Movement during combat

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Movement during combat

Unread post by jaymz »

I've been discussing movement during combat with Damian Magecraft and while we seem to be looking for similar goals we are definitely going about it a bit differently. We both use a phase system like many others do I am sure so I will post my thoughts and anyone can chime in.

I use 3 phases of 5 seconds each per melee.
SPDx15 = maximum feet per melee thus SPDx5 = maximum feet per phase

Movement is done as follows:

Walk - SPDx1 = feet per phase. It is a free action with no penalty or bonus to actions that would be affected by movment. (Perception, strike, parry, dodge. any others that may even be percentile based are welcome)

Jog/Light Run - SPDx3 = feet per phase. It is also a free action but incurs a -3 penalty to strike, parry, perception but +3 to dodge

Full Run - SPDx5 = feet per phase. This costs 1 action but incurs a -6 penalty to strike, parry and perception but +6 to dodge.

Also I use a base of 3 actions/attacks per melee for untrained characters (or 1 action/attack per phase) thus more actions/attacks is definitely advantageous when it comes to movement.

For us in RAW the only change that would need to be made is that a Full Run would cost 3 actions/attacks. Thus someone with no combat training would lose all of their actions/attacks and anyone with combat training would still have at least 1 action/attack left they could take with the above penalties or bonuses.

I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

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Re: Movement during combat

Unread post by JMHutchins »

The first time I read this it confused the heck out of me. I'm at work and answering questions while reading it, though. Once I got some time and thoroughly read it, I have to say that this is the best movement rule I have seen. Well done! I've always had issues working out a reasonable movement system where characters with a high number of attacks didn't suffer from moving less than someone of equal speed with less attacks (I always divided the movement by the # of attacks, hence the problem). I'm definitely using this in my games from here on out.
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