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Things rumbling around in my head

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 6:19 pm
by Kevin
Things rumbling around in my head

I feel quite conflicted some days.

We are so optimistic here at Palladium, it’s wild. I wish you guys and gals could get the true picture of the incredible ideas we have for new books and the very talented people we have working on them. I honestly don’t think I have ever seen a more talented and dedicated group of writers and artists. It makes my adrenaline pump even as I write this and think about the many projects we want do in the future.

This evening’s Weekly Update is full of enthusiasm about the books we have in store for you. Enthusiasm and high hopes make the Palladium office shine these days. But I worry.

I worry about YOU and about Palladium’s future. Things are still very difficult for so very many people. I see it in the Christmas Surprise Package comments I don’t post in the Weekly Updates, and I hear it from the Palladium fans and friends I speak with. I worry that this uncertain economy and all the negativity in the media will bring too many of you down. And, from a very selfish point of view, Palladium Books with it.

That makes me feel bad urging people to “support” Palladium and “buy” Palladium stuff. I made the appeal in yesterday’s Murmur, in today’s Weekly Update and in my write up for The Rifter® to buy, buy, buy. I always try to make Palladium products as worthwhile and packed with value as I can, but I still worry and I still feel bad about the sales push. I don’t want you to spend more than you can afford. I don't want you to worry about Palladium's future. I don’t want to raise the prices of our books and I don’t want Palladium to go under when we have so much going for us. Heck, I see the role-playing market starting to make a comeback. I really do. The next couple of years, I think, are going to get stronger and stronger, and Palladium is poised to be part of that resurgence.

With the recent health issues of Kay Kozora, Alex M, myself and others I haven’t mentioned, I now have a handful of caring friends lobbying to for me to “slow down” or even "let Palladium Books go." They mean well, I know, and I’m touched by their sincere concern, but I’m not going to let the company go. I can’t. We have too much going for us. Again, I wish you could see the talent and our plans for new books. My gosh, the ideas are amazing and everyone seems to be reaching a new strata of excellence in their work.

I am trying to slow down a bit. An easy to manage 10 hour work day, five days a week is my goal. I’m currently down to 12 hour work days, six days a week. I also want you to know that I have slimmed down a lot, I exercise daily, I'm eating healthy (you should too), I think I have my diabetes under control, I’m taking a Diabetes Education Class, and I’m feeling good. So is Alex. To top it off, we have so many ideas and dreams to share with you, it’s ridiculous. :D

I just hope the economy allows Palladium to keep going. As you continue to struggle with finances, sales remain sluggish, or at best, up and down, which is okay, but makes cash flow issues nerve-racking sometimes. And I keep having this nagging fear that it would be ironic that just when Palladium Books has such awesome talent and is about to explode (and I think “explode” is the right word) back into the limelight of the gaming scene, things . . . well . . . end. Fall apart. Damn [expletive deleted] economy. I hope it's an unreasoning and totally unfounded fear, but sales have been mush since after Christmas. Down from what we usually see this time of year.

Which brings me back to feeling bad hyping new product, encouraging people to subscribe to The Rifter®, and telling people to buy new books, buy old books, buy art and collectibles, heck, to buy everything! Sheesh.

Hey, we need to stay positive. Let us hope the new year is prosperous and healthy for all of us. I wish you my best. Hang tough. Be positive. Hang on to the good stuff.

“It’s not about how hard you can hit. It’s about how hard you can be hit and keep moving forward.”

I like those words and the sentiment behind them. You are going to take hits in life. We have to take the hits, handle them as best we can, and keep moving forward. And move forward with a joyful heart. At least as joyful as possible, eh?

That’s what I’m doing. We’re moving forward at full steam ahead. We’re planning to make the greatest games and sourcebooks ever.

On another subject . . .

I invite you to join us, if you can, at the Palladium Open House (POH), May 4, 5 & 6, 2012. I have a feeling it may be our last for a number of reasons, so I'm going to make it an all-out bash that celebrates role-playing and 31 years of Palladium Books. Please join the celebration of role-playing and friendship. ... ekend.html

I want there to be more games, more panel talks, more surprises and more fun than ever at the 2012 POH. I want to make it an event people in attendance will never forget. I’m even thinking of handing out a free gift to EVERYONE who attends (and not just some little trinket like a key chain).

I plan to offer up a ton of cool Palladium Collectibles for sale. Rare stuff, artwork, one-of-a-kind items and collectible toys from my personal collection at the POH all weekend. But the cream of the crop will be offered in the live auction. I’ll be offering up some similar goodies in my online store from now till then as well.

I want to see more Costume Contest contestants at the POH this year! Come on, do it! Categories are: Best of Show, Rifts®/Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror/Contemporary (the latter includes Nightbane®, Beyond the Supernatural™, Heroes Unlimited™, After the Bomb/TMNT®, and Ninjas & Superspies™). We have seen some amazing costumes at past POH's, especially for Rifts® and Robotech®, but never a Nightbane or any character from the Nightbane® RPG. So I issue you a challenge: Consider coming as a Nightbane or Night Prince or other character from this popular RPG. I dare you. ;)

We need Game Masters for the Open House! If you’re a good Game Master, please consider running a game or two at the POH.

What POH G.M.s get for their service: If you run THREE or more POH Games you get a Game Master T-shirt and a 25% discount on Palladium product! (Discount excludes sale items, auction items and original art and items being offered by the artists.)

Game Masters PLEASE let us know as SOON AS POSSIBLE if you are running and a brief game description. You can call the office (734-271-2903), send me, Alex or Wayne Private Messages, use the Help Ticket system or email Wayne Smith.

Remember, let’s all be positive. There is so much to be positive about with upcoming product. Let’s hope Palladium fans snatch up new releases and spread the word about them like crazy; subscribe to The Rifter® over the next several weeks in thronging multitudes (I’ve kept the special subscription drive price the same as it has been the last year or two – this is the time to subscribe); purchase bookmarks, prints, dice bags and other non-book items like coffee mugs for wintertime hot chocolate – and that by the time the Open House rolls around in May we’ll be flying high, laughing as we count the wheelbarrows of money rolling in, and knocking out new books like the madmen we are. Hey, why not? :)

Take care and keep those imaginations burning bright.

Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer, Game Designer and Optimist

© Copyright January 12, 2012 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Palladium Books®, Phase World®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Megaverse®, Nightbane®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars® and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. Heroes Unlimited™, Beyond the Supernatural, Dead Reign, Warpath, Shemarrian Nation, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

Robotech® and Robotech® The Shadow Chronicles® are Registered Trademarks of Harmony Gold USA, Inc.