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Re: Boston: What kind of city is it?
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:32 am
by MurderCityDisciple
I would say as far as the nightlords go its up to you. sent via my kindle
Re: Boston: What kind of city is it?
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:06 am
by MurderCityDisciple
Cool I got my kindle to cruise the's crude, but works.
Anyhoo...I'm pretty sure there isn't any info on what Nightbane Boston is like in any of the books, so it's up to you. As far as Boston goes on a mundane level...I've only passed thru briefly on my one and only East Coast/New England trip, all I can remember is they drove like maniacs..
Re: Boston: What kind of city is it?
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 4:41 pm
by GaredBattlespike
I live in Massachusetts, and am just 30 minutes outside Boston. Here is an Overview for those who need it, however, if you search hard enough, you should be able to find a very good netbook about Boston/Nightlands Boston (I cannot recall the name right now). I know that not everything anyone writes will be accepted by a reader, but, this netbook is really well done (not by me).
For those who just want raw data to write Dark Day Boston for themselves, here goes:
The city is old. Very old by American standards, as it was Founded in 1630 (That's almost 400 years!!!). This storied land has had people hanged (On June 1, 1660, Mary Dyer was hanged on Boston Common for repeatedly defying a law banning Quakers from proselytizing in the colony), excommunicated (1638: Anne Hutchinson was driven from Boston with her friends over Religion) run-out-of-town (1689: The Boston Revolt results in the overthrow of Sir Edmund Andros, unpopular governor of the Dominion of New England.), shaken (November 18, 1755. At between 6.0 and 6.3 on the Richter scale, it remains the largest earthquake in the history of Massachusetts.) and shot (1770: March 5 The Boston Massacre in which British Soldiers fired upon a crowd of largely unarmed Bostonians! This kick-Starts the American Revolution!)!!!
This is just what has happened! Here is what we have built up today: Boston is layed out as a giant spiderweb with the waters edge the corners to which it clings. The main avenues for transport are US Highway 93 (DAILY a traffic NIGHTMARE! Wish we could blame this on the Nightlords, but this is a torment of our own devising.), and Route 9, almost as bad, and it goes out to Worcester, Mass Turn Pike, Route 2, and surrounded by US Highway 93-95 (Merged together just South of the city = Nightmare Commute!). There are enough One-Way streets to drive you buggy, and not enough street signs to tell you where you are (Asking for directions may help, but in some 'hoods it will be a bad idea...). The local maps are good, any store-bought map should be resonably accurate, but out-of date, as construction project occur daily across the city, so finding your way blocked by an unexpected bit of road-work is rather normal for many visitors. Don't feel bad, you'll get used to it (if the NL Minions don't get you first).
How are we Bostonians? Well we do drop or "R's " and even "G's" while speaking (The famed Boston Accent is alive and well, thank you), so you might say "Rover is resting in the corner." We say "Rovah is restin' in th' cornah." We replace R's and other word-endings with the "ah" sound. So it sounds like CORN-ah, and ROVE-ah. Is kinda fun really!
Now we come to Boston's Dark Side: Our Legends, Tales of Terror, and such like there (the-ah): We have the red-haired phantom of Route 44 (Connects Plymouth with Providence RI) who gets picked up and AFTER you start driving-dissapears when you've looked away, the Ice-Children (Spirits of childeren who fallen through the ice then had Drowned, and now at dusk, hammer on the underside of the ice-still trying to get out...or maybe just to get company). We have the Priest who Hanged Himself in a Roxbury Appartment, who kept re-appearing until the building burned down), and the Dover Demon who terrified drivers in Dover in the 1960's. The Bridgewater Triangle where everything form UFO's to Ghosts, to Unholy Cultist Rituals have been reported!!! If you cannot make an adventure from the local legends....(shakes his head).
Re: Boston: What kind of city is it?
Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:09 am
by Lord_Dalgard
I was stationed at Ft. Devens (20 years ago!), but I did enjoy Boston. The people do drive like maniacs and I know Rte. 2 well.
Oh that city (Worchester) is not pronounced Wore-Chest-Er, but Wuss-ter.

Re: Boston: What kind of city is it?
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:33 pm
by GlitterKnight
It's the very best kind of place, friend.
As Gared said, we're an old city, one of the oldest in North America. We have seen a lot in that time. We have seen great things and terrible things. Our city was a spark and a battlefield in the war for independence, and that colors our attitude and beliefs even now. We sneer at New York, and feel disrespected by it back. We're a solidly blue state, but our former governor is running for the Republican ticket this year. We have a broad mix of religions and piety, going back to our founding, which can cause conflict. We're a sports town, and a working town, though it seems more white collar now than blue. We're tough, we're used to harsh winters and we might not make our living from the sea anymore, but it's still a part of us. We watch the whales now, instead of hunting them.
Re: Boston: What kind of city is it?
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:48 pm
by The Dark Elf
All I know is it's a bad place for sorcerers as "everybody knows your name..."
Re: Boston: What kind of city is it?
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:13 pm
by MurderCityDisciple
Jackson Hawke wrote:Does anybody live in Boston? Can you give me some suggestions about what Boston would be like under the thumb of the Night Lords?
Rifter #42 has an article called Warlords of Boston. It's not a big article, but it is about Nightbane Boston.
Re: Boston: What kind of city is it?
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:45 pm
by Hibik
It's a biggish town (600,000) with a small town feel. Seriously, walking Boston is ridiculously easy. it's full of historic buildings between modern high rises. It's a fairly dense urban area. Each of the 21 neighborhoods tend to have a pretty long history and something notable about them.
I imagine under the Nightlords, some of the less affluent neighborhoods would be a lot scarier. It might end up a lot like it was in the early 90s with high murder rates, or the early 20th century with the Irish and italian mafias (though replace mafias with Warlords, GP, or other factions). Being Boston is the capital of MA, the Nightlord minion presence would also be high.
Re: Boston: What kind of city is it?
Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 5:01 am
by csbioborg
I've always thought that the heavy Irish Catholic presence would create a very strong resistance to the Night Lords
I could see masses were the priest would call the presence of Satan ie the nightlords strong and gather their flock for war
Re: Boston: What kind of city is it?
Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 11:44 am
by GlitterKnight
achsaber wrote:or the nightlords take over those priest and the flock are now fighting for them
Word. The Catholic Church is too large and powerful an institution to have escaped Nightlord takeover.
Pope's an Avatar, natch.