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Wishing you a Happy New Year

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:30 pm
by Kevin
Happy New Year from all of us at Palladium Books.

It’s New Year’s Eve and somehow another roller coaster year has sped by.

I’m going to the movies with Kathy to see Warhorse in a few minutes. Think I’ll visit a couple friends later, and then settle down for a quiet night with Alex and Kathy – watch a DVD or two. Maybe Super-8 or X-Men First Class, both of which I got for Christmas.

Not sure what I’ll do for the rest of the long weekend. A little work on Rifts Lemuria, clean off my desk, spend some time with friends . . .

I don’t know if I’m still feeling the blues or some darn thing. Can’t quite seem to get going. I’m not so much down as I feel frustrated and angry. Online sales are soft (not good), Rifts Lemuria seems to be going slow (I’m probably overthinking it and just need to bang it out), and issues with money, health, friends and a number of things are weighing heavy on my mind and heart. I should pop in some of my new movie score CDs I got for Christmas and see if music can get me focused and on track.

I have plenty to be happy about. I’m going to be a Grandpa in July, I have an army of wonderful friends, Alex’s health issues are under control, Kay Kozora got mixed health news but mostly good I guess, every day I read some of the nicest, most amazing things from fans in the comment section of the Christmas Surprise Packages (still available for another week or so) and Palladium has a string of amazing books in the pipeline. We also have a whole bunch of ideas for other awesome new books. Best of all, I work with incredible and talented people. Guys and gals whose work only gets better and better with every new book. It is a joy to give these talented people the opportunity and watch them grow and excel.

So what the heck? Why do I feel so on edge? It can’t be just the soft sales and money issues. Is it other stuff? Wish I knew. Seems to me I usually go through a funk around this time of year, only I can’t afford one now. I have books to get to the printer. I’ll shake it off. I always do.

I hope you folks are faring better and feeling positive about the new year. And that’s the weird thing, I feel positive about 2012! My horoscope is good for the first six months of next year, not that I put too much stock in such things. :-)

In these rough and uncertain times, I think anger and frustration are running high. I see it on the roads driving. I see it in the behavior of people in stores. I hear it in some online posts. And don't even get me going about the media where every day is gloom and doom.

Hey, we can’t let the negativity get to us. We need to be positive. We need to focus on the bright, good things in our lives. The wonderful people at our sides and guarding our backs. The simple good times. So please, be positive and hopeful. Have a wonderful celebration tonight whether it’s at a big party or just a loved one or two. I will if you will. ;) Hmm, sounds like a plan.

I’ll be thinking of all of you with fondness and caring. Take care of yourselves, smile and may we all enjoy a joyful, healthy and prosperous new year.

Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer, Game Designer and Cheerleader

© Copyright December 31, 2011 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

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