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Re: Hire help to setup for next OH? I would just volunteer!
Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 11:48 pm
by mumah
It's less about running it and making sure everything gets cleaned up afterward. It's mostly about the time and energy that the five of them have to personally invest while the convention is going on, which would not change even if they had an army of help. Kevin is yanked in a thousand directions, ran four or five games a day, hosted Q&As and glad-handed everyone that happened to walk past him. That's also time they have to take away from producing the next product, but I digress. I daresay they would have plenty of help if they just called out for it, because youse guys rawk.
Re: Hire help to setup for next OH? I would just volunteer!
Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 12:40 am
by Jorel
I think it is some of both. Fans can volunteer and they may need a little paid for professional help.
Re: Hire help to setup for next OH? I would just volunteer!
Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 5:54 am
by MurderCityDisciple
mumah wrote:It's less about running it and making sure everything gets cleaned up afterward. It's mostly about the time and energy that the five of them have to personally invest while the convention is going on, which would not change even if they had an army of help. Kevin is yanked in a thousand directions, ran four or five games a day, hosted Q&As and glad-handed everyone that happened to walk past him. That's also time they have to take away from producing the next product, but I digress. I daresay they would have plenty of help if they just called out for it, because youse guys rawk.
I'd be glad to help clean up and whatnot...just give me a freebie in lieu of payment. I only live 10 minutes away in Dearborn.
It was a great event, it'd be my pleasure the help the Palladium crew.
Re: Hire help to setup for next OH? I would just volunteer!
Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 9:44 am
by The Dark Elf
mumah wrote:It's less about running it and making sure everything gets cleaned up afterward. It's mostly about the time and energy that the five of them have to personally invest while the convention is going on, which would not change even if they had an army of help. Kevin is yanked in a thousand directions, ran four or five games a day, hosted Q&As and glad-handed everyone that happened to walk past him. That's also time they have to take away from producing the next product, but I digress. I daresay they would have plenty of help if they just called out for it, because youse guys rawk.
I agree, they look knackered but dont want to disappoint the fans. If they announced that they would only be on site during X time and take it in shifts to supervise I am sure that 8 hour slots would be ok with the fans. Say Alex is there 7am - 3pm, Wayne 10-6, Kevin 3pm - 11pm (run a game in the afternoon, panel talk in the evening) or something similar?
And the volunteers would be a plenty to help with the physical stuff Im sure. I'll even drive the forklift.
Cant take away the planning & organising though Im afraid.