getting to stale to breathe.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magicfires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded.
• Polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted visor

Twelve hour oxygen supply.

Plus add on

Robot Intelligences are the more sophisticated robots and a bit beyond the current capabilities of the Coalition ( as well as US Military robots, Triax Industries and the rest of the world. In addition to the complexity of creating an artificial intelligence, the problems of practical application and prohibitive costs have encouraged most scientists to improve on the popular and efficient
robot accessory units (vehicles, power armor, etc.). Triax Industries is close, but cuirently only Cyberworks and the occasional alien from a dimensional rift have the capabilities
for creating robot intelligences. All of Cyberwork's/Archie's robots fall into the robot intelligence category because they are able to perform complex and varied tasks. Some, like the Shemarrian bots, are programmed with an elaborate sense of history and personality, including simulated human emotions. Most are also able to assess data, draw a conclusion and act on that conclusion within the parameters of their program. Unfortunately, if the data is insufficient or the conclusion is contrary to the program, the robot can not take action.

First generation ( civilian models )
robot Artificial intelligence: Automatically gets the general program
(non-military or military) and three skill programs of choice.
Equivalent I.Q. of 19.

Second generation( military model)
robot Neural intelligence: Select four skill programs in addition to.
the General Program. At levels three, seven, eleven and fifteen,
the neural intelligence bot can also learn three new secondary
skills; only I.Q. bonus applicable and all skills start at level one,
base skill level. Only these secondary skills increase with experience.
Equivalent I.Q. of 23.

General Robot Skill Program: Includes radio basic, mathematics:
basic (98%), pilot automobile, land navigation, and speaks/understands (not read) American, Spanish, Euro, and Techno-can languages; all at 94%. Also programmed for common human slang, protocol and behavior. The bot can identify and use (to some extent) the thousands of everyday tools, appliances, weapons, armor, robots, and vehicles found in the human communities. The bot also recognizes 20,000 different
life forms, including humans and common D-Bees, mutants, animals and insects. Black .
Communications: Select five. All are at 94%. Black Market

Military (Demolitions): All, plus W.P. Heavy. All at 94%.

Pilot Related: All; at 94%.

Technical: Photography, computer operation, literacy in five languages. All at 94%. Black Market cost: 500,000 credits

Weapon Proficiencies: All energy and select four others heavy weapons

Expanded Memory: This increases the number of skill programs one can place into the bot. Artificial Intelligence: Add three (3) programs. Neural System:Add two (2) programs and two
Secondary skills at all appropriate levels. .

Increasing the robot I.Q. Attribute: Costs 50,000 credits per each I.Q. point beyond the basic system attribute. Thus, to increase an I.Q. of 12 to a I.Q. of 22 costs 500,000 credits. The maximum for small bots is I.Q. 20, medium, large and humanoids, I.Q. 28. Enjoys the usual I.Q. bonus.

Robots main Probe
Remote Probe: An optics video probe with hover capabilities is concealed inside the robot or in a small shoulder or back launcher. The probe can be launched and remote controlled, following radio directions from the robot. The basic unit includes a video camera with telescopic lens (600 ft/91 m range) that transmits everything it sees and hears to its master bot. Range of transmissions and control is 2000 ft (487
m). M.D.C. 10, size: About the size of a soccer ball (12inches). .

360 Degree Rotating Body Segment: Head, shoulders, hands at wrist, and upper torso at waist, for waist rotation can rotate in a 360 degree circle.

Nuclear energy is the most popular form of energy used in robots and high-tech machinery. The power system is surprisingly compact, clean, and has a long lifetime, even under constant use.
One Year: One million credits.
Two Year: Two million credits.
Five Year: 4.5 million credits.
Ten Year: 8 million credits.
Twenty Year: 15 million credits.

Super-Solar Engine

Fossil fuel systems: 300 mile range replaces one ammo drum
Hybrid Fossil fuel systems: 1200 miles

Robot Sensors and Optics

robot Audio
Basic Listening System: Stereo hearing capacity equal to the best human capabilities, and a narrow-band radio receiver enables the robot to hear/receive commercial radio (AM &
FM); Range: 5 miles (8 km). .

robot Advanced Audio System: Amplified stereo hearing; hears in the full decibel range, much like the cybernetic amplified hearing. Ultra-ear enables the bot to hear frequencies inaudible to the human ear, like 3 dog whistle. Wide-band radio receiver (not transmitter) enables the robot to listen to commercial radio stations, citizen band (C.B.), police bands and otherradio transmission frequencies (Range: 50 miles/80 km with
a retractable antenna, half range without). And universal headjack.
Bonuses: + 1 to parry, + 2 to dodge, + 3 on initiative.
Note: The abilities of
the advanced audio system can be purchased individually and are identical to cybernetic systems, but cost 20% more.

robot Bug Detector: A small device that picks up radio signals from surveillance listening devices (bugs). Range: 50 feet (15 m).

robot Radar Signal Detector: A tiny radar receiver which will alert the robot with a silent alarm or pinging when he is being scanned by radar; 80% accuracy. Cost: 10,000 credits.
Wide Band Radio Receiver and Transmitter with directional capabilities. Range: 300 miles (482 km) with a retractable antenna (150 miles without the antenna). Cost: 50,000 credits.

robot Radio Signal Scrambler System is linked to the radio system to send and receive coded messages.

robot Audio Recorder: A audio disc recording system with external access. Contains 10,oo terabits of recordable disc time. Of course, the one inch discs can be used repeatedly.

robot Loudspeaker: Amplifies the robot's voice up to 90 decibels.

robot Single Voice Synthesizer: Provides the robot with a completely human sounding voice; very pleasant. Otherwise the voice is very mechanical sounding.

robot Modulating Voice Synthesizer and Sound Analysis Computer: Enables the robot to change the tone, base, pitch and frequency of his voice. The sound analysis computer is designed exclusively to listen, identify, remember, and analyze sounds. 100,000 different sounds are programmed into its memory, including gun shots by caliber, engines, and other sounds. It also has the capability to analyze, compare, match and remember 1,000,000 new sounds; 1 - 99% likelihood ofidentifying a person by voice pattern. Can imitate anotherperson's voice with 98% accuracy.

robot Inaudible Frequency Transmission: The robot can speak/transmit sound frequencies inaudible to the human ear, but audible to other robots, borgs with ultra-ear, and beings with superiorhearing, such as mutant dogs. Cost: 150,000 credits.

Basic Robot Optic System: A color sight system with an analysis computer for 3-D images; 20/20 vision. Cost: 50,000 credits.

robot Advanced Robot Optic System: Includes color vision, 3-D analysis, passive night sight, infrared, and ultraviolet sight. Range: 2000 ft (610m). to 5 miles
Note: Infrared vision emits a pencil-thin beam of infrared light, invisible to the human eye, but visible to another infrared system, to illuminate its target in darkness. The narrowness of the beam limits the scope of vision to about ten feet width (3 m).
Night Sight is a passive image intensifier that electronically amplifies existing ambient light to provide a visible picture without emitting any trace light of its own.

robot Laser Targeting System: A thin beam of light is emitted from the eyes or forehead or the weapon itself. When the light beam hits its target, a computer locks an and registers the
fire command. Bonus: + 1 to strike when using a distance weapon. Not applicable to hand to hand combat. Likewise, P.P. bonuses do not apply to long-range weapons. Range:
4000 feet (1200 m).
robot Targeting Sight and combat computer: A special system that superimposes cross hairs for more accurate targeting. The computer recognizes 1,000,000 enemy targets, including vehicles, robots, insignias, uniforms, and known monsters. An additional 2000 targets can be added to the memory. Bonus:+1 to strike. Range: equal to optic system; usually 2000 to 45,000 feet
robot Telescopic Vision: Magnifies an image area like a gun's scopeor binoculars. Automatic, self-focusing. Range: 60,000 ft 20 feet (6 m) image area.
robot Thermo-Imager: An optical heat sensor that converts the infrared
radiation of warm objects into a visible image. Thisdevice allows the robot to see in the darkness, shadows, and through smoke. Range: 20000ft(610m).

robot External Video and Audio Surveillance System: A high-resolution
video camera HD , often built into the eyes, but can be a separate system, relays images directly to the robot's optic scanners and these images can be recorded as a record ofevents. A video receiver and transmitter system enables the robot to receive video transmissions for viewing and/or recording. The images are recorded on a six hour, three inch, video disc that is slipped into a slot in the skull or chest. The disccan be ejected at will. Range: 40 miles (64 km).

robot Searchlight: Built into the eyes, head, shoulder(s), or chest. A 90 degree arc up and down and 180 degree rotation is standard.
High-powered light beam used to illuminate an area like a flashlight or used as a beacon. Range: 3000 feet (91.5 m).can blind other vehicles or military vehicles to infantry by -9 to strike at range weapons

robot Sensors
Robot pilots and external Bio-Scan Medical Survey Unit: A computer system designed to monitor the life signs of pilots and external biological life forms. Sensors are built in the robot's hand or must be removed from a concealed compartment and attached. Monitors vital signs, such as respiration,blood pressure, brain waves, and body temperature. A computerized medical system tied into the Bio-Scan computer will indicate trauma to the brain and nervous system, blood loss, presence of drugs or other unnatural agent in the blood stream, and coma condition.

robot Motion Detector and Warning System: Registers vibrations in the air, indicating movement. A collision warning system will sound an internal alarm to warn of an impending collision/ impact. Range: 60 feet (18 m). Bonus: Adds +1 to initiative and +3 to parry and dodge.

robot Sensory Antenna: Registers vibrations in the air, indicating movement, as well as having touch and heat sensor. The antenna enables the bot to maneuver, even in total darkness,
by feeling his way around. Range: Touch, usually six to twelve feet (1.8 to 3.6 m). Bonus: Blindness penalties arehalf and adds +1 dodge. 5 M.D.C. per antenna. :

robot Micro-Radar: A small, but sophisticated radar system usually used in human and animal size robots. Can identify up to 30 targets and simultaneously track 10. Rate of travel, direction, and location are indicated. Range: One mile (back up)

robot Maxi-Radar: A much larger and sophisticated radar system, suitable for ground and air surveillance. Can identify up to 96 targets and simultaneously track 48. Range: 50 miles (80 km) and is able to detect a cruise missile-type target flying as low as 500 feet (153 m). Cost: 600,000. Ideal for giant and vehicular robot types. Remote Probe: An optics video probe with hover capabilities is concealed inside the robot or in a small shoulder or back launcher. The probe can be launched and remote controlled, following radio directions from the robot. The basic unit includes a video camera with telescopic lens (6000 ) that transmits everything it sees and hears to its master bot. Range of transmissions and control is 20000 ft (487 m). M.D.C. 10, size: About the size of a soccer ball (12 inches).

N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour:
Able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 250 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 250 M.D.C and third hit 245 M.D.C and the firth hit 240 or after been hit 50 times then take full damage!!!

any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level

N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems
Similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!
Flare/Chaff Launchers (5)
-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
R.O.F: one, any or all
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff roll per each flares
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 (X5) total 1200
Weight add: 1 tons

N.A.AT. Techno wizard ( 300 years later)
features an add 10 T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

Robot infantry carrier
This only robot come with heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect and very comfortable for pilot heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 150 main body ( light ) or (heavy ) 210 , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only and not shown in picture

Special coms suite
for 7 heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000 feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%

V.R systems
N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

N.A.A.T only cloaking field.
Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time

USA Model : this will use be self defense force and N.A.A.T and N.A.M.E.S 300 years later

Main body: 475
Main body force field-100
Upper Legs (2) 200
Lower Legs (2) 300
Feet (2)125
Head 100
Reinforce cockpit compartment:100
Generators: 100
Gating gun 150
Ammo drums (2) 150 each

Mexico and Central America none are known to survive the vampire infestation

Main body: 400
Main body force field-100
Upper Legs (2) 250
Lower Legs (2) 300
Feet (2)100
Head 75
Reinforce cockpit compartment: 125
Generators: 100
Gating gun 150
Ammo drums (2) 200 each

South America will be rediscovered and used by Columbia and civil defenses forces

Main body 450
Main body force field-100
Upper Legs (2) 250
Lower Legs (2) 250
Feet (2) 75
Head 80
Reinforce cockpit compartment: 200
Generators 100
Gating gun 150
Ammo drums (2) 200 each

Africa/middle east: Knock off none survive after the fall of man 300 years ago

Main body 375
Main body force field-100
Upper Legs (2) 300
Lower Legs (2)300
Feet (2) 75
Head 75
Reinforce cockpit compartment: 150
Gating gun:150
Ammo drums (2) 200 each

N.A.A.T this another version better MDC protection

Main body 500
Main body primary force field-600, secondary force field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100
Upper Legs (2) 250
Lower Legs (2) 375
Feet (2) 150
Head 150
Reinforce cockpit compartment: 350
Generators 100
Gating gun 175
Ammo drums (2) 300 each

N.A.M.E.S this another version better MDC protection

Main body 650
Main body primary force field-600, secondary force field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100
Upper Legs (2) 300
Lower Legs (2)400
Feet (2)175
Head 175
Reinforce cockpit compartment: 260
Gating gun 175
Ammo drums (2) 450 each

Knock off chaos earth this a cheaper version sold in the market reduce cost by 60%

Main body 275
Main body force field-100
Upper Legs (2) 150
Lower Legs (2) 250
Feet (2) 50
Head : 75
Reinforce cockpit compartment: 100
force field 100
Gating gun 175
Ammo drums (2) 200 each

Knock off RIFTS EARTH this a cheaper version sold in the market reduce cost by 60%

Main body 300
Main body force field-100
Upper Legs (2) 150
Lower Legs (2) 250
Feet (2) 50
Head : 75
Reinforce cockpit compartment: 100
force field 100
Gating gun 175
Ammo drums (2) 200 each

M.D.C Kingdom of Tarnow has all the future thank to N.A.A.T and N.A.M.E.S ,and there more than any other model in Europe

Main body 2000
Main body only N.A.A.T or N.A.M.E.S have primary force field-600, secondary force field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100
Kingdom of Tarnow force field-240
Upper Legs (2) 1200
Lower Legs (2) 1200
Feet (2) 350
Head 300
Reinforce cockpit compartment: 500
Generators100 each
Gating gun: 300
Ammo drums (2) 700 each

Height: 22 feet
Length: 15 feet
Depth: 19 feet
Weight: 12 tons empty, Knock off version 6 tons empty
Cost 10 million credits empty with no weapon systems, Knock off half that
Range: unlimited varies
100 MPH all model but America version had 200 MPH all have a max ceiling height of 2000 feet
Knock off has jump jet able to do like the hopper robot suit found in frist rifts sorce book
Running: 300 MPH
Walk: 2 to 25 MPH
Pilot: one can have co Pilot but can add a six man team if need or one heavy cyborg for replace of two men

Hand to hand: Use super natural 60 legs only Knock off 40
Knock off version gets only +1 to strike, +1 dodge, + roll
Rest standard

ARM TECH( Advanced Research Military Technology )
Description A little more history part 2

A little history this was the first ARM TECH ( Advanced Research Military Technology )robot it was and became the universal robot vehicle .it will become like the soviet tank copied and recopied and not the best but not a death trap either .it was to light or to heavy but it can do a lot with what it haves .it close quarter combat with no hands and can box looking design was weird but many America U.S.A military didn’t like it when the GB robot came they allow anyone to buy from security firms to civil defense forces to foreign countries .even to rogue countries it lack robot abilities to that of America USA. From allied then when new robot models came ARM TECH resold they to any countries that need one. Cheap and easy to get many countries went for them and ARM TECH made a massive killing .this allowed for ARM TECH to sell even more light M.D.C tech man size .the main Gatling gun had up to 7 know weapon systems that gave the range and firepower that was needed to survive even low M.D.C fired down range meant it can delivery heavy amount of damage. Add the ammo drum able to carry mostly for ammo but sometimes it was replace with fossil tank but with massive protection. This gave a love among mercenaries groups, security firms and even rebel forces .

ARM TECH ( Advanced Research Military Technology ) and Knock off 300 years later Mexico and Central America
South America

This version had a ton of weapon systems to play and came handy to use and was love. 300 years later Knock off can any of ARM TECH ( Advanced Research Military Technology )weapon systems because they are cheap. the coalition states and are hate for the fact can do series damage and when use by well train pilots they are deadly in combat. they are love by terrorist and vengeance squads after the fall of Tolkeen, and if there were would had been deploy during the coalition war add TW abilities things would have been different. Some say the war would last longer adding cheap but heavy firepower and mass produce. other say it would allowed to slow the second way ,even stop it in time to handle the coalition states and deal with free Quebec and won the Tolkeen war by weaken the coalition that other would have join to give the final kill!!!! Still this all but speculation and the coalition wants to keep that way ( I wonder why??).

Weapon systems summary

#1) Mega Machine gun

#2) Security companies has a new round H.E.A.P or (heavy explosive armored pricing rounds).50 calibers ( standard use )

#3) grenade Launcher
Heavy mini gun

#4) Third generation ram jet rail gun auto-cannon

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds L.E.A.P

20 mm
30 mm
40 mm
50 mm

20 mm
30 mm
40 mm
50 mm
60 mm

A.P.F.S.D.S round
10 mm
20 mm
30 mm
40 mm
50 mm
60 mm

#5 Standard grenades add +1 to strike plus any other bonus and W.P as well weight: half pounds each

#6) First generation M.D.C rockets [/b][/u] Unguided Rockets[/b][/u]
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets look below

#7 ) 50 MM rail gun look below N.A.A.T and N.A.M.E.S only

Weapon systems

1) Gating gun Machine gun MD 40
Short burst 5d6 / medium burst 6d6 / long burst 1d4x10 / full melee not possible
Weapons systems
Damage: 3d6x10 Short burst / medium burst 6d6x10 / long burst 5d8x10
Range 3 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 2000Short burst, 1000 medium burst, 500long burst

2) Gating gun Mega Machine gun Short burst 6d6 / medium burst 1d4x10 / long burst 1d6x10/ full melee not possible

Weapons systems
Damage Short burst 6d6x10 / medium burst 5d8x10 / long burst 10d6x10/ full melee not possible
Range: 3 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 2000Short burst, 1000 medium burst, 500long burst

3) Gating gun Security companies has a new round H.E.A.P or (heavy explosive armored pricing rounds)
.50 calibers ( standard use )
Damage: 1D6 M.D.C
Burst: 2D6 two round Burst, 3D6 three round Burst, 4D6 four round Burst. 5D6 Five round Burst, 6D6 six round Burst, 8D6 eight round Burst, 1D6X10 for a 10 round Burst, 2D6X10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d6x10 for a 40 round Burst, 5d6x10 for a 60 round Burst
R.O.F: Burst only
Range : 4 miles
Payload: 5000 round drum magazine
NOTE: security companies Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun

4) Gating gun grenade Launcher is for up close and personal Anti-infantry used but for monster as well, the rent use of Automatic grenade Launcher with a 360 angles. It can be replace with a heavy grenade Launcher
Damage per tube picks two
1. Use only amour piercing grenade 3d6x10 for 8 feet blast radius
2. Flares look below
3. Chaffs look below
4. Smoke look below
5. Tear gas looks below
Range; 6000 feet
Rate of fire burst only 10 shot
Payload: 1000 grenades each
Bonus: add +1 to hit
Weight: 100 pounds empty
Note: add the following
Smoke /Tear gas /Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 2400 total

5)ROBOT Gating gun heavy mini gun
This weapon is design to act as SAW systems but light weight, very little recoil and for normal human strength pilots to powered armored suit man size or cyborg as well. The carries or use standard solid heavy rounds first generation MDC rounds) when able to do moderate to heavy MDC damage .however their are other types of MDC rounds, H.E rounds, H.E.A.P is the strong rounds so far but there rumors there a DU rounds and a heavier rounds at the cost of range (no confirmation on this ...........look be low hint …..hint )still the damage is moderate to heavy. It the loved for NO N.A.T.O forces and even allied forces and easy to transfer from one weapon platform to another, which will be used world wide by all sides!!!!
Type: M.D.C projectile

First generation 1 MDC per round solid round
Range 3.5 miles feet

Burst varies
• 10 rounds Burst 1d10 M.D.C
• 20 rounds Burst 2d10 or 5d4 or 1d20MdC
• 30 rounds Burst 5d6 MDC
• 40 rounds Burst 1d4x10 M.D.C
• 60 rounds Burst 1d6x10 M.D.C
• 120 rounds Burst 2d6x10 M.D.C

Second generation rounds Heavy
Explosive rounds 2 M.D.C
range 3.5 miles
• 10 rounds burst 5d4 or 2d10
• 20 rounds burst 1d4x10
• 30 rounds burst 1d6x10
• 40 rounds burst 2d4x10
• 50 rounds burst 1d10x10
• 60 rounds burst 2d6x10
• 100 rounds burst 5d4x10

Third generation rounds
A.P Rounds 3 M.D.C
range 3.5 miles
• 10 rounds burst 5D6
• 20 rounds burst 1D6X10
• 30 rounds burst 2D4X10+10
• 40 rounds burst 3D4X10
• 50 rounds burst 4D4X10
• 60 rounds burst 3d6x10

4 generation rounds (1d4 per round)
• 10 rounds burst 1d6x10
• 20 rounds burst 2d6x10
• 30 rounds burst 3d6x10
• 40 rounds burst 4D6X10

5 generation rounds 1D4 A.P ROUNDS/1d6 DU rounds /H.E.A.P ROUNDS DU round 1d6 MDC/ H.E.A.P (Heavy explosive rounds armor piercing rounds) 1d4MDC
range 15,900 feet
• 10 rounds burst 1D4X10
• 20 rounds burst 2D4X10
• 30 rounds burst 3d4x10
• 40 rounds burst 4d4x10
• 50 rounds burst 5d4x10
• 60 rounds burst 4d6x10

Rate of fire: VARIABLE burst
Payload: 6000 rounds

6) Gating gun Third generation ram jet rail gun auto-cannon

hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot -bursts later!!!!

ROF : single shot or burst 10 rounds
10 MM 5d6 ,burst 3d6x10
Range: 8 mile
20MM 1d4x10,burst 4d6x10
Range: 2 mile

30MM 5D10 ,burst 5d6x10
Range: 1.5 mile

40MM 1D6X10 ,burst 6d6x10
Range: 1 mile

50MM 2D4X10 OR 1D8X10 ,burst 7d6x10
Range: 4000 feet

LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15
Payload 2000 rounds

Note this applies for range and payload

2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds

20 mm 3d6 M.D ( max damage 18 ) burst 3d6x10 , 10 rounds
30 mm-5d4 M.D( max damage 20) burst 5d4x10, 10 rounds
40 mm -4d6 M.D ( max damage 24) burst 4d6x10, 10 rounds
50 mm -5d6 MD( max damage 30 ) burst 5d6x10 , 10 rounds


20 mm -5d4 M.D (max damage 20) 5d4x10 ,10 rounds
30 mm -4d6 M.D (max damage 24) 4d6x10 , 10 rounds
40 mm -5d6 M.D (max damage 30) 5d6x10, 10 rounds
50 mm -6d6 MD (max damage 36), 6d6dx10 , 10 rounds
60 mm -1d4x10/ 4d10 M.D (max damage 40) 5d8x10, 10 rounds

A.P.F.S.D.S round

10 mm -5d6 M.D ( max damage 30 ) ,5d6x10 , 10 rounds
20 mm- 6d6 MD( max damage 36 ) 6d6x10 , 10 rounds
30 mm -1d4x10 M.D( max damage 40 ) 5d8x10, 10 rounds
40 mm- 5d10 M.D( max damage 50 ) 7d6x10, 10 rounds
50 mm -1d6x10 MD( max damage 60 ) 8d8x10, 10 rounds
60 mm -2d4x10 ( max damage 80) 9d6x10, 10 rounds

7) Gating gun First generation M.D.C rockets in upper legs
[/b][/u] Unguided Rockets[/b][/u] are design to be straight in your face and the cheapest of all weapons systems. There ROF is different than missiles systems used and work very well at medium to point blank range.
[/b][/u] First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets [/b][/u] 1D6
[/b][/u] Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets look below [/b][/u]
Heavy explosive 1d6x10 M.D.C
Plasma 2d4x10
Range 3000 FEET Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet
Rate of fire:
single shot ,or 10 First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets , 1 or any or all Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets

Gating gun First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 1d6 MDC OR 1D4X10 OR 40 FIRED
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
Volleys of 240 shot fired First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
[/b][/u] Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets look below [/b][/u] 10 SHOT Heavy explosive 10D6X10 OR 10 SHOT Plasma 6D8X10, 10 SHOT H.E.A.T 6D6X10 EACH

Payload: 24 PER POD (x4 N.AA.T) OTHERS (X2) in upper legs or Gating gun 2400 rockets
Weight: First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 2 pounds ( lds), For a 1d6 M.D.C , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets look below
5 pounds each
Bonus: First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets under 3000 feet +4 to hit due to speed and negative (-) 6 to shot down due small size , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet both rocket if target goes faster than 600 MPH -6 to hit that target that is moving if 599MPH no penalties, blast radius time three use mini missiles blast radius


Gating gun Mini-missiles was really the final third generation, this is the final evolution of R.P.G the Mini-missiles. Many refuse to believe but it true it became popular and ARM TECH was ready to shares this and it again made a kill instead of keeping to themselves sometime it better to share weapon system in order to survive the M.D.C race . they knew they couldn’t keep up and this only help survive where other fail or bought out . ARM TECH was buying it time
add +2 to strike plus any other bonus and W.P as well weight: 10 pounds each
Heavy Explosive: 1D6X10 M.D.C Gating gun 8D6X10 10 SHOT
Amour piercing grenade 1D4X10 M.D.C Gating gun 5D8X10 10 SHOT
Plasma: 2D6X10 M.D.C Gating gun 10 SHOT 6D6X10
Weapons systems Mini-missiles location in upper legs
Type missiles
Damage : varies by type
Range varies by type
Rate of fire:, 1 any or all Gating gun: 6 max
Payload:48 each 96 total upper leg or Gating gun 1000
Bonus: varies by type

was really the final third generation, this is the final evolution of R.P.G the Mini-missiles. Many refuse to believe but it true it became popular and ARM TECH was ready to shares this and it again made a kill instead of keeping to themselves sometime it better to share weapon system in order to survive the M.D.C race . they knew they couldn’t keep up and this only help survive where other fail or bought out . ARM TECH was buying it time
add +2 to strike plus any other bonus and W.P as well weight: 10 pounds each
Heavy Explosive: 1D6X10 M.D.C
Amour piercing grenade 1D4X10 M.D.C
Plasma: 2D6X10 M.D.C

Standard grenades

Mini-missiles 1 or any

M.D.C rockets 1 or ten shot

M.D.C /S.D.C [/b][/u] third generation M.D.C unguided Rockets look below [/b][/u]
Weight 50 pounds each
Damage type:
Heavy explosive war head 1d6x10 M.D.C per tube
HEAT missile 2d4x10 +10 M.D.C per tube
Plasma missile 2d6x10 M.D.C per tube
AP warhead 6d6 M.D.C per tube

Maximum Effective Range direct fire
Payload 200 in upper leg

N.A.A.T and N.A.M.E.S heavy 50 MM rail gun Weapons systems
Type : rail gun tech
Damage : 8d8x10
Range: 3 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus robot
Payload: 350 burst per ammo drum
Bonus: as boom gun

Little note about weapon systems
USA Model : ( Advanced Research Military Technology version) can use any weapons systems but #8 it can be add or replace ( good luck with that they are found add to the tundra rangers
Mexico and Central America can use any weapons systems but #8 there are a few but fire wood rounds and only do 6d6x10 only range 2500 feet payload 500 bursts bale to hit 1d8 target and do half damage but anyone else SDC 2d4x10
South America rifts earth this the new over the counter market and not by NAAT or NAMES and only there models USA Model, Africa/middle east, Knock off chaos earth
Africa/middle east: Knock off
N.A.A.T can make any type need for mission
Last can shoot down missiles in all comer it has hidden heavy beam PC 1d4x10+8 range 3000 feet . Payload unlimited as long as it powered it has a total of 12 well place to missiles down thanks to the A.I systems and co-pilots
N.A.M.E.S as above
Knock off chaos earth there are a few that survive and are in the new west
Knock off RIFTS EARTH this where many companies now make in the mid west to eastern sea board
M.D.C Kingdom of Tarnow this the main defense robot design and is shared to NA.A.T and N.A.M.E.S
middle eastvery few have this weapon that is because is banned even NA.A.T and N.A.M.E.S a shot gun Gatling gun using 10 MM to 60 MM Gatling damage the same but range is only 3000 feet to all ,and can hit 2d8 per barrel fire that would all barrel fired at the same time 6d8 target and getting hit by half damage sometime the same target will get hit two or more time from infantry to tanks to robots and covers a 100 feet radius .(their even been reports of constant friendly fire ). And last add knock down table as well as standard rules . it destroys targets , and anything it get in it blast radius .
Last edited by ZINO on Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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So are these guys like mercs in this universe? You know like Black Water?
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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more like Black Water with MDC weapon
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Military Body Armour

ARM TEACH( Advanced Research Military Technology ) many M.D.C manufactures a wide selection of soft and hard body amour vest designs offering ballistic protection, anti stab protection and fragmentation protection. Our body amour vests are supplied to police, military and private security users across the globe and are considered to be at the forefront of innovation and quality. The vests we provide vary from covert vests to overt tactical bulletproof vests defeating high threat levels. All armour solutions are tested to the leading international standards such as NIJ and HOSDB and we provide a bespoke design service to our customers.
We also produce body armour for:
• private security
• the media
• paramedics
• demining operators
• emergency services
• correctional/prison departments

Ballistic Helmets

Our range of ballistic helmets are considered the lightest available in the industry and are produced using a high tenacity aramid fibre. We offer a large selection of helmet styles from the PASGT Helmet, MICH Helmet, Special Forces Helmet and Demining Helmet so we have a suitable helmet for your particular operational role.
Our helmets are tested to the latest NIJ requirements for ballistic protection and also offer excellent fragment protection to NATO Stanag 2920. Helmets can be provided with a variety of harness systems and available in a choice of paint finishes including anti IRR coatings.

EOD Bomb Disposal Suit

The Global Armour Generation 7 EOD Suit is designed with the operators comfort and protection as the primary focus.
The suit and helmet are constructed from the latest in available material technologies and manufacturing methods and the armour protection can be tailored to meet any pre-determined threat analysis.
The suit is provided with a very effective cooling undergarment which is a necessary feature of any EOD suit to reduce the heat stress caused by wearing the suit. The helmet and suit come with an extensive communication system and the helmet also has an integrated cooling system.

Hard Armour Plates

Global Amour has developed a series of hard and soft amour plates utilizing lightweight ceramic and polyethylene technologies to offer maximum protection with lowest possible weight. Our plates are available in NIJ III, NIJ III+ and NIJ Level IV Protection levels with our lowest weight NIJ III plate weighing 1.2 KG for a 250mm x 300mm size.
We can cater for many style requirements and plates are available for side protection as well as anatomical shaping for improved comfort. Multiple shot and excellent edge shot performance are key attributes of our plate technologies.

Said a rep from ARM TECH

Description for chaos earth
Before the fall of man civilization the E.O.D was effective but when ARM TEACH( Advanced Research Military Technology ) took the lead in turn a light M.D.C, it went first low tech, and easy to use there were type civilian model for law enforcement and military version. The first version which was for light M.D.C E.O.D was made the transition without the public to know the new light M.D.C .It was see over the internet and hyper wed about how effective the new suits were saving lives, may saw how S.D.C explosive went off .many expected were been remove and when thing went wrong instead of seen body part fly , to many see the shocked E.O.D personal walk away .this was always a Kodak moment and to rerun to theirs families and law enforcement had an advances robot and robot control systems when face with really M.D.C explosive . later the when ARM TECH face really MDC weapons that was a disaster loss were 80% ,lucky ARM TEACH tried a Law enforcement version E.OD with basic internal robotic skeleton suit that went under the Law enforcement version .. This change the field of urban combat where ,it add amour , speed for 24 hours a light pilots came ( as it was called back then ) could do EOD duties but stand up to a fire fight. ARM TEACH was surprise to see it work even better then they expected and sold it the light Law enforcement version to hundreds of cities in Mexico ,USA , Canada and other counties . The sad part was that terrorist and rebel many knock version the point that it became milady use. And that where ARM TEACH ( Advanced Research Military Technology )showed the military keep ahead of rogue knock off, this surprised many .this allowed to stay ahead of rogue elements in the light M.D.C weapon race .it made a name for itself in all western capitalist counties ( which was all over the world ). The Middle East came with the knock version where rogue element led a trail of blood and destruction to so many that the western could stand up to two or there at a time . still they were like roaches just when you thought it was over more pop up out of no where this was the new world where it was easier it hit civilian sectors . Still the mark two show even better suit won. It got to a point that Law enforcement carried two suits in the trunk of their vehicles or had medium E.O.D suits. when the before and after the fall of man it became the main dense and offense while N.E.MA came in to mop the floor of floor of whatever they face . it lasted for 200 year many had a back systems that run in solar powered this was the difference for saving human and even D-Bee live during the dark ages . N.A.A.T OR N.A.M.ES will use with love and decided to add I Germany for the D.M.F and north America and south America as well. ... -403795792

Law enforcement version or Recon amour type : this design is first generation does not have E.V.A systems, it has only a radio 2 miles
Helmet 25
Arms (2) 55
Legs (2) 60
Main body: 80
Internal robotic skeleton none first generation ... -686084698

Military version is third generation E.O.D Suits
Helmet 35
Arms (2)60
Legs (2) 75
Main body 100
Internal robotic skeleton suit 55
Arms (2) 35
Legs (2) 65
full body suit ( M.D.C flex Armour)Main body 75
Later add force field 100
N.A.A.T OR N.A.M.ES will use 240
Must bring E.O.D suit to zero the you can hit the internal robotic skeleton
When Internal robotic skeleton hit zero it peels off then pilots is one for attack, dodge man
PS add 12 and is robotic, add 1d4 to PP ,add speed 10

h ... -764770920
Add on light weight M.D.C plates NOTE can use wear plates alone under the clothing for law enforcement, security, and even military versions as well
Military version
Helmet 10
Arms (2)55
Legs (2) 60
Main body 100

Internal robotic skeleton -none ... -152123366
Military version Full EVA systems this forth generation E.O.D Suits
Helmet 25
Arms (2) 100
Legs (2) 100
Main body 150
Internal robotic skeleton suit 80
Arms (2) 75
Legs (2) 80
full body suit ( M.D.C flex Armour)Main body 80
PS add 12 and is robotic, add 1d4 to PP above water, below water add 1d6 to PP add speed 10
Can go under water for 2500 feet must have swim and scuba as well , yes this can be even in vacuum environments
Has Full EVA systems for 2 weeks !!! ... -410089936
Military version Medium urban combat E.O.D suit was also for urban combat to lighter version has system, Law enforcement has none and but can be added
Military version this fifth generation E.O.D Suits
Helmet 30
Arms (2) 45
Legs (2) 60
Main body 125
Internal robotic skeleton suit 60
Arms (2)50
Legs (2)50
full body suit ( M.D.C flex Armour)Main body 90

Law enforcement version as above half the MDC
Add PS 10, PP 1d4, add speed 10 ... -393173027

Combat E.O.D. MK 2 this sixth generation E.O.D Suits
This will be add to many law and military use that it will be the main use for ARM TECH sell to sky rockets in the light M.D.C weapons ,BUT this only a test bed for a new type of suit that N.A.A.T and even and N.A.M.E.S will use in the future some 300 years later
1. Radar: 5 miles

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max( yes can get a jet pack ), also add +3 attacks, -1 to dodge law enforcement and military version no penalties

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles later N.A.T OR N.A.M.ES will use

5. External audio pick up: same as robots

6. Spotlight range 2000 feet optional

7. Ejection systems:

8. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 33 pounds

9. Voice actuated locking systems

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add: 50 pounds

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: 100 pounds

13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 100 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 95 M.D.C and third hit 90 M D.C and so on but the first force field take full damage first!!! .

15.Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level

16. N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 1 tons

18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points

19. N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

20. . N.A.A.T Basic EVA systems (back up)

21. N.A.T OR N.A.M.ES will use this only mecha that come with heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect a bigger robot , which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus the battery version has 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 150 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only

22. N.A.T OR N.A.M.ES will use V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. N.A.T OR N.A.M.ES will use Special coms suite for 7 heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%

24. N.A.A.T and N.A.M.E.S ONLY Cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time
26. PP add 15 (robotic table) and add 1d6 to PP , add speed add 12
27. Always use knock table but reduce by 60% due to the design it has ... -379022642
Super heavy law combat E.O.D law enforcement and military version look above link this seventh generation E.O.D Suits
Helmet 80( optional heavy helmet/ stealth 125 MD)
Arm (2)125
Legs (2) 190
Main body /internal robotic skeleton suit 290
full body suit ( M.D.C flex Armour)/Second layer soft suit – 100 (cover the whole body)
add +15 to PS ,does MD punches
add weight 150 pounds
micro thruster main for zero gravity or underwater ,limited flight
speed in zero gravity 75mph
underwater 10 mph Depth 3000 feet
limited flight 50 MPH altitude 1000 feet
helmet: HUD systems radio range 5 miles can add up to
5 other features
5 optical features
2 sensory features
optional heavy helmet/stealth helmet
5 other communications features
5 optical features
5 features audio
5 sensory features
stealth helmet E.C.M capabilities
add features 5 extra features ... -755525482

Terrorist Heavy E.O.D combat suit : this will be copy to death and will be use as heavy support even the situation require a heavier suits but it will do the job in Africa , south Americas ,central America ,Europe, all of Asia, small armies and even private companies like black water . It will be hated by western standards but can be dealt with.
Features for both look above this first generation E.O.D Suits
1, 2, 3 , 5 , 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 20, 21, 22, 26,
Helmet (not shown) 25
Arms (2) -25
Legs (2)-25
Main body 100
Internal robotic skeleton suit
Arms (2) -50
Legs (2)-50
full body suit ( M.D.C flex Armour)Main body 80 ... -854468087

Bio hazard Terrorist Heavy E.O.D combat suit MK 2 this second generation E.O.D Suits
All features as above
Helmet (not shown) 66
Arms (2)60
Legs (2) 80
Main body 175
Internal robotic skeleton suit 125
Arms (2) 90
Legs (2)100
full body suit ( M.D.C flex Armour)Main body 190

Weapon systems: heavy weapon systems can be use
ALL Terrorist E.O.D suits carry suicide bomb as last chance to take as many as possible
And is a fusion block
Light 1d6x10
Medium 2d6x10
Heavy 4d6x10
Blast radius double
The worst carry a long range warhead any type Blast radius double
Last edited by ZINO on Sun Apr 21, 2024 12:03 am, edited 11 times in total.
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M.D.C ballistic is not an exact science, there the problem with fire power(damage), weight, and the recoil, unlike phase that solved this. Still they are ten of thousands of companies but ARM TECH is ahead of the curve and will stay that way till the fall of man .Still this will be rediscover at a lower level seen in rift mercenaries book. Also with more investment that it will change and will be cheap and consider second rate weapon but able to kick the rear of many targets 300 years later.

When it comes to heavy weapons systems there room for better recoil systems to help normal humans but when it comes to rifle you go for medium and light powered weapons they can be OK. But heavy assault rifle something has to give range, recoil (ROF) or (P.E), payload, weight, or when firing the weapon (strike) affects the operator. ARM-TECH will stay ahead in all these help small companies, during the golden age of man. ARM-TECH will at any cost that it will help a small companies and when they go under ARM-TECH is there to pick the pieces. ARM-TECH at recycling companies. To the point that eves USA military (as well as other military AKA Russia) see a possible to supply all foot solider. However beam weapons are way ahead of anything still if you mass produce these weapons they are cheap that why many small security work with arm tech and are seen as commercial use and later military application .

These rounds are L.E.A.P rounds light weight add 50% more ammo, 19 critical strike, the more round down range the more damage
the following weapons are:
[strike]Pistols / revolverMD 20
Low caliber Pistols / revolver 1d4 /1d6 single shot
Medium caliber Pistols / revolver 1d6/2d4 single shot
High power caliber Pistols / revolver 2d4/1d10 single shot

Sub machine guns MD 25
Medium caliber Pistols / revolver 1d6/2d4 single shot
heavy Short burst 2d4 / medium burst 3d4 / long burst 4d4 / full melee 5d4 [/strike]

Rifle[b][u]MDC 30[b]Low caliber assault rifle short burst 2d4 / medium burst 2d6 / long burst 4d4 / full melee 4d6

[strike]Medium caliber assault rifle
short burst 2d6/ medium burst 2d8 / long burst 1d10 / full melee 4d8

High power caliber assault rifle short burst 3d4 / medium burst 4d4 / long burst 3d6 / full melee 5d6[/strike]

[u]Machine gun MD 40Light Machine gun
Short burst 4d4 / medium burst 5d4 / long burst 5d6 / full melee not possible
Medium /Multipurpose Machine gun
Short burst 5d4 / medium burst 5d6 / long burst6d6 / full melee not possible
Heavy Machine gun
Short burst 5d6 / medium burst 6d6 / long burst 1d4x10 / full melee not possible

Mega Machine gun
Short burst 6d6 / medium burst 1d4x10 / long burst 1d6x10/ full melee not possible

Shot gun
Buck shot 5d4 or 5d6 military version range 100 feet max for all shot guns

R.P.G / mini-guns later
Last edited by ZINO on Thu Aug 26, 2021 1:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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M.D.C ballistic is not an exact science, there the problem with fire power, weight, and the recoil, unlike phase that solved this. Still they are ten of thousands of companies but ARM TECH ( Advanced Research Military Technology )is ahead of the curve and will stay that way till the fall of man .Still this will be rediscover at a lower level seen in rift mercenaries book. Also with more investment that it will change and will be cheap and consider second rate weapon but able to kick the rear of many targets 300 years later.

When it comes to heavy weapons systems there room for better recoil systems to help normal humans but when it comes to rifle you go for medium and light powered weapons they can be OK. But heavy assault rifle something has to give range, recoil (ROF) or (P.E), payload ( ammo run fast ), weight ( affects the operator P.E), or when firing the weapon (strike) affects the operator. ARM-TECH will stay ahead in all these helping small companies, during the golden age of man. ARM-TECH ( Advanced Research Military Technology )will at any cost that it will help a small companies and when they go under ARM-TECH is there to pick the pieces. ARM-TECH ( Advanced Research Military Technology )at recycling companies. To the point that even the U.S.A military (as well as other military AKA Russia) see a possible to supply all foot solider. However beam weapons are way ahead of anything still if you mass produce these weapons they are cheap that why many small security work with arm tech ( Advanced Research Military Technology )and are seen as commercial use and later military application . Also payload can be problem if careful with operator wastes ammo quick
Type: AK series
AK series it lighter for the foot solider it will last for 267 year before it disappear after the fall of man golden age. Still it will last longer then the western M.D.C rifle then any other rifle ever made. Still it will go global so fast the western powers will do the same with their version. It carries all features of M.D.C machine theory again history repeated itself where it better to have fire powers then the balance the western powers have. But at the cost of the wearer, still Russian think they won’t last long in combat due to varies countries play catch up with the Jones. while western powers think balance and better lighter metals or plastics .

M.D.C High power caliber assault rifle
Single 4d6x100 S.D.C Per Round
Short burst 3d4
Medium burst 4d4
Long burst 3d6
Full melee 5d6
Rate of Fire: bursts 3 rounds Short burst, and 6 rounds
Maximum Effective Range: 800 feet
Payload: varies clip 30 rounds, small drum 100, heavy drum 300 rounds add 1 pound , add -1 to strike, medium drum 150, large drum 200 rounds

M.D.C Shot gun

Buck shot 5d4 or 5d6 military version range 100 feet max for all shot guns
Short burst 1d4x10
Medium burst 1d6x10
Long burst 1d8x10 or 2d4x10
Weight: 13 pounds fully loaded
Rate of Fire: bursts
Maximum Effective Range: 150 feet
Black Market Cost: 2000 for rifle / add 500 for shotgun a box of round rifle 100 for 200 rounds , 200 for a box of 100 rounds for shotgun
Note: need a P.S 9 to fire the M.D.C rifle , M.D.C shotgun and to fire the M.D.C grenade launcher must be brace or hold to something solid if not 11 P.S to fire ,( an improved anti recoil will be add and will be applies to all M.D.C weapons to reduces recoil but it will be with the American industries ). Also after 2 hours use operator must keep at Short burst, if not must roll on P.E in order to aim right if not roll 1d4 minus (-1 to -4) to strike!!! Unless normal 14 or better P.S or P.E or have Extraordinary Strength or P.E

Name: AK light series ... 1317356998

Type: AK light is made by Russian to keep up with the longer range weapon made by western nations.better and light still keep Russian K.I.S.S ( KEEP IT SIMPLE AND STUPID) fro infantry . still damage the same just added the Bayonet,Grenade launcher systems,and shot gun weapon systems which is an exact knock off . lighter is better but will cost too much to make it a light , better range for the favor of fire power or a balance with M.D.C assault rifles .
Damage:look above
add longer barrel add 100 feet
Bayonet :1d6 M.D.C per hit range 15 inches
AK light: look above
AK light Payload: medium clip 40 rounds on rifle , long clip 60 rounds see thru. mini box 100 rounds, medium drum as above MDC 10
Grenade launcher systems pick one
10MM grenade launcher systems 1d10 M.D.C armor piercing, 3d6 heavy Explosive, H.E.A.P heavy explosive armor piercing 5d4 M.D.C ,plasma war head 5d4 M.D.C but add 5d4 M.D.C x 2d6 attacks not 15 seconds , tear gas Damage none , standard infrared flares

20 MM grenade launcher systems 5d4 M.D.C armor piercing, 5d6 heavy Explosive, H.E.A.P heavy explosive armor piercing 1d4x10 M.D.C ,plasma war head 1d4x10 M.D.C but add 5d4 M.D.C x 2d6 attacks not 15 seconds , tear gas Damage none , standard infrared flares , special infrared flares, standard flare , D.U grenade 1d6x10,
Rate of Fire: bursts grenade launcher systems two shot only
Maximum Effective Range: indirect only 900 feet
Black Market Cost: grenade launcher systems 1500/ ammo 100 per box of 6 grenade launcher
Payload: two grenade
Note: 10 MM grenade launcher systems need a P.S 7 to fire the M.D.C rifle and to fire the M.D.C grenade launcher must be brace or hold to something solid if not 7 P.S to fire ,( an improved anti recoil will be add and will be applies to all M.D.C weapons to reduces recoil but it will be with the American industries ).

Note: 20 MM grenade launcher systems need a P.S 7 to fire the M.D.C rifle and to fire the M.D.C grenade launcher must be brace or hold to something solid if not 10 P.S to fire ,( an improved anti recoil will be add and will be applies to all M.D.C weapons to reduces recoil but it will be with the American industries ).
Note: need a P.S 9 to fire the M.D.C rifle , M.D.C shotgun and to fire the M.D.C grenade launcher must be brace or hold to something solid if not 11 P.S to fire ,( an improved anti recoil will be add and will be applies to all M.D.C weapons to reduces recoil but it will be with the American industries ). Also after 2 hours use operator must keep at Short burst, if not must roll on P.E in order to aim right if not roll 1d4 minus (-1 to -4) to strike!!! Unless normal 14 or better P.S or P.E or have Extraordinary Strength or P.E
Last edited by ZINO on Thu Aug 26, 2021 1:17 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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The CAR 15 Mark 2 and 3 as well as the M16 MARK 4 and M.D.C shot gun is the test bed for high tech allies that are ahead of any know on the golden age of man. It combine light weight , fire power and range that more of a refine long range to medium range rifle . As for the M.D.C AK series relies close short to medium range (as Russia hold the ring nose of the bull theory that works in WWII). Able to fire beyond normal range except that of a western sniper rifle and are copied by Russian and other during the new cold wars of earth. Law enforcement have low fire power but still handy and the military have medium fire power. It will be loved by western powers and allies due to the high tech N.A.S.A and look like a toy to some. Even the feel using M.D.C plastic, M.D.C aluminum and very little metal (in rifle butt 1d4 M.D.C !!no pun intend as designer said ) felt very comfortable to many ( 89% who use it and operator can fire both P.S 7 or better) Both design have the same (note look below ) abilities

Top light grey CAR 15 Mark 2
Type: assault rifle CAR 15 Mark 2
Damage: M.D.C Low caliber assault rifle note some of the energy is loss but made up by the L.E.A.P abilities
Single 4D4X10 S.D.C
All are controlled burst
Short burst: 2d4 M.D.C
Medium burst2d6 M.D.C
Long burst 4d4 M.D.C
Full melee 4d6 M.D.C
Rate of Fire: Single, bursts 3 rounds, 6 rounds Medium burst, 9 Full melee 12 rounds Long burst, Full melee burst
Maximum Effective Range: standard rounds 1000 feet ( law enforcement) L.E.A.P 3500 feet ( military version)
Payload: varies
Normal clip 30 rounds top picture
Long clip rounds (color black) 60 rounds
Small drum (color black) 100 rounds add one tenth of a pound
Heavy drum (color black) 300 rounds add 1 pound
Medium drum (color black) 150 rounds add half pound
Large drum (color black) 200 rounds add three quarter pounds
Weight: empty 3 pound!!
NOTE: add +2 strike but for full melee add +1 due to the little recoil systems from hip add +3 to aim burst but not full melee ... 1_ACOG.jpg

Type: CAR 15 Mark 3 ( color black )
Damage: M.D.C Medium caliber assault rifle short burst / medium burst / long burst / full melee note some of the energy is loss but made up by the L.E.A.P abilities
Single: 1d4x100 S.D.C
Short burst 2d6 M.D.C
Medium burst 4d4 M.D.C
Long burst 3d6 M.D.C
Full melee 4d6 M.D.C
Rate of Fire: Single, bursts 3 rounds, 6 rounds Medium burst, 9 Full melee 12 rounds Long burst, Full melee burst
Maximum Effective Range: standard rounds 1000 feet L.E.A.P 3000 feet
Payload: varies look above
Weight: look above
NOTE: add +2 strike but for full melee add +2 due to the little recoil systems from hip add +3 to aim burst but not full melee

M.D.C :
Military version pick one
10MM or 20 MM sensory grenade stay in the air max 5000 feet and follow the direction of operator , to live Intel of an area of 1.5 range to helm or/and A.I systems and to friendly radio ,AM and FM and able to jam range 5000 feet give video and audio as well!!!

Ground sensory grenade as above but 2000 feet max ,can be buried 15 feet
Pick one
10MM grenade launcher systems 1d10 M.D.C armor piercing, 3d6 heavy Explosive, H.E.A.P heavy explosive armor piercing 5d4 M.D.C ,plasma war head 5d4 M.D.C but add 5d4 M.D.C x 2d6 attacks not 15 seconds , tear gas Damage none , standard infrared flares , special infrared flares, standard flare , D.U grenade 5d6 slammer grenade light 1d10 ( like Triax slammer missiles ) , slammer grenade heavy 3d6( like Triax slammer missiles )

20 MM grenade launcher systems 5d4 M.D.C armor piercing, 5d6 heavy Explosive, H.E.A.P heavy explosive armor piercing 1d4x10 M.D.C ,plasma war head 1d4x10 M.D.C but add 5d4 M.D.C x 2d6 attacks not 15 seconds , tear gas Damage none , standard infrared flares , special infrared flares, standard flare , D.U grenade 1d6x10, slammer grenade light 5d4 ( like Triax slammer missiles ) , slammer grenade heavy 5d6 ( like Triax slammer missiles )
Rate of Fire: Single, bursts two rounds, long bursts four rounds
Maximum Effective Range: direct 1500 feet, indirect fire 4000 feet
Payload: varies
Large clip 10 rounds
Small clip 4 rounds
Drum add 3 pounds (not show) 20 rounds ... arbine.jpg

M16 MARK 4
Damage: look above at CAR 15 Mark 2 and 3
M.D.C Shot gun look BELOW
Buck shot 5d4 M.D.C or 5d6M.D.C military version range 100 feet max for all shot guns
5d4 M.D.C
Short burst 1d4x10 M.D.C
Medium burst 1d6x10 M.D.C
Long burst 1d8x10 or 2d4x10M.D.C
Weight: 13 pounds fully loaded
Rate of Fire: bursts
Maximum Effective Range: 150 feet
Black Market Cost: 2000 for rifle / add 500 for shotgun a box of round rifle 100 for 200 rounds, 200 for a box of 100 rounds for shotgun
Note: M.D.C shotgun and to fire the M.D.C Shot gun must be brace or hold to something solid if not 7 P.S to fire ,( an improved anti recoil will be add and will be applies to all M.D.C weapons to reduces recoil but it will be with the American industries ).
Last edited by ZINO on Mon Jan 04, 2021 7:58 pm, edited 6 times in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Looking good......i like the E.O.D suits

Now does NEMA have access to this
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Snake Eyes wrote:Looking good......i like the E.O.D suits

Now does NEMA have access to this

yes they do for volunteers class but the first generation and wow thank you !!!! thuoght i did it bad

something else what do u think about the M.D.C rifle ?
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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I just went back and looked at the guns....don't know how i missed them, anyway they are pretty cool.

The that doing S.D.C. damage?
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A.P.F.S.D.S round ... 1292024975

M.D.C ballistic is not an exact science, there the problem with fire power, weight, and the recoil, unlike phase that solved this. Still they are ten of thousands of companies but ARM TECH is ahead of the curve and will stay that way till the fall of man .Still this will be rediscover at a lower level seen in rift mercenaries book. Also with more investment that it will change and will be cheap and consider second rate weapon but able to kick the rear of many targets 300 years later.

When it comes to heavy weapons systems there room for better recoil systems to help normal humans but when it comes to rifle you go for medium and light powered weapons they can be ok. But heavy assault rifle something has to give range, recoil (ROF) or (P.E), payload ( ammo run fast ), weight ( affects the operator P.E), or when firing the weapon (strike) affects the operator. ARM-TECH will stay ahead in all these helping small companies, during the golden age of man. ARM-TECH will at any cost that it will help a small companies and when they go under ARM-TECH is there to pick the pieces. ARM-TECH at recycling companies. To the point that eves USA military (as well as other military AKA Russia) see a possible to supply all foot solider. However beam weapons are way ahead of anything still if you mass produce these weapons they are cheap that why many small security work with arm tech and are seen as commercial use and later military application .

The 30 MM anti-material sniper rifle is design to heavy Anti- recoiled systems with heavy end dual barrel with tripod weight. This allows both barrel be fired at the same and able to fire semi auto fire with both barrels. Then combine with A.P.F.S.D.S rounds with spin stabilizer to give a mass extended range that rivals any know sniper rifle with the firepower able to shot down a powered armored under 120 M.D.C ( 360 M.D.C ) to main body or able to destroy specific areas Under 240 M.D.C .but a depleted uranium A.P.F.S.D.S rounds are military and have a terrible knock down was made for military test bed .and it was loved by them however the rail gun proved better and long range .this been used for the warthog first 20MM ,then 30 MM finally 40MM gating gun . NEMA has a few in their arsenal but, and fewer in the military but ARM TECH has the boat load of these and it will give a world of hurt to N.E.M.A and to many monster
Type: 30 MM A.P.F.S.D.S rounds
Damage: M.D.C
Single: 30 MM -5d6 M.D.C round type A.P.F.S.D.S (or add depleted uranium A.P.F.S.D.S rounds 1d4x10x10 blast radius 3 feet) blast radius 2 feet
Dual Single shot (or both barrel firing) 30 mm – 1d6x10 M.D.C round type( or depleted uranium A.P.F.S.D.S rounds 2d4x10 blast radius 6 feet) blast radius 4 feet
Short burst: 30 MM single barrel fire 1d6x15 or 2d4x10+10 (or add depleted uranium A.P.F.S.D.S rounds 1d10x10 blast radius 12 feet) blast radius 6 feet
Dual Short burst: 30MM dual barrel 2d6x10x10(or add depleted uranium A.P.F.S.D.S rounds 4d6x10 blast radius 24 feet) blast radius 12 feet
Rate of Fire: one round Single, two rounds Dual Single shot, four rounds Short burst, and 12 rounds Dual Short burst
Maximum Effective Range: 3 MILE or 15840 feet
Payload: 12 rounds
Weight: rifle 14 pounds add 1 pound doe clip
Note scope range is 5 miles, has build in A.I systems to have one operator, and required a P.S of 11 to use this weapon and P.E of 10 or better .it take 30 second to unfolded and fold and use in the battle field. Last it can be heard at 100 feet away when fired.
A Over 3000 feet sniper add +2 then after every 1000 feet add +1 to strike, an aim shot add +2 . The operator is able to fire standing or any position, their been a report that an ace sniper in N.E.M.A that was waiting upside down for a shot at 7000 feet took down a target that N.E.M.A could not get out in the open . He got the target out with one Dual Short burst shot N.E.M.A finish the job ( but it was the type ammo that did the beast in ,and it was a depleted uranium A.P.F.S.D.S round). ... 1317593977

M.D.C ballistic is not an exact science, there the problem with fire power, weight, and the recoil, unlike phase that solved this. Still they are ten of thousands of companies butARM TECH is ahead of the curve and will stay that way till the fall of man .Still this will be rediscover at a lower level seen in rift mercenaries book. Also with more investment that it will change and will be cheap and consider second rate weapon but able to kick the rear of many targets 300 years later.

When it comes to heavy weapons systems there room for better recoil systems to help normal humans but when it comes to rifle you go for medium and light powered weapons they can be ok. But heavy assault rifle something has to give range, recoil (ROF) or (P.E), payload ( ammo run fast ), weight ( affects the operator P.E), or when firing the weapon (strike) affects the operator. ARM-TECH will stay ahead in all these helping small companies, during the golden age of man. ARM-TECH will at any cost that it will help a small companies and when they go under ARM-TECH is there to pick the pieces. ARM-TECH at recycling companies. To the point that eves USA military (as well as other military AKA Russia) see a possible to supply all foot solider. However beam weapons are way ahead of anything still if you mass produce these weapons they are cheap that why many small security work with arm tech and are seen as commercial use and later military application .
The 50 MM fission block round is able to take down at 5 miles ,it 7 feet long rifle is able to give a world of hurt there are none N.E.M.A or the military , but enough for ARM TECH use and share . it uses Ultra light weight material like plastic and aluminum , the best ant recoil systems on chaos earth , on top of that it main body allows to keep recoil down 89% of the time when fired ( must roll under 89% standing , and 99% when laying flat ) . It always has a squad to watch the sniper back. Just like took the 30 MM added the fusion block and could only fit on a 40 MM, add fin spin stabilizer, on board A.I systems to fire and reduce the recoil the it can and it works . ARM tech will have areas that no one can contest with this weaopon and it will be lost in the second dark age after 150 year but when used it will be the terror one want to deal with .
Damage: M.D.C
Single shot: 40 mm fusion block round 2d6x10 M.D.C Blast radius 5 feet
Medium burst: 40 mm fusion block round 4d6x10 M.D.C Blast radius 10 feet
Long burst: 40 MM 6d6x10 M.D.C blast radius 10 feet Blast radius 15 feet
Rate of Fire: Single shot one round, Medium burst two rounds fired, long burst three rounds fired
Maximum Effective Range: 5 miles
Payload: 9 rounds Clip
Weight: weight 15 pound empty, clip add 3 pounds
Note scope range is 5 miles, has build in A.I systems to have one operator, and required a P.S of 12 to use this weapon and P.E of 11 or better .it take 15 second to unfolded and fold and use in the battle field. Last it can be heard at 100 feet away when fired.
A Over 3000 feet sniper add +1 then after every 1000 feet add +1 to strike, an aim shot add +1 and must roll under 89% standing , and 99% when laying flat. It can be heard in a 200 feet radius but can add a sound suppresses to reduce by 100 feet.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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if anyone know who is this let me , if you wish remove picture will do

This was ARM TECH ( Advanced Research Military Technology ) king of the battle in per-rifts earth, before the glitter bot was made this robot severe the U.S.A, Germany and Canada in the Middle East war. This was due to new technology made them less dependent of fossil fuel. And Middle East organization OPEC a well known Global organization dedicated to stability in and shared control of the petroleum markets at that tire to stop new technology from emerging at any cost was the cause of a global war for a short time of 3 years . It covers the deserts of the Middle East to African Congo to South American jungles to the Panama Canal to urban combat to fight and on top of the world. This mecha was there covering battlefield after battle battlefield. It stops many frontal attacks and indirect attacks. The only thing this could do was stop terrorism attacks to a certain degrees it was not design for but it mange to do so back MDC infantry it made a staple name for it self and to the world . But good thing must come to an end even this mech or robot was replaced by the S.A.MA.S and glitter bot robot. When it was replaced the Middle East took them by the hundreds and were put against the glitter boy robot and lost badly even with heavy laser beam cannon that were 2 miles.

Still left forgot only to be found by a desperate mercenary army for ANYTHING and found deep in northern Americas, Europe and even south America and were almost lost in time after the fall of mankind civilization.

Features all feature are rift earth updated
1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes main gun, +3 MDC machine gun,-1 dodge when in flight at max, also add +1attacks weight 1ton

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or U.S Military uses 30 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

5. External audio pick up: same as robots

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional

7. Ejection systems: 1 ton add

8. U.S Military ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 1 tons

9. Voice actuated locking systems

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add: 2 tons

11. U.S Military thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: 3 tons

13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

14. U.S Military ONLY Special reactive amour and N.A.A.T add force field: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 250 or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 245 M.D.C and third hit 240 M.D.C and so

15. U.S Military ONLY Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level

16. N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 1 tons

18. Can add Five TW Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

19. U.S Military Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

20. Basic EVA systems (back up)

21. This the only mecha that come with heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 light basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x5 , jump add 22 feet ,prowled - 5% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 120 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for U.S Military only

22. V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for 7 heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000 feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%

Height 26 feet
Width 21 feet
Length 15 feet
Empty 30 tons
Walking 5 to 9 PMH
Running 50 MPG
Jump 120 feet max with thruster 500 feet
Limited fight : 100 MPH max height 3000 feet
Legs upper 450 each(2)
Lower leg 500 each (2)
Feet 275 each (2)

M.D.C Stats

Main body -750
Arm weapon (2) 250
Shielded mounted 250 each weapon
Grenade Launcher 120 each
Optional Left arm U.S Military HEAVY Solid LASER 200 each
Right shoulder mounted missiles systems or Unguided Rockets 200 each
Rear pack missiles systems: short range 300 each
Rear heavy M.D.C Machine gun systems 120 each
Left mounted shoulder missiles systems 220
Groined mounted missiles systems (Triax design) 230
Optional hip mounted heavy M.D.C Machine gum systems120
Robot arms 120 each (2)
Heavy reinforce cockpit 450 (1)
Heavy reinforce crew cockpit 350(1)
Thruster built into the robot N/A

Weapon system
Right arm heavy rail gun and under barrel particle bean cannon ,it most powerful weapon is not the beam but the extreme rapid fire this auto cannon it has, which will make any robot pilot wet their pants . when they heard the roar of these rapid fire auto cannon can do.
Purpose anti-fortifications
Purpose anti tank
Third generation
Hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot -bursts later!!!!

50MM 2D4X10 OR 1D8X10
burst: two round Burst 4d4x10,
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds(s.a.b.o.t) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that 5d4 x 1 to 4 melee per hit or 1d4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: Burst
Payload: 1000 rounds

2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds
50 mm -5d6 MD( max damage 30 )
Burst: two round Burst 1d6x10 , three round Burst 2d4x10+10 , four round Burst 2d6x10.
50 mm -6d6 MD (max damage 36)
Burst: two round Burst 1d6x10+12 , three round Burst 1d10x10+8
A.P.F.S.D.S round
50 mm -1d6x10 MD( max damage 60 )
Burst: Two rounds Burst 2d6x10,

First generation auto-cannon
50MM 1D4X10
Burst: two round Burst 2d4x10, three round Burst 3d4x10 ,

5d4 MD
Burst: two round Burst 1d4x10 , three round Burst 3d4x10 , four round Burst 4d4x10 .

Right Under barrel particle bean cannon
Damage: 4D4x10
Range: First generation and 2 generation standard rounds auto-cannon 19,000 feet Under barrel particle bean cannon 3 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus robot as well
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: if the damage exceeds or passes the MDC or EVEN SDC target then it goes right thru the target to anything behind until it reach equal or higher stats of damage
Plus 50 of short out military vehicle with 250 MDC or less
The auto-canon take the glitter boys boom penalties and triple it fire a burst
Can fired both at the same time!!!1

Optional Left arm
grenade Launcher is for up close and personal Anti-infantry used but for monster as well, the rent use of WI-GL 20 Automatic grenade Launcher with a 360 angles. They are located in the shoulder and waist of the mecha a total 1 Automatic grenade Launcher turret on the left side.
Damage per tube PICK TWO
1. Use only amour piercing grenade 3d6x10 for 8 feet blast radius
2. Flares look below
3. Chaffs look below
4. Smoke look below
5. Tear gas looks below
Range; 3000 feet
Rate of fire burst only 10 shot
Payload: 400 grenades each
Bonus: add +1 to hit
Weight: 100 pounds empty
Note: add the following standard
Smoke /Tear gas /Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total .
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 (x6) 1440 total

Optional Left arm
U.S Military HEAVY Solid LASER other standard laser
Damage: 5d6x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand by pilots
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: if the damage exceeds or passes the M.D.C or EVEN S.D.C target then it goes right thru the target to anything behind until it reach equal or higher stats of damage. Example A target has 200 M.D.C to main body but the damage natural roll 210 then damage hit the main body blow up but goes right thru target if it doesn’t have a reinforce cockpit , but let say it does has a reinforce cockpit of 150 M.D.C sorry still goes thru if pilots has MDC amour (of 50 M.D.C) take full damage sorry still goes thru and hit a glitter boy first half damage but get full knock down table of 210 M.D.C. critical hit standard so if it had a critical that 210 M.D.C now becomes 420 M.D.C same rules applies

Weapon system
Mini missiles
Right shoulder mounted missiles systems
Mini missiles any type
Rocket look below
Range: varies
Rate of fire: one or any or all
Payload: Mini missiles 24
or rockets
Unguided Rockets
Are design to be straight in your face and the cheapest of all weapons systems. There ROF is different than missiles systems used and work very well at medium to point blank range.
First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 1D6
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets look below
Heavy explosive 1d6x10 M.D.C
Plasma 2d4x10
Range 3000 FEET Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet
Rate of fire:
Volleys of 10 shot fired First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets one or any or all
Payload: 24 PER POD (x4 N.AA.T) OTHERS (X2)
Weight: 2 pounds ( lds), For a 1d6 M.D.C , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
5 pounds each
Bonus: First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets under 3000 feet +4 to hit due to speed and negative (-) 6 to shot down due small size , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet both rocket if target goes faster than 600 MPH -6 to hit that target that is moving if 599MPH no penalties, blast radius time three use mini missiles blast radius

Weapon system
Rear pack missiles systems: short range
Damage: any type
Damage: varies
Range: varies
Rate of fire: one, any or all
Payload: 24

Rear heavy M.D.C Machine gun systems : (x3)

Heavy M.D Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 800

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun

Weapon system
Left mounted shoulder missiles systems
Standard medium range missiles, or fire and forget or U.S Military
Any rifts missile
N.A.A.T 5D6 X10
Range :Any rifts missile VARIES
Rate of fire :ONE OR ANY OR ALL 8
Payload 24
Bonus : VARIES

Optional hip mounted heavy M.D.C Machine gum systems : (x3)
Heavy M.D Machine gun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 800

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun

Hand to hand P.S 30 robotic
This is the small arms
Last edited by ZINO on Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Those are really cool
The Dragon Has Spoken
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Snake Eyes wrote:Those are really cool
thank u man which one you like ??
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Artist's Comments
Hello. I am glad that you like the robotic suits enough to incorporate them into your blog. You may certainly do so as long as you give credit, and are not trying to use the images for profit. If you could also link me to your post with the suits in it, I would be curious to see what kind of scenario you write for them. Thanks


The H.ARM suit is a robotic load-bearing exoskeleton designed to deliver heavy munitions into any theater of operation. Because of its relatively small size it is not only lighter, "quieter", and more energy efficient than most mecha, but it offers major advantages to war fighters in confined urban areas.

Chaos Earth note ARM TECH ( Advanced Research Military Technology ) is the leading the amour tech in leaving infantry units in the new M.D.C age.
The H.ARM suit is a robotic load-bearing exoskeleton designed to deliver heavy munitions into any theater of operation. Because of its relatively small size it is not only lighter, "quieter", and more energy efficient than most mechas, but it offers major advantages to war fighters in confined urban areas. Add prowl +25 if they have this skills

Primary: Modified Bushmaster Mk44 25mm dual fed auto cannon with air burst technology.
Secondary: none but military version has Vulcan .50 cal BMG mini gun. w/ 6500 round drum magazine
Support: Thermal imaging camera/ IR flare x2/ CHAFF grenade x2

Primary: Vulcan .50 cal BMG mini gun. w/ 2500 round drum magazine
Secondary: Laser guided STT missile X7 with Tri mode guidance these are really short range missiles or 14 mini- missiles take your pick
Support: smoke grenade x3 flare x1 (not pictured) this law enforcement but military has 24 of each 24 the rear or 48 total per leg or 96 in both legs
Main body: has shot down missiles, Rockets and grenades systems +6 to strike for each

Description ... 35_max.jpg

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes main gun, +3 MDC machine gun, add +3 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks weight 1ton

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or U.S military uses 30 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

5. External audio pick up: same as robots

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional

7. Ejection systems: 1 ton add

8. Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 1 tons

9. Voice actuated locking systems

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add: 2 tons

11. U.S military ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: 3 tons

13. Can add Five TW Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

14. U.S military Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 80 or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 75 M.D.C and third hit 65 M.D.C and so

15.Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level

16. Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below. Located in rear min body U.S military
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce A.P.Ms/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 500 pounds

18. N.A.A.T Can add TEN TW Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

19. This the only mecha that come with heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect and very comfortable A heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x4),

M.D.C location 200 main body, arms 50, legs 60, helmet 45, Force filed 240 M.D.C,
Outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #20 and 21 for NAAT only

20. U.S military V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

21. U.S military Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

22. None: U.S military And add one squad per H.ARM suit use number 19 (look at picture above ) theses have # 1,2,3,4,5,6,9 11,13,14,15,16,20, 21 and 23

23. Jet booster can jump from 1 feet to 1000 feet across or high and land without any problems

24. U.S military due to size force field is one primary and one secondary

Height 9 feet
Width 11 feet
Depth 6 feet
Weight empty 2000 pounds
P.S robotic 30

Law enforcement
M.D.C Stats
Head -100
Shoulder (x2)150
Upper arms (x2)175
Lower arm weapons systems (x2) 150 or
25 MM auto cannon (1) 150 for each plus shielded (x2) 300 MDC
M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun (1) 100
Grenade Launcher right shoulder (1) 100
Main body (x2) 220
Rein force cockpit compartment (x1) plus look at # 19
Upper legs (x2) 275
Lower legs (x2)200
Feet (x2) 120
Force field built in main body 100

U.S military
M.D.C Stats
Head -100
Shoulder (x2)150
Upper arms (x2)225
Lower arm weapons systems (x2) 150 or
25 MM auto cannon (1) 150 for each plus shielded (x2) 300 MDC
M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun (1) 100
Grenade Launcher right shoulder (1) 100
Main body (x2) 420 fronts and back 420
Primary Force field 150
Rein force cockpit compartment (x1) plus look at # 19
Upper legs (x2) 275
Lower legs (x2)200
Feet (x2) 120

grenade Launcher right shoulder is for up close and personal Anti-infantry used but for monster as well, the rent use of WI-GL 20 Automatic grenade Launcher with a 360 angles. They are located in the shoulder and waist of the mecha a total 1 Automatic grenade Launcher turret on the left side.
Damage per tube pick two or one for 400 grenades
1. Use only amour piercing grenade 3d6x10 for 8 feet blast radius
2. Flares look below
3. Chaffs look below
4. Smoke look below
5. Tear gas looks below
Range; 3000 feet
Rate of fire burst only 10 shot
Payload: 200 grenades each type
Bonus: add +1 to hit
Weight: 100 pounds empty
Primary: Modified Bushmaster Mk44 25mm dual fed auto cannon with air burst technology.
Secondary: none
Support: Thermal imaging camera/ IR flare x2/ CHAFF grenade x2

Primary: Vulcan .50 cal BMG mini gun. w/ 2500 round drum magazine
Secondary: Laser guided STT missile X7 with Tri mode guidance
Support: smoke grenade x3 flare x1 (not pictured)

Weapon system
Modified Bushmaster Mk44 25mm dual fed auto cannon with air burst technology.
Hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D

M.D.C table this is single shot and bursts!!!!
All air burst do half damage in any bursts setting

25 MM 1d4x10
Burst: two round Burst 2d4x10, three round Burst 3d4x10, four round Burst4d4x10. Five round Burst 5d4x10, six round Burst 4d6x10, eight round Burst 4d8x10 , 10 round Burst 5d8x10 , 20 round Burst 2d4x100, 40 round Burst 3d6x100, 60 round Burst 4d6x100

LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natural 19 or better, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds(S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

25 MM – 3d6 M.D ( max damage 18 )
Burst: 6d6 two round Burst, 5d10+4 three round Burst, 1d6x10 +13four round Burst. 2d4x10+10 Five round Burst, six round Burst for a 1d10x10 +8, eight round Burst for a 4d4x10 , 10 round Burst for a 3d6x10 , 20 round Burst 6d6x10 , 40 round Burst for a 12d6x10 0r 1d6x100 +120 ,

25 MM -5d4 M.D (max damage 20)
Burst: two round Burst for a 1d4x10 , three round Burst 1d6x10, four round Burst 2d4x10. Five round Burst 1d10x10 , six round Burst 2d6x10 , eight round Burst 4d4x10 , 10 round Burst 5d4x10 , 20 round Burst 5d8x10 , 40 round Burst 1d4x100 , 60 round Burst 2d6x100

A.P.F.S.D.S round
25 MM - 6d6 MD( max damage 36 )
Burst: two round Burst 1d6x10 , three round Burst 1d10+8 , four round Burst 12d12 ( help here) . Five round Burst 3d6x10 , six round Burst 5d4x10+16, eight round Burst7d4x10+8, 10 round Burst 6d6x10, 20 round Burst 1d6x100+120, 40 round Burst 2d4x100, 60 round Burst 2d6x100

Range: all 3 mile
Rate of fire Burst: two round Burst, three round Burst, four round Burst. Five round Burst, six round Burst, eight round Burst, 10 round Burst, 20 round Burst, 40 round Burst, 60 round Burst

Payload: 1000 rounds

optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: time three


.50 calibers ( standard use )
Damage: 1D6 M.D.C
Burst: 2D6 two round Burst, 3D6 three round Burst, 4D6 four round Burst. 5D6 Five round Burst, 6D6 six round Burst, 8D6 eight round Burst, 1D6X10 for a 10 round Burst, 2D6X10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d6x10 for a 40 round Burst, 5d6x10 for a 60 round Burst
R.O.F: Burst only
Payload: w/ 2500 round drum magazine
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun

U.S military ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: time three

Weapon systems Type : short range or Mini missile guided
Located right sided
Damage varies by type
R.O.F: one, any or all
Payload: Mini-missiles 24 or Short-range missiles 10
Bonus: both get a +3 add U.S military knock –off +1 to strike
Hand to hand P.S 30
Last edited by ZINO on Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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only 3 votes ? wow
did i do something wrong here
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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nice thank u but post a reply or add something
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Unread post by ZINO » ... 3ih9f0.jpg ... 4447&qo=24

artist comment
An impossible load for conducting a firefight if I do say so myself. This individual is wearing a modified bomb suit and carrying a General Electric Gatling gun complete with duffel storing the weapon's battery and a box magazine of 600 rounds. This drawing was somewhat inspired by an image of an EOD technician wearing a bomb suit while holding a Barrett. I decided to up the ante a bit with a Minigun.


“An impossible load for conducting a firefight if I do say so myself. This individual is wearing a modified bomb suit and carrying a General Electric Gatling gun complete with duffel storing the weapon's battery and a box magazine of 600 rounds. This drawing was somewhat inspired by an image of an EOD technician wearing a bomb suit while holding a Barrett. I decided to up the ante a bit with a Minigun “ This was a comment by an artist comment

Well ARM TECH has made it possible with new hi tech indo-suits add M.D.C alloys, add super human P.S, head display systems similar to fighter pilots, full E.V.A systems, and better armor forth both military version and heavy law enforcement call the mega juggernaut. This test grounds for new HARM unit which are rolling out at a cheaper cost of a standard robot suit.

Heavy combat E.O.D SUIT nuff said
1. Nuclear Powered: Which means they have an effectively unlimited fuel capacity and power source. Average life: 15 to 20 years.
2. Radar: Can identify and track up to 48 targets simultaneously at a range of 30 miles (48 km).
3. Combat Computer: Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the head up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the
targeting computer.
4. Targeting Computer: Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. 30 mile range (48 km).
5. Laser Targeting System: Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + 1 to strike when using long range weapons. Does not apply to hand to hand combat .
6. Radio communication: Long range, directional communication system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short range radio. Range is 5 miles (8 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.
7. External Audio Pickup: A sound amplification listening system that can pick up a whisper 300 feet (91.5 m) away.
8. Spotlights: Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 600 feet (182 m).
9. Ejector seat: In case of an emergency, the pilot and crew can be instantly ejected (about 1000 feet) and parachute to safety.
10. Self-Destruct: A last resort measure to prevent one's robot from being captured by the enemy. The explosive damage is fairly self contained, destroying most of the internal systems with 2D6 x 10 M.D. However, it is very likely, 1-89% chance, that the nuclear
power system is spewing forth deadly levels of radiation!
11. Voice Actuated Locking System: The robot's access hatch issealed by an automatic locking system. A six digit spoken code programmed to a specific voice(s) pattern (six voice memory) is standard operating procedure. A manual key pad is provided in case
of system failure/override.
12. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment: The compartment can usually seat 2 to 6 people and is reinforced to protect the people from mega-damage. It is air tight, pressurized and suitable
for use in all hostile environments, including under water (500 foot max. depth) and space. The following features are included.
• Computer controlled life support system.
• Internal cooling and temperature control.
• Air purification and circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier/ dehumidifier automatically engages when needed. Can recirculate breathable air for up to four weeks before getting to stale to breathe.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic fires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded.
• Polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted visor
• anti knock down suit ( later sold for the glitter boy robot) any M.D.C under 60 or less no effect, any damage of 95 or less take none ,after that 90 same no damage but if over a 91 full damage, so after less no damage that 85 if 86 or more full damage ,age and so ( look familiar)

48 hour oxygen supply.


Main body: 350
Main body primary force field-100
Upper Arms (2) 100
Lower Arms (2)190
Hands (2) 30
Upper Legs (2)100
Lower Legs (2)190
Feet (2)50
5mm mini-gun(1) 200
Ammo bin (1) 200
Reinforce cockpit compartment: internal robotic suit (1) 150
Generators(1) 100
Height add 3d6 inches
Length add 3d6 inches
Depth add 3d6 inches
Weight suit 100 pounds !!! add 100 more chain gun and ammo !!!!
Range: unlimited
Flying : none
Running: 100 MPH
Walk2 to 25 MPH

Hand to hand: robotic P.S 35 as per M.D.C
NOTE:can use mini-gun as mace 4d6 add double to knock down table per hit

Weapons systems Type 5mm mini-gun
As its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love these weapon systems.
M.D.C rounds: 5d4 M.D.C control burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C short burst, 2d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy 2d4x10 M.D.C long burst , 3d4x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range: 5000 feet
Payload: 1000 S.D.C, 6000

U.S military ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 6000 feet
Payload: time three
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Snake Eyes
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Unread post by Snake Eyes »

ZINO wrote: ... 4447&qo=24

artist comment
An impossible load for conducting a firefight if I do say so myself. This individual is wearing a modified bomb suit and carrying a General Electric Gatling gun complete with duffel storing the weapon's battery and a box magazine of 600 rounds. This drawing was somewhat inspired by an image of an EOD technician wearing a bomb suit while holding a Barrett. I decided to up the ante a bit with a Minigun.


“An impossible load for conducting a firefight if I do say so myself. This individual is wearing a modified bomb suit and carrying a General Electric Gatling gun complete with duffel storing the weapon's battery and a box magazine of 600 rounds. This drawing was somewhat inspired by an image of an EOD technician wearing a bomb suit while holding a Barrett. I decided to up the ante a bit with a Minigun “ This was a comment by an artist comment

Well ARM TECH has made it possible with new hi tech indo-suits add M.D.C alloys, add super human P.S, head display systems similar to fighter pilots, full E.V.A systems, and better armor forth both military version and heavy law enforcement call the mega juggernaut. This test grounds for new HARM unit which are rolling out at a cheaper cost of a standard robot suit.

Heavy combat E.O.D SUIT nuff said
1. Nuclear Powered: Which means they have an effectively unlimited fuel capacity and power source. Average life: 15 to 20 years.
2. Radar: Can identify and track up to 48 targets simultaneously at a range of 30 miles (48 km).
3. Combat Computer: Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the head up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the
targeting computer.
4. Targeting Computer: Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. 30 mile range (48 km).
5. Laser Targeting System: Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + 1 to strike when using long range weapons. Does not apply to hand to hand combat .
6. Radio communication: Long range, directional communication system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short range radio. Range is 5 miles (8 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.
7. External Audio Pickup: A sound amplification listening system that can pick up a whisper 300 feet (91.5 m) away.
8. Spotlights: Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 600 feet (182 m).
9. Ejector seat: In case of an emergency, the pilot and crew can be instantly ejected (about 1000 feet) and parachute to safety.
10. Self-Destruct: A last resort measure to prevent one's robot from being captured by the enemy. The explosive damage is fairly self contained, destroying most of the internal systems with 2D6 x 10 M.D. However, it is very likely, 1-89% chance, that the nuclear
power system is spewing forth deadly levels of radiation!
11. Voice Actuated Locking System: The robot's access hatch issealed by an automatic locking system. A six digit spoken code programmed to a specific voice(s) pattern (six voice memory) is standard operating procedure. A manual key pad is provided in case
of system failure/override.
12. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment: The compartment can usually seat 2 to 6 people and is reinforced to protect the people from mega-damage. It is air tight, pressurized and suitable
for use in all hostile environments, including under water (500 foot max. depth) and space. The following features are included.
• Computer controlled life support system.
• Internal cooling and temperature control.
• Air purification and circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier/ dehumidifier automatically engages when needed. Can recirculate breathable air for up to four weeks before getting to stale to breathe.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic fires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded.
• Polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted visor
• anti knock down suit ( later sold for the glitter boy robot) any M.D.C under 60 or less no effect, any damage of 95 or less take none ,after that 90 same no damage but if over a 91 full damage, so after less no damage that 85 if 86 or more full damage ,age and so ( look familiar)

48 hour oxygen supply.


Main body: 350
Main body primary force field-100
Upper Arms (2) 100
Lower Arms (2)190
Hands (2) 30
Upper Legs (2)100
Lower Legs (2)190
Feet (2)50
5mm mini-gun(1) 200
Ammo bin (1) 200
Reinforce cockpit compartment: internal robotic suit (1) 150
Generators(1) 100
Height add 3d6 inches
Length add 3d6 inches
Depth add 3d6 inches
Weight suit 100 pounds !!! add 100 more chain gun and ammo !!!!
Range: unlimited
Flying : none
Running: 100 MPH
Walk2 to 25 MPH

Hand to hand: robotic P.S 35 as per M.D.C
NOTE:can use mini-gun as mace 4d6 add double to knock down table per hit

Weapons systems Type 5mm mini-gun
As its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love these weapon systems.
M.D.C rounds: 5d4 M.D.C control burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C short burst, 2d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy 2d4x10 M.D.C long burst , 3d4x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range: 5000 feet
Payload: 1000 S.D.C, 6000

U.S military ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 6000 feet
Payload: time three

Very nice......looks like a well balanced heavy hitter
The Dragon Has Spoken
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Unread post by ZINO »

Snake Eyes wrote:
ZINO wrote: ... 4447&qo=24

artist comment
An impossible load for conducting a firefight if I do say so myself. This individual is wearing a modified bomb suit and carrying a General Electric Gatling gun complete with duffel storing the weapon's battery and a box magazine of 600 rounds. This drawing was somewhat inspired by an image of an EOD technician wearing a bomb suit while holding a Barrett. I decided to up the ante a bit with a Minigun.


“An impossible load for conducting a firefight if I do say so myself. This individual is wearing a modified bomb suit and carrying a General Electric Gatling gun complete with duffel storing the weapon's battery and a box magazine of 600 rounds. This drawing was somewhat inspired by an image of an EOD technician wearing a bomb suit while holding a Barrett. I decided to up the ante a bit with a Minigun “ This was a comment by an artist comment

Well ARM TECH has made it possible with new hi tech indo-suits add M.D.C alloys, add super human P.S, head display systems similar to fighter pilots, full E.V.A systems, and better armor forth both military version and heavy law enforcement call the mega juggernaut. This test grounds for new HARM unit which are rolling out at a cheaper cost of a standard robot suit.

Heavy combat E.O.D SUIT nuff said
1. Nuclear Powered: Which means they have an effectively unlimited fuel capacity and power source. Average life: 15 to 20 years.
2. Radar: Can identify and track up to 48 targets simultaneously at a range of 30 miles (48 km).
3. Combat Computer: Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the head up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the
targeting computer.
4. Targeting Computer: Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. 30 mile range (48 km).
5. Laser Targeting System: Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + 1 to strike when using long range weapons. Does not apply to hand to hand combat .
6. Radio communication: Long range, directional communication system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short range radio. Range is 5 miles (8 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.
7. External Audio Pickup: A sound amplification listening system that can pick up a whisper 300 feet (91.5 m) away.
8. Spotlights: Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 600 feet (182 m).
9. Ejector seat: In case of an emergency, the pilot and crew can be instantly ejected (about 1000 feet) and parachute to safety.
10. Self-Destruct: A last resort measure to prevent one's robot from being captured by the enemy. The explosive damage is fairly self contained, destroying most of the internal systems with 2D6 x 10 M.D. However, it is very likely, 1-89% chance, that the nuclear
power system is spewing forth deadly levels of radiation!
11. Voice Actuated Locking System: The robot's access hatch issealed by an automatic locking system. A six digit spoken code programmed to a specific voice(s) pattern (six voice memory) is standard operating procedure. A manual key pad is provided in case
of system failure/override.
12. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment: The compartment can usually seat 2 to 6 people and is reinforced to protect the people from mega-damage. It is air tight, pressurized and suitable
for use in all hostile environments, including under water (500 foot max. depth) and space. The following features are included.
• Computer controlled life support system.
• Internal cooling and temperature control.
• Air purification and circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier/ dehumidifier automatically engages when needed. Can recirculate breathable air for up to four weeks before getting to stale to breathe.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic fires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded.
• Polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted visor
• anti knock down suit ( later sold for the glitter boy robot) any M.D.C under 60 or less no effect, any damage of 95 or less take none ,after that 90 same no damage but if over a 91 full damage, so after less no damage that 85 if 86 or more full damage ,age and so ( look familiar)

48 hour oxygen supply.


Main body: 350
Main body primary force field-100
Upper Arms (2) 100
Lower Arms (2)190
Hands (2) 30
Upper Legs (2)100
Lower Legs (2)190
Feet (2)50
5mm mini-gun(1) 200
Ammo bin (1) 200
Reinforce cockpit compartment: internal robotic suit (1) 150
Generators(1) 100
Height add 3d6 inches
Length add 3d6 inches
Depth add 3d6 inches
Weight suit 100 pounds !!! add 100 more chain gun and ammo !!!!
Range: unlimited
Flying : none
Running: 100 MPH
Walk2 to 25 MPH

Hand to hand: robotic P.S 35 as per M.D.C
NOTE:can use mini-gun as mace 4d6 add double to knock down table per hit

Weapons systems Type 5mm mini-gun
As its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love these weapon systems.
M.D.C rounds: 5d4 M.D.C control burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C short burst, 2d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy 2d4x10 M.D.C long burst , 3d4x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range: 5000 feet
Payload: 1000 S.D.C, 6000

U.S military ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 6000 feet
Payload: time three

Very nice......looks like a well balanced heavy hitter

thank u man !!!!
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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258 viewed and only 4 votes wow !! come vote this is America!!!!
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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ZINO wrote:258 viewed and only 4 votes wow !! come vote this is America!!!!
266 viewed and only 4 votes wow !! come vote this is America!!!
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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OPEC Headquarters Vienna, Austria
Members :Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, , Gabon Former members returns 2024 , Indonesia Former 2022 members returns

Members location on the world Africa, South America, Middle East, South East Asia

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries is an intergovernmental organization of twelve developing countries made up of Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela. OPEC has maintained its headquarters in Vienna since 1965, and hosts regular meetings among the oil ministers of its Member Countries. Indonesia withdrew in 2008 after it became a net importer of oil, but stated it would likely return if it became a net exporter again.
According to its statutes, one of the principal goals is the determination of the best means for safeguarding the organization's interests, individually and collectively. It also pursues ways and means of ensuring the stabilization of prices in international oil markets with a view to eliminating harmful and unnecessary fluctuations; giving due regard at all times to the interests of the producing nations and to the necessity of securing a steady income to the producing countries; an efficient and regular supply of petroleum to consuming nations, and a fair return on their capital to those investing in the petroleum industry.
OPEC's influence on the market has been widely criticized, since it became effective in determining production and prices. Arab members of OPEC alarmed the developed world when they used the “oil weapon” during the Yom Kippur War by implementing oil embargoes and initiating the 1973 oil crisis. Although largely political explanations for the timing and extent of the OPEC price increases are also valid, from OPEC’s point of view , these changes were triggered largely by previous unilateral changes in the world financial system and the ensuing period of high inflation in both the developed and developing world. This explanation encompasses OPEC actions both before and after the outbreak of hostilities in October 1973, and concludes that “OPEC countries were only 'staying even' by dramatically raising the dollar price of oil.”
OPEC's ability to control the price of oil has diminished somewhat since then, due to the subsequent discovery and development of large oil reserves in Alaska, the North Sea, Canada, the Gulf of Mexico, the opening up of Russia, and market modernization. As of November 2010, OPEC members collectively hold 79% of world crude oil reserves and 44% of the world’s crude oil production, affording them considerable control over the global market. The next largest group of producers, members of the OECD and the Post-Soviet states produced only 23.8% and 14.8%, respectively, of the world's total oil production. As early as 2003, concerns that OPEC members had little excess pumping capacity sparked speculation that their influence on crude oil prices would begin to slip.
Responding to war and low prices
Leading up to the 1990-91 Gulf War, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein advocated that OPEC push world oil prices up, thereby helping Iraq, and other member states, service debts. But the division of OPEC countries occasioned by the Iraq-Iran War and the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait marked a low point in the cohesion of OPEC. Once supply disruption fears that accompanied these conflicts dissipated, oil prices began to slide dramatically.
After oil prices slumped at around $15 a barrel in the late 1990s, concerted diplomacy, sometimes attributed to Venezuela’s president Hugo Chávez, achieved a coordinated scaling back of oil production beginning in 1998. In 2000, Chávez hosted the first summit of heads of state of OPEC in 25 years. The next year, however, the September 11, 2001 attacks against the United States, the following invasion of Afghanistan, and 2003 invasion of Iraq and subsequent occupation prompted a surge in oil prices to levels far higher than those targeted by OPEC during the preceding period. Indonesia withdrew from OPEC to protect its oil supply interests.
On November 19, 2007, global oil prices reacted strongly as OPEC members spoke openly about potentially converting their cash reserves to the euro and away from the US dollar.

Production disputes

The economic needs of the OPEC member states often affects the internal politics behind OPEC production quotas. Various members have pushed for reductions in production quotas to increase the price of oil and thus their own revenues. These demands conflict with Saudi Arabia's stated long-term strategy of being a partner with the world's economic powers to ensure a steady flow of oil that would support economic expansion.[ Part of the basis for this policy is the Saudi concern that expensive oil or oil of uncertain supply will drive developed nations to conserve and develop alternative fuels. To this point, former Saudi Oil Minister Sheikh Yamani famously said in 1973: "The stone age didn't end because we ran out of stones."
One such production dispute occurred on September 10, 2008, when the Saudis reportedly walked out of OPEC negotiating session where the organization voted to reduce production. Although Saudi Arabian OPEC delegates officially endorsed the new quotas, they stated anonymously that they would not observe them. The New York Times quoted one such anonymous OPEC delegate as saying “Saudi Arabia will meet the market’s demand. We will see what the market requires and we will not leave a customer without oil. The policy has not changed.”

OPEC is a swing producer and its decisions have had considerable influence on international oil prices. For example, in the 1973 energy crisis OPEC refused to ship oil to western countries that had supported Israel in the Yom Kippur War, which Israel had fought against Egypt and Syria. This refusal caused a fourfold increase in the price of oil, which lasted five months, starting on October 17, 1973, and ending on March 18, 1974. OPEC nations then agreed, on January 7, 1975, to raise crude oil prices by 10%. At that time, OPEC nations — including many who had recently nationalized their oil industries — joined the call for a new international economic order to be initiated by coalitions of primary producers. Concluding the First OPEC Summit in Algiers they called for stable and just commodity prices, an international food and agriculture program, technology transfer from North to South, and the democratization of the economic system ]. Overall, the evidence suggests that OPEC did act as a cartel when it adopted output rationing in order to maintain price.
According to US government, in 2011 OPEC will break above the $1 trillion mark earnings for the first time at $1.034 trillion and it is beating the $965 billion peak set in 2008.

OPEC start wants to slow new technologies

OPEC sees the level of technologies coming from the U.S.A, Germany, Japan, Columbia, Russia, Great Britain, and Canada 2020. It tries to weaken third world counties to slow progress. It works for till 2026, when new technologies allows to lose the grip of OPEC fossil fuel. It tries for 3 more years by the using corporation espionage to damage, destroy and even to slow down progress and almost work. But When 7 radical groups make a major operation to stop in U.S.A, Germany, Japan, Columbia, Russia, great Britain, and Canada by bombing critical areas world wide. Most of the time they always hit corporation and military areas and work well for the public not knowing or keeping quiet ( many call it the silences battle). But in 2029 hit the fan and at the same time U.S.A, Germany, Japan, Columbia, Russia, Great Britain, china and Canada not just knock power supply but the bombing also killed many civilian due the dam’s destroyed and other public areas . Add on of top the use of truck loads bombing (18 wheeler type ) fully loaded hitting several cities world wide . Over 6000 killed , and 17,000 injured and the lost of property is of 1.9 billion credits lost world wide .It almost stop and almost clasped the world economy and would caused war with USA and Russia to go to war !!! It was clear that by 2031 O.P.E.C was involved. During 2020 to 2031 it OPEC member states were arming themselves for the last and worst possible action by U.S.A, Germany, Japan, Columbia, Russia, Great Britain, and Canada war against with Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, , Gabon Former members returns 2024 , Indonesia Former 2022 members returns in the following location Africa, South America, Middle East, South East Asia. All of members OPEC became rogue states. This war was going to be fast and deadly where religion and power over the oil was going to affected third world countries but were going to be aided by U.S.A, Germany, Japan, china, Columbia, Russia, great Britain, Canada, France and India .The war will be fought in Africa, South America, Middle East, and South East Asia, for this war was going to be fast and deadly.

ARM TECH ( Advanced Research Military Technology )and OPEC

ARM TECH( Advanced Research Military Technology ) saw that new M.D.C technologies will give U.S.A, Germany, Japan, and china, Columbia, Russia, Great Britain, Canada, France and India. ARM TECH allowed the US military, Germany, Japan and Canada like M.D.C weapon and mass production for U.S.A, Germany, Japan, and china, Columbia, Russia, Great Britain, Canada, France and India. But O.P.E.C was also ready with ARM TECH E.O.D battle suits and M.D.C IFV, M.D.C APC’s , over M.D.C battle tanks and a secret M.D.C tank drones or A.I systems , plus M.D.C all types of military aircraft . But infantry will play a mayor role and will help ARM TECH stay ahead in the light M.D.C weapon race.

ARM TECH( Advanced Research Military Technology ) new body armored

ARM TECH ( Advanced Research Military Technology ) new body armored made just in time for high tech for war and adds fire powered
Infantry RANGER for the US, SPEC OPS for many counties ( land version only) , GRENADIER foe heavy weapon systems .These systems will give the edge over OPEC war machine . the war will last 4 years till OPEC surrender and 1 year later a massive technological advances are made. ... 477aio.jpg ... 14447&qo=9
ARTIST COMMENTS : Near Future Infantry types.

ARM TECH( Advanced Research Military Technology ) made the best for the U.S and will be made for all military branches
ARM TECH ( Advanced Research Military Technology )Future Infantry RANGER suits 2 YEARS training or more.
(this will be applies to NAVY SEA, Army special ops, marine force recon and air force Para rescue jumpers, air force combat controller’s )

a little history of Army Rangers :
Army Rangers are elite members of the United States Army. Rangers have served in recognized U.S. Army Ranger units or have graduated from the U.S. Army's Ranger School. The term "Ranger" was first used in North America in the early 17th century; however, the first ranger company was not officially commissioned until King Philip's War (1676) and then they were used in the four French and Indian Wars. Rangers also fought in the American Revolution, the War of 1812, and the American Civil War.
It was not until World War II that the modern Ranger concept was conceived, authorized by General George C. Marshall in 1942. The six battalions of the modern Rangers have been deployed in wars in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq, and saw action in several conflicts, such as those in Panama and Grenada. Of the current active Ranger battalions, two—the 1st and the 2nd—have been in service since reactivation in 1974. The 3rd Ranger Battalion and the headquarters of the 75th Ranger Regiment were reactivated in 1984.
The 75th Ranger Regiment is now a Light Infantry combat formation within the U.S. Army Special Operation Command (USASOC). The Ranger Regiment traces its lineage to three of six battalions raised in WWII, and to the 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional)—known as “Merrill's Marauders,” and then reflagged as the 475th Infantry, then later as the 75th Infantry.
The Ranger Training Brigade (RTB)—headquartered at Fort Benning, GA—is an organization under the U.S. Army's Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) and is separate from the 75th Ranger Regiment. It has been in service under various names and Army departments since World War II. The Ranger Training Brigade administrates Ranger School. Successful completion of this 61-day course is required to become Ranger qualified and to wear the Ranger Tab.

There is some dispute over the use of the word "Ranger." According to John Lock,
The problems of the Ranger Tab and indeed Ranger history are in large part caused by the lack of a clear-cut definition of who is a Ranger. The Ranger Department, the Infantry School, and Department of the Army have in the past carelessly accepted the definition of a Ranger unit to include the use of terms 'Ranger-type' and 'Units like Rangers,' and 'Special Mission Units.' In his book Raiders or Elite Infantry, David Hogan of the Center for Military History writes that 'By the time of the formation of LRRP units..., Ranger had become a term of legendary connotations but no precise meaning.' For the want of a definition of who and what is a Ranger, integrity was lost. As a result of Grenada, circumstances have changed. Since 1983, men have had the opportunity to earn and wear an authorized Ranger unit scroll or an authorized Ranger Tab or both. But there is a need for a firm definition of who and what constitutes a RANGER. Without that definition, we face the likelihood of future controversy.
Organizations define the term "Ranger" in different ways. For example, the annual "Best Ranger Competition", hosted by the Ranger Training Brigade, can be won by pairs of participants from the 75th Ranger Regiment, or by Ranger qualified entrants from other units in the US military. For an individual to be inducted into the U.S. Army Ranger Association's "Ranger Hall of Fame" he "must have served in a Ranger unit in combat or be a successful graduate of the U.S. Army Ranger School." The Ranger Association further clarifies the type of unit: "A Ranger unit is defined as those Army units recognized in Ranger lineage or history." Acceptance into the US Army Ranger Association is limited to "Rangers that have earned the U.S. Army Ranger tab, WWII Rangers, Korean War Rangers, Vietnam War Rangers, all Rangers that participated in Operations Urgent Fury, Just Cause, Desert Storm, Restore Hope, Enduring Freedom, and all Rangers who have served honorably for at least one year in a recognized Ranger unit."

Ranger Creed

Recognizing that I volunteered as a Ranger, fully knowing the hazards of my chosen profession, I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor, and high esprit de corps of my Ranger Regiment.
Acknowledging the fact that a Ranger is a more elite soldier who arrives at the cutting edge of battle by land, sea, or air, I accept the fact that as a Ranger my country expects me to move further, faster, and fight harder than any other soldier.
Never shall I fail my comrades I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong, and morally straight and I will shoulder more than my share of the task whatever it may be, one hundred percent and then some.
Gallantly will I show the world that I am a specially selected and well trained soldier. My courtesy to superior officers, neatness of dress, and care of equipment shall set the example for others to follow.
Energetically will I meet the enemies of my country. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. Surrender is not a Ranger word. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country.
Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission, though I be the lone survivor.

Ranger School

Ranger Training began in September 1950 at Fort Benning Georgia "with the formation and training of 17 Airborne Companies by the Ranger Training Command". The first class graduated from Ranger training in November 1950." The United States Army's Infantry School officially established the Ranger Department in December 1951. Under the Ranger Department, the first Ranger School Class was conducted in January–March 1952, with a graduation date of 1 March 1952. Its duration was 59 days. At the time, Ranger training was voluntary.
In 1966, a panel headed by General Ralph E. Haines, Jr. recommended making Ranger training mandatory for all Regular Army officers upon commissioning. "On 16 August 1966, the Chief of Staff of the Army, General Harold K. Johnson, directed it so." This policy was implemented in July 1967. It was rescinded on 21 June 1972 by General William Westmoreland. Once again, Ranger training was voluntary. In August 1987, the Ranger Department was split from the Infantry School and the Ranger Training Brigade was established.
The Ranger Companies that made up the Ranger Department became the current training units—the 4th, 5th and 6th Ranger Training Battalions. These units conduct the United States Army's Ranger School at various locations at Fort Benning, Georgia, Camp Frank Merrill, near Dahlonega, Georgia, and Camp James Rudder at Eglin Air Force Base's Auxiliary Field #6, in Florida. As of 2011, the school is 61 days in duration.


1)army ranger and other branches of the military will be very different of what we know now so I work on fictional hardware of what if what we above is from some information about the ranger I am civilian and will say I dont know jack ,still out of respect of all military personal i did some basic info to show and thank them for letting my family well at night and keeping the bad guy awake for their judgment and world of hut they will get
2) thank u for your reply and post

1. Nuclear Powered: Which means they have an effectively unlimited fuel capacity and power source. Average life: 15 to 20 years.
2. Land Radar: Can identify and track up to 48 targets simultaneously at a range of 5 miles (48 km).
3. Combat Computer: Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the head up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the Targeting computer.
4. Targeting Computer: Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. 5 mile range (48 km).
5. Laser Targeting System: Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + 1 to strike when using long range weapons. Does not apply to hand to hand combat.
6. SAT COMS/Radio communication: Long range, directional communication system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short range radio. BASIC Range is 5 miles (8 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.
7. External Audio Pickup: A sound amplification listening system that can pick up a whisper 300 feet (91.5 m) away.
8. Spotlights/Visors : Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 600 feet (182 m).can blind target and gets 1d4+3 strike/dodge/roll/parry
9. Ejector amour: In case of an emergency, the pilot be instantly ejected amour (about 1000 feet) and no matter if it has 1 (one) M.D.C and take no damage.
10. Self-Destruct: A last resort measure to prevent one's robot from being captured by the enemy. The explosive damage can be destroying most of the internal systems with 2D6 x 10 M.D. However, it is very likely, 1-89% chance, that the nuclear power system is spewing forth deadly levels of radiation!
11. Voice Actuated Locking System: sealed by an automatic locking system. A six digit spoken code programmed to a specific voice(s) pattern (six voice memory) is standard operating procedure. A manual key pad is provided in case of system failure/override.
12. Complete environmental pilot by flex armor . It is air tight, pressurized and suitable
for use in all hostile environments, including under water (500 foot max. depth) and space. The following features are included.
• Computer controlled life support system.
• Internal cooling and temperature control.
• Air purification and circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier/ dehumidifier automatically engages when needed. Can recalculate breathable air for up to four weeks before getting to stale to breathe.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic fires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded.
• Polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted visor
13. United States A.I systems
Special reactive amour:
Able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 80 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 75 M.D.C and third hit 70 M.D.C and the firth hit 65 and so on.

14. United States Advance E.C.C.M systems
Similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!

15.United States Special coms suite
for 7 heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%

16.United States V.R systems V able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

17.United States Main Probe
Remote Probe: An optics video probe with hover capabilities is concealed inside the robot or in a small shoulder or back launcher. The probe can be launched and remote controlled, following radio directions from the robot. The basic unit includes a video camera with telescopic lens (600 ft/91 m range) that transmits everything it sees and hears to its master bot. Range of transmissions and control is 2000 ft (487
m). M.D.C. 10, size: About the size of a soccer ball (12inches). .

360 Degree Rotating Body Segment: Head, shoulders, hands at wrist, and upper torso at waist, for waist rotation can rotate in a 360 degree circle.

18.Plus add-on Robot Intelligences goes up by level XP of player

Robot Intelligences are the more sophisticated robots and a bit beyond the current capabilities of the Coalition (as well as US Military robots, Triax Industries and the rest of the world. In addition to the complexity of creating an artificial intelligence, the problems of practical application and prohibitive costs have encouraged most scientists to improve on the popular and efficient
robot accessory units (vehicles, power armor, etc.). Triax Industries is close, but cuirently only Cyberworks and the occasional alien from a dimensional rift have the capabilities
for creating robot intelligences. All of Cyberwork's/Archie's robots fall into the robot intelligence category because they are able to perform complex and varied tasks. Some, like the Shemarrian bots, are programmed with an elaborate sense of history and personality, including simulated human emotions. Most are also able to assess data, draw a conclusion and act on that conclusion within the parameters of their program. Unfortunately, if the data is insufficient or the conclusion is contrary to the program, the robot can not take action
• First generation ( civilian models ) starts at level 1
robot Artificial intelligence: Automatically gets the general program
(non-military or military) and three skill programs of choice.
Equivalent I.Q. of 19.

• Second generation( military model) this at level 4
robot Neural intelligence: Select four skill programs in addition to.
the General Program. At levels three, seven, eleven and fifteen,
the neural intelligence bot can also learn three new secondary
skills; only I.Q. bonus applicable and all skills start at level one,
base skill level. Only these secondary skills increase with experience.
Equivalent I.Q. of 23.

Skills: help the wearer take both skills and divide by 2 to get the total. plus 5d4+10%

General Robot Skill Program: Includes radio basic, mathematics:
Basic (98%), land navigation, and speaks/understands (read) American, Spanish, Euro, and many languages; all at 94%. Also programmed for common human slang, protocol and behavior. The bot can identify and use (to some extent) the thousands of everyday tools, appliances, weapons, armor, robots, and vehicles found in the human communities. The bot also recognizes 20,000 different life forms, including humans and common D-Bees, mutants, animals and insects.
Communications: Select five. All are at 94%.

Military (Demolitions): All, plus W.P. Heavy. All at 94%.

Pilot Related: All; at 94%.

Technical: Photography, computer operation, literacy in five languages. All at 94%. Market cost: 500,000 credits

Expanded Memory: This increases the number of skill programs one can place into the bot. Artificial Intelligence: Add three (5) programs. Neural System: Add two (2) programs and two
Secondary skills at all appropriate levels. .

Increasing the robot I.Q. Attribute: Costs 50,000 credits per each I.Q. point beyond the basic system attribute. Thus, to increase an I.Q. of 12 to an I.Q. of 22 costs 500,000 credits. The maximum for small bots is I.Q. 20, medium , I.Q. 30. Enjoys the usual I.Q. bonus.
18 . Special operation kit picks two for either Land operation kit, Air operation
, Sea water operation
A) Land operation kit picks two
• land operation add either 10 to speed ,or +10 P.P (this does not apply to strike with any range weapons weight 20 pounds
• land operation kit active camouflage ,armored changes color to match back ground add +15 to prowled , +30 at night time operations , weight 20 pounds
• land operation kit add 1d4 to strike modern range weapons weight 20 pounds
• land operation kit add 1d4 strike /parry / roll with /+2 to dodge /add 1 to attacks to all melee ancient weapons and wearer MUST have W.P to get bonus
• land operation kit Add armored by 50% and get negative 1d10 ,add weight 20 pounds
• land operation kit Add energy shields base shields light 100 M.D.C , Medium 120 M.D.C, 150 M.D.C ,this applies to each location one per arm (x2 total ), one per legs (x2 total), head(x1), weight 20 pounds
B) Air operation picks three
• Air operation add either +15 to speed , weight 20 pounds
• Air operation kit active camouflage ,armored changes color to match back ground add +15 to prowled , +30 at night time operations , weight 20 pounds
• Air operation kit add 1d4 to strike modern range weapons weight 20 pounds
• Air operation kit add 1d4 strike /parry / roll with /+2 to dodge /add 1 to attacks to all melee ancient weapons and wearer MUST have W.P to get bonus
• Air operation kit Add armored by 25% and get negative -5 5,add weight 20 pounds
• Air operation kit Add energy shields base shields light 100 M.D.C , Medium 120 M.D.C, 150 M.D.C ,this applies to each location one per arm (x2 total ), one per legs (x2 total), head(x1), weight 20 pounds
• Air operation parachute skills Must be in player A.I systems helps add 1d4x10+5% get to roll twice if fail the first
Running: 40 mph (64 km) maximum. Note that the act of running does tire out its operator, but at a fatigue rate 20% less than normal, thanks to the robot exo-skeleton.
Leaping: The integrated jet pack enables the power armor toleap great heights and distances. A height of approximately 15 feet (4.6 m) straight up or lengthwise is possible unassisted by the thrusters. A jet thruster assisted leap from a stationary position
can propel the unit up to 100 feet (30.5 m) high and acrosswithout actually attaining flight or requiring a running start.
Power Jumping and travel: Getting a running start will enable the individual to leap up to 300 feet (91.5 m) lengthwise. The height of the leap is controlled by the pilot and generally ranges between 20 to 50 feet (6 to 15 m), with 20 or 30 feet of height being the norm. By leaping, landing, continuing to run a few dozen yards/meters, and power leaping again, the pilot can attain and maintain, an impressive ground speed of 170 mph (272 km), even through light forest (speed should be reduced 40% through dense vegetation or hazardous terrain to avoid accidents). Directional control is nearly total, but engaging the
jet pack to avoid a collision or bad landing may slow one's speed. Also, the flight capabilities enable the pilot to stop in mid-air if necessary.The helmet is equipped with full optical systems, including laser targeting, telescopic, passive night vision (light amplification), thermo-imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization. Plus all other features common to all power armor. Combat only. Hand to hand: +2 to parry and dodge, automatically+ 2 to dodge while traveling by means of power jumps. See Power Armor Combat Training in the Robot Combat section for other bonuses.

• Flying: The rocket propulsion system enables the suit to hover stationary up to 200 feet (61 m) or fly. Maximum flying speed is 100 mph (160 km), but cruising speed is considered to be around 60 mph (96.5 km). Maximum altitude is limited to about 200 feet (61 m).
Flying Range: The nuclear power supply gives the armor a decade of life, but the jet rockets get hot and need to cool after a maximum of two hours of continuous flight. Remember, traveling by power jumps can be maintained for an unlimited number
of hours at 170 mph.
C) Sea/water operation picks three
• Sea operation add either +15 to speed on land , +30 to speed in the water weight 20 pounds
• Sea operation kit active camouflage ,armored changes color to match back ground add +15 to prowled , +30 at night time operations , weight 20 pounds
• Sea operation kit add 1d4 to strike modern range weapons weight 20 pounds
• Sea operation kit add 1d4 strike /parry / roll with /+2 to dodge /add 1 to attacks to all melee ancient weapons and wearer MUST have W.P to get bonus
• Sea operation kit Add armored by 25% and get negative -5 5,add weight 20 pounds
• Sea operation kit Add energy shields base shields light 100 M.D.C , Medium 120 M.D.C, 150 M.D.C ,this applies to each location one per arm (x2 total ), one per legs (x2 total), head(x1), weight 20 pounds
• Sea operation add to swim skills ,S.C.U.B.A add +25%
• Add another 48 hours of air
• Under water depth 10000 feet
• No bubbles are made foe 48 hours
D) This a rare suit but was made space operation but was made for moon base operations picks five
• Pick two P.P add 1d6 or 12 to P.P at cost of P.S 1d4 add to wearers robotic table
• 10 to 18 to P.S wearers robotic table , speed 1d6 added to wearer
• Add 20 to speed add 1d6 either to P.P or PS
• Air operation kit add 1d4 to strike modern range weapons weight 20 pounds
• Air operation kit add 1d4 strike /parry / roll with /+2 to dodge /add 1 to attacks to all melee ancient weapons and wearer MUST have W.P to get bonus
• Air operation kit Add armored by 25% and get negative -5 5,add weight 20 pounds
• Air operation kit Add energy shields base shields light 100 M.D.C , Medium 120 M.D.C, 150 M.D.C ,this applies to each location one per arm (x2 total ), one per legs (x2 total), head(x1), weight 20 pounds
• Air operation parachute skills Must be in player A.I systems helps add 1d4x10+5% get to roll twice if fail the first
Running: 40 mph (64 km) maximum. Note that the act of running does tire out its operator, but at a fatigue rate 20% less than normal, thanks to the robot exo-skeleton.
Leaping: The integrated jet pack enables the power armor toleap great heights and distances. A height of approximately 15 feet (4.6 m) straight up or lengthwise is possible unassisted by the thrusters. A jet thruster assisted leap from a stationary position
can propel the unit up to 100 feet (30.5 m) high and acrosswithout actually attaining flight or requiring a running start.
Power Jumping and travel: Getting a running start will enable the individual to leap up to 300 feet (91.5 m) lengthwise. The height of the leap is controlled by the pilot and generally ranges between 20 to 50 feet (6 to 15 m), with 20 or 30 feet of height being the norm. By leaping, landing, continuing to run a few dozen yards/meters, and power leaping again, the pilot can attain and maintain, an impressive ground speed of 170 mph (272 km), even through light forest (speed should be reduced 40% through dense vegetation or hazardous terrain to avoid accidents). Directional control is nearly total, but engaging the
jet pack to avoid a collision or bad landing may slow one's speed. Also, the flight capabilities enable the pilot to stop in mid-air if necessary.The helmet is equipped with full optical systems, including laser targeting, telescopic, passive night vision (light amplification), thermo-imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization. Plus all other features common to all power armor. Combat only. Hand to hand: +2 to parry and dodge, automatically+ 2 to dodge while traveling by means of power jumps. See Power Armor Combat Training in the Robot Combat section for other bonuses.

• Flying: The rocket propulsion system enables the suit to hover stationary up to 200 feet (61 m) or fly. Maximum flying speed is 100 mph (160 km), but cruising speed is considered to be around 60 mph (96.5 km). Maximum altitude is limited to about 200 feet (61 m).
Flying Range: The nuclear power supply gives the armor a decade of life, but the jet rockets get hot and need to cool after a maximum of two hours of continuous flight. Remember, traveling by power jumps can be maintained for an unlimited number
of hours at 170 mph.

19) Reactive armored reduce knock table by half, laser take half damage, any other beam weapon take reduce 25% damage ,

All suits Stats:
Height/length /wide add 2d6 inches weigh light starts at 40 pounds, medium weight is 60 pounds, heavy 80 pounds ... 477aio.jpg
U.S Military version
Light weight M.D.C plates
Military version
Helmet 10
Arms (2)55
Legs (2) 60
Main body 100 plus Flex suit 120 total 220
Internal robotic skeleton suit 45
Force field 150
Arms (2) 75
Legs (2)100

Standard military version for the U.S military Features:

1. Nuclear Powered: Which means they have an effectively unlimited fuel capacity and power source. Average life: 15 to 20 years.
2. Land Radar: Can identify and track up to 48 targets simultaneously at a range of 5 miles (48 km).
3. Combat Computer: Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the head up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the Targeting computer.
4. Targeting Computer: Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. 5 mile range (48 km).
5. Laser Targeting System: Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + 1 to strike when using long range weapons. Does not apply to hand to hand combat.
6. SAT COMS/Radio communication: Long range, directional communication system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short range radio. BASIC Range is 5 miles (8 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.
7. External Audio Pickup: A sound amplification listening system that can pick up a whisper 300 feet (91.5 m) away.
8. Spotlights/Visors : Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 600 feet (182 m).can blind target and gets 1d4+3 strike/dodge/roll/parry
9. Ejector amour: In case of an emergency, the pilot be instantly ejected amour (about 1000 feet) and no matter if it has 1 (one) M.D.C and take no damage.
10. Self-Destruct: A last resort measure to prevent one's robot from being captured by the enemy. The explosive damage can be destroying most of the internal systems with 2D6 x 10 M.D. However, it is very likely, 1-89% chance, that the nuclear power system is spewing forth deadly levels of radiation!
11. Voice Actuated Locking System: sealed by an automatic locking system. A six digit spoken code programmed to a specific voice(s) pattern (six voice memory) is standard operating procedure. A manual key pad is provided in case of system failure/override.
12. Complete environmental pilot by flex armor . It is air tight, pressurized and suitable
for use in all hostile environments, including under water (500 foot max. depth) and space. The following features are included.
• Computer controlled life support system.
• Internal cooling and temperature control.
• Air purification and circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier/ dehumidifier automatically engages when needed. Can recalculate breathable air for up to four weeks before getting to stale to breathe.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic fires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded.
• Polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted visor

Add on light weight 15 pounds
M.D.C plates U.S Military version
Stats add 1d6 inches to height / width / length
Helmet 40
Arms (2)55
Legs (2) 60
Main body 100
Flex suits 150
Arms (2) 75

ARM TECH Future SPEC OPS ... 477aio.jpg
Throughout the latter half of the 20th century and into the 21st century, special forces have come to higher prominence, as governments have found objectives can sometimes be better achieved by a small team of anonymous specialists than a larger and much more politically controversial conventional deployment. In both Kosovo and Afghanistan, special forces were used to co-ordinate activities between local guerrilla fighters and air power. Typically, guerrilla fighters would engage enemy soldiers and tanks causing them to move, where they could be seen and attacked from the air.

1. Nuclear Powered: Which means they have an effectively unlimited fuel capacity and power source. Average life: 15 to 20 years.
2. Land Radar: Can identify and track up to 48 targets simultaneously at a range of 5 miles (48 km).
3. Combat Computer: Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the head up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the Targeting computer.
4. Targeting Computer: Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. 5 mile range (48 km).
5. Laser Targeting System: Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + 1 to strike when using long range weapons. Does not apply to hand to hand combat.
6. SAT COMS/Radio communication: Long range, directional communication system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short range radio. BASIC Range is 5 miles (8 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.
7. External Audio Pickup: A sound amplification listening system that can pick up a whisper 300 feet (91.5 m) away.
8. Spotlights/Visors : Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 600 feet (182 m).can blind target and gets 1d4+3 strike/dodge/roll/parry
9. Ejector amour: In case of an emergency, the pilot be instantly ejected amour (about 1000 feet) and no matter if it has 1 (one) M.D.C and take no damage.
10. Self-Destruct: A last resort measure to prevent one's robot from being captured by the enemy. The explosive damage can be destroying most of the internal systems with 2D6 x 10 M.D. However, it is very likely, 1-89% chance, that the nuclear power system is spewing forth deadly levels of radiation!
11. Voice Actuated Locking System: sealed by an automatic locking system. A six digit spoken code programmed to a specific voice(s) pattern (six voice memory) is standard operating procedure. A manual key pad is provided in case of system failure/override.
12. Complete environmental pilot by flex armor . It is air tight, pressurized and suitable
for use in all hostile environments, including under water (500 foot max. depth) and space. The following features are included.
• Computer controlled life support system.
• Internal cooling and temperature control.
• Air purification and circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier/ dehumidifier automatically engages when needed. Can recalculate breathable air for up to four weeks before getting to stale to breathe.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic fires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded.
• Polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted visor

SPEC OPS other countries

Medium weight M.D.C plates
Military version
Helmet 10
Arms (2)55
Legs (2) 60
Main body 100 Flex suit add 130 total 230
Internal robotic skeleton suit 45
Arms (2) 75
Legs (2)100
Main body 125
Add 15 more to PS use robotic table

ARM TECH Future GRENADIER ... 477aio.jpg
In modern times, regiments using the name grenadiers are effectively indistinguishable from other infantry, especially when hand grenades, RPGs, and other types of explosive arms have become standard-issue weaponry; however, such regiments retain at least the tradition of their elite past. Grenadier can also refer to soldiers utilizing grenade launchers, including those mounted on rifles. During World War I a proposal to designate specialist grenade launching units in the British Army as grenadiers was vetoed by the Grenadier Guards who considered that they now had exclusive rights to the ancient distinction, and the term Bomber was substituted.
During World War I, German troops referred to as pioneers, who were early combat engineers or sappers and stormtroopers began using two types of hand grenades in trench warfare operations against the French to clear opposing trenches of troops. The more effective of the two was the so called "potato masher" Stielhandgranate, which were Stick grenades.
The last known unit to serve as grenadiers, and employing grenades as their weapons, was a special "Grenadier brigade" formed by the Red Army within the 4th Army during the Tikhvin defensive operation in October 1941. It was a measure taken because of lack of firearms, and the commander of the brigade was appropriately General Major G.T. Timofeyev who had served in one of the Russian Imperial Army's grenadier regiments during the First World War.
In the Vietnam War U.S squads usually had at least one soldier whose role was that of a grenadier. He was usually armed with an M.D.C M79 grenade launcher, although towards the end of the war it was replaced with an M.D.C XM148 grenade launcher underslinging an M.D.C M16 rifle in very small numbers. In infantry squads the grenadier was dedicated to his weapon, meaning that he usually carried only the M79 and a Colt 1911 side arm. In some cases, grenadiers were not even issued this sidearm. The M79 was designed to bridge the gap between the maximum throwing range of a grenade and the minimum distance of mortar fire. It also allowed the use of various rounds, notably M.D.C High Explosive, M.D.C buckshot, M.D.C Flechette, smoke grenades and Parachute Flares. Modern US squads have continued the concept of the grenadier armed with an M.D.C M203 grenade launcher or M320 attached to an M16 or M4.
M.D.C plates
Heavy weight 15 POUNDS
Military version
Helmet 10
Arms (2)55
Legs (2) 60
Main body 100 Flex suit 150 totals 250
Internal robotic skeleton suit 45
Arms (2) 75
Legs (2)100
Main body 125
Add 20 more to PS use robotic table, add P.P 1d4, speed add 6 to speed
Last edited by ZINO on Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:53 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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we hot six votes wow ,but we need more so vote man :)
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Unread post by Spinachcat »

There are some interesting ideas here, but the MDC values look too high on first glance. But I already think CE has out of whack stats.

Also, the USA of 2011 doesn't look or operate or resemble the US of 1811. Considering today's speed in how fast technology and culture is changing, I doubt that 2098 would follow the patterns current in 2011.
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Snake Eyes wrote:I just went back and looked at the guns....don't know how i missed them, anyway they are pretty cool.

The that doing S.D.C. damage?

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Unread post by Spinachcat »

You have the makings of a good Rifter article, but I'm liking the concepts, but not liking the numbers. I'd be happy with an article about a pre-Rifts arms dealer with a bunch of gear and adventure hooks. I'd want the article to add some intrigue and story stuff for my CE games. And since Arm Tech doesn't make a post-Rifts resurgence, it may be interesting to know what made it lost in the Dark Ages.

In my opinion, if Arm Tech was so good, it would be NEMA standard. It's not like the FBI/CIA/Special Forces goes around with second rate gear in 2011. I think its important to use NEMA gear as the best of the best, except with rare specialist items...even then it would have to be a non-NEMA specialty.

Independent arms dealers would be selling to secondary markets and thus either their gear is so specialized that only US specialist units would need it or their stuff is "good and cheap" so it becomes attractive to 2nd and 3rd tier powers. Thus, the Arm Tech should do less damage and have less MDC defense. Or some stuff could be temperamental cutting edge proto-tech that isn't rough and ready enough to operate at 100% for the long term.

It's not that they should be clearly inferior and deeply substandard, but since CE is NEMA focused, the NEMA guys shouldn't look at Arms Tech and see an upgrade. Instead, it should be "hey, this will do the job in a pinch" and since CE is all about "in a pinch", finding a cache of Arm Tech would be great news for a NEMA squad to help arm the civilian survivors.
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Unread post by NMI »

Looks good. You have some talent when it comes to this sort of stuff.
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Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Looks good. You have some talent when it comes to this sort of stuff.

wow really thank u man I am honored
thank u man
and to the artists picture as well can do it with out them
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from zino117 thank u pimp my gun com and please post your hate post on the high M.D.C Damage but if you like let me know thank good or bad or other post something PLZ dont just look

Type: M.D.C Beowulf rifle mark 2 (or M.D.C Beowulf rifle mark 2A this is special operation rifle call H.A.R.E)

Some real history
Beowulf rifle
Look at you tube
The .50 Beowulf [12.7 x 42 mm Rb] is a rifle cartridge developed by Alexander Arms for use in a modified AR-15 rifle. The cartridge utilizes a rebated rim, sized to match the rim of the 7.62x39mm and 6.5 mm Grendel rounds. It is very similar in dimensions to the .500 S&W Magnum revolver cartridge.
According to the manufacturer, it was descended from the .50 Action Express, a cartridge originally developed for the Magnum Research Desert Eagle pistol, with significant modification to improve functionality and safety in the AR-15 platform.[1]
The round is intended to improve stopping power greatly at short-to-medium range as compared to the standard 5.56mm. One of its advertised uses is at vehicle checkpoints, since the heavy bullet's flight path is not easily deflected by auto glass or standard vehicle body panels.
5.56mm compared to .50 Beowulf cartridges look at picture / link ... ridges.JPG

Design limitations

With normal bullet weights between 300 and 400 grains, overall cartridge length shorter than that of an AR-15 magazine well, and holding to pressures limited by the AR gas system, the .50 Beowulf remains at best a medium-powered cartridge. Alexander Arms uses gas ports adjusted for a pressure of 15,000 PSI, making its ballistics roughly equivalent to those of early .45-70 Government rounds rather than the higher pressure rounds tolerated by modern lever action rifles such as the Marlin Model 1895

The 50 Beowulf weapon systems was not adopted first due to other S.D.C weapon can do the same abilities but when the M.D.C race kick to high gear for war . it change add the N.A.S.A abilities ,then the new M.D.C alloys , smaller anti recoil systems ( two ) ,well balanced and easy fro troops to use right of the shelf , and easy to mass make as emery were still in small numbers ,as well as rail gun to .The 50 Beowulf would sever as a major stopping gap the change of S.D.C to M.D.C war .it was a terrible sight for both what it can do. For no imagine how horrible it was going to turn some of the world upside in ways never imagine.
Now C.E it will adopted due to get fast M.D.C by many western countries, it will be lost and be in operational use after the fall of man for about 100 to 250 year later!!! Able to go S.D.C to M.D.C, it fall under Heavy Assault Rifle Equipment or H.A.R.E, it combines both rifle with heavy M.D.C machine gun abilities .it something infantry will love to death and it will be the bane to many who have to face it . It was adopted because too fill the gap of S.D.C and M.D.C race that many countries had and the have not’s. this will be the staple of freedom for troops and law .But the AK series will be seen as the warlords , gang , rebel and wanna be tyrants and later will be used by anyone that need a quick and dirty M.D.C weapon systems . The vast amount of different types of rounds is something the operator will have for any mission operations. Like depleted uranium rounds are classified round for use for special operation and were Elite combat troops in U.S.A forces . This was a combination of ARM TECH and the USA military AND JAPAN (but not aware of this). Heavy solid rounds were to hit one target and protect the surrounding area but give the highest amount of S.D.C/ M.D.C to a target and troops that used this were well aware of not falling to enemy hand. Which they never did felled to the enemy hands. While depleted uranium rounds amour pricing rounds were soft target like body amour, I.F V to light A.P.C or heavy A.P.C in combat which came very useful in any combat operation. While depleted uranium rounds Heavy explosive rounds and depleted uranium rounds Heavy explosive amour pricing had a blast radius of 6 inches per rounds!!! This is the most devastating round add the abilities of slammer missiles or knock down table but double. The depleted uranium rounds encase in special round casing as well as round itself, also on clip and other type, even the rifle carries lead proof systems. The M.D.C Body amour adds addition protection to the flex suit as well for protection was the most important keep alive the special operation soldiers. The M.D.C Beowulf rifle mark 2(called M.D.C Beowulf rifle mark 2A) was the only weapons that can handle the recoil which were reduce by the two anti –recoil systems, well balances weight add to operator abilities to fire with ease. During combat enemy forces rather run or die. When the fall of man came they the special operations came to action taking down many many demons and saw their world destroyed. They either die hold ground where many civilian live or they held ground thinking additional support will come. But never came and die where they stand however it draws the attention of many monster and demons away from civilians. Many were able to link with N.E.M.A and give additional help, support and additional fire power. However they were military were not part of and had a total different type but adaptable hardware. There were hundreds of saved ammo and replacement parts used in the end of man civilization in the US and saved many lives .But it also open a can of worms for gangs and wanna be warlords instead of standing together. For those that tried to hold the tide of darkness that came over the world.

Damage: M.D.C
Melee weapon heavy bayonet 2d6 M.D.C, can be remove in an instant ( take no attcks)
First generation 50 caliber Beowulf 600 feet
Second generation 50 Beowulf caliber military version 6000 feet
Single round: First generation 50 caliber Beowulf 6 rounds is about two pounds been fire down range but a Second generation 50 Beowulf caliber version in M.D.C military is over 600 pounds down range !!!!! This is a force multiplier in combat range

5d4x100 S.D.C heavy solid rounds or 2 M.D.C
1d4X100 S.D.C amour pricing rounds or 4 M.D.C
1d6X100 S.D.C Heavy explosive rounds or 6 M.D.C
1D8X100 S.D.C Heavy explosive amour pricing rounds or 8 M.D.C

Short burst three rounds
Short burst three rounds Heavy solid rounds Short burst 1d6 M.D.C
Short burst three rounds Amour pricing rounds Short burst 2d6 M.D.C
Short burst three rounds Heavy explosive rounds Short burst 3d6 M.D.C
Short burst three rounds Heavy explosive amour pricing rounds Short burst 4d6 M.D.C

Medium burst four rounds
Medium burst four rounds Solid round 1d8
Medium burst Amour pricing rounds 4d4
Medium burst Heavy explosive rounds 4d6
Medium burst Heavy explosive amour pricing rounds 4d8

Long burst five round burst
Long burst five round burst Solid round 1d10 M.D.C
Long burst five Amour pricing rounds 5d4 M.D.C
Long burst five round burst Heavy explosive rounds 5d6
Long burst five Heavy explosive amour pricing rounds either 4d10 or 1d4x10 M.D.C

Full melee six round burst (sorry at one target only)
Full melee six rounds burst heavy solid rounds 2d6 M.D.C
Full melee six rounds burst amour pricing rounds 4d6
Full melee six rounds burst Heavy explosive rounds 6d6
Full melee six rounds burst Heavy explosive amour pricing(or H.E.A.T) rounds 6d8 or 1d4x10 +8

Other types of rounds

LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!
Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

depleted uranium rounds are classified round for use for special operation and were Elite combat troops in U.S.A forces . This was a combination of ARM TECH and the USA military AND JAPAN (but not aware of this). Heavy solid rounds were to hit one target and protect the surrounding area but give the highest amount of S.D.C/ M.D.C to a target and troops that used this were well aware of not falling to enemy hand. Which they never did felled to the enemy hands. While depleted uranium rounds amour pricing rounds were soft target like body amour, I.F V to light A.P.C or heavy A.P.C in combat which came very useful in any combat operation. While depleted uranium rounds Heavy explosive rounds and depleted uranium rounds Heavy explosive amour pricing had a blast radius of 6 inches per rounds!!! This is the most devastating round add the abilities of slammer missiles or knock down table but double. The depleted uranium rounds encase in special round casing as well as round itself, also on clip and other type, even the rifle carries lead proof systems. The M.D.C Body amour adds addition protection to the flex suit as well for protection was the most important keep alive the special operation soldiers . The M.D.C Beowulf rifle mark 2(called M.D.C Beowulf rifle mark 2A) was the only weapons that can handle the recoil which were reduce by the two anti –recoil systems, well balances weight add to operator abilities to fire with ease. During combat enemy forces rather run or die. When the fall of man came they the special operations came to action taking down many many demons and saw their world destroyed. They either die hold ground where many civilian live or they held ground thinking additional support will come. But never came and die where they stand however it draws the attention of many monster and demons away from civilians. Many were able to link with N.E.M.A and give additional help, support and additional fire power. However they were military were not part of and had a total different type but adaptable hardware. There were hundreds of saved ammo and replacement parts used in the end of man civilization in the US and saved many lives .But it also open a can of worms for gangs and wanna be warlords instead of standing together. For those that tried to hold the tide of darkness that came over the world.

5d6x100 S.D.C depleted uranium rounds heavy solid rounds or 3 M.D.C
1d6X100 S.D.C depleted uranium rounds amour pricing rounds or 6 M.D.C
1d8X100 S.D.C depleted uranium rounds Heavy explosive rounds or 8 M.D.C
1D10X100 S.D.C depleted uranium rounds Heavy explosive amour pricing rounds or 10 M.D.C
Short burst three rounds
Short burst three rounds D.U Heavy solid rounds short burst 2d4+1 M.D.C
Short burst three rounds D.U Amour pricing rounds short burst 3d6 M.D.C
Short burst three rounds D.U Heavy explosive rounds short burst 4d6 M.D.C
Short burst three rounds D.U Heavy explosive amour pricing rounds short burst 5d6 M.D.C

Medium burst four rounds
Medium burst four rounds D.U Solid round 2d6 M.D.C
Medium burst four rounds D.U Amour pricing rounds 4d6 M.D.C
Medium burst four rounds D.U Heavy D.U explosive rounds 4d8
Medium burst four rounds D.U Heavy explosive amour pricing rounds 1d4x10 M.D.C

Long burst five D.U round burst
Long burst five D.U round burst Solid round 4d4 M.D.C
Long burst five D.U round burst Amour pricing rounds 5d6 M.D.C
Long burst five D.U round burst Heavy explosive rounds 1d4x10 M.D.C
Long burst five D.U round burst explosive amour pricing rounds 1d4x10+8

Full melee six D.U round burst (sorry at one target only) take all 15 seconds
Full melee six D.U round burst heavy solid rounds 3d6 M.D.C
Full melee six D.U round burst pricing rounds 6d6 M.D.C
Full melee six D.U round burst Heavy explosive rounds 1d6x10
Full melee six D.U round burst Heavy explosive amour pricing rounds 2d4x10

Rate of Fire: bursts rounds
Maximum Effective Range: 6000 feet
Payload: varies look below
Clip grey (in rifle) 20 rounds (for security use)
Standard transparent clip 30 rounds
Standard transparent combat clip double clip (no need to reload second clip military version) 60 rounds
Small box clip (camouflage grey military version) next to transparent 120 rounds add one quarter pound
Light Single or dual ammo drum 150 each drum military version add half a pound
Combat Single or dual ammo drum 250 each drum military version add 1 pound
Note: double digital anti recoil systems front of rifle and rear (rifle butt area) to allow easy to use fire systems

ADD 10MM grenade launcher systems 1d10 M.D.C armor piercing, 3d6 heavy Explosive, H.E.A.P heavy explosive armor piercing 5d4 M.D.C ,plasma war head 5d4 M.D.C but add 5d4 M.D.C x 2d6 attacks not 15 seconds , tear gas Damage none , standard infrared flares , special infrared flares, standard flare , D.U grenade 5d6 slammer grenade light 1d10 ( like Triax slammer missiles ) , slammer grenade heavy 3d6( like Triax slammer missiles )

20 MM grenade launcher systems 5d4 M.D.C armor piercing, 5d6 heavy Explosive, H.E.A.P heavy explosive armor piercing 1d4x10 M.D.C ,plasma war head 1d4x10 M.D.C but add 5d4 M.D.C x 2d6 attacks not 15 seconds , tear gas Damage none , standard infrared flares , special infrared flares, standard flare , D.U grenade 1d6x10, slammer grenade light 5d4 ( like Triax slammer missiles ) , slammer grenade heavy 5d6 ( like Triax slammer missiles )

Rate of Fire: bursts grenade launcher systems two shot only
Maximum Effective Range: indirect only 3000 feet, direct 1500
Black Market Cost: grenade launcher systems 1500/ ammo 100 per box of 6 grenade launcher
10 MM -12 round clip , or 24round clip
20MM- 6 round clip , or 12 round clip
Last edited by ZINO on Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by MikelAmroni »

Other: Stat-wise everything looks good. As usual for your posts the fluff is good once you figure out where it is. Only thing I'd suggest is a possible rename (something with a cool acronym maybe?) and the obvious reformating the post needs. But while I may have issues with your formatting and spelling on certain things, I can never fault how good your ideas are. Good job on that. The EOD suits are pretty cool. The standard armaments are also pretty good. I love the ideas, but you need to work on your presentation. Still, there is a lot here and its worth the time to wade through. Good job!
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Unread post by ZINO »

Spinachcat wrote:You have the makings of a good Rifter article, but I'm liking the concepts, but not liking the numbers. I'd be happy with an article about a pre-Rifts arms dealer with a bunch of gear and adventure hooks. I'd want the article to add some intrigue and story stuff for my CE games. And since Arm Tech doesn't make a post-Rifts resurgence, it may be interesting to know what made it lost in the Dark Ages.

thank U
I am so honor and yes It more of a concepts just writing Ideas like the rest that I posted N.A.A.T and N.A.A.T Germany book 2,can their be a smart gun in rift P.W?,Robotech New Generation™ Sourcebook review ,Non A.U.L forces,post any Anti-Unification League military vehicles, and I am working on a splicer /Dead Reign™ but have not yet got to it

Spinachcat wrote:In my opinion, if Arm Tech was so good, it would be NEMA standard. It's not like the FBI/CIA/Special Forces goes around with second rate gear in 2011. I think its important to use NEMA gear as the best of the best, except with rare specialist items...even then it would have to be a non-NEMA specialty.

sorry Arm Tech is not suppose to be that good ,the next level of tech is rail guns, and beam weapons systems, wanna be exo-suits and robots but live for a certain time and die after the fall of man well most it or is a kook off version and not the best but second rate weapon systems .it just to fill the gap where the High tech M.D.C take over ,or poor countries/ terrorist states/private sector trying to sale to the military and not to N.E.M.A like army, navy , air force,, and especially special forces that don’t have the time for N.E.M.A weapon systems not ready or the funds and go to the private sector for ,or to give countries a ghost of a chance to hurt in the M.D.C arms race

Spinachcat wrote:Independent arms dealers would be selling to secondary markets and thus either their gear is so specialized that only US specialist units would need it or their stuff is "good and cheap" so it becomes attractive to 2nd and 3rd tier powers. Thus, the Arm Tech should do less damage and have less MDC defense. Or some stuff could be temperamental cutting edge proto-tech that isn't rough and ready enough to operate at 100% for the long term.

wow nice !!!AK 47 series fall here

Spinachcat wrote:It's not that they should be clearly inferior and deeply substandard, but since CE is NEMA focused, the NEMA guys shouldn't look at Arms Tech and see an upgrade. Instead, it should be "hey, this will do the job in a pinch" and since CE is all about "in a pinch", finding a cache of Arm Tech would be great news for a NEMA squad to help arm the civilian survivors.

now we talking , imagine if some gangs and magic being get there hand s on this ( which I done) that evil man love it

in any case thank you so much and want to tell u this first before I post it in public and hope I was able to hum reply back and plz burn me on this If u like wont get mad just happy u posted something which I hope I get better in time
thank U for your post again ;)
Anything Post it
if u wish or hum public if OK with U
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I recent talk with some people with great wisdom about this it just went over my head but thank man!!! will have have to do some changes stats wise guys
so give me some time to read the reply and see where I go from here
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wow 355 posts reply and vote !!!! PLZ
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Chaos Earth Descriptions

The M.D.C age allowed new firepower able to stop a tank with a hand pistol. The fire power is equal of a tank rifle. The use of new alloys allows higher damage by 100 folds!!! The alloys allow better abilities in way never dream of. The use of smaller M.D.C, add speed, and explosive abilities allows it the new firepower by a hundred folds. The new explosive charge allows better damage by hundred folds!!! The shot gun has a higher damage but gravity gives lower range but a assault rifle has longer range but lower damage and need a lot of ammo to compared to a rail or beam weapon systems .The more amount rounds fired down range the more damage and cheaper then rail gun .This allows S.D.C weapon systems offers easy transition to M.D.C where rail guns and beams weapon systems are not available. These weapon are consider light weapon systems where a rail gun does 36 (5d6 MDC OR light machine gun in the new conventional way M.D.C) to a 180 (3d6x10 M.D.C more powerful battle tank from an old Abraham battle tank 1D6x10 M.D.C single fire shot, EVEN a double tap 2d6x10 M.D.C)while the light weapon systems has to fire lots of round down range to do eqal damage . The new grams of M.D.C compared to the old S.D.C version are only 5% of the actual size CALLED micro size( AKA NANO TECH ). This allows for M.D.C damage and abilities but the law PHYSICS for every action there is an equal But opposite reaction . This where the balance is needed, high firepower, and it effects weight, recoil (when you to a strike), payload (not enough ammo), or range to short or to long, required a P.S, this applies for rifles and assault rifles and pistols.

well I look at what you told me and well hope make better sense then before and let me know if it does man
redo M.D.C
10 MM Pistols / revolver 1D4 single ( 9MM) low caliber or 1d6 single shot high caliber (10MM) /2d4 three round burst round for auto pistols

Sub machine guns 10 MM to 11 MM MD 25
Short burst 2d4 / medium burst 3D4 / long burst 4d4 / full melee 2D6
Rate of fire : Short burst 3 rounds, medium burst 6 rounds , long burst 9 rounds, full melee 12

10 TO 12 MM Rifle MDC 30
Short burst 3d4 / medium burst 4D4 / long burst 3D6 / full melee 5D4
Rate of fire : Short burst 3 rounds, medium burst 6 rounds , long burst 9 rounds, full melee 12

Machine gun .30 Caliber and .50 Caliber MD 40
Rate of fire : Short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 20 rounds, long burst 30 rounds for M.D.C machine guns
Light Machine gun
Short burst 4d4 / medium burst 3D6 / long burst 5D4 / full melee not possible
Medium /Multi-purpose Machine gun
Short burst 5d4 / medium burst 4d6 / long burst 5d6 / full melee not possible
Heavy Machine gun
Short burst 5d6 / medium burst 6d6 / long burst 1d4x10 / full melee not possible
Mega Machine gun
Short burst 6d6 / medium burst 1d4x10 / long burst 1d6x10/ full melee not possible

First generation M.D.C per round solid round
Second generation rounds A.P ROUNDS
Third generation rounds H.E Heavy explosive rounds
Forth generation H.E.A.P ROUNDS Heavy explosive rounds armor piercing rounds)
Fifth generation DU round
Sixth generation S.A.B.O.T round

can have the same systems but due to larger size gravity works against these grains and remember smaller, better and gives 100 folds more powerful. ADD 50% MORE WEIGHT AND a P.S

Impact, percussion or contact
Fuses detonate when their forward motion rapidly decreases, typically on physically striking an object such as the target. The detonation may be instantaneous or deliberately delayed to occur a preset fraction of a second after penetration of the target. An instantaneous "Superquick" fuze will detonate instantly on the slightest physical contact with the target. A fuze with a graze action will also detonate on change of direction caused by a slight glancing blow on a physical obstruction such as the ground.
Impact fuses in artillery usage may be mounted in the shell nose ("point detonating") or shell base ("base detonating").

Slug rounds are rounds that fire a single solid slug. They are used for hunting large game, and in certain military and law enforcement applications. Modern slugs are moderately accurate, especially when fired from special rifled slug barrels. They are often used in "shotgun-only" hunting zones near inhabited areas, where rifles are prohibited due to their greater range.
Is a common type of slug round. While some slugs are exactly that—a 12-gauge metal projectile in a cartridge—a sabot is a smaller but more aerodynamic projectile surrounded by a "shoe" of some other material. This "sabot" jacket seals the barrel, increasing pressure and acceleration, while also inducing spin on the projectile in a rifled barrel. Once the projectile clears the barrel, the sabot material falls away, leaving an unmarked, aerodynamic bullet to continue toward the target. The advantages over a traditional slug are increased shot power, increased bullet velocity due to the lighter-mass bullet, and increased accuracy due to the velocity and the reduction in deformation of the slug itself. Disadvantages versus a traditional slug include lower muzzle momentum due to reduced mass, reduced damage due to smaller bullet diameter, and significantly higher per-unit cost

Shot gun
Buck shot 5d4 or 5d6 military version range 100 feet max for all shot guns {I know what you told me about shot gun but this I just cant help man
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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MikelAmroni wrote:Only thing I'd suggest is a possible rename (something with a cool acronym maybe?) and the obvious reformating the post needs.

I really try my best and I know I am not hitting it ,still I try man thank for your honesty
MikelAmroni wrote:But while I may have issues with your formatting and spelling on certain things, I can never fault how good your ideas are.

tell you the truth I know I suck here in formatting and presentation ahhh it kills me .wish I had at least 50% the level of taalismn ( he awesome man!!!) and of your caliber but dont tell taalismn that ;)

MikelAmroni wrote:Good job on that. The EOD suits are pretty cool. The standard armaments are also pretty good. I love the ideas, but you need to work on your presentation. Still, there is a lot here and its worth the time to wade through. Good job!

thank u glad u like and it an horned man
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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for the name, you could come up with a Backronym. come up with something that sounds suitably corporate sounding to put in front of 'technology' to produce "A.R.M. Tech"
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
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* Good sense about trivialities is better than nonsense about things that matter.

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glitterboy2098 wrote:for the name, you could come up with a Backronym. come up with something that sounds suitably corporate sounding to put in front of 'technology' to produce "A.R.M. Tech"

wow thank U man !!!!
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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i hope you understand this ,it was fun playing it !!!! ... 3a9xov.png
Model build in 3d max 2010 and Mud-box 2011.
Textures and post-production in Photoshop CS5 ... TANK&qo=42 ... TANK&qo=42
Model build in 3d max 2010 and Mud-box 2011.
Textures and post-production in Photoshop CS5 ... 1376&qo=14 ... 3b6scb.png
Model build in 3d max 2010 and Mud-box 2011.
Textures and post-production in Photoshop CS5 ... 1376&qo=63 ... 3a9z8j.png

Model build in 3d max 2010 and Mud-box 2011.
Textures and post-production in Photoshop CS5

M1A2 Abrams TUSK 2 Armour

A.R.M Tech was busy making new type of armored when war stared they had send first M.D.C generation battle tanks with the M1A4 Abrams w/TUSK .Over 75,000 were made or allies .In the Middle East these tank did the impossible with 350 M1A3 Abrams w/TUSK and 250 Merkava . Since 1980 Abrams was the main battle tank but was changed when the new tanks were being design call hammer MBT, fist medium battle tank, bolt missile vehicles, maiden APC -10, grey falcon attack jet, AC 29 castle bomber, Iron eagle attack helicopter, Puma class medium tank, Hussar APC, Iwo-jima class MIF, striker Attack Helicopter were all in blue print and were few prototype deign not ready for combat use yet( LOOK AT Rift mercenary book AND Rifts under the sea all M.D.C are half ). ARM TECH was already ahead of the game when the saber were begin to be dusted off. The world knew of the Abrams but were ready for the nasty surprise M.D.C amour. While many saw a cheap battle tank reduce to off the self market battle tank too many allies for no one was the wiser. This gave the edge in combat looks the same but everything was new under the hood and that where ARM TECH was doing setting the was for M.D.C age. The replacement would come by 2089, that means this tank will be used for 109 years and many other allies will have the new M.D.C package will still use it. It reduces in weight from 70 tons to less than 35 tons means it will be popular and cheaper .still it can do a lot of damage and it a proven war horse. It also loved by so many Americans that even the marines and army will have a hard time letting go. Still the new generation of tanks will be deadlier and better armed. The new M1A4 Abrams w/TUSK can to do tank to tank, artillery as well operations, and last even medium range ground to air attack or triple AAA. This allowed the tank to last even longer in combat plus new weapon systems and addition amour made it a true test bed for future weapon systems. Again A.R.M tech had to show how effective MDC can be in armored and MDC weapon systems to the world.
A little history about M1 Abrams is a third-generation main battle tank produced in the United States. It is named after General Creighton Abrams, former Army Chief of Staff and Commander of US military forces in Vietnam from 1968 to 1972. The M1 is a well armed, heavily armored, and highly mobile tank designed for modern armored ground warfare. Notable features of the tank include the use of a powerful gas turbine engine (fueled with JP8 jet fuel), the adoption of sophisticated composite armor, and separate ammunition storage in a blow-out compartment for crew safety. With a weight of close to 68 short tons (almost 62 metric tons), it is one of the heaviest main battle tanks currently in service.
The M1 Abrams entered U.S. service in 1980, replacing the M60 tank. It served for over a decade alongside the improved M60A3, which had entered service in 1978. The M1 remains the principal main battle tank of the United States Army and Marine Corps, and the armies of Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Australia, and in 2010 Iraq.
Three main versions of the M1 Abrams have been deployed, the M1, M1A1, M1A2, M1A3 M1A4, incorporating improved armament, protection and electronics. These improvements, as well as periodic upgrades to older tanks have allowed this long-serving vehicle to remain in front-line service. The M1A5 is currently under development by ARM TECH.

Model Type - M1A5 Abrams w/TUSK this was the over the shelf tank and was the prototype world wide .the armored made a juggernaut in the battle filed and light called medium battle tank. ... MSS%29.jpg

Weight 30 short tons
Length Gun forward: 32.04 ft
Hull length: 26.02 ft
Width 12 ft
Height 8 ft
Crew 4 (commander, gunner, loader, driver)
Vehicles have the following features.
1. Nuclear Powered: Which means they have an effectively unlimited fuel capacity and power source. Average life: 15 to 20 years.
2. Radar: Can identify and track up to 48 targets simultaneously at a range of 30 miles (48 km).
3. Combat Computer: Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the head up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the
targeting computer.
4. Targeting Computer: Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. 30 mile range (48 km).
5. Laser Targeting System: Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + 1 to strike when using long range weapons.
6. Radio communication: Long range, directional communication system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short range radio. Range is 5 miles (8 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.
7. External Audio Pickup: A sound amplification listening system that can pick up a whisper 300 feet (91.5 m) away.
8. Spotlights: Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 600 feet (182 m).
9. Ejector seat: In case of an emergency, the pilot and crew can be instantly ejected (about 1000 feet) and parachute to safety.
10. Self-Destruct: A last resort measure to prevent one's robot from being captured by the enemy. The explosive damage is fairly self contained, destroying most of the internal systems with 2D6 x 10 M.D. However, it is very likely, 1-89% chance, that the nuclear
power system is spewing forth deadly levels of radiation!
11. Voice Actuated Locking System: The access hatch is sealed by an automatic locking system. A six digit spoken code programmed to a specific voice(s) pattern (six voice memory) is standard operating procedure. A manual key pad is provided in case
of system failure/override.
12. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment: The compartment can usually seat 2 to 6 people and is reinforced to protect the people from mega-damage. It is air tight, pressurized and suitable
For use in all hostile environments, including under water (500 foot max. depth) and space. The following features are included.
• Computer controlled life support system.
• Internal cooling and temperature control.
• Air purification and circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier/ dehumidifier automatically engages when needed. Can recirculate breathable air for up to four weeks before getting to stale to breathe.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic fires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded.
• Polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted visor

Twelve hour oxygen supply.

M.D.C by Location
By Location
Main Body 150
TUSK armored ADD 100 each on all side front, sides (2) rear / bottom/ turret and even tracks (2)
Turret 100
120mm Cannon 120
Tracks (2 sets) 100 each
Track Wheels (9) 50 each
M.D.C M.50 cal Machine Gun (2) 150
M.D.C 7.62 Machine Gun (2) 50 each
Loaders Gun Shield /turret 200
TUSK Loaders Gun Shield /turret add 100
Commanders Turret 300
Bonuses and penalties
Commanders Turret is remote operated
Loaders Turret Can be Remote operated
Army telephone at rear for infantry to communicate to crew without opening the tank up

All tank use this
Weapon Type - 120mm smoothbore Cannon
Primary Purpose - Anti-Amour
Range: 15,840 or 3 miles
Damage all are single shot
H.E.A.T Round 1d6x10 M.D.C
A.P Round 1d4x10 M.D.C
FRAG Round blast radius 25ft 5d6 M.D.C
H.E.A.P Round 2d4x10 M.D.C
D.U round with H.E.A.P Round 3d4x10 M.D.C
Fission block round 4d6x10

FOR A Dual shot called rapid fire or double tap
H.E.A.T Round 2d6x10 M.D.C
A.P Round 2d4x10 M.D.C
FRAG Round blast radius 25ft 1d6x10 M.D.C
H.E.A.P Round 4d4x10 M.D.C
D.U round with H.E.A.P Round 4d6x10 M.D.C
Fission block round 8d6x10
Rate Of Fire – single shot or dual shot called rapid fire or double tap
Payload - 40 rounds each pick THREE type of ammo
Bonuses - +2 strike tank to A.I systems ... 3a9xov.png
Model build in 3d max 2010 and Mud-box 2011.
Textures and post-production in Photoshop CS5 ... TANK&qo=42 ... TANK&qo=42
Model build in 3d max 2010 and Mud-box 2011.
Textures and post-production in Photoshop CS5 ... 1376&qo=14 ... 3b6scb.png
Model build in 3d max 2010 and Mud-box 2011.
Textures and post-production in Photoshop CS5 ... 1376&qo=63 ... 3a9z8j.png

Model build in 3d max 2010 and Mud-box 2011.
Textures and post-production in Photoshop CS5

M1A2 Abrams TUSK 2 Armour

A.R.M Tech was busy making new type of armored when war stared they had send first M.D.C generation battle tanks with the M1A4 Abrams w/TUSK .Over 75,000 were made or allies .In the Middle East these tank did the impossible with 350 M1A3 Abrams w/TUSK and 250 Merkava . Since 1980 Abrams was the main battle tank but was changed when the new tanks were being design call hammer MBT, fist medium battle tank, bolt missile vehicles, maiden APC -10, grey falcon attack jet, AC 29 castle bomber, Iron eagle attack helicopter, Puma class medium tank, Hussar APC, Iwo-jima class MIF, striker Attack Helicopter were all in blue print and were few prototype deign not ready for combat use yet( LOOK AT Rift mercenary book AND Rifts under the sea all M.D.C are half ). ARM TECH was already ahead of the game when the saber were begin to be dusted off. The world knew of the Abrams but were ready for the nasty surprise M.D.C amour. While many saw a cheap battle tank reduce to off the self market battle tank too many allies for no one was the wiser. This gave the edge in combat looks the same but everything was new under the hood and that where ARM TECH was doing setting the was for M.D.C age. The replacement would come by 2089, that means this tank will be used for 109 years and many other allies will have the new M.D.C package will still use it. It reduces in weight from 70 tons to less than 35 tons means it will be popular and cheaper .still it can do a lot of damage and it a proven war horse. It also loved by so many Americans that even the marines and army will have a hard time letting go. Still the new generation of tanks will be deadlier and better armed. The new M1A4 Abrams w/TUSK can to do tank to tank, artillery as well operations, and last even medium range ground to air attack or triple AAA. This allowed the tank to last even longer in combat plus new weapon systems and addition amour made it a true test bed for future weapon systems. Again A.R.M tech had to show how effective MDC can be in armored and MDC weapon systems to the world.
A little history about M1 Abrams is a third-generation main battle tank produced in the United States. It is named after General Creighton Abrams, former Army Chief of Staff and Commander of US military forces in Vietnam from 1968 to 1972. The M1 is a well armed, heavily armored, and highly mobile tank designed for modern armored ground warfare. Notable features of the tank include the use of a powerful gas turbine engine (fueled with JP8 jet fuel), the adoption of sophisticated composite armor, and separate ammunition storage in a blow-out compartment for crew safety. With a weight of close to 68 short tons (almost 62 metric tons), it is one of the heaviest main battle tanks currently in service.
The M1 Abrams entered U.S. service in 1980, replacing the M60 tank. It served for over a decade alongside the improved M60A3, which had entered service in 1978. The M1 remains the principal main battle tank of the United States Army and Marine Corps, and the armies of Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Australia, and in 2010 Iraq.
Three main versions of the M1 Abrams have been deployed, the M1, M1A1, M1A2, M1A3 M1A4, incorporating improved armament, protection and electronics. These improvements, as well as periodic upgrades to older tanks have allowed this long-serving vehicle to remain in front-line service. The M1A5 is currently under development by ARM TECH.

Model Type - M1A6 Abrams w/TUSK this was second generation battle tank used in the middle east and was also called medium weight battle tank .It show the world the dead old war horse it still was against the odds 35 to 1 ratio kill ratio it had in several conflicts in the middle east .

SECOND GENERATION (for us military)
M.D.C by Location
By Location
Main Body 350
TUSK armored ADD 100 each on all side front, sides (2) rear / bottom/ turret and even track (2)
Turret 100
120mm Cannon 120
Tracks (2 sets) 100 each
Track Wheels (9) 50 each
M.D.C M.50 cal Machine Gun (2) 150
M.D.C 7.62 Machine Gun (2) 50 each
Loaders Gun Shield /turret 200
TUSK Loaders Gun Shield /turret add 100
Commanders Turret 300
Force filed 150
Shield generator 100

All tank use this
Weapon Type - 120mm smoothbore Cannon
Primary Purpose - Anti-Amour
Range: 15,840 or 3 miles
Damage all are single shot
H.E.A.T Round 1d6x10 M.D.C
A.P Round 1d4x10 M.D.C
FRAG Round blast radius 25ft 5d6 M.D.C
H.E.A.P Round 2d4x10 M.D.C
D.U round with H.E.A.P Round 3d4x10 M.D.C
Fission block round 4d6x10

FOR A Dual shot called rapid fire or double tap
H.E.A.T Round 2d6x10 M.D.C
A.P Round 2d4x10 M.D.C
FRAG Round blast radius 25ft 1d6x10 M.D.C
H.E.A.P Round 4d4x10 M.D.C
D.U round with H.E.A.P Round 4d6x10 M.D.C
Fission block round 8d6x10
Rate Of Fire – single shot or dual shot called rapid fire or double tap
Payload - 40 rounds each pick THREE type of ammo
Bonuses - +2 strike tank to A.I systems

Weapon Type
(x3).50 cal machine gun (1, one above the main gun and two turret)
Primary Purpose - Anti-Infantry
Range – 6000 feet
Damage -
Rate Of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Payload - 2000 rounds
Bonuses - NA

Optional Mk 19 Automatic Grenade Launcher (replaces .50 cal mg on commander’s turret)
Purpose - anti-vehicle/infantry
Range - 3000 feet for direct fire, indirect fire 10,000 feet
Damage – 5d6 per grenade blast radius 15ft or 5d6x10 per 10 round burst, blast radius 12 feet
Rate of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Ammo : 1000 grenades

Anti-ballistic system: locations four in turret, main body one side look above

Vehicles Features

Vehicles have the following features.
1. Nuclear Powered: Which means they have an effectively unlimited fuel capacity and power source. Average life: 15 to 20 years.
2. Radar: Can identify and track up to 48 targets simultaneously at a range of 30 miles (48 km).
3. Combat Computer: Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the head up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the
targeting computer.
4. Targeting Computer: Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. 30 mile range (48 km).
5. Laser Targeting System: Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + 1 to strike when using long range weapons.
6. Radio communication: Long range, directional communication system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short range radio. Range is 5 miles (8 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.
7. External Audio Pickup: A sound amplification listening system that can pick up a whisper 300 feet (91.5 m) away.
8. Spotlights: Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 600 feet (182 m).
9. Ejector seat: In case of an emergency, the pilot and crew can be instantly ejected (about 1000 feet) and parachute to safety.
10. Self-Destruct: A last resort measure to prevent one's robot from being captured by the enemy. The explosive damage is fairly self contained, destroying most of the internal systems with 2D6 x 10 M.D. However, it is very likely, 1-89% chance, that the nuclear
power system is spewing forth deadly levels of radiation!
11. Voice Actuated Locking System: The access hatch is sealed by an automatic locking system. A six digit spoken code programmed to a specific voice(s) pattern (six voice memory) is standard operating procedure. A manual key pad is provided in case
of system failure/override.
12. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment: The compartment can usually seat 2 to 6 people and is reinforced to protect the people from mega-damage. It is air tight, pressurized and suitable
The following features are included.
• Computer controlled life support system.
• Internal cooling and temperature control.
• Air purification and circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier/ dehumidifier automatically engages when needed. Can recirculate breathable air for up to four weeks before getting to stale to breathe.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic fires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded.
• Polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted visor

Twelve hour oxygen supply.

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, -6 to dodge weight 1 ton

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T/ US military only uses 30 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

5. External audio pick up: same as robots

6. Spotlight range 1 mile hidden

7. Ejection systems: 1 ton add for crew

8. US military only ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 1 tons

9. Voice actuated locking systems

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add: 2 tons

11. US military only thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: 3 tons

13. A.I system looks below

14. Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 150 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 150 M.D.C and third hit 145 M.D.C and the firth hit 140 and so

15. Anti-ballistic system: this systems is able to shot down either a ballistic round or rounds as well missiles/Rockets at range of 2 feet to 4000 feet .Perfect for urban combat and open range as well to jungle area as well .
Range: 4000 feet to as close as 2 feet
Damage: per round hit 6d6
R.O.F: 9 thanks to AI systems
Payload: beam unlimited
Note has a 98% to hit ratio but drops when fire upon four or more side at the same time each addition side is -10%

16. US military only Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 250 or 750
Weight add: 1 tons

18. US military only Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

19. Basic EVA systems (back up)

20. This is only tank that CAN (or use infantry) come with heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the middle east wars and has made a well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 150 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for US military only

21. V.R systems able to see 180 degrees for crews

23. Special coms suite for 7 heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%

Plus add on US military only

Robot Intelligences are the more sophisticated robots and a bit beyond the current capabilities of the Coalition ( as well as US Military robots, Triax Industries and the rest of the world. In addition to the complexity of creating an artificial intelligence, the problems of practical application and prohibitive costs have encouraged most scientists to improve on the popular and efficient
robot accessory units (vehicles, power armor, etc.). Triax Industries is close, but cuirently only Cyberworks and the occasional alien from a dimensional rift have the capabilities
for creating robot intelligences. All of Cyberwork's/Archie's robots fall into the robot intelligence category because they are able to perform complex and varied tasks. Some, like the Shemarrian bots, are programmed with an elaborate sense of history and personality, including simulated human emotions. Most are also able to assess data, draw a conclusion and act on that conclusion within the parameters of their program. Unfortunately, if the data is insufficient or the conclusion is contrary to the program, the robot can not take action.

First generation ( civilian models )
robot Artificial intelligence: Automatically gets the general program
(non-military or military) and three skill programs of choice.
Equivalent I.Q. of 19.

Second generation( military model)
robot Neural intelligence: Select four skill programs in addition to. the General Program. At levels three, seven, eleven and fifteen, the neural intelligence bot can also learn three new secondary skills; only I.Q. bonus applicable and all skills start at level one, base skill level. Only these secondary skills increase with experience. Equivalent I.Q. of 23 to 30 .

General Robot Skill Program : Includes radio basic, mathematics:
basic (98%), pilot automobile, land navigation, and speaks/understands (not read) American, Spanish, Euro, and Techno-can languages; all at 94%. Also programmed for common human slang, protocol and behavior. The bot can identify and use (to some extent) the thousands of everyday tools, appliances, weapons, armor, robots, and vehicles found in the human communities. The bot also recognizes 20,000 different
life forms, including humans and common D-Bees, mutants, animals and insects. Black .
Communications: Select five. All are at 94%. Black Market

Military (Demolitions): All, plus W.P. Heavy. All at 94%.

Pilot Related: All; at 94%.

Technical: Photography, computer operation, literacy in five languages. All at 94%. Black

Weapon Proficiencies: All energy and select four others heavy weapons

Expanded Memory: This increases the number of skill programs one can place into the bot. Artificial Intelligence: Add three (3) programs. Neural System:Add two (2) programs and two
Secondary skills at all appropriate levels. .

Increasing the robot I.Q. Attribute: Costs 50,000 credits per each I.Q. point beyond the basic system attribute. Thus, to increase an I.Q. of 12 to a I.Q. of 22 costs 500,000 credits. The maximum for small bots is I.Q. 20, medium, large and humanoids, I.Q. 28. Enjoys the usual I.Q. bonus.

main Probe five
Remote Probe: An optics video probe with hover capabilities is concealed inside the robot or in a small shoulder or back launcher. The probe can be launched and remote controlled, following radio directions from the robot. The basic unit includes a video camera with telescopic lens (600 ft/91 m range) that transmits everything it sees and hears to its master bot. Range of transmissions and control is 7000 ft . M.D.C. 10, size: About the size of a soccer ball (12inches). .

360 Degree turret [b][u] Segment with 89 degree angel


Nuclear energy is the most popular form of energy used in robots and high-tech machinery. The power system is surprisingly compact, clean, and has a long lifetime, even under constant use.
One Year: One million credits.
Two Year: Two million credits.
Five Year: 4.5 million credits.
Ten Year: 8 million credits.
Twenty Year: 15 million credits.

Super-Solar Engine

Fossil fuel systems: 500 mile range replaces one ammo drum
Hybrid Fossil fuel systems : 1900 miles

Sensors and Optics

Basic Listening System: Stereo hearing capacity equal to the best human capabilities, and a narrow-band radio receiver enables the robot to hear/receive commercial radio (AM &
FM); Range: 5 miles (8 km). .

Advanced Audio System : Amplified stereo hearing; hears in the full decibel range, much like the cybernetic amplified hearing. Ultra-ear enables the bot to hear frequencies inaudible to the human ear, like 3 dog whistle. Wide-band radio receiver (not transmitter) enables the robot to listen to commercial radio stations, citizen band (C.B.), police bands and other radio transmission frequencies (Range: 50 miles/80 km with
a retractable antenna, half range without). And universal headjack.
Bonuses: + 1 to parry, + 2 to dodge, + 3 on initiative.
Note: The abilities of
the advanced audio system can be purchased individually and are identical to cybernetic systems, but cost 20% more.

Bug Detector: A small device that picks up radio signals from surveillance listening devices (bugs). Range: 50 feet (15 m).

Radar Signal Detector: A tiny radar receiver which will alert the robot with a silent alarm or pinging when he is being scanned by radar; 80% accuracy. Cost: 10,000 credits.
Wide Band Radio Receiver and Transmitter with directional capabilities. Range: 300 miles (482 km) with a retractable antenna (150 miles without the antenna). Cost: 50,000 credits.

Radio Signal Scrambler System is linked to the radio system to send and receive coded messages.

Audio Recorder: A audio disc recording system with external access. Contains 10,oo terabits of recordable disc time. Of course, the one inch discs can be used repeatedly.

Loudspeaker : Amplifies the robot's voice up to 90 decibels.

Single Voice Synthesizer: Provides the robot with a completely human sounding voice; very pleasant. Otherwise the voice is very mechanical sounding.

Modulating Voice Synthesizer and Sound Analysis Computer: Enables the robot to change the tone, base, pitch and frequency of his voice. The sound analysis computer is designed exclusively to listen, identify, remember, and analyze sounds. 100,000 different sounds are programmed into its memory, including gun shots by caliber, engines, and other sounds. It also has the capability to analyze, compare, match and remember 1,000,000 new sounds; 1 - 99% likelihood of identifying a person by voice pattern. Can imitate another person’s voice with 98% accuracy.

Inaudible Frequency Transmission: The robot can speak/transmit sound frequencies inaudible to the human ear, but audible to other robots, borgs with ultra-ear, and beings with superior hearing, such as mutant dogs. Cost: 150,000 credits.

Basic Optic System: A color sight system with an analysis computer for 3-D images; 20/20 vision. Cost: 50,000 credits.

Advanced Robot Optic System: Includes color vision, 3-D analysis, passive night sight, infrared, and ultraviolet sight. Range: 2000 ft (610m). to 5 miles
Note: Infrared vision emits a pencil-thin beam of infrared light, invisible to the human eye, but visible to another infrared system, to illuminate its target in darkness. The narrowness of the beam limits the scope of vision to about ten feet width (3 m).
Night Sight is a passive image intensifier that electronically amplifies existing ambient light to provide a visible picture without emitting any trace light of its own.

Laser Targeting System: A thin beam of light is emitted from the eyes or forehead or the weapon itself. When the light beam hits its target, a computer locks an and registers the fire command. Bonus: + 1 to strike when using a distance weapon. Not applicable to hand to hand combat. Likewise, P.P. bonuses do not apply to long-range weapons. Range:
4000 feet (1200 m).
Targeting Sight and combat computer: A special system that superimposes cross hairs for more accurate targeting. The computer recognizes 1,000,000 enemy targets, including vehicles, robots, insignias, uniforms, and known monsters. An additional 2000 targets can be added to the memory. Bonus:+1 to strike. Range: equal to optic system; usually 2000 to 45,000 feet.

Telescopic Vision: Magnifies an image area like a gun's scopeor binoculars. Automatic, self-focusing. Range: 60,000 ft 20 feet (6 m) image area.

robot Thermo-Imager: An optical heat sensor that converts the infrared
radiation of warm objects into a visible image. This device allows the robot to see in the darkness, shadows, and through smoke. Range: 20000ft(610m).

External Video and Audio Surveillance System: A high-resolution
Video camera HD, often built into the eyes, but can be a separate system, relays images directly to the robot's optic scanners and these images can be recorded as a record of events. A video receiver and transmitter system enables the robot to receive video transmissions for viewing and/or recording. The images are recorded on a six hour, three inch, video disc that is slipped into a slot in the skull or chest. The disccan be ejected at will. Range: 40 miles (64 km).

Searchlight: Built hidden in tank A 90 degree arc up and down and 180 degree rotation is standard.
High-powered light beam used to illuminate an area like a flashlight or used as a beacon. Range: 9000 feet (91.5 m).can blind other vehicles or military vehicles to infantry by -9 to strike at range weapons blind targets and get -1d6 for strike

pilots and external Bio-Scan Medical Survey Unit: A computer system designed to monitor the life signs of pilots and external biological life forms. Sensors are built in the crew area .Monitors vital signs, such as respiration, blood pressure, brain waves, and body temperature. A computerized medical system tied into the Bio-Scan computer will indicate trauma to the brain and nervous system, blood loss, presence of drugs or other unnatural agent in the blood stream, and coma condition.

Motion Detector and Warning System: Registers vibrations in the air, indicating movement. A collision warning system will sound an internal alarm to warn of an impending collision/ impact. Range: 60 feet (18 m). Bonus: Adds +1 to initiative and +3 to parry and dodge.

Sensory Antenna: Registers vibrations in the air, indicating movement, as well as having touch and heat sensor. The antenna enables the bot to maneuver, even in total darkness,
by feeling his way around. Range: Touch, usually six to twelve feet (1.8 to 3.6 m). Bonus: Blindness penalties are half and adds +1 dodge. 5 M.D.C. per antenna. :

Micro-Radar: A small, but sophisticated radar system usually used in human and animal size robots. Can identify up to 30 targets and simultaneously track 10. Rate of travel, direction, and location are indicated. Range: One mile (back up)

Maxi-Radar: A much larger and sophisticated radar system, suitable for ground and air surveillance. Can identify up to 96 targets and simultaneously track 48. Range: 50 miles (80 km) and is able to detect a cruise missile-type target flying as low as 500 feet (153 m). Cost: 600,000. Ideal for giant and vehicular robot types. Remote Probe: An optics video probe with hover capabilities is concealed inside the robot or in a small shoulder or back launcher. The probe can be launched and remote controlled, following radio directions from the robot. The basic unit includes a video camera with telescopic lens (6000 ) that transmits everything it sees and hears to its master bot. Range of transmissions and control is 20000 ft (487 m). M.D.C. 10, size: About the size of a soccer ball (12 inches).

Any female cyber jack get a plus +1d4 to initiative plus a + 2 strike in combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , Male pilots get this at third level

Flare/Chaff Launchers (5)
-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
R.O.F: one, any or all
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff roll per each flares
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 250 (X3) total 750
Weight add: 1 tons

Special coms suite
for 7 heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000 feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%

V.R systems
V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

active camouflage systems armored changes color to match back ground add +15% to prowled , +30% at night time operations ,it must lose at least 80 % of M.D.C IN main body and have 65% for systems to failure , also while systems works all missiles by heat , motion ,radar and TV or hard line AKA TOW systems get ONLY +1 to hit , but standard sight by human eye under 1000 feet normal strike applies , all other targeting systems get -6 to hit add +6 to strike/initiative at range of more than 2000 feet

All tank use this
Weapon Type - 120mm smoothbore Cannon
Primary Purpose - Anti-Amour
Range: 15,840 or 3 miles
Damage all are single shot
H.E.A.T Round 1d6x10 M.D.C
A.P Round 1d4x10 M.D.C
FRAG Round blast radius 25ft 5d6 M.D.C
H.E.A.P Round 2d4x10 M.D.C
D.U round with H.E.A.P Round 3d4x10 M.D.C
Fission block round 4d6x10

FOR A Dual shot called rapid fire or double tap
H.E.A.T Round 2d6x10 M.D.C
A.P Round 2d4x10 M.D.C
FRAG Round blast radius 25ft 1d6x10 M.D.C
H.E.A.P Round 4d4x10 M.D.C
D.U round with H.E.A.P Round 4d6x10 M.D.C
Fission block round 8d6x10
Rate Of Fire – single shot or dual shot called rapid fire or double tap
Payload - 40 rounds each pick THREE type of ammo
Bonuses - +2 strike tank to A.I systems

Weapon Type
(x3).50 cal machine gun (1, one above the main gun and two turret)
Primary Purpose - Anti-Infantry
Range – 6000 feet
Damage -
Rate Of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Payload - 2000 rounds
Bonuses - NA

Optional Mk 19 Automatic Grenade Launcher (replaces .50 cal mg on commander’s turret)
Purpose - anti-vehicle/infantry
Range - 3000 feet for direct fire, indirect fire 10,000 feet
Damage – 5d6 per grenade blast radius 15ft or 5d6x10 per 10 round burst, blast radius 12 feet
Rate of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Ammo : 1000 grenades

Anti-ballistic system: locations four in turret, main body one side look above ... 3a9xov.png
Model build in 3d max 2010 and Mud-box 2011.
Textures and post-production in Photoshop CS5 ... TANK&qo=42 ... TANK&qo=42
Model build in 3d max 2010 and Mud-box 2011.
Textures and post-production in Photoshop CS5 ... 1376&qo=14 ... 3b6scb.png
Model build in 3d max 2010 and Mud-box 2011.
Textures and post-production in Photoshop CS5 ... 1376&qo=63 ... 3a9z8j.png

Model build in 3d max 2010 and Mud-box 2011.
Textures and post-production in Photoshop CS5

M1A2 Abrams TUSK 2 Armour

A.R.M Tech was busy making new type of armored when war stared they had send first M.D.C generation battle tanks with the M1A4 Abrams w/TUSK .Over 75,000 were made or allies .In the Middle East these tank did the impossible with 350 M1A3 Abrams w/TUSK and 250 Merkava . Since 1980 Abrams was the main battle tank but was changed when the new tanks were being design call hammer MBT, fist medium battle tank, bolt missile vehicles, maiden APC -10, grey falcon attack jet, AC 29 castle bomber, Iron eagle attack helicopter, Puma class medium tank, Hussar APC, Iwo-jima class MIF, striker Attack Helicopter were all in blue print and were few prototype deign not ready for combat use yet( LOOK AT Rift mercenary book AND Rifts under the sea all M.D.C are half ). ARM TECH was already ahead of the game when the saber were begin to be dusted off. The world knew of the Abrams but were ready for the nasty surprise M.D.C amour. While many saw a cheap battle tank reduce to off the self market battle tank too many allies for no one was the wiser. This gave the edge in combat looks the same but everything was new under the hood and that where ARM TECH was doing setting the was for M.D.C age. The replacement would come by 2089, that means this tank will be used for 109 years and many other allies will have the new M.D.C package will still use it. It reduces in weight from 70 tons to less than 35 tons means it will be popular and cheaper .still it can do a lot of damage and it a proven war horse. It also loved by so many Americans that even the marines and army will have a hard time letting go. Still the new generation of tanks will be deadlier and better armed. The new M1A4 Abrams w/TUSK can to do tank to tank, artillery as well operations, and last even medium range ground to air attack or triple AAA. This allowed the tank to last even longer in combat plus new weapon systems and addition amour made it a true test bed for future weapon systems. Again A.R.M tech had to show how effective MDC can be in armored and MDC weapon systems to the world.
A little history about M1 Abrams is a third-generation main battle tank produced in the United States. It is named after General Creighton Abrams, former Army Chief of Staff and Commander of US military forces in Vietnam from 1968 to 1972. The M1 is a well armed, heavily armored, and highly mobile tank designed for modern armored ground warfare. Notable features of the tank include the use of a powerful gas turbine engine (fueled with JP8 jet fuel), the adoption of sophisticated composite armor, and separate ammunition storage in a blow-out compartment for crew safety. With a weight of close to 68 short tons (almost 62 metric tons), it is one of the heaviest main battle tanks currently in service.
The M1 Abrams entered U.S. service in 1980, replacing the M60 tank. It served for over a decade alongside the improved M60A3, which had entered service in 1978. The M1 remains the principal main battle tank of the United States Army and Marine Corps, and the armies of Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Australia, and in 2010 Iraq.
Three main versions of the M1 Abrams have been deployed, the M1, M1A1, M1A2, M1A3 M1A4, incorporating improved armament, protection and electronics. These improvements, as well as periodic upgrades to older tanks have allowed this long-serving vehicle to remain in front-line service. The M1A5 is currently under development by ARM TECH.

Model Type - M1A7 Abrams w/TUSK this was the over the shelf tank and was the prototype world wide .the armored made a juggernaut in the battle filed and light called medium battle tank. ... MSS%29.jpg

MDC the same for M1A6
ADD reactive fore filed 150 ( 6)per side on front ,sides ,rear ,top ,button
add 12 tons or 1 ton per side
All tank use this
Weapon Type - 120mm smooth bore Cannon
Primary Purpose - Anti-Amour
Range: 15,840 or 3 miles
Damage all are single shot
H.E.A.T Round 1d6x10 M.D.C
A.P Round 1d4x10 M.D.C
FRAG Round blast radius 25ft 5d6 M.D.C
H.E.A.P Round 2d4x10 M.D.C
D.U round with H.E.A.P Round 3d4x10 M.D.C
Fission block round 4d6x10

FOR A Dual shot called rapid fire or double tap
H.E.A.T Round 2d6x10 M.D.C
A.P Round 2d4x10 M.D.C
FRAG Round blast radius 25ft 1d6x10 M.D.C
H.E.A.P Round 4d4x10 M.D.C
D.U round with H.E.A.P Round 4d6x10 M.D.C
Fission block round 8d6x10
Rate Of Fire – single shot or dual shot called rapid fire or double tap
Payload - 40 rounds each pick THREE type of ammo
Bonuses - +2 strike tank to A.I systems

Weapon Type
(x3).50 cal machine gun (1, one above the main gun and two turret)
Primary Purpose - Anti-Infantry
Range – 6000 feet
Damage - 5d6 MDC each
Rate Of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Payload - 2000 rounds
Bonuses - NA

Optional Mk 19 Automatic Grenade Launcher (replaces .50 cal mg on commander’s turret)
Purpose - anti-vehicle/infantry
Range - 3000 feet for direct fire, indirect fire 10,000 feet
Damage – 5d6 per grenade blast radius 15ft or 5d6x10 per 10 round burst, blast radius 12 feet
Rate of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Ammo : 1000 grenades

The rest looks above for stats
Add for field systems 150 main shields, secondary systems 100 ... 3a9xov.png
Model build in 3d max 2010 and Mud-box 2011.
Textures and post-production in Photoshop CS5 ... TANK&qo=42 ... TANK&qo=42
Model build in 3d max 2010 and Mud-box 2011.
Textures and post-production in Photoshop CS5 ... 1376&qo=14 ... 3b6scb.png
Model build in 3d max 2010 and Mud-box 2011.
Textures and post-production in Photoshop CS5 ... 1376&qo=63 ... 3a9z8j.png

Model build in 3d max 2010 and Mud-box 2011.
Textures and post-production in Photoshop CS5

M1A2 Abrams TUSK 2 Armour

A.R.M Tech was busy making new type of armored when war stared they had send first M.D.C generation battle tanks with the M1A4 Abrams w/TUSK .Over 75,000 were made or allies .In the Middle East these tank did the impossible with 350 M1A3 Abrams w/TUSK and 250 Merkava . Since 1980 Abrams was the main battle tank but was changed when the new tanks were being design call hammer MBT, fist medium battle tank, bolt missile vehicles, maiden APC -10, grey falcon attack jet, AC 29 castle bomber, Iron eagle attack helicopter, Puma class medium tank, Hussar APC, Iwo-jima class MIF, striker Attack Helicopter were all in blue print and were few prototype deign not ready for combat use yet( LOOK AT Rift mercenary book AND Rifts under the sea all M.D.C are half ). ARM TECH was already ahead of the game when the saber were begin to be dusted off. The world knew of the Abrams but were ready for the nasty surprise M.D.C amour. While many saw a cheap battle tank reduce to off the self market battle tank too many allies for no one was the wiser. This gave the edge in combat looks the same but everything was new under the hood and that where ARM TECH was doing setting the was for M.D.C age. The replacement would come by 2089, that means this tank will be used for 109 years and many other allies will have the new M.D.C package will still use it. It reduces in weight from 70 tons to less than 35 tons means it will be popular and cheaper .still it can do a lot of damage and it a proven war horse. It also loved by so many Americans that even the marines and army will have a hard time letting go. Still the new generation of tanks will be deadlier and better armed. The new M1A4 Abrams w/TUSK can to do tank to tank, artillery as well operations, and last even medium range ground to air attack or triple AAA. This allowed the tank to last even longer in combat plus new weapon systems and addition amour made it a true test bed for future weapon systems. Again A.R.M tech had to show how effective MDC can be in armored and MDC weapon systems to the world.
A little history about M1 Abrams is a third-generation main battle tank produced in the United States. It is named after General Creighton Abrams, former Army Chief of Staff and Commander of US military forces in Vietnam from 1968 to 1972. The M1 is a well armed, heavily armored, and highly mobile tank designed for modern armored ground warfare. Notable features of the tank include the use of a powerful gas turbine engine (fueled with JP8 jet fuel), the adoption of sophisticated composite armor, and separate ammunition storage in a blow-out compartment for crew safety. With a weight of close to 68 short tons (almost 62 metric tons), it is one of the heaviest main battle tanks currently in service.
The M1 Abrams entered U.S. service in 1980, replacing the M60 tank. It served for over a decade alongside the improved M60A3, which had entered service in 1978. The M1 remains the principal main battle tank of the United States Army and Marine Corps, and the armies of Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Australia, and in 2010 Iraq.
Three main versions of the M1 Abrams have been deployed, the M1, M1A1, M1A2, M1A3 M1A4, incorporating improved armament, protection and electronics. These improvements, as well as periodic upgrades to older tanks have allowed this long-serving vehicle to remain in front-line service. The M1A5 is currently under development by ARM TECH.
M.D.C Model Type - M1A8 Abrams w/TUSK
This will be the US military main battle till the design mention earlier and be the bane for many who face it and will give the best stopping gap in the golden age. This the main battle tank fro the US military and not shared with no one. ... MSS%29.jpg

Vehicles Features

All Robot Vehicles have the following features.
1. Nuclear Powered: Which means they have an effectively unlimited fuel capacity and power source. Average life: 15 to 20 years.
2. Radar: Can identify and track up to 48 targets simultaneously at a range of 30 miles (48 km).
3. Combat Computer: Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the head up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the
targeting computer.
4. Targeting Computer: Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. 30 mile range (48 km).
5. Laser Targeting System: Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + 1 to strike when using long range weapons.
6. Radio communication: Long range, directional communication system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short range radio. Range is 5 miles (8 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.
7. External Audio Pickup: A sound amplification listening system that can pick up a whisper 300 feet (91.5 m) away.
8. Spotlights: Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 600 feet (182 m).
9. Ejector seat: In case of an emergency, the pilot and crew can be instantly ejected (about 1000 feet) and parachute to safety.
10. Self-Destruct: A last resort measure to prevent one's robot from being captured by the enemy. The explosive damage is fairly self contained, destroying most of the internal systems with 2D6 x 10 M.D. However, it is very likely, 1-89% chance, that the nuclear
power system is spewing forth deadly levels of radiation!
11. Voice Actuated Locking System: The access hatch is sealed by an automatic locking system. A six digit spoken code programmed to a specific voice(s) pattern (six voice memory) is standard operating procedure. A manual key pad is provided in case
of system failure/override.
12. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment: The compartment can usually seat 2 to 6 people and is reinforced to protect the people from mega-damage. It is air tight, pressurized and suitable
For use in all hostile environments, including under water (500 foot max. depth) and space. The following features are included.
• Computer controlled life support system.
• Internal cooling and temperature control.
• Air purification and circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier/ dehumidifier automatically engages when needed. Can recirculate breathable air for up to four weeks before getting to stale to breathe.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magicfires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded.
• Polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted visor

Twelve hour oxygen supply.

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, -6 to dodge weight 1 ton

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T/ US military only uses 30 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

5. External audio pick up: same as robots

6. Spotlight range 1 mile hidden

7. Ejection systems: 1 ton add for crew

8. US military only ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 1 tons

9. Voice actuated locking systems

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add: 2 tons

11. US military only thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: 3 tons

13. A.I system looks below

14. Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 150 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 150 M.D.C and third hit 145 M.D.C and the firth hit 140 and so

15. Anti-ballistic system: this systems is able to shot down either a ballistic round or rounds as well missiles/Rockets at range of 2 feet to 4000 feet .Perfect for urban combat and open range as well to jungle area as well .
Range: 4000 feet to as close as 2 feet
Damage: per round hit 6d6
R.O.F: 9 thanks to AI systems
Payload: beam unlimited
Note has a 98% to hit ratio but drops when fire upon four or more side at the same time each addition side is -10%

16. US military only Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 250 or 750
Weight add: 1 tons

18. US military only Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

19. Basic EVA systems (back up)

20. This is only tank that CAN (or use infantry) come with heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the middle east wars and has made a well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 150 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for US military only

21. V.R systems able to see 180 degrees for crews

23. Special coms suite for 7 heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%

Plus add on US military only

Robot Intelligences are the more sophisticated robots and a bit beyond the current capabilities of the Coalition ( as well as US Military robots, Triax Industries and the rest of the world. In addition to the complexity of creating an artificial intelligence, the problems of practical application and prohibitive costs have encouraged most scientists to improve on the popular and efficient
robot accessory units (vehicles, power armor, etc.). Triax Industries is close, but cuirently only Cyberworks and the occasional alien from a dimensional rift have the capabilities
for creating robot intelligences. All of Cyberwork's/Archie's robots fall into the robot intelligence category because they are able to perform complex and varied tasks. Some, like the Shemarrian bots, are programmed with an elaborate sense of history and personality, including simulated human emotions. Most are also able to assess data, draw a conclusion and act on that conclusion within the parameters of their program. Unfortunately, if the data is insufficient or the conclusion is contrary to the program, the robot can not take action.

First generation ( civilian models )
robot Artificial intelligence: Automatically gets the general program
(non-military or military) and three skill programs of choice.
Equivalent I.Q. of 19.

Second generation( military model)
robot Neural intelligence: Select four skill programs in addition to. the General Program. At levels three, seven, eleven and fifteen, the neural intelligence bot can also learn three new secondary skills; only I.Q. bonus applicable and all skills start at level one, base skill level. Only these secondary skills increase with experience. Equivalent I.Q. of 23 to 30 .

General Robot Skill Program : Includes radio basic, mathematics:
basic (98%), pilot automobile, land navigation, and speaks/understands (not read) American, Spanish, Euro, and Techno-can languages; all at 94%. Also programmed for common human slang, protocol and behavior. The bot can identify and use (to some extent) the thousands of everyday tools, appliances, weapons, armor, robots, and vehicles found in the human communities. The bot also recognizes 20,000 different
life forms, including humans and common D-Bees, mutants, animals and insects. Black .
Communications: Select five. All are at 94%. Black Market

Military (Demolitions): All, plus W.P. Heavy. All at 94%.

Pilot Related: All; at 94%.

Technical: Photography, computer operation, literacy in five languages. All at 94%. Black

Weapon Proficiencies: All energy and select four others heavy weapons

Expanded Memory: This increases the number of skill programs one can place into the bot. Artificial Intelligence: Add three (3) programs. Neural System: Add two (2) programs and two
Secondary skills at all appropriate levels. .

Increasing the robot I.Q. Attribute: Costs 50,000 credits per each I.Q. point beyond the basic system attribute. Thus, to increase an I.Q. of 12 to a I.Q. of 22 costs 500,000 credits. The maximum for small bots is I.Q. 20, medium, large and humanoids, I.Q. 28. Enjoys the usual I.Q. bonus.

main Probe five
Remote Probe: An optics video probe with hover capabilities is concealed inside the robot or in a small shoulder or back launcher. The probe can be launched and remote controlled, following radio directions from the robot. The basic unit includes a video camera with telescopic lens (600 ft/91 m range) that transmits everything it sees and hears to its master bot. Range of transmissions and control is 7000 ft . M.D.C. 10, size: About the size of a soccer ball (12inches). .

360 Degree turret [b][u] Segment with 89 degree angel


Nuclear energy is the most popular form of energy used in robots and high-tech machinery. The power system is surprisingly compact, clean, and has a long lifetime, even under constant use.
One Year: One million credits.
Two Year: Two million credits.
Five Year: 4.5 million credits.
Ten Year: 8 million credits.
Twenty Year: 15 million credits.

Super-Solar Engine

Fossil fuel systems: 500 mile range replaces one ammo drum
Hybrid Fossil fuel systems : 1900 miles

Sensors and Optics

Basic Listening System: Stereo hearing capacity equal to the best human capabilities, and a narrow-band radio receiver enables the robot to hear/receive commercial radio (AM &
FM); Range: 5 miles (8 km). .

Advanced Audio System : Amplified stereo hearing; hears in the full decibel range, much like the cybernetic amplified hearing. Ultra-ear enables the bot to hear frequencies inaudible to the human ear, like 3 dog whistle. Wide-band radio receiver (not transmitter) enables the robot to listen to commercial radio stations, citizen band (C.B.), police bands and other radio transmission frequencies (Range: 50 miles/80 km with
a retractable antenna, half range without). And universal headjack.
Bonuses: + 1 to parry, + 2 to dodge, + 3 on initiative.
Note: The abilities of
the advanced audio system can be purchased individually and are identical to cybernetic systems, but cost 20% more.

Bug Detector: A small device that picks up radio signals from surveillance listening devices (bugs). Range: 50 feet (15 m).

Radar Signal Detector: A tiny radar receiver which will alert the robot with a silent alarm or pinging when he is being scanned by radar; 80% accuracy. Cost: 10,000 credits.
Wide Band Radio Receiver and Transmitter with directional capabilities. Range: 300 miles (482 km) with a retractable antenna (150 miles without the antenna). Cost: 50,000 credits.

Radio Signal Scrambler System is linked to the radio system to send and receive coded messages.

Audio Recorder: A audio disc recording system with external access. Contains 10,oo terabits of recordable disc time. Of course, the one inch discs can be used repeatedly.

Loudspeaker : Amplifies the robot's voice up to 90 decibels.

Single Voice Synthesizer: Provides the robot with a completely human sounding voice; very pleasant. Otherwise the voice is very mechanical sounding.

Modulating Voice Synthesizer and Sound Analysis Computer: Enables the robot to change the tone, base, pitch and frequency of his voice. The sound analysis computer is designed exclusively to listen, identify, remember, and analyze sounds. 100,000 different sounds are programmed into its memory, including gun shots by caliber, engines, and other sounds. It also has the capability to analyze, compare, match and remember 1,000,000 new sounds; 1 - 99% likelihood of identifying a person by voice pattern. Can imitate another person’s voice with 98% accuracy.

Inaudible Frequency Transmission: The robot can speak/transmit sound frequencies inaudible to the human ear, but audible to other robots, borgs with ultra-ear, and beings with superior hearing, such as mutant dogs. Cost: 150,000 credits.

Basic Optic System: A color sight system with an analysis computer for 3-D images; 20/20 vision. Cost: 50,000 credits.

Advanced Robot Optic System: Includes color vision, 3-D analysis, passive night sight, infrared, and ultraviolet sight. Range: 2000 ft (610m). to 5 miles
Note: Infrared vision emits a pencil-thin beam of infrared light, invisible to the human eye, but visible to another infrared system, to illuminate its target in darkness. The narrowness of the beam limits the scope of vision to about ten feet width (3 m).
Night Sight is a passive image intensifier that electronically amplifies existing ambient light to provide a visible picture without emitting any trace light of its own.

Laser Targeting System: A thin beam of light is emitted from the eyes or forehead or the weapon itself. When the light beam hits its target, a computer locks an and registers the fire command. Bonus: + 1 to strike when using a distance weapon. Not applicable to hand to hand combat. Likewise, P.P. bonuses do not apply to long-range weapons. Range:
4000 feet (1200 m).

Targeting Sight and combat computer: A special system that superimposes cross hairs for more accurate targeting. The computer recognizes 1,000,000 enemy targets, including vehicles, robots, insignias, uniforms, and known monsters. An additional 2000 targets can be added to the memory. Bonus:+1 to strike. Range: equal to optic system; usually 2000 to 45,000 feet.

Telescopic Vision: Magnifies an image area like a gun's scopeor binoculars. Automatic, self-focusing. Range: 60,000 ft 20 feet (6 m) image area.

robot Thermo-Imager: An optical heat sensor that converts the infrared
radiation of warm objects into a visible image. This device allows the robot to see in the darkness, shadows, and through smoke. Range: 20000ft(610m).

External Video and Audio Surveillance System: A high-resolution
Video camera HD, often built into the eyes, but can be a separate system, relays images directly to the robot's optic scanners and these images can be recorded as a record of events. A video receiver and transmitter system enables the robot to receive video transmissions for viewing and/or recording. The images are recorded on a six hour, three inch, video disc that is slipped into a slot in the skull or chest. The disccan be ejected at will. Range: 40 miles (64 km).

Searchlight: Built hidden in tank A 90 degree arc up and down and 180 degree rotation is standard.
High-powered light beam used to illuminate an area like a flashlight or used as a beacon. Range: 9000 feet (91.5 m).can blind other vehicles or military vehicles to infantry by -9 to strike at range weapons blind targets and get -1d6 for strike

pilots and external Bio-Scan Medical Survey Unit: A computer system designed to monitor the life signs of pilots and external biological life forms. Sensors are built in the crew area .Monitors vital signs, such as respiration, blood pressure, brain waves, and body temperature. A computerized medical system tied into the Bio-Scan computer will indicate trauma to the brain and nervous system, blood loss, presence of drugs or other unnatural agent in the blood stream, and coma condition.

Motion Detector and Warning System: Registers vibrations in the air, indicating movement. A collision warning system will sound an internal alarm to warn of an impending collision/ impact. Range: 60 feet (18 m). Bonus: Adds +1 to initiative and +3 to parry and dodge.

Sensory Antenna: Registers vibrations in the air, indicating movement, as well as having touch and heat sensor. The antenna enables the bot to maneuver, even in total darkness,
by feeling his way around. Range: Touch, usually six to twelve feet (1.8 to 3.6 m). Bonus: Blindness penalties are half and adds +1 dodge. 5 M.D.C. per antenna. :

Micro-Radar: A small, but sophisticated radar system usually used in human and animal size robots. Can identify up to 30 targets and simultaneously track 10. Rate of travel, direction, and location are indicated. Range: One mile (back up)

Maxi-Radar: A much larger and sophisticated radar system, suitable for ground and air surveillance. Can identify up to 96 targets and simultaneously track 48. Range: 50 miles (80 km) and is able to detect a cruise missile-type target flying as low as 500 feet (153 m). Cost: 600,000. Ideal for giant and vehicular robot types. Remote Probe: An optics video probe with hover capabilities is concealed inside the robot or in a small shoulder or back launcher. The probe can be launched and remote controlled, following radio directions from the robot. The basic unit includes a video camera with telescopic lens (6000 ) that transmits everything it sees and hears to its master bot. Range of transmissions and control is 20000 ft (487 m). M.D.C. 10, size: About the size of a soccer ball (12 inches).

Any female cyber jack get a plus +1d4 to initiative plus a + 2 strike in combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , Male pilots get this at third level

Flare/Chaff Launchers (5)
-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
R.O.F: one, any or all
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff roll per each flares
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 250 (X3) total 750
Weight add: 1 tons

Special coms suite
for 7 heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000 feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%

V.R systems
V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

active camouflage systems armored changes color to match back ground add +15% to prowled , +30% at night time operations ,it must lose at least 80 % of M.D.C IN main body and have 65% for systems to failure , also while systems works all missiles by heat , motion ,radar and TV or hard line AKA TOW systems get ONLY +1 to hit , but standard sight by human eye under 1000 feet normal strike applies , all other targeting systems get -6 to hit add +6 to strike/initiative at range of more than 2000 feet

Class - Main Battle Tank
Crew – 2 ( thanks to A.I systems)or 1 4 ( thanks to A.I systems)to 4
M.D.C by Location
Main Body base 790 M.D.C but plus w/TUSK # 300 M.D.C for the front, sides, turret, under
Turret 300 plus w/TUSK # 300 M.D.C
120mm Cannon 120 M.D.C
Tracks (2 sets) 100 each
M.D.C .50 cal Machine Gun (3)
Loaders Gun Shield /turret (3)200 M.D.C but plus w/TUSK# 300 M.D.C
Commanders Turret 200 M.D.C but plus w/TUSK # 300 M.D.C
# is the first to get damage, but must take 75 MDC or less do no damage
Weight 70 short tons
Length Gun forward: 32.04 ft
Hull length: 26.02 ft
Width 12 ft
Height 8 ft

All tank use this
Weapon Type - 120mm smoothbore Cannon
Primary Purpose - Anti-Amour
Range: 15,840 or 3 miles indirect fire 10 miles 52800 feet
Damage all are single shot
H.E.A.T Round 1d6x10 M.D.C
A.P Round 1d4x10 M.D.C
FRAG Round blast radius 25ft 5d6 M.D.C
H.E.A.P Round 2d4x10 M.D.C
D.U round with H.E.A.P Round 3d4x10 M.D.C
Fission block round 4d6x10
all are smart rounds add +2 to strike

FOR A Dual shot called rapid fire or double tap
H.E.A.T Round 2d6x10 M.D.C
A.P Round 2d4x10 M.D.C
FRAG Round blast radius 25ft 1d6x10 M.D.C
H.E.A.P Round 4d4x10 M.D.C
D.U round with H.E.A.P Round 4d6x10 M.D.C
Fission block round 8d6x10
Rate Of Fire – single shot or dual shot called rapid fire or double tap
Payload - 40 rounds each pick THREE type of ammo
Bonuses - +2 strike tank to A.I systems

Weapon systems as above but can use the
four M.D.C machine gun and five grenade launcher systems
one machine gun next to the side of main gun ,three on top , five on turret ,three next to M.D.C machine gun and one side of the main turret
M.D.C machine gun range 3 miles
RG-14 Rapid Acceleration Electromagnetic Rail Gun (1): The Famous "Boom Gun" is a unique rail gun that can accelerate its Flechette style rounds to a speed of Mach 2 and actually creates a sonic boom when fired. The weapon is the most powerful Pre-Rifts weapon to survive the Time of Rifts and has not yet been successfully duplicated or seen as a worthwhile item for duplication (other comparable weapons exist without the detriments of a sonic boom and shock waves to be overcome). The blast is so powerful that without the automatic stabilization system, the tank would be thrown to the ground and knocked back 30 feet. However the weight the of tank weight 70 tons allow to carry the Famous "Boom Gun” with no pylon! That right A.R.M tech was able to test these weapon systems during the middle east wars and was the true terror .It was hard to tell what weapon systems being used until it open on a target ,many died in a flash not knowing what hit them.

Primary Purpose: Assault and Anti-Armor.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft
Weight: Rail Gun: 867 lbs (390 kg).
One Boom Gun Flechette round holds 200 slugs that inflict 3D6x 10 M.D.
Effects of the Sonic Boom: The tank is specially insulated from the shock waves of the Boom Gun, however, everybody within 200 feet will be temporarily deafened. Characters without any type of head/ear protection will be temporarily deafened for 2D4 minutes and are -8 on initiative and —3 to parry and dodge. Characters who are in protective body or power armor will have some protection, but are still temporarily deafened for 1D4 minutes; same penalties apply. Each sonic boom adds to the duration of the deafness. The sonic boom will also affect the physical surroundings by shaking buildings and shattering S.D.C. windows within 300 feet of the boom.
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot and his power armor (usually 4-6, see Power Armor Training).
Bursts and sprays are not possible!
Maximum Effective Range: 11,000 feet (about two miles/3.2 km).
Payload: 300 rounds
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A.R.M. Tech North America before the fall of man was able to get started in the industrial espionage and later as a M.D.C race allowed to take the initiative . This allowed a major advantage for military in the US and other allies . but was stolen MDC tech alloys was not the same but work . ARM Tech became the leader in stopping gap for many military forces and cheap to introduce. Last the Agency Design work perfect in North America and later controlled over sea mercenary unit that many military were no longer need .

Agency Design

4. Superspy Agency. The player characters' main enemies are villains with extraordinary powers, devices and/or skills. Because of this, the organization is generously funded and equipped. 300 POINTS are available.
5. Mega-Spy Agency. An agency of this size and power indicates that the role-playing world is extremely dangerous. Most, if not all, of the bad guys also belong to agencies with lots of points. And the opposition will have plenty of skills and powers to test the mettle of the player characters. 400 POINTS are available

A. Outfits
. The standard clothing issued by the agency to its members. Replacement of any agency issued outfits is automatic.
30 Points
6. Unlimited Clothing. The agency offers any and all clothing Gimmicks for any standard clothing, uniforms or specialty outfits. Any quality level is available, and the world's top designers are on call to specially make appropriate outfits for any agent. Agency Cost: 50 Points

B. Equipment.
This describes all the equipment and supplies provided free of charge by the agency. Replacement of any lost or damaged, agency-issued equipment is automatic.

C. Weapons.
This includes all the weapons issued from the agency's armory. Any agency-issued weapons come with an unlimited supply of ammunition. Any expended ammo or damage weapons are replaced automatically
4. Ninja Weapons. Any and all Ninja, Martial Arts and Ancient Weapons are provided. This includes swords, bows, spears and the like. Ammunition is restricted to arrows, shuriken, slingshot pellets and so forth. Agency Cost: 10 Points
5. The Arsenal. Each agent is allowed to choose up to $50,000 worth of weapons, with all appropriate ammunition included. Agency Cost: 30 Points
6. Unlimited Weapons. Characters belonging to the agency can take any and all available weapons and gimmick weapons, as they are needed. Agency Cost: 50 Points
4. Ninja Weapons. Any and all Ninja, Martial Arts and Ancient Weapons are provided. This includes swords, bows, spears and the like. Ammunition is restricted to arrows, shuriken, slingshot pellets and so forth. Agency Cost: 10 Points
5. The Arsenal. Each agent is allowed to choose up to $50,000 worth of weapons, with all appropriate ammunition included. Agency Cost: 30 Points
6. Unlimited Weapons. Characters belonging to the agency can take any and all available weapons and gimmick weapons, as they are needed. Agency Cost: 50 Points

D. Vehicles.
Transportation provided by the agency to the characters. Also includes information on the agency's fleet of vehicles.
6. Unlimited Vehicles. Any existing vehicle is available, including rare and expensive models (I'll take a 1928 Duesenberg, Model SJ.) Any and all modifications, including one"conversion"

E. Communications.
This is a measure of how good the communications network and devices are in the agency.
5. Satellite Network. Instant communications anywhere in the world is provided through a system of ground-based, microwave transmitters and satellite relay stations. Each and every individual agent is wired with a scrambled, private signal channel. Computer networks and other sophisticated services are employed. Agency Cost: 30 Points
6. Unlimited Communications. The agency has a private satellite network with 12 dedicated satellites covering the globe, its own private telephone network, and a private mail carrier system. Plus a worldwide data network serviced by a supercomputer at each main HQ. Agency Cost: 50 Points

F. Offices and Distribution. Just how widespread the offices and personnel of the organization are.
4. Regional.(ARM Tech north America) The agency has offices in all the cities of its own country, and in all the major cities of all neighboring countries. Field agents cover all strategic areas in the home country and in any bordering countries. Agency Cost: 15 Points
5. International.( central /south America , Europe and the middle east) Agency maintains major offices in every major city in the world. Have field agents in every capital city and in most strategic locations. Agency Cost: 25 Points
6. Ubiquitous. Every city in the world has an office or a field agent representing the agency. This agency is everywhere, with their people covering every population center of 50,000 or more. Agency Cost: 50 Points

G. Military Power.
The amount of military force that the agency can command directly. Note that directly means just that; the agency can order around the unit without needing permission or authorization from any other source.
3. Militia. (A.R.M tech in all head quarters ) The agency can call directly on a 150 man force of national guardsmen. They have access to standard military weapons and equipment. Agency Cost: 10 Points
4. Private Army. ( North America)A small unit of 200 experienced mercenaries and combat veterans. They come complete with weapons and equipment. Constantly on duty and ready to be mobilized. Agency Cost: 20 Points
5. Strike Force. ( one central America and south America ) One of the country's commando battalions, with up to 450 soldiers, is ready to be airlifted to anywhere in the world at a moment's notice. Includes infantry weapons, eight tanks, and four artillery pieces, plus three armed helicopters. Agency Cost: 30 Points
6. Major Strategic Force. ( one in Europe and middle east ,and Africa)The agency directly commands a 5,000 soldier force complete with vehicles, aircraft, artillery and shipping. Agency Cost: 50 Points

H. Sponsorship. Exactly who is controlling the agency, providing them with their leadership and their real source of funds?
2. Military.( U.S.A Military) The agency is run by a unit of the military that is specifically concerned with military goals. Spying on enemy armies, stealing military secrets, and national security are always top priorities. Agency Cost: 4 Point
4. Government. .( U.S.A Government) This kind of agency is sponsored by an official government and is covered by the government's legal framework. The group's emphasis can range from fighting crime to internal security (ferreting out moles and traitors in government departments), to external investigation (international spying). Agency Cost: 10 Points
6. Agent Sponsored. (A.R.M Tech ) The agents themselves control the agency, and can set policy and choose whatever goals they like. Agency Cost: 50 Points

I. Budget. Reveals the money available, not for regular operating costs, but for any kind of special projects. In other words, how much money is available to "front" an operation.
6. Mega Bucks. .( U.S.A ) Agency has up to $5 billion available. Agency Cost: 50 Pointsany important mission. Agency Cost: 25 Points
5. Big Bucks. (A.R.M Tech )Agency can get up to $100 million. AgencyCost: 35 Points
6. Mega Bucks. Agency has up to $5 billion available.Agency Cost: 50 Points

Freedom the agents have.

6. Above the Law. The agency is given authority above the laws of its country. Agents can do anything they wish. Not possible in the U.S., or most Western democracies, but definitely an option in communist, most oriental and third world countries. Agency Cost: 50 Points

K. Internal Security.
This is the level of internal infiltration that the agency is vulnerable to. Note that this is the only thing that prevents spies from already having been placed in the organization. It varies according to the agency's security measures. Enemy agents, moles, "turned" employees, and other unreliable can only be prevented with high levels of internal security.
4. Iron-Clad. Every entrance and exit is under constant video monitoring. Everyone entering is checked for fingerprints signature, subjected to a metal detector and must be personally recognized. Only a 5% chance of finding a mole in any office.Agency Cost: 25 Points

5. Paranoid. Everybody entering is strip searched, and no one can so much as enter a bathroom without surveillance. Multiple checkpoints and constant personnel checking reduce infiltrations to less than a 3% chance in each office. Agency Cost: 30 Points
6. Impregnable. An insanely complicated barrage of tests, signs and countersigns, searches, and (choose one) either X-ray Checking (comparing skeleton/dental patterns to make positive ID), Retinal Scans, or Biochemical (checking a person's blood type and genetic markers for positive identification) for each and every person entering any office of the agency. Only a 1% chance of an infiltrator being found anywhere in the agency. Agency Cost: 50 Points

L. External Infiltration. A measure of how well the player characters' agency has infiltrated and corrupted enemy organizations. There are even attempts at infiltrating friendly or allied agencies (just in case). An important side benefit of external infiltration is that captured characters may be provided with"accidental" opportunities to escape by friendly infiltrators4. General Infiltration. The agency has placed infiltrate or sand moles throughout the enemy agency's structure. Thereis a 5% chance that each employee of each enemy agency is working with the player characters. Agency Cost: 25 Points
5. Blanket Infiltration. Every enemy agent encountered is 5% likely to be secretly working for the group's agency.
Agency Cost: 35 Points
6. Major Infiltration. Not only is the structure of all enemy organizations filled with informers, but the actual leadership of the opposition has at least one mole among them. Of course, this mole can only be used once, so it's likely that he/she will not be exposed for anything short of global catastrophe.
Agency Cost: 50 Points

M. Agency Credentials.
Just what is the reputation and authority of the agency? The credentials determine just how much respect the characters' agents can command.
2. Unknown. No one has even heard of the agency. They get no cooperation and receive no attention. Agency Cost: 3 Points

N. Agency Salary.
The amount of money received weekly by the player characters. Check the character's O.C.C. for the base salary (it's listed under Income).
3. Freelance. Agents are paid at the completion of each assignment. Price can vary, but generally it's 3 times the base salary per job. Agency Cost: 5 Points
4. Civil Servants. Characters receive exactly their base salary. The job doesn't pay well compared to private industry, but job security is solid. Will often get a 1D4 x $100 bonus for a successful or profitable assignment. Agency Cost: 10 Points
5. Excellent. Characters get four (4) times their base pay. They can afford to dress well, eat well, and live upper-class lives. Agency Cost: 20 Points
6. Outrageous. Want your characters to hang around with Jackie and Princess Di and the rest of the jet set? This feature pays them twenty times their base salary. Agency Cost: 50 Points

A.R.M Tech
A.R.M Tech in mexcico ,central America ,South America North and South Pole , Europe ,Middle East Africa ,all of asia pacifc and atlantic ocaens ,this applies outside the US
A. Outfits
4. Specialty Clothing
5. Gimmick Clothing
6. Unlimited Clothing
B. Equipment No Magic Technologies
C. Vehicles
4. Combat Cars
5. Specialty Vehicles
6. Unlimited Vehicles D. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots
4. Advanced Weaponry
5. Extensive Weaponry
6. Maximum Firepower
E. Communications
4. Full Range System
5. Deluxe Com. Network
6. Superior Communications
F. Internal Security
3. Tight
4. Iron-Clad
5. Paranoid
6. Impregnable
G. Permanent Bases
2. Partial Headquarters
3. Headquarters
4. Fortified Headquarters
5. Company Town
6. Company City
H. Intelligence Resources
All but no magic and pisices
I. Special Budget
4. Large Loans
5. Big Bucks
6. Mega Bucks
J. General Alignment
5. Unprincipled/Scrupulous
Criminal Activity
All but 7. Psychic Enforcer (1) or magic
3. Unknown
4. Known
4. Good Salary
5. Excellent Salary
6. Outrageous Salary
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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T-72 Main Battle Tank

A.R.M Tech
A.R.M Tech was the leader in stopping gap technologies able to get the US, United Kingdom, and ISRAEL in I.D.F the new M.D.C armored tech .allowed these country to stay ahead in military warfare but industrial espionage allowed Russian to test new tech middle in the east was the place. The reason behind this was to keep the world as much as possible from know about the new M.D.C technologies and the horrors it brings to the battle fields of earth. The following were really test for the true next generation of tanks, IFF, APV and robots. But also for allied countries that are up with rail guns or beam weapon systems these are the have not within allied powers but A.R.M Tech is the light at the end of the tunnel. But will provide new weapons systems to test in the new battle fields of earth this will save Columbia that’s to ARM tech intervention and other small countries to allow human to survive in the second dark ages. When the fall of man hit the fan ARM Tech was able to get a lot of old cold war and used at the end .they lasted about 210 year after the fall of man civilizations in North America it allowed to save human lives thousands of times during the dark ages .you can see all the weapon systems that were tested in rifts Merc Ops page 127 and up but are really prototype models that G.A.W is making 300 years later !!!! ... rden_1.JPG
T-72 Main Battle Tank

T-72 Main Battle Tank be highly effective in protecting the crew from nuclear contamination
(it has a skin layer of lead-based foam). The armaments on this tank include a 125mm fully stabilized gun (the 125 mm was needed to make the knock off weapons systems and mechanical auto fire systems) and a 7.62mm PKT machine gun which is mounted co-axially with the main armament. A total of 100 rounds of 125mm ammunition is carried, a typical load consists of 12 APFSDS, 22 HE, and 6 HEAT.
Country: USSR, Crew: 3,
Weight: 25 tons,
Length: (with gun forward) 9.24 m (30 ft, 3 inches),
Width: 3.6 m (11 ft, 9inches),
Height: 2.37 m (7 ft, 9 inches),
Maximum Speed: 60 km/h (37.25 mph), km/h (37.25 mph), Maximum Range: 480 km (298 miles) for fossil fuel systems or battery powered 2 weeks
Weapons & Damage:
125mm gun:
H.E 5d6 MDC blast radius 10 feet
A.P.F.S.D.S 4d10 MDC
H.E.A.T 1d6x10 MDC
R.O.F: single fire
Range: 2 miles
Payload: 100 rounds
And one 7.62mm PKT machine gun: 1D4X 10+10 S.D.C / or 1d10 M.D.C per 20 rounds Note The turret is equipped with a 14.5mm KPV heavy machine gun and a co-axial 7.62mm
PKT machine gun. A total of 500 rounds of 14.5mm and 2,000 rounds of 7.62mm ammunition are carried. 14.5mm KPV heavy machine gun: 5d4 M.D.C for every 10 round burst, 7.62mm 1d10 M.D.C for every 20 round burst range 4000 feet

Note: The cannon can also fire practice, AP, CS, stun, smoke, and illuminating rounds.

Structural Damage Capacity (M.D.C.): 110 Main body M.D.C , turret main 45 M.D.C, tracks 25 M.D.C(2),tank rifle 75 M.D.C, top hatch (2) 25 knock off version

Elite version
Structural Damage Capacity (M.D.C.): 310 Main body M.D.C, reactive armored turret 100(this is the first to go or first to get damage ) main 95 M.D.C, tracks 25 M.D.C(2),tank rifle 105 M.D.C, top hatch (2) 55 knock off version, engine 50 M.D.C, force filed 100 generator 50
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A.R.M Tech
A.R.M Tech was leader in stopping gap technologies able to get the US, United Kingdom, and ISRAEL in I.D.F the new M.D.C armored tech .allowed these country to stay ahead in military warfare but industrial espionage allowed Russian to test new tech middle in the east was the place. The reason behind this was to keep the world as much as possible from know about the new M.D.C technologies and the horrors it brings to the battle fields of earth. The following were really test for the true next generation of tanks, IFF, APV and robots. But also for allied countries that are up with rail guns or beam weapon systems these are the have not within allied powers but A.R.M Tech is the light at the end of the tunnel. But will provide new weapons systems to test in the new battle fields of earth this will save Columbia that’s to ARM tech intervention and other small countries to allow human to survive in the second dark ages. When the fall of man hit the fan ARM Tech was able to get a lot of old cold war and used at the end .they lasted about 210 year after the fall of man civilizations in North America it allowed to save human lives thousands of times during the dark ages .you can see all the weapon systems that were tested in rifts Merc Ops page 127 and up but are really prototype models that G.A.W is making 300 years later !!!!

BRDM-2 Amphibious Scout Car ... arade.JPEG

The following features are included.
• Computer controlled life support system.
• Internal cooling and temperature control.
• Air purification and circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier/ dehumidifier automatically engages when needed. Can recirculation breathable air for up to four weeks before getting to stale to breathe.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic fires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded.
• Polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted visor
• In service 1962 and present

The turret of this vehicle has no roof hatch. The only means of entry into this vehicle are two single-piece hatch covers that open vertically in the front of the vehicle. The turret is equipped
With a 14.5mm KPV heavy machine gun and a co-axial 7.62mm ,PKT machine gun. A total of 500 rounds of 14.5mm and 2,000 rounds of 7.62mm ammunition are carried.
Country: USSR, Crew: 4,
Weight: 7 tons,
Length: 5.75 m
(18 ft, 10 inches),
Width: 2.35 m (7 ft, 8 inches),
Height: 2.31m (7 ft, 7 inches),
Maximum Speed: 100 km/h (62 mph),
Maximum Range:750 km (465 miles). For fossil fuel systems or battery powered 2 weeks
Weapons & Damage:
The turret is equipped with a 14.5mm KPV heavy machine gun and a co-axial 7.62mm
PKT machine gun. A total of 500 rounds of 14.5mm and 2,000 rounds of 7.62mm ammunition are carried. 14.5mm KPV heavy machine gun: 5d6 M.D.C for every 10 round burst, 7.62mm 5d4 M.D.C for every 20 round burst range 4000 feet
(use H.E.A.P rounds!!!)
Structural Damage Capacity (M.D.C.): 170 main body , turret 45 ,wheels 20 each (4) can run on three wheels
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Unread post by ZINO »

A.R.M Tech
A.R.M Tech was leader in stopping gap technologies able to get the US, United Kingdom, and ISRAEL in I.D.F the new M.D.C armored tech .allowed these country to stay ahead in military warfare but industrial espionage allowed Russian to test new tech middle in the east was the place. The reason behind this was to keep the world as much as possible from know about the new M.D.C technologies and the horrors it brings to the battle fields of earth. The following were really test for the true next generation of tanks, IFF, APV and robots. But also for allied countries that are up with rail guns or beam weapon systems these are the have not within allied powers but A.R.M Tech is the light at the end of the tunnel. But will provide new weapons systems to test in the new battle fields of earth this will save Columbia that’s to ARM tech intervention and other small countries to allow human to survive in the second dark ages. When the fall of man hit the fan ARM Tech was able to get a lot of old cold war and used at the end .they lasted about 210 year after the fall of man civilizations in North America it allowed to save human lives thousands of times during the dark ages .you can see all the weapon systems that were tested in rifts Merc Ops page 127 and up but are really prototype models that G.A.W is making 300 years later !!!!
Merkava Main Battle Tank ... ZE001m.jpg

The most unique aspect of this tank is the layout of its interior workings. The entire front of the tank houses the engine, transmission, cooling system and fuel tanks. The driver is seated in
Front of the turret while the commander, gunner and loader are seated just behind him. The rear of the hull has a cargo compartment which can be used to carry additional ammunition or four Stretcher patients or 10 fully equipped infantrymen! There is a special hatch in the rear to allow rapid exit for the crew or infantrymen. The armaments for this tank include: A 105mm
Gun( later replace 120 MM tank rifle ) which can fire a wide range of rounds and a heavy machinegun
The following features are included.
• Computer controlled life support system.
• Internal cooling and temperature control.
• Air purification and circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier/ dehumidifier automatically engages when needed. Can recirculation breathable air for up to four weeks before getting to stale to breathe.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic fires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded.
• Polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted visor
• In service 1978–present
Country: Israel,
Crew: 4,
Weight: 56 tons,
Length: (with gun forward) 8.36 m (27 ft, 5 inches),
Width: 3.72 m (12 ft, 2inches),
Height: 2.64 m (8 ft, 8 inches),
Maximum Speed: 46km/h (28.6 mph),
Maximum Range: 500 km (311 miles).
Weapons & Damage/R.O.F: Single shot or dual shot
All are replacing with a 120mm
Damage all are single shot
H.E.A.T Round 1d6x10 M.D.C
A.P Round 1d4x10 M.D.C
FRAG Round blast radius 25ft 5d6 M.D.C
H.E.A.P Round 2d4x10 M.D.C
D.U round with H.E.A.P Round 3d4x10 M.D.C
Fission block round 4d6x10

FOR A Dual shot called rapid fire or double tap
H.E.A.T Round 2d6x10 M.D.C
A.P Round 2d4x10 M.D.C
FRAG Round blast radius 25ft 1d6x10 M.D.C
H.E.A.P Round 4d4x10 M.D.C
D.U round with H.E.A.P Round 4d6x10 M.D.C
Fission block round 8d6x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate Of Fire – single shot or dual shot called rapid fire or double tap
Payload - 40 rounds each pick THREE type of ammo
Bonuses - +2 strike tank to A.I systems

Weapon Type
(x2).50 cal machine gun (1, one above the main gun and two turret)
Primary Purpose - Anti-Infantry
Range – 3 miles
Damage - 5d6 M.D.C for every20 rounds
Rate Of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Payload - 3000 rounds
Bonuses - NA

Optional Mk 19 Automatic Grenade Launcher (replaces .50 cal mg on commander’s turret)
Purpose - anti-vehicle/infantry
Range - 3000 feet for direct fire, indirect fire 10,000 feet
Damage – 5d6 per grenade blast radius 15ft or 5d6x10 per 10 round burst, blast radius 12 feet
Rate of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Ammo: 1000 grenades
Range: minimum range 150 feet to 6 miles indirect fire
R.O.F: single shot, burst two shot, 4 four shot
Payload: 200 each round
Note: fire practice, AP, CS, stun, smoke, and illuminating rounds
Grenade launcher (2)
Damage: look above
Range: 3000 feet
R.O.F: look above
Payload: look above

Damage Capacity (M.D.C.): 200 main body , turrets 80 M.D.C ,track 100, rear door 75, special frontal armored 200 M.D.C add side 100 M.D.C top main body 100 M.D.C, on turret 100 ,force field 150
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
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Unread post by ZINO »

A.R.M Tech
A.R.M Tech was leader in stopping gap technologies able to get the US, United Kingdom, and ISRAEL in I.D.F the new M.D.C armored tech .allowed these country to stay ahead in military warfare but industrial espionage allowed Russian to test new tech middle in the east was the place. The reason behind this was to keep the world as much as possible from know about the new M.D.C technologies and the horrors it brings to the battle fields of earth. The following were really test for the true next generation of tanks, IFF, APV and robots. But also for allied countries that are up with rail guns or beam weapon systems these are the have not within allied powers but A.R.M Tech is the light at the end of the tunnel. But will provide new weapons systems to test in the new battle fields of earth this will save Columbia that’s to ARM tech intervention and other small countries to allow human to survive in the second dark ages. When the fall of man hit the fan ARM Tech was able to get a lot of old cold war and used at the end .they lasted about 210 year after the fall of man civilizations in North America it allowed to save human lives thousands of times during the dark ages .you can see all the weapon systems that were tested in rifts Merc Ops page 127 and up but are really prototype models that G.A.W is making 300 years later !!!!

Centurion Main Battle Tank ... rden_1.JPG ... osgene.jpg

Because of its adaptability, the Centurion Tank has long been considered one of the most successful tank designs in modem armored warfare. Its armaments consist of a 120mm L7 gun,
two 7.62mm machine guns and a 12.7mm heavy machine gun which provides the maximum firepower at close range. It has also been fitted with a stabilization system which keeps the gun
on target when the tank is moving across country.
The following features are included.
• Computer controlled life support system.
• Internal cooling and temperature control.
• Air purification and circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier/ dehumidifier automatically engages when needed. Can recirculation breathable air for up to four weeks before getting to stale to breathe.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic fires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded.
• Polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted visor

Country: United Kingdom,
Crew: 4,
Weight: 51.82 tons,
Length: (with gun forward) 9.854 m (32 ft, 4 inches),
3.39 m (11 ft, 1 inch),
Height: 3.09 m (9 ft, 10 inches),
Maximum Speed: 34.6 km/h (21.5 mph),
Maximum Range:190 km (118 miles).
Weapons & Damage: 120 mm gun
Note: The 120mm cannon can also fire practice, smoke, and illuminating rounds. Structural Damage Capacity
Weapons & Damage/R.O.F : Single shot or dual shot
All are replace with a 120mm
Damage all are single shot
H.E.A.T Round 1d6x10 M.D.C
A.P Round 1d4x10 M.D.C
FRAG Round blast radius 25ft 5d6 M.D.C
H.E.A.P Round 2d4x10 M.D.C
D.U round with H.E.A.P Round 3d4x10 M.D.C
Fission block round 4d6x10
12.7mm heavy machine gun (2)
(M.D.C.): 220 main body, turrets 100, track 100 (2), side armored front rear and turret 150each
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
Location: new york


Unread post by ZINO »

A.R.M Tech
A.R.M Tech was leader in stopping gap technologies able to get the US, United Kingdom, and ISRAEL in I.D.F the new M.D.C armored tech .allowed these country to stay ahead in military warfare but industrial espionage allowed Russian to test new tech middle in the east was the place. The reason behind this was to keep the world as much as possible from know about the new M.D.C technologies and the horrors it brings to the battle fields of earth. The following were really test for the true next generation of tanks, IFF, APV and robots. But also for allied countries that are up with rail guns or beam weapon systems these are the have not within allied powers but A.R.M Tech is the light at the end of the tunnel. But will provide new weapons systems to test in the new battle fields of earth this will save Columbia that’s to ARM tech intervention and other small countries to allow human to survive in the second dark ages. When the fall of man hit the fan ARM Tech was able to get a lot of old cold war and used at the end .they lasted about 210 year after the fall of man civilizations in North America it allowed to save human lives thousands of times during the dark ages .you can see all the weapon systems that were tested in rifts Merc Ops page 127 and up but are really prototype models that G.A.W is making 300 years later !!!!

Challenger Main Battle Tank
The Challenger is considered to be one of the most powerful battle tanks in production. The reason for this is it has reinforced armor and a 120mm gun which can fire HEAT warheads. ... target.JPG

Country: United Kingdom ... a_2008.jpg

The following features are included.
• Computer controlled life support system.
• Internal cooling and temperature control.
• Air purification and circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier/ dehumidifier automatically engage when needed. Can recirculation breathable air for up to four weeks before getting to stale to breathe.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic fires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded.
• Polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted visor
(M.D.C.): 120 add side150 per side front /sides/bottom and rear ,turret 80 ... target.JPG

Crew: 4, Weight: 60 tons,
Length: (with gun forward) 11.55 m (37 ft, 10 inches),
Width: 3.51 m
(11 ft, 6 inches),
Height: 2.89 m (9 ft, 5 inches),
Maximum Speed: 56 km/h (35 mph),
Maximum Range: 500 km (310miles).
Weapons & Damage: 120mm gun,
The 120mm cannon can also fire practice, smoke, and illuminating rounds.
Range :12000 feet
7.62mm medium machine guns
Note: The 120mm cannon can also fire practice, smoke, and illuminating rounds. Structural Damage Capacity
Weapons & Damage/R.O.F : Single shot or dual shot
All are replace with a 120mm
Damage all are single shot
H.E.A.T Round 1d6x10 M.D.C
A.P Round 1d4x10 M.D.C
FRAG Round blast radius 25ft 5d6 M.D.C
H.E.A.P Round 2d4x10 M.D.C
D.U round with H.E.A.P Round 3d4x10 M.D.C
Fission block round 4d6x10
12.7mm heavy machine gun (3)
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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