Screaming Rodent Martial Arts

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Screaming Rodent Martial Arts

Unread post by taalismn »

Having a go at making a martial arts form, exotic or otherwise(though this one leans towards Absurd). Suggestions welcomed.

Screaming Rodent Martial Arts

“I’m not running away...I’m repositioning myself to a more secure point of perspective from which to better survey the situation and develop more options...NOW GET OUTTA THE WAY!!!”

Screaming Rodent is an art form centered on survival, rather than doling out massive amounts of damage to other people. It’s for people who are expecting massive amounts of damage to be done to them, and by practicing this art, hope to reduce their chances of being rendered into permanently inanimate red paste.
Screaming Rodent emphasizes running away, and actual damaging combat moves are few and far between; mainly concerned with removing obstacles from your way(like doors) as you run for your life! If you actually manage to hurt someone with Screaming Rodent, it’s most likely because they didn’t get out of your escape route fast enough, rather than any deliberate intent on your part.
Practitioners of Screaming Rodent seem foolhardy, even suicidal; regularly practicing by playing in high speed traffic, running through avalanche zones, tightrope walking on power lines, jumping under machine presses, playing human cannonball, and other stunts that would earn them regular status on ‘Jack@$$’. Practice isn’t always deliberate or planned; there’s usually a bloodthirsty mob, raging angry ex, rabid animal, brakeless careening garbage truck, or Mafia debt enforcer involved. Falling exercises are key to the art. And, true to its name, blood-curdling and heartrending screams are also featured strongly in both practice and combat.
Screaming Rodent is competing with Drunken-style martial arts as the advanced martial arts of ‘serious’ Ludicrous-Mage Warrior-Assassins, though only when they are retreating.

Country of Origin: Canada

Style: (Non-Exclusive) True Fear knows no exclusivity.

Entrance Requirements: None. Novice practitioners often meet their teachers while running away from danger. Provided the novice isn’t tripped or otherwise sacrificed to distract any pursuers, and can keep up with the master, the junior is accepted as a student.

Skill Cost: 6 years(4 years if taken as a Secondary Martial Art Form)

Costume: long as it doesn’t trip you up while you’re running for your life.

Stance: Legs set apart, knees slightly bent, hands held up and crooked in front of the chest, shoulders slightly hunched forward, mouth open in a rictus of terror or surprise, and eyes wide open. Ideally, one’s back, the heels of one’s feet showing, is faced to danger at all times.

Character Bonuses: +1d4 P.E., +1 P.P., +2d4 Spd.

Combat Skills:
Attacks per Melee: Not ATTACKS per say, more like defensive actions. Starts with 4 per melee.
Escape Moves: Roll With Punch/Fall/Impact, Leap, Backflip, Maintain Balance, Somersault
Basic Defensive Moves: Dodge, Parry
Advanced Defenses: Automatic Dodge, Multiple Dodge, Breakfall
Hand Attacks: None
Basic Foot Attacks: Kick, Back Kick
Jumping Foot Attacks: Jump Attack
Special Attacks:
*Heart-Rending Cry of Despair---Similar to the vocal techniques of Kaijutsu, this scream conveys such fear, pain, and suffering that opponents may pause in shock...or savoring appreciation. This may allow the practitioner another few seconds grace to make good on their getaway. Delivered during a long fall, it may also convince pursuers that the fugitive is really dead, and thus call off the pursuit. In game terms, anybody caught in a 40 ft radius of the screamer must save versus M.E. or pause for 1d4 melees, and can only defend themselves from attack, not attack.

Weapons Katas: None

Modifiers to Attacks: Pull Punch, Critical Strike(Kick)

Special Katas:
*Splatfall---This is meditational skill that allows one to attain a state of apparent relaxed bonelessness. In this state the SRodent practitioner can survive normally fatal falls and impacts, and crushing confinement without ill effect----it still hurts like hell, but the practitioner is less likely to limp away with broken bones and serious internal injuries. A practitioner can survive falls from as far up as 25 ft + 10 ft per level of experience, without taking any damage. Unlike other falling skills, the SRodent practitioner doesn’t immediately jump back on his feet or land lightly, but takes 1d4 melees pulling himself up out of the ground/peeling himself off the concrete.

*Hang Time---It’s like falling, only slower...Whether it’s latent telekinetic levitation or fear-amplified senses telescoping time, the SRodent practitioner takes twice as long to fall from a given height. While this gives the practitioner extended time in which to appreciate their predicament, it can also give them more time to look around, maybe adjust their posture for a better landing, or even make a grab at a nearby ledge, tree, or line. Usually, though, all it does is allow the faller to update their will and pop an Advil.

*Vertical Leap---SRodent students learn to make instant standing straight-up vertical leaps, of up to 1 ft per every 2 pts of physical strength(P.S). Practice is usually done by concealing a sharp pin in the chair the student is sitting down in, shooting flames through a grill or releasing poisonous snakes at their feet, or rolling large stone barrels at them while they’re standing around.

*Death Trance---The SRodent practitioner becomes remarkably adept at imitating death, and can assume a limp, lifeless, broken appearance almost instantaneously upon being slammed to the ground, thrown through a window, or wacked into a wall. Only close inspection(and a good hard poke with a sharp instrument) will reveal that the person is still alive.

*Flee Instinct---When faced with such things as a Horror Factor, the SRodent’s survival instincts are so finely honed that there is NO chance of them simply standing there paralyzed; they will instantly flee, as fast as possible. This works best when in a group where others, paralyzed with shock, may provide a distraction to the monster while the SRodent practitioner escapes, but may backfire if the monster is attracted to movement.

*Emergency Boost(‘Arse on Fire Technique’)----Similar to the psionic ability Summon Inner Strength, the practitioner can dredge up a second wind, effectively DOUBLING their speed for 1d6 melees. They can perform this stunt as many times as (their P.E. divided by 3) times per day. As the name suggests, this technique is most often taught by setting the student’s pants on fire or beating their buttocks with a spiked or pointed weapon.

Skills Included in Training:
Identify Plants and Fruits(+10%)
Wilderness Survival (+5%)
First Aid(+10%, +15% when applied to self)
The following skills, if taken, get a bonus of +5%; Paramedic, Field Surgery

Martial Arts Powers:
*Art of Invisibility: Art of Evasion(Hsing Tsia)---Many a ninja clan would like to know how the heck the School of the Screaming Rodent learned ninja stealth techniques, because it clearly stole them. Needless to say, SRodent practitioners have studiously remained one, ideally many, steps ahead of any ninja wanting to question them.

Does “AAAAIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!” count as a language?

Cultural Skills:
*Begging/Pleading---Begging for your life dovetails nicely with begging for alms or food.


Philosophical Training:
* “Every Man for Himself!”

If this is your Primary Martial Arts Form, then you’re not interested in learning another martial arts, you craven coward. This is one of the few martial arts forms that bottoms out in its philosophy.

Level Advancement Bonuses:
1st----- +2 to Dodge, +2 Roll With Punch/Fall/Impact. Also select 2 from the Special Katas
2nd-----+1 Maintain Balance, +1 to Backflip/Somersault
3rd-----+2 ft to Leap distance, +2 Breakfall
4th----- +1 to Dodge, +2 Save Vs Pain, +1 Parry, Select 2 from the Special Katas
5th-----+1 APM, +2d4 to Speed, +1 Maintain Balance
6th-----Automatic Dodge, +2 Breakfall
7th-----+1d4 to Physical Endurance, +2 Roll With Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 Parry
8th-----+1 APM, +2 Save Vs Pain, +1 to Backflip/Somersault
9th----- +2 ft to Leap distance, +2 to Dodge, +1 Maintain Balance, Select 1 from the Special Katas
10th-----Martial Arts Powers: Choice of either Kick Practice(Chagi) or combined Kangeiko/Shochu Geiko Body Hardening, OR one of the following Arts of Invisibility: Art of Hiding(Inpo), Art od Escape(Inton Justu), or Art of Vanishing(Sun Shih K’an Chien Chih).
11th-----+2 Automatic Dodge
*Control Bleeding---This mental discipline allows the practitioner to WILL a wound to close within one melee, not regenerating damage but curtailing further blood loss. Call it hysterical panic-induced muscular tourniqueting, call it denial-fired psychosomatic control, but SRodent practitioners don't like seeing their precious bodily fluid seeping away, very bad thing bleeding is.
12th-----+2 Save Vs Pain, +2 to Dodge, +2 Breakfall, +1 Parry, Select 1 from the special Katas
13th-----+1 APM, +2 ft to Leap distance, +1 to Backflip/Somersault
14th-----+2 Automatic Dodge
*Double effective radius of the Cry of Despair
15th-----Critical Kick Damage on an Unmodified 18-20, +2 Roll With Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Backflip/Somersault.

Why Study Screaming Rodent?
Because you’re a craven pessimistic masochist who knows it’s only a matter of time before the Universe gets you square in its sights, and you’re going to make sure you make it WORK for that hit. It’s one of the few schools that teaches Arts of Invisibility(often practiced by studiously avoiding the schools that regard those arts as exclusively theirs). Plus it has a good selection of body toughening exercises and wilderness survival skills. If you ever anticipate having to do open abdominal surgery on yourself in the field, Screaming Rodent will prepare you for it.
On the minus side, it’s almost completely devoid of offensive moves. Hitting back only invites further trouble, and bigger beatings, in the experience of Screaming Rodent practitioners.
Last edited by taalismn on Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:07 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Screaming Rodent Martial Arts

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Re: Screaming Rodent Martial Arts

Unread post by taalismn »

I know nothing about traditional martial arts, so I figure my best bet is to focus on exotic or niche styles.
Under consideration/in progress:

-Bibliokinetics---A chi-based style practiced by librarians and book collectors/archivists
-Bellicosa Orthodontia---Martial Arts Dentistry?!
-Tickle-Fu---Is it torture or entertainment? Either way, it is dreaded.

-Wheels of Fury---A more serious Art; martial arts for the wheelchair bound character.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Screaming Rodent Martial Arts

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

taalismn wrote:Having a go at making a martial arts form, exotic or otherwise(though this one leans towards Absurd). Suggestions welcomed.

Screaming Rodent Martial Arts
“I’m not running away...I’m repositioning myself to a more secure point of perspective from which to better survey the situation and develop more options...NOW GET OUTTA THE WAY!!!”

Screaming Rodent is an art form centered on survival, rather than doling out massive amounts of damage to other people. It’s for people who are expecting massive amounts of damage to be done to them, and by practicing this art, hope to reduce their chances of being rendered into permanently inanimate red paste.
Screaming Rodent emphasizes running away, and actual damaging combat moves are few and far between; mainly concerned with removing obstacles from your way(like doors) as you run for your life! If you actually manage to hurt someone with Screaming Rodent, it’s most likely because they didn’t get out of your escape route fast enough, rather than any deliberate intent on your part.
Practitioners of Screaming Rodent seem foolhardy, even suicidal; regularly practicing by playing in high speed traffic, running through avalanche zones, tightrope walking on power lines, jumping under machine presses, playing human cannonball, and other stunts that would earn them regular status on ‘*******’. Practice isn’t always deliberate or planned; there’s usually a bloodthirsty mob, raging angry ex, rabid animal, brakeless careening garbage truck, or Mafia debt enforcer involved. Falling exercises are key to the art. And, true to its name, blood-curdling and heartrending screams are also featured strongly in both practice and combat.
Screaming Rodent is competing with Drunken-style martial arts as the advanced martial arts of ‘serious’ Ludicrous-Mage Warrior-Assassins, though only when they are retreating.
Country of Origin: Canada
Style: (Non-Exclusive) True Fear knows no exclusivity.
Entrance Requirements: None. Novice practitioners often meet their teachers while running away from danger. Provided the novice isn’t tripped or otherwise sacrificed to distract any pursuers, and can keep up with the master, the junior is accepted as a student.
Skill Cost: 6 years(4 years if taken as a Secondary Martial Art Form)
Costume: long as it doesn’t trip you up while you’re running for your life.
Stance: Legs set apart, knees slightly bent, hands held up and crooked in front of the chest, shoulders slightly hunched forward, mouth open in a rictus of terror or surprise, and eyes wide open. Ideally, one’s back, the heels of one’s feet showing, is to danger at all times.
Character Bonuses: +1d4 P.E., +1 P.P., +2d4 Spd.
Combat Skills:
Attacks per Melee: Not ATTACKS per say, more like defensive actions. Starts with 4 per melee.
Escape Moves: Roll With Punch/Fall/Impact, Leap, Backflip, Maintain Balance, Somersault
Basic Defensive Moves: Dodge, Parry
Advanced Defenses: Automatic Dodge, Multiple Dodge, Breakfall
Hand Attacks: None
Basic Foot Attacks: Kick, Back Kick
Jumping Foot Attacks: Jump Attack
Special Attacks:
*Heart-Rending Cry of Despair---Similar to the vocal techniques of Kaijutsu, this scream conveys such fear, pain, and suffering that opponents may pause in shock...or savoring appreciation. This may allow the practitioner another few seconds grace to make good on their getaway. Delivered during a long fall, it may also convince pursuers that the fugitive is really dead, and thus call off the pursuit. In game terms, anybody caught in a 40 ft radius of the screamer must save versus M.E. or pause for 1d4 melees, and can only defend themselves from attack, not attack.

Weapons Katas: None

Modifiers to Attacks: Pull Punch, Critical Strike(Kick)

Special Katas:
*Splatfall---This is meditational skill that allows one to attain a state of apparent relaxed bonelessness. In this state the SRodent practitioner can survive normally fatal falls and impacts, and crushing confinement without ill effect----it still hurts like hell, but the practitioner is less likely to limp away with broken bones and serious internal injuries. A practitioner can survive falls from as far up as 25 ft + 10 ft per level of experience, without taking any damage. Unlike other falling skills, the SRodent practitioner doesn’t immediately jump back on his feet or land lightly, but takes 1d4 melees pulling himself up out of the ground/peeling himself off the concrete.

*Hang Time---It’s like falling, only slower...Whether it’s latent telekinetic levitation or fear-amplified senses telescoping time, the SRodent practitioner takes twice as long to fall from a given height. While this gives the practitioner extended time in which to appreciate their predicament, it can also give them more time to look around, maybe adjust their posture for a better landing, or even make a grab at a nearby ledge, tree, or line. Usually, though, all it does is allow the faller to update their will and pop an Advil.

*Vertical Leap---SRodent students learn to make instant standing straight-up vertical leaps, of up to 1 ft per every 2 pts of physical strength(P.S). Practice is usually done by concealing a sharp pin in the chair the student is sitting down in, shooting flames through a grill or releasing poisonous snakes at their feet, or rolling large stone barrels at them while they’re standing around.

*Death Trance---The SRodent practitioner becomes remarkably adept at imitating death, and can assume a limp, lifeless, broken appearance almost instantaneously upon being slammed to the ground, thrown through a window, or wacked into a wall. Only close inspection(and a good hard poke with a sharp instrument) will reveal that the person is still alive.

*Flee Instinct---When faced with such things as a Horror Factor, the SRodent’s survival instincts are so finely honed that there is NO chance of them simply standing there paralyzed; they will instantly flee, as fast as possible. This works best when in a group where others, paralyzed with shock, may provide a distraction to the monster while the SRodent practitioner escapes, but may backfire if the monster is attracted to movement.

*Emergency Boost(‘Arse on Fire Technique’)----Similar to the psionic ability Summon Inner Strength, the practitioner can dredge up a second wind, effectively DOUBLING their speed for 1d6 melees. They can perform this stunt as many times as (their P.E. divided by 3) times per day. As the name suggests, this technique is most often taught by setting the student’s pants on fire or beating their buttocks with a spiked weapon.

Skills Included in Training:
Identify Plants and Fruits(+10%)
Wilderness Survival (+5%)
First Aid(+10%, +15% when applied to self)
The following skills, if taken, get a bonus of +5%; Paramedic, Field Surgery

Martial Arts Powers:
*Art of Invisibility: Art of Evasion(Hsing Tsia)---Many a ninja clan would like to know how the heck the School of the Screaming Rodent learned ninja stealth techniques, because it clearly stole them. Needless to say, SRodent practitioners have studiously remained one, ideally many, steps ahead of any ninja wanting to question them.

Does “AAAAIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!” count as a language?

Cultural Skills:
*Begging/Pleading---Begging for your life dovetails nicely with begging for alms or food.


Philosophical Training:
* “Every Man for Himself!”

If this is your Primary Martial Arts Form, then you’re not interested in learning another martial arts, you craven coward. This is one of the few martial arts forms that bottoms out in its philosophy.

Level Advancement Bonuses:
1st----- +2 to Dodge, +2 Roll With Punch/Fall/Impact
2nd-----+1 Maintain Balance, +1 to Backflip/Somersault
3rd-----+2 ft to Leap distance, +2 Breakfall
4th----- +1 to Dodge, +2 Save Vs Pain, +1 Parry
5th-----+1 APM, +2d4 to Speed, +1 Maintain Balance
6th-----Automatic Dodge, +2 Breakfall
7th-----+1d4 to Physical Endurance, +2 Roll With Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 Parry
8th-----+1 APM, +2 Save Vs Pain, +1 to Backflip/Somersault
9th----- +2 ft to Leap distance, +2 to Dodge, +1 Maintain Balance
10th-----Martial Arts Powers: Choice of either Kick Practice(Chagi) or combined Kangeiko/Shochu Geiko Body Hardening, OR one of the following Arts of Invisibility: Art of Hiding(Inpo), Art od Escape(Inton Justu), or Art of Vanishing(Sun Shih K’an Chien Chih).
11th-----+2 Automatic Dodge
*Control Bleeding---This mental discipline allows the practitioner to WILL a wound to close within one melee, not regenerating damage but curtailing further blood loss.
12th-----+2 Save Vs Pain, +2 to Dodge, +2 Breakfall, +1 Parry
13th-----+1 APM, +2 ft to Leap distance, +1 to Backflip/Somersault
14th-----+2 Automatic Dodge
*Double effective radius of the Cry of Despair
15th-----Critical Kick Damage on an Unmodified 18-20, +2 Roll With Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Backflip/Somersault.

Why Study Screaming Rodent?
Because you’re a craven pessimistic masochist who knows it’s only a matter of time before the Universe gets you square in its sights, and you’re going to make sure you make it WORK for that hit. It’s one of the few schools that teaches Arts of Invisibility(often practiced by studiously avoiding the schools that regard those arts as exclusively theirs). Plus it has a good selection of body toughening exercises and wilderness survival skills. If you ever anticipate having to do open abdominal surgery on yourself in the field, Screaming Rodent will prepare you for it.
On the minus side, it’s almost completely devoid of offensive moves. Hitting back only invites further trouble, and bigger beatings, in the experience of Screaming Rodent practitioners.

I LOVE THIS! :lol: I'm suddenly seeing the scenes of every Jackie Chan movie I ever watched where he was on the run from the angry mob/team of bad guys, pair of assassins that he was trying to avoid while trying to defend himself from their attacks in the process. This would make a great secondary choice for any DMA that doesn't take himself too seriously.
My only suggestion... the exclusive Special Katas... let the practitioner choose 2, maybe 3 at level 1 and have the rest available for selection during level advancement, say levels 4, 8 and 12 maybe. Other than that, fantastic job!
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Re: Screaming Rodent Martial Arts

Unread post by taalismn »

JuliusCreed wrote:[I LOVE THIS! :lol: I'm suddenly seeing the scenes of every Jackie Chan movie I ever watched where he was on the run from the angry mob/team of bad guys, pair of assassins that he was trying to avoid while trying to defend himself from their attacks in the process. This would make a great secondary choice for any DMA that doesn't take himself too seriously.
My only suggestion... the exclusive Special Katas... let the practitioner choose 2, maybe 3 at level 1 and have the rest available for selection during level advancement, say levels 4, 8 and 12 maybe. Other than that, fantastic job!

Thanks. Encourages me to go for the other WIPs(if I can figure out appropriate game mechanics for SERIOUS tickling, that is) :twisted:
And consider your suggestion implemented.
Also sharpened up some of the language and added a little more text.
Thank you for the feedback. :fool:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Screaming Rodent Martial Arts

Unread post by mrloucifer »

This art would have use in a BTS game the more I think about it. :)
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Re: Screaming Rodent Martial Arts

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taalismn wrote:-Wheels of Fury---A more serious Art; martial arts for the wheelchair bound character.

With escrima sticks...(or more esoteric a stack of bonuses for thrown weapons)??

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Re: Screaming Rodent Martial Arts

Unread post by jaymz »

That is some funny stuff right there :lol:
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

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Re: Screaming Rodent Martial Arts

Unread post by Pepsi Jedi »

taalismn wrote:Having a go at making a martial arts form, exotic or otherwise(though this one leans towards Absurd). Suggestions welcomed.

Screaming Rodent Martial Arts
“I’m not running away...I’m repositioning myself to a more secure point of perspective from which to better survey the situation and develop more options...NOW GET OUTTA THE WAY!!!”

Screaming Rodent is an art form centered on survival, rather than doling out massive amounts of damage to other people. It’s for people who are expecting massive amounts of damage to be done to them, and by practicing this art, hope to reduce their chances of being rendered into permanently inanimate red paste.
Screaming Rodent emphasizes running away, and actual damaging combat moves are few and far between; mainly concerned with removing obstacles from your way(like doors) as you run for your life! If you actually manage to hurt someone with Screaming Rodent, it’s most likely because they didn’t get out of your escape route fast enough, rather than any deliberate intent on your part.
Practitioners of Screaming Rodent seem foolhardy, even suicidal; regularly practicing by playing in high speed traffic, running through avalanche zones, tightrope walking on power lines, jumping under machine presses, playing human cannonball, and other stunts that would earn them regular status on ‘Jack@$$’. Practice isn’t always deliberate or planned; there’s usually a bloodthirsty mob, raging angry ex, rabid animal, brakeless careening garbage truck, or Mafia debt enforcer involved. Falling exercises are key to the art. And, true to its name, blood-curdling and heartrending screams are also featured strongly in both practice and combat.
Screaming Rodent is competing with Drunken-style martial arts as the advanced martial arts of ‘serious’ Ludicrous-Mage Warrior-Assassins, though only when they are retreating.
Country of Origin: Canada
Style: (Non-Exclusive) True Fear knows no exclusivity.
Entrance Requirements: None. Novice practitioners often meet their teachers while running away from danger. Provided the novice isn’t tripped or otherwise sacrificed to distract any pursuers, and can keep up with the master, the junior is accepted as a student.
Skill Cost: 6 years(4 years if taken as a Secondary Martial Art Form)
Costume: long as it doesn’t trip you up while you’re running for your life.
Stance: Legs set apart, knees slightly bent, hands held up and crooked in front of the chest, shoulders slightly hunched forward, mouth open in a rictus of terror or surprise, and eyes wide open. Ideally, one’s back, the heels of one’s feet showing, is faced to danger at all times.
Character Bonuses: +1d4 P.E., +1 P.P., +2d4 Spd.
Combat Skills:
Attacks per Melee: Not ATTACKS per say, more like defensive actions. Starts with 4 per melee.
Escape Moves: Roll With Punch/Fall/Impact, Leap, Backflip, Maintain Balance, Somersault
Basic Defensive Moves: Dodge, Parry
Advanced Defenses: Automatic Dodge, Multiple Dodge, Breakfall
Hand Attacks: None
Basic Foot Attacks: Kick, Back Kick
Jumping Foot Attacks: Jump Attack
Special Attacks:
*Heart-Rending Cry of Despair---Similar to the vocal techniques of Kaijutsu, this scream conveys such fear, pain, and suffering that opponents may pause in shock...or savoring appreciation. This may allow the practitioner another few seconds grace to make good on their getaway. Delivered during a long fall, it may also convince pursuers that the fugitive is really dead, and thus call off the pursuit. In game terms, anybody caught in a 40 ft radius of the screamer must save versus M.E. or pause for 1d4 melees, and can only defend themselves from attack, not attack.

Weapons Katas: None

Modifiers to Attacks: Pull Punch, Critical Strike(Kick)

Special Katas:
*Splatfall---This is meditational skill that allows one to attain a state of apparent relaxed bonelessness. In this state the SRodent practitioner can survive normally fatal falls and impacts, and crushing confinement without ill effect----it still hurts like hell, but the practitioner is less likely to limp away with broken bones and serious internal injuries. A practitioner can survive falls from as far up as 25 ft + 10 ft per level of experience, without taking any damage. Unlike other falling skills, the SRodent practitioner doesn’t immediately jump back on his feet or land lightly, but takes 1d4 melees pulling himself up out of the ground/peeling himself off the concrete.

*Hang Time---It’s like falling, only slower...Whether it’s latent telekinetic levitation or fear-amplified senses telescoping time, the SRodent practitioner takes twice as long to fall from a given height. While this gives the practitioner extended time in which to appreciate their predicament, it can also give them more time to look around, maybe adjust their posture for a better landing, or even make a grab at a nearby ledge, tree, or line. Usually, though, all it does is allow the faller to update their will and pop an Advil.

*Vertical Leap---SRodent students learn to make instant standing straight-up vertical leaps, of up to 1 ft per every 2 pts of physical strength(P.S). Practice is usually done by concealing a sharp pin in the chair the student is sitting down in, shooting flames through a grill or releasing poisonous snakes at their feet, or rolling large stone barrels at them while they’re standing around.

*Death Trance---The SRodent practitioner becomes remarkably adept at imitating death, and can assume a limp, lifeless, broken appearance almost instantaneously upon being slammed to the ground, thrown through a window, or wacked into a wall. Only close inspection(and a good hard poke with a sharp instrument) will reveal that the person is still alive.

*Flee Instinct---When faced with such things as a Horror Factor, the SRodent’s survival instincts are so finely honed that there is NO chance of them simply standing there paralyzed; they will instantly flee, as fast as possible. This works best when in a group where others, paralyzed with shock, may provide a distraction to the monster while the SRodent practitioner escapes, but may backfire if the monster is attracted to movement.

*Emergency Boost(‘Arse on Fire Technique’)----Similar to the psionic ability Summon Inner Strength, the practitioner can dredge up a second wind, effectively DOUBLING their speed for 1d6 melees. They can perform this stunt as many times as (their P.E. divided by 3) times per day. As the name suggests, this technique is most often taught by setting the student’s pants on fire or beating their buttocks with a spiked or pointed weapon.

Skills Included in Training:
Identify Plants and Fruits(+10%)
Wilderness Survival (+5%)
First Aid(+10%, +15% when applied to self)
The following skills, if taken, get a bonus of +5%; Paramedic, Field Surgery

Martial Arts Powers:
*Art of Invisibility: Art of Evasion(Hsing Tsia)---Many a ninja clan would like to know how the heck the School of the Screaming Rodent learned ninja stealth techniques, because it clearly stole them. Needless to say, SRodent practitioners have studiously remained one, ideally many, steps ahead of any ninja wanting to question them.

Does “AAAAIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!” count as a language?

Cultural Skills:
*Begging/Pleading---Begging for your life dovetails nicely with begging for alms or food.


Philosophical Training:
* “Every Man for Himself!”

If this is your Primary Martial Arts Form, then you’re not interested in learning another martial arts, you craven coward. This is one of the few martial arts forms that bottoms out in its philosophy.

Level Advancement Bonuses:
1st----- +2 to Dodge, +2 Roll With Punch/Fall/Impact. Also select 2 from the Special Katas
2nd-----+1 Maintain Balance, +1 to Backflip/Somersault
3rd-----+2 ft to Leap distance, +2 Breakfall
4th----- +1 to Dodge, +2 Save Vs Pain, +1 Parry, Select 2 from the Special Katas
5th-----+1 APM, +2d4 to Speed, +1 Maintain Balance
6th-----Automatic Dodge, +2 Breakfall
7th-----+1d4 to Physical Endurance, +2 Roll With Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 Parry
8th-----+1 APM, +2 Save Vs Pain, +1 to Backflip/Somersault
9th----- +2 ft to Leap distance, +2 to Dodge, +1 Maintain Balance, Select 1 from the Special Katas
10th-----Martial Arts Powers: Choice of either Kick Practice(Chagi) or combined Kangeiko/Shochu Geiko Body Hardening, OR one of the following Arts of Invisibility: Art of Hiding(Inpo), Art od Escape(Inton Justu), or Art of Vanishing(Sun Shih K’an Chien Chih).
11th-----+2 Automatic Dodge
*Control Bleeding---This mental discipline allows the practitioner to WILL a wound to close within one melee, not regenerating damage but curtailing further blood loss. Call it hysterical panic-induced muscular tourniqueting, call it denial-fired psychosomatic control, but SRodent practitioners don't like seeing their precious bodily fluid seeping away, very bad thing bleeding is.
12th-----+2 Save Vs Pain, +2 to Dodge, +2 Breakfall, +1 Parry, Select 1 from the special Katas
13th-----+1 APM, +2 ft to Leap distance, +1 to Backflip/Somersault
14th-----+2 Automatic Dodge
*Double effective radius of the Cry of Despair
15th-----Critical Kick Damage on an Unmodified 18-20, +2 Roll With Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Backflip/Somersault.

Why Study Screaming Rodent?
Because you’re a craven pessimistic masochist who knows it’s only a matter of time before the Universe gets you square in its sights, and you’re going to make sure you make it WORK for that hit. It’s one of the few schools that teaches Arts of Invisibility(often practiced by studiously avoiding the schools that regard those arts as exclusively theirs). Plus it has a good selection of body toughening exercises and wilderness survival skills. If you ever anticipate having to do open abdominal surgery on yourself in the field, Screaming Rodent will prepare you for it.
On the minus side, it’s almost completely devoid of offensive moves. Hitting back only invites further trouble, and bigger beatings, in the experience of Screaming Rodent practitioners.

I actually like this. Not that I'd take it for myself but I saw it in the mutant animals thread and you're not wrong. There's quite a few mutant animals that would have this martial art. I might down the years needed to get it a bit though.

I new a few kids in school and growing up who were masters of this. I always felt kinda bad for them but have seen the scream and flight in action. It's something to see.

I think "Country of Origin: Canada" was the cherry on top. (( Though you'd think France would be a strong contender at first, but this Martial art is about running away, not rolling over. :)

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

James Tiberius Kirk: Well, not _only_...
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Re: Screaming Rodent Martial Arts

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Pepsi Jedi wrote:[

I actually like this. Not that I'd take it for myself but I saw it in the mutant animals thread and you're not wrong. There's quite a few mutant animals that would have this martial art. I might down the years needed to get it a bit though.

I new a few kids in school and growing up who were masters of this. I always felt kinda bad for them but have seen the scream and flight in action. It's something to see.

I think "Country of Origin: Canada" was the cherry on top. (( Though you'd think France would be a strong contender at first, but this Martial art is about running away, not rolling over. :)

Thanks. It encourages me to work on my other slightly-off martial arts that have been inspired, in part by anime-based fanfiction...Not that any are (going to be) represented here(that would be conversion no-no), but most fanfiction usually depicts areas or communities where absurd or niche martial arts 'Martial Arts Burger Franchising' or 'Martial Arts Websurfing' or 'Martial Arts Accounting', and thinking to myself 'what would it take to make that WORK?'(that, and 'what wold surprise a bunch of PCs used to dealing with mainstream or high-powered styles?'). :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Pepsi Jedi
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Re: Screaming Rodent Martial Arts

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taalismn wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:[

I actually like this. Not that I'd take it for myself but I saw it in the mutant animals thread and you're not wrong. There's quite a few mutant animals that would have this martial art. I might down the years needed to get it a bit though.

I new a few kids in school and growing up who were masters of this. I always felt kinda bad for them but have seen the scream and flight in action. It's something to see.

I think "Country of Origin: Canada" was the cherry on top. (( Though you'd think France would be a strong contender at first, but this Martial art is about running away, not rolling over. :)

Thanks. It encourages me to work on my other slightly-off martial arts that have been inspired, in part by anime-based fanfiction...Not that any are (going to be) represented here(that would be conversion no-no), but most fanfiction usually depicts areas or communities where absurd or niche martial arts 'Martial Arts Burger Franchising' or 'Martial Arts Websurfing' or 'Martial Arts Accounting', and thinking to myself 'what would it take to make that WORK?'(that, and 'what wold surprise a bunch of PCs used to dealing with mainstream or high-powered styles?'). :D

Do the burger one first!! I'd love to see that one! :ok:

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

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Re: Screaming Rodent Martial Arts

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Pepsi Jedi wrote:[

Do the burger one first!! I'd love to see that one! :ok:

I'd refer you to the Ninja Burger RPG.

What I'm working off and on are:
-Bibliokinetics---A chi-based style practiced by librarians and book collectors/archivists
-Bellicosa Orthodontia---Martial Arts Dentistry?!
-Tickle-Fu---Is it torture or entertainment? Either way, it is dreaded.
-Geezu---Senior Citizens' Martial Arts; retirement home stick and walker fighting

-Wheels of Fury---A more serious Art; martial arts for the wheelchair bound character.

However, the fluff text comes easier to me than the stats.

But if you were to toss up just about anything with "martial arts" attached to the name, and I'd bet somebody here would have the passing thought "you know, I just might be able to think of at least one move for that!". Whether or not you can make an entire martial arts SCHOOL/discipline out of, say 'Martial Arts Erotic Oil Wrestling' or 'Sno-Cone-Fu' remains to be seen. :fool:

Odds are, most 'novelty schools' would be heavily derivative of existing schools, or would be so narrowly specific that they get wiped out after only a generation or two or a single encounter with a more established and mainstream school. A practitioner of Martial Arts Penmanship might be able to demolish his next door rival who practices Martial Arts Pet Grooming, but he's going to get wiped out facing the Aikidoist who comes calling.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Pepsi Jedi
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Re: Screaming Rodent Martial Arts

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:shock: :shock: :shock: What is this Ninja Burger you speak of?? :shock: :shock: :shock:

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

James Tiberius Kirk: Well, not _only_...
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Re: Screaming Rodent Martial Arts

Unread post by taalismn »

Pepsi Jedi wrote::shock: :shock: :shock: What is this Ninja Burger you speak of?? :shock: :shock: :shock:

They deliver your fast food order BEFORE you think of it.
Ideally they deliver it such that you have no idea how your order just appeared(in this, they're similar to the webcomic Freefall's Cafe Ninja, which takes 'invisible, unobtrusive service' to new extremes), and if they perform in any way substandard, that brings dishonor to the franchise, they're obliged to commit seppuku.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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