Alternate Robotech: UEG Threat Files
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 2:08 pm
(Okay, I've been going over in my head various groups that would add 'flavour' to my setting since I first started actually writing it out. In the spirit of Shadowrun's old Target:UCAS, I decided to write up a series of entries upon threats to the UEG written as if they are 'in-character'. Some, naturally, will be mortal enemies of the UEG while others will be merely background threats. This first entry was inspired by the old Robotech Art 1/Robotech 1st Edition RPG entry for the Desert Squad, with a dash of The Dirty Dozen thrown in for good measure. The idea was to take the French Foreign Legion element and run with it as far as it could go. The Tiger Battalion is based, loosely, upon the CS Army's Louisiana 1st Special Battalion, aka Wheat's Tiger Zouaves, from the American Civil War.)
Threat Level: Minimal; Nominally Allied Force
Nicknames: Wasters, Wasties, Rad-boys, Zoners
Theatres of Operation: NORTHAMWAR (North American Wasteland Region), SOUTHAMWAR, AUSWAR, AFWAR, ASWAR, ANTWAR
In the months following The First Rain of Death, the shattered remains of the United Earth Multinational Forces had to organize and equip groups of soldiers to enter the deadly wastelands scattered across the planet. The resulting casualties from fatigue, T'sentraeti forces, radiation poisoning and medical trauma overwhelmed all but the most hardy. Supreme Commander Glovalksky felt the situation was entirely unacceptable. It was on the suggestion of Breetai Tul that Glovalsky decided to recruit on the model of the old French Foreign Legion and the 18th/19th Century German Freikorps.
There were a number of prisoners being held by the UEG from within their own ranks who were offered a pardon in exchange for entry into the Corps. In addition, a number of former Anti-Unification League personnel as well as disgraced Private Military Contractors were offered amnesty in exchange for service. Breetai Tul turned over a large number of dissident T'sentraeti who accepted enlistment in lieu of execution. Finally, to swell the ranks even more, non-criminals could enter service in exchange for a large bounty (usually land, seed and equipment for farming or berth space on a colony ship). Depending upon the severity of circumstances, a term of enlistment could vary from 2 years up to 25 years. Despite the dangers, the ranks of the Wasteland Corps grew. After the re-establishment of the AUL and start of the NACPS, the Wasteland Corps remained a neutral force across the planet as enlistees were forbidden from taking up arms in any new Anti-Unification conflict. True to its founding, the Wasteland Corps remained a non-political entity concerned only with patrolling the wastes to prevent T'sentraeti forces from overrunning the planet.
The average Waster is a hard-bitten individual and generally inured to the rough and ready life necessary. While they come from all walks of life, the overwhelming majority were serious criminals often times had murder charges hanging over their heads. Borderline anti-social personality disorder is a common enough diagnosis that it almost goes without saying that Wasters don't play nice with others. Many of them love getting down and dirty in fights, carrying all manner of non-standard weaponry. They especially favor vibro-blades, hand axes, batons and other implements of close quarters combat. While the Wolverine Assault Rifle is standard issue, most carry the FAL-2, SAL-9 or even the T'sentraeti 7.62mm Blaster Carbine.
Among the most renowned and/or infamous (depending upon your point of view) was the Tiger Battalion that worked in conjunction with The Southern Cross Group in South America. They were named as such due to the camouflage pattern scheme that aided them in blending into their surroundings. At least one Southern Cross officer remarked, after the battalion took down a T'sentraeti regiment, that they certainly 'fought like demonic tigers' to accomplish their goal. The name stuck and while it suffered a high attrition rate, the Tiger Battalion won for itself a lasting place in the hearts of many humans.
Given the natures of many of the recruits for the Wasteland Corps, each Platoon was paired with a specialized volunteer unit of the Global & Military Police's Operations Directorate and UEF Army Armoured Corps personnel. The GMP personnel acted as a check on the Wasters to remind them they were on a short leash while the Army personnel were the drivers, gunners and commanders on the various armored vehicles that transported the platoon. On paper, a Wasteland Platoon consisted of some 38 Wasters, 12 GMP guards, 12 Army personnel, and 2 Waster NCOs and 1 Waster Officer. Each Platoon was assigned 4 Janissary AIFVs and 3 M-305 Light Patrol Vehicles. Given the fact that the UEF was stretched thin at the best of times, most Waster units covered a far larger area of operation than would normally be the case. Even at their height of operation during the latter part of The Malcontent Uprisings, there was never more than a Regiment operating on any single continent.
While it was rare for a Wasteland Corps unit to mutiny, it did occasionally occur. In each and every case, the offending unit was hunted down by their fellow Wasters and captured. Justice was swift and unmerciful. The captured unit would be assembled upon a parade ground surrounded by the entire Waster command from that Operational Area who stood in ranks upon either side of the condemned. Lots were drawn and an execution squad assembled to carry out the grim ritual. The entire assembled command would watch as the mutineers were shot. In many ways it was akin to the ancient Roman Legion practice of Decimation.
While the Wasteland Corps steadily decreased in importance in the years following The Malcontent Uprisings it never was formally disbanded. A number of Waster units fought against demobilized Tirolian forces following the 2nd Robotech War. It was only during The Invid Invasion that the Wasteland Corps was actually called into service as a full fledged combat force where they distinguished themselves. The Tiger Battalion, alone of the Wasteland Corps, was drafted into service for the Robotech Expeditionary Force where it traveled across the stars to root out Invid forces on hostile worlds.
Wasteland Corps
Threat Level: Minimal; Nominally Allied Force
Nicknames: Wasters, Wasties, Rad-boys, Zoners
Theatres of Operation: NORTHAMWAR (North American Wasteland Region), SOUTHAMWAR, AUSWAR, AFWAR, ASWAR, ANTWAR
In the months following The First Rain of Death, the shattered remains of the United Earth Multinational Forces had to organize and equip groups of soldiers to enter the deadly wastelands scattered across the planet. The resulting casualties from fatigue, T'sentraeti forces, radiation poisoning and medical trauma overwhelmed all but the most hardy. Supreme Commander Glovalksky felt the situation was entirely unacceptable. It was on the suggestion of Breetai Tul that Glovalsky decided to recruit on the model of the old French Foreign Legion and the 18th/19th Century German Freikorps.
There were a number of prisoners being held by the UEG from within their own ranks who were offered a pardon in exchange for entry into the Corps. In addition, a number of former Anti-Unification League personnel as well as disgraced Private Military Contractors were offered amnesty in exchange for service. Breetai Tul turned over a large number of dissident T'sentraeti who accepted enlistment in lieu of execution. Finally, to swell the ranks even more, non-criminals could enter service in exchange for a large bounty (usually land, seed and equipment for farming or berth space on a colony ship). Depending upon the severity of circumstances, a term of enlistment could vary from 2 years up to 25 years. Despite the dangers, the ranks of the Wasteland Corps grew. After the re-establishment of the AUL and start of the NACPS, the Wasteland Corps remained a neutral force across the planet as enlistees were forbidden from taking up arms in any new Anti-Unification conflict. True to its founding, the Wasteland Corps remained a non-political entity concerned only with patrolling the wastes to prevent T'sentraeti forces from overrunning the planet.
The average Waster is a hard-bitten individual and generally inured to the rough and ready life necessary. While they come from all walks of life, the overwhelming majority were serious criminals often times had murder charges hanging over their heads. Borderline anti-social personality disorder is a common enough diagnosis that it almost goes without saying that Wasters don't play nice with others. Many of them love getting down and dirty in fights, carrying all manner of non-standard weaponry. They especially favor vibro-blades, hand axes, batons and other implements of close quarters combat. While the Wolverine Assault Rifle is standard issue, most carry the FAL-2, SAL-9 or even the T'sentraeti 7.62mm Blaster Carbine.
Among the most renowned and/or infamous (depending upon your point of view) was the Tiger Battalion that worked in conjunction with The Southern Cross Group in South America. They were named as such due to the camouflage pattern scheme that aided them in blending into their surroundings. At least one Southern Cross officer remarked, after the battalion took down a T'sentraeti regiment, that they certainly 'fought like demonic tigers' to accomplish their goal. The name stuck and while it suffered a high attrition rate, the Tiger Battalion won for itself a lasting place in the hearts of many humans.
Given the natures of many of the recruits for the Wasteland Corps, each Platoon was paired with a specialized volunteer unit of the Global & Military Police's Operations Directorate and UEF Army Armoured Corps personnel. The GMP personnel acted as a check on the Wasters to remind them they were on a short leash while the Army personnel were the drivers, gunners and commanders on the various armored vehicles that transported the platoon. On paper, a Wasteland Platoon consisted of some 38 Wasters, 12 GMP guards, 12 Army personnel, and 2 Waster NCOs and 1 Waster Officer. Each Platoon was assigned 4 Janissary AIFVs and 3 M-305 Light Patrol Vehicles. Given the fact that the UEF was stretched thin at the best of times, most Waster units covered a far larger area of operation than would normally be the case. Even at their height of operation during the latter part of The Malcontent Uprisings, there was never more than a Regiment operating on any single continent.
While it was rare for a Wasteland Corps unit to mutiny, it did occasionally occur. In each and every case, the offending unit was hunted down by their fellow Wasters and captured. Justice was swift and unmerciful. The captured unit would be assembled upon a parade ground surrounded by the entire Waster command from that Operational Area who stood in ranks upon either side of the condemned. Lots were drawn and an execution squad assembled to carry out the grim ritual. The entire assembled command would watch as the mutineers were shot. In many ways it was akin to the ancient Roman Legion practice of Decimation.
While the Wasteland Corps steadily decreased in importance in the years following The Malcontent Uprisings it never was formally disbanded. A number of Waster units fought against demobilized Tirolian forces following the 2nd Robotech War. It was only during The Invid Invasion that the Wasteland Corps was actually called into service as a full fledged combat force where they distinguished themselves. The Tiger Battalion, alone of the Wasteland Corps, was drafted into service for the Robotech Expeditionary Force where it traveled across the stars to root out Invid forces on hostile worlds.