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Re: A Return To RIFTS Earth as a GM
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:54 pm
by mrloucifer
A merc campaign is a near fail safe campaign.
Re: A Return To RIFTS Earth as a GM
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:34 am
by Severus Snape
What about running one at the start of Wormwood, where the rift first opens? Just change wormwood to Earth, and you've got the basis for a major war that's about to break out.
Re: A Return To RIFTS Earth as a GM
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 6:54 pm
by Spinachcat
What are your favorite world books? Pick one and make that the start of the campaign and have various rifts connecting to your other favorite books.
My semi-continuous campaign is South America + Russia + Atlantis because I love those three books. For whatever mystical reasons, those three regions are connected by many rifts in my storyline and PCs get to deal with the issues caused by this intersection.
It also helps narrow the PC choices since they know all PCs, gear and goodies will come from one of those three books or selected ones from the main book. It helps us keep a grasp on the setting instead of spiraling off into the whole kitchen sink.
Of course as GM I occasionally grab something from another book to introduce into the campaign to surprise players and keep up the "anything can happen" aspect of Rifts, but they are the exceptions not the rule of the campaign.
Re: A Return To RIFTS Earth as a GM
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 9:57 pm
by barna10
Lowly_Apprentice wrote:Thanks for all the Ideas. I'm leaning toward Pre-Tolkeen War to Aftermath to start. Basically an Anti-Coalition Campaign to start.
You could always work into the war. Run a prelude to get your feet wet. I would garner inspiration from the players and their characters. Let the work they have done be a stepping off point instead of stressing out and doing a bunch of planning.
Each of the players should have an idea what they want their character to achieve so let them do it. start them off in some border town. Give them a bunch of story leads you think they might be interested in, and then let the characters drive the story until you feel confident enough to take the reins; be more of a referee than a GM until you are comfortable. Also, by "let the characters drive the story", I don't mean don't GM at all. What I mean is let the players decide where they are going to go, how they are going to get there, and let them define their own goals. You will know when you are ready to start steering the plot.