Here are some new Were Beast Races
Moderators: Immortals, Supreme Beings, Old Ones
Here are some new Were Beast Races
I posted these into HU2 but figured they would also go well in the NB world too. Enjoy.
Re: Here are some new Were Beast Races
Were Bat
Alignment: Any, but usually Anarchist or Aberrant
Attributes: I.Q.: 2D6 +2 M.E.: 3D6 M.A.: 2D6 +2 P.S.: 3D6 +2 P.P.: 3D6 (never less than 12) P.E.: 3D6 P.B.: 3D6 SPD.: 3D6 in human form; 2D6 on all fours or 4D4x10 flying in Bat form; 3D6 on all fours or 3D4x10 in Bat thing form.
Horror Factor: 15 as a humanoid Bat-thing or huge Bat. The Horror Factor does not apply in
Human form.
Hit Points: 3D6 + P.E., +1D6 per level
Natural Armor Rating: Same as the Werewolf.
P.P.E.: 1D4x10
I.S.P.: 2D4x10
Natural Abilities: Speak while in animal shape, prowl 60%, track by smell 60%,
Night vision 100ft, Bio-regeneration; restores hit points at a rate of 2D6 H.P. per
Hour, land navigation (+10%), +2 to perception, and Sonar
Sonar: Much like a real bat, the Were-Bat is able to emit a high pitch shriek that bounces off of surroundings and return to the character where special organs in the ears are able to translate them into a picture of what is around him.
Interoperate Shapes: 80% +2% per level
Estimate Distance: 80% +2% per level
Estimate Direction: 70% +4% per level
Estimate Speed: 80% +2% per level
Estimate Location: 70% +4% per level
Recognize Shapes: Can tell what a specific object is by its shape, whether it is alive or an inanimate object and what specific type of animal or object it is. 80% +2% per level.
Sensitivity to bright lights: Direct sunlight or bright artificial light will reduce vision by half and the Were-Bat will suffer a penalty of -3 on all combat bonuses.
All werebeasts can communicate with their related animal type (for
Example, were bears with bears) while in any of their forms.
Though they do no possess supernatural strength, their hand to hand attacks do cause damage to those beings harmed only by magical means (like vampires).
Shape Shifting Abilities: The metamorphosis takes about 15 seconds and there is no limit to the number of times the creature can perform a metamorphosis or how long he can maintain a particular shape. Transforming is painless and does not restrict the werecreatrue from performing actions. The three shapes are human, giant bat, and man-bat hybrid.
Magic: Summon and Control Rodents (including bats), Repel Animals, Sense Evil, Sense Magic
Psionics: Sixth Sense, See the Invisible, Nightvision, Death Trance, Mind Block, Presence Sense
Combat: Gains an additional 2 attacks in hybrid or animal form.
Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +3 to strike, parry, and dodge while in flight, +2 to pull punch, +1 to roll with Impact, +4 vs. Horror Factor, +5 to save vs. Psionics, +2 to save vs. magic
Human Punch: 1D6 +2
Claw (beast): 2D6 +4
Claw (hybrid): 3D6 +2
Restrained Claw (hybrid): 2D6
Power Claw (hybrid): 5D6 (counts as 2 attacks)
Bite (beast): 1D6 +4
Bite (hybrid): 2D6 +2
Note: all claw attacks and bites inflict full damage to the H.P. of vampires and other werebeasts.
Average Life Span: 300 years
Enemies: Those who would hunt them, and vampires.
Allies: Rarely join forces with others; most were-bats spend all their time in caves or hunting.
Size: 5 to 6ft tall in human form, 3 to 4ft tall with a 12ft wingspan in beast form and 5 to 6ft tall
With a 18ft wingspan in bat hybrid form.
Weight: Average human weight, + 1D4x10lbs of muscle and wings in human/ hybrid form, average 100 to 150lbs in beast form.
Appearance: As a human, they have red, black, or brown, short hair with large ears. Wings are in place of arms in both hybrid and beast form with the one long claw in the beast form and full/ clawed hands in hybrid form. Both forms have clawed feet.
Habitat: Prefer warm climates or large caves with plenty of birds and insects to feed on.
Disposition: Most were beasts aren’t even aware of the existence of these creatures. The reason for this is that they spend most almost all of their time in giant bat form and are usually content to live the same lives as their bat brethren.
Throughout history a few Were-Bats have deemed it necessary to join forces with other were beasts for the common good of all. These brave creatures have usually passed into legend and were used as scouts or airs support.
Alignment: Any, but usually Anarchist or Aberrant
Attributes: I.Q.: 2D6 +2 M.E.: 3D6 M.A.: 2D6 +2 P.S.: 3D6 +2 P.P.: 3D6 (never less than 12) P.E.: 3D6 P.B.: 3D6 SPD.: 3D6 in human form; 2D6 on all fours or 4D4x10 flying in Bat form; 3D6 on all fours or 3D4x10 in Bat thing form.
Horror Factor: 15 as a humanoid Bat-thing or huge Bat. The Horror Factor does not apply in
Human form.
Hit Points: 3D6 + P.E., +1D6 per level
Natural Armor Rating: Same as the Werewolf.
P.P.E.: 1D4x10
I.S.P.: 2D4x10
Natural Abilities: Speak while in animal shape, prowl 60%, track by smell 60%,
Night vision 100ft, Bio-regeneration; restores hit points at a rate of 2D6 H.P. per
Hour, land navigation (+10%), +2 to perception, and Sonar
Sonar: Much like a real bat, the Were-Bat is able to emit a high pitch shriek that bounces off of surroundings and return to the character where special organs in the ears are able to translate them into a picture of what is around him.
Interoperate Shapes: 80% +2% per level
Estimate Distance: 80% +2% per level
Estimate Direction: 70% +4% per level
Estimate Speed: 80% +2% per level
Estimate Location: 70% +4% per level
Recognize Shapes: Can tell what a specific object is by its shape, whether it is alive or an inanimate object and what specific type of animal or object it is. 80% +2% per level.
Sensitivity to bright lights: Direct sunlight or bright artificial light will reduce vision by half and the Were-Bat will suffer a penalty of -3 on all combat bonuses.
All werebeasts can communicate with their related animal type (for
Example, were bears with bears) while in any of their forms.
Though they do no possess supernatural strength, their hand to hand attacks do cause damage to those beings harmed only by magical means (like vampires).
Shape Shifting Abilities: The metamorphosis takes about 15 seconds and there is no limit to the number of times the creature can perform a metamorphosis or how long he can maintain a particular shape. Transforming is painless and does not restrict the werecreatrue from performing actions. The three shapes are human, giant bat, and man-bat hybrid.
Magic: Summon and Control Rodents (including bats), Repel Animals, Sense Evil, Sense Magic
Psionics: Sixth Sense, See the Invisible, Nightvision, Death Trance, Mind Block, Presence Sense
Combat: Gains an additional 2 attacks in hybrid or animal form.
Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +3 to strike, parry, and dodge while in flight, +2 to pull punch, +1 to roll with Impact, +4 vs. Horror Factor, +5 to save vs. Psionics, +2 to save vs. magic
Human Punch: 1D6 +2
Claw (beast): 2D6 +4
Claw (hybrid): 3D6 +2
Restrained Claw (hybrid): 2D6
Power Claw (hybrid): 5D6 (counts as 2 attacks)
Bite (beast): 1D6 +4
Bite (hybrid): 2D6 +2
Note: all claw attacks and bites inflict full damage to the H.P. of vampires and other werebeasts.
Average Life Span: 300 years
Enemies: Those who would hunt them, and vampires.
Allies: Rarely join forces with others; most were-bats spend all their time in caves or hunting.
Size: 5 to 6ft tall in human form, 3 to 4ft tall with a 12ft wingspan in beast form and 5 to 6ft tall
With a 18ft wingspan in bat hybrid form.
Weight: Average human weight, + 1D4x10lbs of muscle and wings in human/ hybrid form, average 100 to 150lbs in beast form.
Appearance: As a human, they have red, black, or brown, short hair with large ears. Wings are in place of arms in both hybrid and beast form with the one long claw in the beast form and full/ clawed hands in hybrid form. Both forms have clawed feet.
Habitat: Prefer warm climates or large caves with plenty of birds and insects to feed on.
Disposition: Most were beasts aren’t even aware of the existence of these creatures. The reason for this is that they spend most almost all of their time in giant bat form and are usually content to live the same lives as their bat brethren.
Throughout history a few Were-Bats have deemed it necessary to join forces with other were beasts for the common good of all. These brave creatures have usually passed into legend and were used as scouts or airs support.
Re: Here are some new Were Beast Races
Were Lion
Alignment: Any, but usually Anarchist or Aberrant
Attributes: I.Q.: 2D6 +1 M.E.: 4D6 M.A.: 4D6 P.S.: 18+2D6 P.P.: 4D6 (never less than 16)
P.E.: 4D6 +4 P.B.: 4D6 SPD.: 5D6 in human form; 1D4x10 +10 in Lion form;
Human SPD +2D6 in lion thing form.
Horror Factor: 14 as a humanoid lion-thing or huge lion. The Horror Factor does not apply in
Human form.
Hit Points: 8D6 + P.E., +1D8 per level
Natural Armor Rating: Same as the Werewolf.
P.P.E.: 2D4x10
I.S.P.: 4D6
Natural Abilities: Speak while in animal shape, prowl 60%, swim 50%, track by smell 60%,
Night vision 300ft, Bio-regeneration; restores hit points at a rate of 4D6 H.P. per
Hour, land navigation (+10%), track animals (+15%), Roar that can be heard up
To 2 miles away, +2 to perception
All werebeasts can communicate with their related animal type (for
Example, were bears with bears) while in any of their forms.
Though they do no possess supernatural strength, their hand to hand attacks do cause damage to those beings harmed only by magical means (like vampires).
Shape Shifting Abilities: The metamorphosis takes about 15 seconds and there is no limit to the number of times the creature can perform a metamorphosis or ho long he can maintain a particular shape. Transforming is painless and does not restrict the werecreatrue from performing actions. The three shapes are human, lion, and man-lion hybrid.
Magic: Summon and Control Felines, Repel Animals, Tongues, Sense Evil, Sense Magic
Psionics: Sixth Sense, See the Invisible, Mind Block
Combat: Gains an additional 2 attacks in hybrid or animal form.
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +3 to strike, parry, and dodge, +3 to pull punch, +3 to roll with
Impact, +6 vs. Horror Factor, +3 to save vs. Psionics, +2 to save vs. magic
Human Punch: 1D6 +2
Claw (beast): 2D6 +4
Claw (hybrid): 4D6 +2
Restrained Claw (hybrid): 3D6
Power Claw (hybrid): 6D6 (counts as 2 attacks)
Bite (beast): 1D6 +4
Bite (hybrid): 3D6
Note: all claw attacks and bites inflict full damage to the H.P. of vampires and other werebeasts.
Average Life Span: 400 years
Enemies: Those who would hunt them, and vampires.
Allies: Rarely join forces with others; their trust is difficult to earn.
Size: 6 to 7 ft tall in human/ hybrid form, 5 to 6 ft at the shoulder in beast form and about 15ft in
Length, from tip of the toes to the buttocks.
Weight: Average human weight, + 1D6x10 lbs of muscle in human/ hybrid form, average 1000
to 1200 lbs in beast form.
Appearance: As a human, they have blond, wild or long hair. Male Were Lions grown a mane at
Puberty and female were lionesses don’t grow manes at all.
Habitat: Prefer warm climates with high grasses and desert.
Disposition: Were Lions are community oriented. They are fond of creating prides with few
Males and many females. The leader isn’t always the strongest physically but is always
a male and keeps the pride safe. The females are the real power and will dispose of a
male leader if he proves to be incompetent or puts the young in danger. Were Lions will
only attack a human if they encroach on the center of their territory which can span up to
a mile in diameter.
Alignment: Any, but usually Anarchist or Aberrant
Attributes: I.Q.: 2D6 +1 M.E.: 4D6 M.A.: 4D6 P.S.: 18+2D6 P.P.: 4D6 (never less than 16)
P.E.: 4D6 +4 P.B.: 4D6 SPD.: 5D6 in human form; 1D4x10 +10 in Lion form;
Human SPD +2D6 in lion thing form.
Horror Factor: 14 as a humanoid lion-thing or huge lion. The Horror Factor does not apply in
Human form.
Hit Points: 8D6 + P.E., +1D8 per level
Natural Armor Rating: Same as the Werewolf.
P.P.E.: 2D4x10
I.S.P.: 4D6
Natural Abilities: Speak while in animal shape, prowl 60%, swim 50%, track by smell 60%,
Night vision 300ft, Bio-regeneration; restores hit points at a rate of 4D6 H.P. per
Hour, land navigation (+10%), track animals (+15%), Roar that can be heard up
To 2 miles away, +2 to perception
All werebeasts can communicate with their related animal type (for
Example, were bears with bears) while in any of their forms.
Though they do no possess supernatural strength, their hand to hand attacks do cause damage to those beings harmed only by magical means (like vampires).
Shape Shifting Abilities: The metamorphosis takes about 15 seconds and there is no limit to the number of times the creature can perform a metamorphosis or ho long he can maintain a particular shape. Transforming is painless and does not restrict the werecreatrue from performing actions. The three shapes are human, lion, and man-lion hybrid.
Magic: Summon and Control Felines, Repel Animals, Tongues, Sense Evil, Sense Magic
Psionics: Sixth Sense, See the Invisible, Mind Block
Combat: Gains an additional 2 attacks in hybrid or animal form.
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +3 to strike, parry, and dodge, +3 to pull punch, +3 to roll with
Impact, +6 vs. Horror Factor, +3 to save vs. Psionics, +2 to save vs. magic
Human Punch: 1D6 +2
Claw (beast): 2D6 +4
Claw (hybrid): 4D6 +2
Restrained Claw (hybrid): 3D6
Power Claw (hybrid): 6D6 (counts as 2 attacks)
Bite (beast): 1D6 +4
Bite (hybrid): 3D6
Note: all claw attacks and bites inflict full damage to the H.P. of vampires and other werebeasts.
Average Life Span: 400 years
Enemies: Those who would hunt them, and vampires.
Allies: Rarely join forces with others; their trust is difficult to earn.
Size: 6 to 7 ft tall in human/ hybrid form, 5 to 6 ft at the shoulder in beast form and about 15ft in
Length, from tip of the toes to the buttocks.
Weight: Average human weight, + 1D6x10 lbs of muscle in human/ hybrid form, average 1000
to 1200 lbs in beast form.
Appearance: As a human, they have blond, wild or long hair. Male Were Lions grown a mane at
Puberty and female were lionesses don’t grow manes at all.
Habitat: Prefer warm climates with high grasses and desert.
Disposition: Were Lions are community oriented. They are fond of creating prides with few
Males and many females. The leader isn’t always the strongest physically but is always
a male and keeps the pride safe. The females are the real power and will dispose of a
male leader if he proves to be incompetent or puts the young in danger. Were Lions will
only attack a human if they encroach on the center of their territory which can span up to
a mile in diameter.
Re: Here are some new Were Beast Races
Were Bovine
Alignment: Any, but usually Anarchist or Evil
Attributes: I.Q.: 1D6 +4 M.E.: 2D6 M.A.: 3D6 P.S.: 22+4D6 P.P.: 3D6 (never less than 14)
P.E.: 6D6 P.B.: 3D6 SPD.: 5D6 in human form; 1D4x10 in Bovine form;
Human SPD +2D6 in Bovine thing form.
Horror Factor: 12 as a humanoid bull-thing or huge bull. The Horror Factor does not apply in
Human form.
Hit Points: 6D6 + P.E. x2, +2D6 per level
Natural Armor Rating: Same as the Werewolf.
P.P.E.: 1D6 x 10 +10
I.S.P.: 4D6 +4
Natural Abilities: Speak while in animal shape, Swim 80%, Horns do 2D6 Damage,
Night vision 100ft, Bio-regeneration; restores hit points at a rate of 6D6 H.P. per
Hour, land navigation (+15%), +4 to perception
All werebeasts can communicate with their related animal type (for
Example, were bears with bears) while in any of their forms.
Though they do no possess supernatural strength, their hand to hand attacks do cause damage to those beings harmed only by magical means (like vampires).
Shape Shifting Abilities: The metamorphosis takes about 15 seconds and there is no limit to the number of times the creature can perform a metamorphosis or ho long he can maintain a particular shape. Transforming is painless and does not restrict the werecreatrue from performing actions. The three shapes are human, bovine, and man-bovine hybrid.
Magic: Repel Animals, Tongues, Sense Evil, Sense Magic
Psionics: Sixth Sense, See the Invisible, Mind Block
Combat: Gains an additional 3 attacks in hybrid or animal form.
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +3 to strike, parry, and dodge, +4 to pull punch, +1 to roll with
Impact, +5 vs. Horror Factor, +1 to save vs. Psionics, +4 to save vs. magic
Human Punch: 1D6 +2
Claw (beast): 2D6 +4
Claw (hybrid): 4D6 +2
Restrained Claw (hybrid): 3D6
Power Claw (hybrid): 6D6 (counts as 2 attacks)
Bite (beast): 1D6 +4
Bite (hybrid): 3D6
Horns (beast): 2D6
Horns (hybrid) 3D6
Note: all claw attacks and bites inflict full damage to the H.P. of vampires and other werebeasts.
Average Life Span: 200 years
Enemies: Those who would hunt them, and vampires.
Allies: Rarely join forces with others; their trust is difficult to earn.
Size: 6 to 7 ft tall in human/ hybrid form, 8 to 10 ft at the shoulder in beast form and about 20ft
In Length, from tip of the toes to the buttocks.
Weight: Average human weight, + 2D6x10 lbs of muscle in human/ hybrid form, average 2000
to 2200 lbs in beast form.
Appearance: They look like a normal human, men have a barrel chest, women have large breasts, and all are vegetarians.
Habitat: Any climate that can support the grasses and grain that they eat
Disposition: Were Bovine tend to have little, if any, interest in the world. Most spend their lives grazing in fields and communicating only with their own kind or other ordinary bovine. A male Were Bovine is called a Bull and will have many ‘cows’ with which to mate with. Ordinarily it is the females job to raise the young and the males job to protect the herd.
Recently, a small group of young bulls have taken an interest in the meat industry. So far they have destroyed almost a dozen slaughter houses and have liberated several hundred cattle.
Alignment: Any, but usually Anarchist or Evil
Attributes: I.Q.: 1D6 +4 M.E.: 2D6 M.A.: 3D6 P.S.: 22+4D6 P.P.: 3D6 (never less than 14)
P.E.: 6D6 P.B.: 3D6 SPD.: 5D6 in human form; 1D4x10 in Bovine form;
Human SPD +2D6 in Bovine thing form.
Horror Factor: 12 as a humanoid bull-thing or huge bull. The Horror Factor does not apply in
Human form.
Hit Points: 6D6 + P.E. x2, +2D6 per level
Natural Armor Rating: Same as the Werewolf.
P.P.E.: 1D6 x 10 +10
I.S.P.: 4D6 +4
Natural Abilities: Speak while in animal shape, Swim 80%, Horns do 2D6 Damage,
Night vision 100ft, Bio-regeneration; restores hit points at a rate of 6D6 H.P. per
Hour, land navigation (+15%), +4 to perception
All werebeasts can communicate with their related animal type (for
Example, were bears with bears) while in any of their forms.
Though they do no possess supernatural strength, their hand to hand attacks do cause damage to those beings harmed only by magical means (like vampires).
Shape Shifting Abilities: The metamorphosis takes about 15 seconds and there is no limit to the number of times the creature can perform a metamorphosis or ho long he can maintain a particular shape. Transforming is painless and does not restrict the werecreatrue from performing actions. The three shapes are human, bovine, and man-bovine hybrid.
Magic: Repel Animals, Tongues, Sense Evil, Sense Magic
Psionics: Sixth Sense, See the Invisible, Mind Block
Combat: Gains an additional 3 attacks in hybrid or animal form.
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +3 to strike, parry, and dodge, +4 to pull punch, +1 to roll with
Impact, +5 vs. Horror Factor, +1 to save vs. Psionics, +4 to save vs. magic
Human Punch: 1D6 +2
Claw (beast): 2D6 +4
Claw (hybrid): 4D6 +2
Restrained Claw (hybrid): 3D6
Power Claw (hybrid): 6D6 (counts as 2 attacks)
Bite (beast): 1D6 +4
Bite (hybrid): 3D6
Horns (beast): 2D6
Horns (hybrid) 3D6
Note: all claw attacks and bites inflict full damage to the H.P. of vampires and other werebeasts.
Average Life Span: 200 years
Enemies: Those who would hunt them, and vampires.
Allies: Rarely join forces with others; their trust is difficult to earn.
Size: 6 to 7 ft tall in human/ hybrid form, 8 to 10 ft at the shoulder in beast form and about 20ft
In Length, from tip of the toes to the buttocks.
Weight: Average human weight, + 2D6x10 lbs of muscle in human/ hybrid form, average 2000
to 2200 lbs in beast form.
Appearance: They look like a normal human, men have a barrel chest, women have large breasts, and all are vegetarians.
Habitat: Any climate that can support the grasses and grain that they eat
Disposition: Were Bovine tend to have little, if any, interest in the world. Most spend their lives grazing in fields and communicating only with their own kind or other ordinary bovine. A male Were Bovine is called a Bull and will have many ‘cows’ with which to mate with. Ordinarily it is the females job to raise the young and the males job to protect the herd.
Recently, a small group of young bulls have taken an interest in the meat industry. So far they have destroyed almost a dozen slaughter houses and have liberated several hundred cattle.