Dream Analysis!

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Comment: J.V. Adams
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Re: Dream Analysis!

Unread post by Xar »

As to what it means to you-- bad sushi?

As a scenario...In the same way that Lilith has been producing TV programs that show real footage passed off as special effects to desensitize the populace-- the players are beginning to uncover another Nightlord plot. This time, the target are the Nightbane themselves being attacked via the Dreamstream. It's an attempt to make Banes think that their Morphus traits are just dreams, and by extension, missions/fights that Banes may have participated in are also just figments of troubled minds as clearly these images they "dreamed" are too fantastical to be true.
Add in an aggressively priced and well advertised dream therapy clinic chain that can help...Of course, they are supervised by government licensed clinical psychologists who can proscribe and administer proper medication and the latest in therapeutic counseling techniques to help their clients work through these troubling dreams.

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Re: Dream Analysis!

Unread post by The Dark Elf »

I had an adventure plot where - (my players havent read any of the books so everything is a surprise. They still dont know the name ashmedai or what namtar are, or avatars or well, loads!)

The players are at a film premiere to see Janice Hotchkiss in Exterminator 3: Back to the future (a seed I planted in our dark day campaign - they think I invented her as the film title is like something I would come up with). They sense that one of the VIP guests entering is surrounded by NB body guards who also sense the players but in the crowds a good ID is not that possible. The red carpet goes on for a little while longer when screams come from inside the cinema/theatre.

The players will find out that the body guards are no where to be seen (dead? mirrorwall? fled?) and the guy lays dead. If the players get there in time they will discover that the VIP ISNT dead but comatose!

They can take him or the police will take him but can the players trust him in their hands. best get him back to their faction HQ. At the faction HQ an old NB mystic will tell them of the Dreamstream and port the players into it to look into the mind of their comatose VIP.

Adventure scenarios ensue in the dreamstream until they find the right pool. In the IPs head indeed he will replay that night (only the players will seem like the attackers as they battle dream constructs of the body guards. then the final moments of the VIP begging for his life get played out until the culprit is revealed....

Janice Hotchkiss! (oh no, it's her character from the movie. She even quoted a line before she killed him). Nevermind. The dreamstream must not have worked (but there wouldve have been a few clues in there somewhere).

When the mystery unravels and the players discover Janice IS a ***** they will love the twist that what they actually saw WAS real!
Rifter 52 Cannibal Magic
Rifter 55 The Ancestral Mystic P.C.C.
Rifter 59 The Lopanic Games adventure "The Lion, the Ditch & the Warlock". Illustrations to this adventure can be found here.
Rifter 71 & 72 Double Issue Ninjas & Superspies adventure "On a Wing & a Prayer"
Rifter 80 Masters Unlimited

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