I really enjoyed the movie John Carter and highly recommend it.
I rarely do a Murmur about movies, but I feel compelled to do so about John Carter.
The critics have universally panned it. And I mean they have hated it — and I do not know why. I think the best review I saw for it gave it a “D” and lamented about how it was “too loyal” to the Edgar Rice Burroughs book. (It’s based on the Princess of Mars.) That “too loyal” to the source material line should have tipped me off the reviewers were full of crap.
And that’s why I’m writing this. The reviews have been so universally disparaging that I had decided NOT to see the movie. I had planned to see it, but after reading or hearing a half dozen reviewers go on about how much the movie sucked, I had decided not to waste my money on it.
Then, I heard from a few people I know who loved it. One guy said he was shocked, because he thought it was one of the best science fiction movies he had seen in a few years. I have to agree.
Is John Carter amazing? Is it Star Wars or even Avatar? No. But it is damn good, gorgeous looking, has some great combat scenes, the special effects and CGI are spot on, the design work impressive, it is action packed, our heroes are likeable, plus there is humor, love, adventure, surprises and the movie is pretty darn loyal to the book. If you enjoyed the Burroughs John Carter of Mars books, you will enjoy this movie, as it brings the books to vivid and dynamic life.
Personally, I would give John Carter a B or even a B+ rating. Or three roses out of four. Two thumbs up, as Kathy, who never read the books and is not a huge sci-fi fan, also enjoyed it very much. It was pure fun and swashbuckling adventure in the vein of the first Pirates of the Carribean movie -- with aliens. Heck, the costuming even reminded me of those wonderful, old Frank Frazetta and Roy Krenkel covers. Heck, I’d go see it again and will definitely buy John Carter on DVD.
Do yourself a favor and go see John Carter before it is gone from the theaters.
Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer, Game Designer and Movie Maven
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Go see the movie John Carter
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