Combative Operator: a NPC for Rifts
Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 7:43 pm
Written and posted by random_username (AKA Munchkin Clown) on the Palladium Books: GM Forum.
CONTENT DETAILS RATING: PG-13, high PG/nearly 14A equivalent. Moderate violence and brief implied reference to alcohol: tavern, merc shops, combat pits, no nonsense laws, defensive town tactics/terminology, and sci-fi/magical tech/scenarios. Appropriate game elements and humor. Included since this is a public forum posting. [Compared to 2012 movie ratings: A movie equivalent would be rated PG-13 in the USA, or PG possibly 14A in Canada.]
STATUS: Finished rough outline by design. GM's challenge to fill in the innumerable blanks and adjustments. Player's challenge to be heroic. Any Rifts Veteran's challenge to determine on their own the how and why of anything via their own insight into Rifts. Likely to require numerous re-readings in order to piece all the elements together. Though ultimately simply just some appropriate in every way honorable fun from an old dude Gaming Coach. Merry Christmas 2012.
- NPC Operator outline with Double Maximum Tech Modification Capabilities.
- Mandatory Intro Article:
- Also Provides Tech Sales: Fully modded natural armors for spell-casters further modifiable by local level 15 Techno-Wizard (RMB), significant access to Triax Tech, etc.
- Can also purchase ultra rare tech from players specifically valuable to Triax (and possibly CS) for full value which may also be traded in for ultra-rare tech such as the "Sentinel" Power Armor.
- Some extremely limited Alien Tech: Salvaged and disguised Naruni, disguised Vallax.
- Plus functional outline for customizable non-canon "Tek Town" as a setting or home base for the Players. Essentially a primarily Intermediate/Veteran Player setting suitable for transitioning into (or starting as) Advanced/Elite Veterans (see Mandatory Intro link above). Typically only the lowest Epic power scale characters might find some setting elements helpful. Munchkin player gaming is not included since it means effectively playing something that is not inherently playable (100+ attacks per melee, etc.).
- Plus several possible useful adventure elements: Including difficult but eventually possible expensive one-way transport to NGR from North America (see Contacts - Triax).
- Includes several original Techno-Wizard, Psi-Tech, and Gizmoteer security devices.
- Includes appropriate Expanded Interpretation of Operator Modification Capabilities.
- For GMs who have a use for such things.
- Possible inspiration for designing NPC or Player Operators.
- "Build a better Operator" with valid back-story to genuinely justify why it is level 15.
- Intended to be an interesting, fun, simplified, and appropriate level 15 Operator NPC maximized for GM and player usefulness NOT OVERKILL. Operators are often one of the most commonly sought out NPCs in the game for Tech based PCs. Thus having a decent one around is handy for both PC and GM. Tossing in some quirks and story element possibilities integrates it into the game more thoroughly.
- By the time players have enough gaming experience to recognize the need to seek out an Operator to modify their equipment they are probably ready for maximum or this double maximum modification capability.
- The semi-unique Vallax tech inclusion (see apprentices) is another way to revitalize old canon technology.
- Uses a minor variation or two on the Special Human Trait option.
- May be considered somewhat lenient on interpretation and usage of other various possibilities.
- Just an essential component outline for this NPC. Remaining attributes, HP, SDC, and so forth are up to individual GMs or possibly players.
- Rarity: This combination is essentially limited to a maximum of one per violent city neighborhood or unprotected town, typically in North America, with the Vallax Tech aspect further limited to even fewer or possibly even a single Combative Operator. It could also be one per continent or entirely unique. Due to the possible but rare combination of: Mutant abilities + 30+ stats + Aberrant protector scenario enabling enough Experience Points to achieve level 15. Simply compare to how many Player Characters will ever actually manage to go from first level to fifteen level.
- Books Referred To: Rifts Ultimate Edition, WB13:Lone Star, WB10:Juicer Uprising, DB4:Skraypers, Conversion Book One (revised or original), Sourcebook One (revised or original), WB5:Triax One, and WB30:D-Bees. None of the standard info available was included below so all of these books will likely be required to actually make use of this article/forum posting. However, it could also technically be used "as-is" as long as at least have access to the standard Operator's percentage modification abilities listed in the RUE.
NAME: Max Tekhammer. (Real Name: Unknown) Still just a template/outline. A final version summary of Max may be added eventually.
OCC: Operator (RUE).
- Possible Additional OCCs: Needs to remain as "human" as possible without detectable magical abilities. Allowing him to maintain to his CS contact if any (and possibly Triax). Possible magic and psionic cloaking abilities: Mystic Invisibility (Merc Adventures), Mask PPE (Psionic), or T-C23 Sentinel Blades, and so forth. Currently is just a HP & SDC human (mutant) who's mutant abilities are easily explained away as common psionic abilities (Telemechanics) and advanced combat abilities: HTH Assassin + Extraordinary PP masquerading as HTH Commando. ... alocc.html Also covered in #26 on ... ombat.html
LEVEL: 15.
ALIGNMENT: Aberrant (with some Principled tendencies). Formerly aspired to be an Aberrant Cyber-Knight but didn't become one (see Cyber-Knight Racial Requirements RUE). Found the Code of Conduct and wandering adventurer lifestyle admirable but not quite for him. Something about bringing a sword to a gun fight... followed by simply being overrun by hordes of monsters... while almost always being in unfamiliar terrain (that tends to change dramatically and frequently due to influx of alien lifeforms, battles, and so forth).
PERSONALITY: Fair but no nonsense. An Aberrant Town or Neighborhood protector. Based out of his Operator's Mechanic Shop supplied with parts via the confiscated gear of offenders. Has cordial relations with Cyber-Knights, the Black Market, legitimate humanoid Mercenary Companies, Local Townsfolk, and so forth. His apprentices are his loyal Lieutenants and he is there Leader. In general he will not associate with Anarchist, Miscreant or Diabolical beings.
- "Fair": Aberrant Protector in violent town in violent Rifts world...
- Mechanic Shop Posted Door Sign: In numerous languages stating "No negotiation of any type"; includes all semi-local languages (American, Spanish, French), Dragonese/Elven, Euro (just in case a Triax rep visits), Gobberly, Demongogian (more frequently utilized that it might seem), plus any other common local languages. Aspiring customers will be verbally greeted with "Welcome to the best tech shop in town. All prices are non-negotiable and paid in advance. Violators will be exterminated."
- Will not tolerate threats, bartering (usually a cover for other influences), bribes, trust/intimidate attempts, charm/impress attempts, awe/horror factor, seduction, magic illusions, and so forth towards him, his shop, or those he protects. Anyone who attempt these will be immediately subdued and all of their equipment confiscated as payment for their offence. If need be the individual will restrained and transported with nothing more than the clothes on their back to a random town within about 500 miles by one of his apprentices.
- Anything more violent such as: Threats implying usage of present weapons (on individual or via nearby associates), any act of violence, psionic influence, and so forth will result in terminating the target while attempting to save as much of the target's gear as possible. Law of Bartering.
- Shop prices are standard prices and are not inflated or reduced: Most of his tech parts are from confiscated tech so except for the danger in their acquisition there is no actual cost to them. Having heavy force fields usually means eliminating any repair costs from their acquisition from hostile targets. (Repair Costs listed in Operator Ability #4 in RUE, as well as an expanded list in Sourcebook One?)
- Some minor specific discounts: See Contacts (below).
- Two different scale "brawling pits" are available in town (or the neighborhood).
- Huge Local Bar/Tavern with 10000 customer capacity has indoor "Infantry brawling pit" (20 feet deep, 20 feet by 20 feet). Run by the barkeep owner. Ten-foot tavern entry doors, and limited to light power armor at most (T-C23 is fine). Anything heavier than light power armor usually isn't suitable for use in a tavern.
- Outdoor Robot Vehicle and Heavy Power Armor "Robotic brawling pit" (60 feet deep, 400 feet by 400 feet). Run by the Promoter. Primarily for robotic vehicle and heavy power armor combatants.
- Both are for official or unofficial melee-only combat (drunken challenges are common). As long as both combatants enter and voluntarily continue their melee-only combat then no intervention is necessary. Most beings will yield once they are below 30% innate MDC, or when SDC beings have their MDC armor destroyed or reduced below 50% (unrepairable below 15%: Original and Revised SB1; possibly higher elsewhere). Minor Exception: Drunken patrons of the Tavern who start a fight without entering the pit are simply tossed into the pit by the bouncers. That usually either gets them to fight in the designated area or to realize their error and quietly leave the pit. Bouncers are typically any innate MDC humanoid with supernatural strength or similar: Dragon Juicer, Mega Juicer, possibly Titan Juicer in armor, and so forth.
- The Barkeep or Promoter, any regular customers, and locals can explain to any newcomers that the only fights permitted in town are non-lethal, melee only and must occur voluntarily in either of the two "brawling pits". Violators will be exterminated. Enforced by the local protector and his assistants. Signs with all semi-local languages explaining this fighting restriction as well are posted all over town. A simple picture-based explanation is included as well: Two power armors fighting on level land circled in red with red line through it; next to two power armors fighting in a pit circled in green.
- Spontaneous fights are common, with corresponding gambling offered via the Barkeep or Promoter.
- Law of Frenzy: Any damage outside of either pit is an offense. Since ranged combat tends to lead to this any ranged combat is also automatically an offense. Lethal combat is an offense. Superseded by Law of Defenders and occasionally Law of Invaders (see Tek Town Details below).
- There is also an unofficial, unregulated "anything goes" combat valley about 10 miles outside of town. However, this is often just a trap being set by local bandits or whoever that can provoke a few foolish mercenaries or adventurers into going. Neither the locals nor the protector go to that location.
- Personal Combat Request to Fight Max: If genuinely honorable he simply replies that such things are inappropriate due to his responsibilities. Usually this is just an attempt to lure him out of the fortress to be ambushed and so forth. If a bandit, volatile challenger, or similar he either simply blasts them with the turrets or pauses briefly to confer with Cliff. He thus informs Cliff (see the Techno-Wizard below) that a volunteer target for his latest experimental weapon has presented himself. If useful to Cliff then Max simply informs any such challenger to head to the robotic pit (or just outside of the town perimeter if Cliff's weaponry is ranged or particularly lethal) and wait there. Cliff typically shows up in his own T-C23 so the challenger is generally unaware of any difference.
APPEARANCE: Almost always in his personal armor. Otherwise an idyllic solid appearance and build that could be anywhere in his 40s, 30s, or late 20s.
NOTABLE ATTRIBUTES: IQ 30+, MA 10+, ME 10+, PP 31+, PE 10+, full autododge, and never fatigues (see below). Base speed of 6 for the RUE low attribute boost to IQ, or Gene-Spliced to IQ 30 plus one insanity option (Mindwerks), or the possible but implausible natural 29 or 30 attribute roll (natural 18 +6 on 1d6 +5 or 6 on 1D6) +1 Operator bonus.
- Ultimate Attributes and Abilities Option: Technically Gene-Splicers can provide 'any attributes, abilities, and so forth' limited only by the GM (first option in Mindwerks); except for innate magical abilities.
SPECIES: Rifts Earth Mutant Human (Super Abilities Conversion Book 1 original or revised version) or Skraypers Mutant Human (Seerons) born and/or raised on Rifts Earth. Gene-Splicers (Mindwerks) or Lone Star could possibly produce equivalent abilities as well.
- Major: Mechano-Link, Create Force Field.
- Minor: Extraordinary PP, Healing Factor.
- Can replace Create Force Field with various Force Fields (Naruni, TW, Ultimax, Vallax, etc) built into specific armors or vehicles.
-- Mechano-Link: Unlimited use all Telemechanic abilities; universal 'Pilot Everything' skill percentage even alien tech. Essentially has limited Robot Combat Elite in all applicable: Full capabilities/maneuvers but no actual combat bonuses (bonus attacks, etc). Combat bonuses require the actual RCE/PCE, RCB/PCB, Weapon Systems, etc; bonus to strike with all modern weaponry. Less obvious benefit: Eliminates Tech type Skill Penalties (RUE page 301): Advanced, Unknown, or Alien Machines and Tech; and Military Tech penalties. Primary Exception: Any technology that is immune to Telemechanics or equivalent such as: Just the espionage components made by Archie-3 (Shemarrian Nation?). Indirect Exception: Incorrect Species Auto-destruct: Several technologies are hardwired to be only usable by specific species with corresponding auto-destruct if incorrect species attempts to tamper with the item: Shemarrian Guns (Archie-3), Vallax Weapons (WB10: Juicer), and so forth (Bonus yes, Boom yes; otherwise they would be common acquisitions). Side Note: Even without this the Vehicle Armorer skill would eliminate just the Military Tech penalties.
-- Extraordinary PP: Mainly for Autododge and PP bonus to legitimately achieve 31 PP. Other minor bonuses.
-- Healing Factor: Mainly "never fatigues". Huge list of other bonuses. Treated as does not need sleep and never tires enabling him to operate at maximum innate speed/capacity for unlimited duration.
- Combined Powers: Mechano-Link full immersion Meditation (on/off) allowing MDC regeneration of direct contact tech. MDC is same as HP + SDC healing rate with option of super healing (Healing Factor). However any damaged sustained to an item while its being healed also inflicts an equal amount of SDC to Max (1 MD = 1 SD). If the item is destroyed while doing so Max must save vs coma/death of PE +1% per level, +bonuses or immediately die (level+HF=35%+PE attribute number +PE coma/death bonus +others). No other limit while doing so. Whiles utilizing Mechano-Link Healing Factor Meditation other standard meditation benefits apply (ISP gain, PPE gain, etc). (Original concept; Based on HU2 Combining Powers plus MDC versions of powers in Rifts and MDC settings.)
- Modification Comparison Note: Heavy modification of power armor is like modern day street racing modification of cars, essentially tons of parts are swapped out for higher performance parts and/or fine-tuned in unique ways, and by the time its done very little of the original vehicle remains. Also any mass produced technology is inherently built to minimum practical capabilities for cost effectiveness. Custom modification aims for maximum effectiveness. Mass production might use the 100 credit piece of tech since its sufficient to function appropriately while custom modification might use the 10,000 credit piece of tech replacement part to maximize effectiveness.
- MDC Materials Technical Note: Essentially the Rifts system does not differentiate between the various qualities of MDC materials used in terms of cost or repairs (though it formerly did in terms of type of armor being repaired). See Operator Ability #4 (RUE) for universal MDC repair costs (listed as "replace" MDC presumably for both repairs and additional MDC). MDC qualities are easy to recognize when comparing a roughly 1 ton or less power armor to a 10 to 30 ton robot vehicle with the same main body MDC (typically in the 300 to 450 MDC range). Since Operator MDC additions do not increase weight (there is even an option to reduce the overall weight) it is presumably done by "replacing" existing MDC plating with more efficient MDC material plating. Thus being similar to retrofitting a SDC vehicle into a MDC vehicle where it too has its "armor" replaced by more effective armor. What this likely means is that when MDC is "added" to an armor type it will either be a small amount with irrelevant weight adjustment OR significant MDC where existing MDC plating is removed and replaced with more efficient MDC material plating. Since the removed MDC plating is still fine for use only the additional MDC is charged for in credits. Since any repairs to MDC armors are simply done with the corresponding correct MDC material then modded armors that are subsequently damaged will be repaired with the improved MDC material.
- Operator vs Non-Operator Modification Note: As the primary advanced tech OCC Operators have special modification abilities above and beyond the other OCCs or just the mechanical skills themselves (see Operator Ability #4). The strangest of which is perhaps the Vehicle Armorer skill which specifically provides familiarity with cutting edge military technology, enough that it provides lesser versions of Operator Ability #4. Once an Operator has this skill he gets to use his Operator mods for that tech instead of the skill mods.
- Tech Armor Side Note: Except for GM generosity the ability to continually use the same tech armor (body armor, power armor, robot vehicle) usually requires having damage buffers such as autododge, force fields, Techno-Wizard impervious to energy addition, and so forth.
#1 Defined Talent - Operator Ability #4: Repair and Soup-Up Machines and Abilities (double modification capabilities) (WB13: Lonestar).
- This is a minor variation of the standard available options. Gaining double normal enhancement capabilities (similar to the double bonus if a Physical skill was chosen). Instead of two defined skills benefiting just the one Operator Ability which applies to all of his mechanical skills.
#2 Enhanced Intelligence, option #2: Actual ability name is different. (WB13: Lonestar).
- Standard Version Provides: Huge amount of bonus skills. Availability of all skills regardless of normal OCC restrictions (both bonus and regular OCC). Actual canon: All skills access + many bonus skills + treated as equivalent of Secondary Skills yet can get the most advanced skills with bonus skills (Artificial Intelligence, in theory any Hand to Hand skill) which are unavailable as normal Secondary Skills = the only standard canon skill category with this combo (Any skill + 0% bonus) are the rare less than 1% of OCC skills that have no percentage bonus (see Cyber-Doc: Medical Doctor skill, and several other RUE OCCs) = bonus skills are essentially "Lesser OCC Skills". This is just an easier to understand label.
- Minor Variant Expanded Options: An alternative to Mechano-Link's less obvious benefit. Can also choose a specific tech penalty elimination option instead of a bonus skill selection. 1 Bonus Skill usage obtains 1 of: Complete familiarity with a single "Advanced, Unknown, or Alien Technology" that would normally have a skill penalty associated with working on it. Each of the following would be considered a single Tech selection:
-- All North America Human Military Tech (Coalition, Northern Gun, and so forth); Side Note: The Vehicle Armorer skill description implies effectively having this tech familiarity (last sentence in skill description; RUE).
-- All European Human Military Tech (England, Triax/NGR, Soviet, and so forth);
-- Naruni Tech;
-- Vallax Tech requires nearly impossible circumstances to achieve - infected but free-will juicer, Vallax Android, Vallax species, or genetic mimic shapeshifter - PLUS the electrical and mechanical capabilities to disable the auto-destruct features - PLUS the tech must be obtained before the end of the actual Juicer Uprising event in World Book 10 where they and all of their tech was destroyed. They are such an otherwise such an obscure species that not even the Splugorth have heard of them or their technology. (see WB10: Juicer Uprising)
- and so forth.
- See RUE page 301 for details of skill penalties.
- Mechano-Link side note: This is able to utilize all advanced or alien tech without penalties which could imply that it also effectively eliminates any penalties for mechanically working on such devices. Doing so would eliminate the necessity of the above. Vallax Tech would still require the special apprentice circumstances in order to obtain and disarm before being able to work on them.
#3 Optionally: Could have up to 1 more Special Human Traits (max of 3 for mutants).
- an automatic 20+ MA attribute (start with low MA, get RUE attribute bonus; then select?); ambidexterity + combat bonuses; Defined Talent: Boxing and Acrobatics = double combat bonuses for both; Defined Talent: Mechano Link 'Pilot Everything' and 'Operate Any Machine' (= 96% both with IQ bonus; lenient usage for universal base skill equivalents),and so forth.
OCC SKILLS: (primarily essential selectable skills for the character theme; remaining OCC skills are listed in RUE)
- Robot Combat Elite - All CR-### CS Robot Vehicles: Including Spider Skull Walker. (RUE)
- Robot Combat Elite - All Glitterboy models: All built of the same basic chassis, game-play appropriate lenient RUE armor groupings interpretation. Same applies to SAMAS.
- Robot Combat Elite - All T-## including T-C## Triax Armors: T-21, T-31, T-C20, T-C23, and so forth. The T-C## is just the "luxury edition" of the T-21. RUE lists T-21 as Ground Power Armor but should actually be classified as Flying Power Armor (since it does fly, and also compare dodge bonus relevance) and especially since the GBSK is specifically listed as a flier and is literally the GB-Tech version of a T-21/T-C20 (horrible comparison to virtually identical flight capabilities of a T-21). Having Elite in any of the T-series, Kittanni Universal Power Armor (WB2 comparatively primitive alien tech predecessor to T-21), Glitterboy Sidekick (WB22 literally a T-21 built from GB-Tech) effectively includes the remaining ones on this list (possibly lenient armor groups).
-- A single PAE or RCE lists a specific grouping of similar power armors or robot vehicles. These are generally most easily defined in any relevant way by a technical designation attributed to their manufacturer. However several base power armor types are actually made by several different manufacturers yet all simply minor variations of that basic power armor. As such any PAE that includes any model or manufacturer of one of these should effectively include all other models and manufacturers of the same basic type. Examples: SAMAS, Glitterboys, T-21/T-C20/Glitterboy Sidekick/Kittanni Universal Power Armor; each basically knock-offs/equivalent/variations of the core design.
- WP Heavy MD Weapons.
- HTH: Assassin.
ADDITIONAL OCC PREREQUISITE SKILLS: (RUE page 299 - in bold "If an O.C.C. or R.C.C. starts off with a skill...")
- Communication: Literacy x3 (Computer Operation, Electrical Engineer, and Mechanical Engineer prerequisite). Interestingly the three literacy skills actually makes sense since Operators start with two spoken languages, and Techno-Can is essentially an engineering and programming language for all technology which lacks a spoken version.
- Science: Mathematics - Advanced (Electrical Engineer prerequisite).
- Special: The combined abilities of Electrical Engineer and Mechanical Engineer effectively include the equivalent of abilities of the Electricity Generation skill. Mechanical Engineer "includes fusion driven turbines and advanced power supplies". Electrical Engineer can "wire entire buildings or vehicles". Mostly just eliminates any need to select the Electricity Generation skill and comprehensive ability to independently power his own buildings.
OCC RELATED SKILLS: (primarily essential skills for the character theme)
- Electrical: Robot Electronics 13th/98%.
- Mechanical: Aircraft Mechanics 15th/98%, Automotive Mechanics 13th/98%, Locksmith 15th/98%, Robot Mechanics 15th/98%, Vehicle Armorer 15th/98%.
- Military: Military Fortifications 10th/98%.
- Physical: Boxing 4th/combat bonuses.
- Pilot Related: Navigation 7th/98%, Weapon Systems 7th/98%.
- Rogue: Computer Hacking 15th/98%.
- Tech: Appraise Goods 10th/98% (x2, ALL Military Goods; covers Recognize Weapon Quality and more), Computer Programming 15th/98%.
SECONDARY SKILLS: (primarily essential skills for the character theme)
- Tech: Lore: Magic 15th/98% (Symbols 98%, People Enchanted 97%), Lore: Demons & Monsters 15th/98%, Lore: Faeries & Creatures of Magic 12th/98%, Lore: Psychics & Psionics 8th/81%, Lore: Juicer 4th/66%. [Protector 'know your targets' theme.]
- WP: Energy Pistols 15th, Energy Rifles 15th, Quick Draw 2nd/initiative bonus (simplest interpretation, seems to function similar to a Physical skill providing a universal combat bonus).
BONUS SKILLS: (via Special Human Traits, Enhanced Intelligence, Option #2; no OCC skill % bonus) Huge number of bonus skills. (see WB:Lone Star)
- Communications: Electronic Countermeasures 5th/71%, Surveillance 7th/91%. [Seemed helpful]
- Espionage: Detect Ambush 11th/98%, Detect Concealment 13th/98%, Intelligence 15th/98%. [Detection and Universal Enemy Identification and Analysis]
- Military: Camouflage 12th/98%, Demolitions 6th/92%. [Mostly incorporated into Military Fortifications for secret tunnels, compartments, turrets, auto-destruct, and so forth]
- Physical: Acrobatics 4th/98%+ (Includes: Climbing 66%, Prowl 56%). [Theme appropriate: movement style of T-C23, no fear of heights for non-Men-at-Arms pilots, Physical Prowess Bonus]
- Science: Artificial Intelligence 15th/98%, Chemistry 15th/98%, Chemistry:Analytical 15th/98%. [Design and modify tech materials, armor types, and so forth]
- Tech: Art 8th/91% (Modern Tech Design, Customization, and Paint-job) [Vehicle Armorer skill already does this?], Lore:D-Bee 14th/98%, Salvage 9th/96% (advanced version of Recycle).
- Wilderness: Skin & Prepare Animal Hides 10th/96%. [Applied to all appropriate skin-able monsters suitable for making natural MDC armor]
- Advanced Tech Familiarity Option: North America Human Military Tech (free from Vehicle Armorer skill?), European Human Military Tech (free from Vehicle Armorer skill plus access to Triax tech?), Naruni, Vallax, plus other appropriate ones. Mechano-Link may actually effectively provide all of these tech types for free since it eliminates them for piloting purposes. So either (A) All advanced and alien tech types free from Mechano-Link leaving room for 3 more skills; or (B) only the Advanced Tech free from Vehicle Armorer, selecting Naruni and Vallax as individual alien tech types, leaving room for 1 more alien tech type or 1 more skill.
- "Pilot All": High percent base plus IQ % bonus. Applies to all percentage based piloting skills. Only individual Robot Combat Elite skills must be obtained separately. (see DB4:Skraypers)
- Law 15th/98%.
- Swimming 15th/98%.
- WP Sword 15th/-.
- Remaining bonus skills effectively covered via OCC, etc.
- Lore:Xiticix 11th/98%. [From "Cured" Hates bugs of all kinds; see History - Fortifications.]
- Seeron (HSS) with Latent (Enhanced Major) or Master Psionics (DB4 + HU2); Mutant Human or Seeron - plus Azlum mod (WB2); Either with any Psionics - plus Gene-Splicer mods (SB3), or...
- Human Mutants with Random Psionics: Originally prohibited mostly to maintain game balance and to keep every Scholar & Adventurer OCC from being immediately overly powerful. Psi-Ghost and other listed examples violates that and even does so in far more powerful ways (Psi-Ghost Major Super Abilities = potentially unlimited enemy tech vehicle capture ability - starting with fastest vehicle, limited invulnerability, and so forth). Ultimately really only remains as a game-balancing option for low powered campaigns. Also useful to those without any familiarity with the HU2 book or even the DB4 book. If a real diehard for the wording of the concept over the relevant intent/context of a concept then no worries simply use one of the far more powerful example options. [Innovative interpretation; as always its a matter of relevance to any particular GM]
- Mutant + Psionics Examples: Psi-Ghost, Seerons, Bio-Freak, Gene-Splicer creations, Azlum mod (WB2), and so forth.
- Mainly for Sixth Sense, Intuitive Combat, average 80+ ISP, better psionic saving throw, allows use of optional TW additions, plus other interesting psionic abilities.
- Max's Psionics: Max is probably most functional as a Seeron (HSS) with Master Psionics substituting in Psi-Tech abilities (but no skills) instead. Born and raised on Rifts Earth. [DB4; HU2 vs Psyscape] This maximizes his tech capabilities (speed and versatility) though many aspects are simply alternate variations on Mechano-Link/Operator Abilities. It also covers the Sixth Sense and Intuitive Combat psychic abilities, has 280 ISP, 8 PPE, and is still technically 'human' (a Seeron Human that would pass for a regular Rifts Earth human). The double max modification ability would also apply to the one modification percentage that the Psi-Tech has but Operator's does not (the computer %). The repeated modification abilities presumably do not combine, only the better of the two is used. This also treats Max's tech mod enhancement as a universal bonus to any similar tech modification percentage abilities from any OCC (possible, plausible, appropriate, just simply unlikely to occur).
-- Combining Identical Bonus/Mod Types: Could attempt to combine identical types (speed modification %). However the stable ones tend to be identical mod numbers (or simply lesser versions of Operator mod abilities) implying being the same type of bonus (similar to attempting to obtain the same WP twice due to multiple OCCs with same OCC skill). Therefore combining is inappropriate however using the better of the two identical bonus types is appropriate (computer %, double speed tech skill use = 6 days of work per day with never fatigues, etc). Jury-rigging speed is about the only one that might combine (x2 = base +100%, x3 = base +200% = base +300% = x4; though mostly as an amusing story element).
-- Interesting Side Note: If the Gene-Splicers (Mindwerks) ever enhanced Max based off this configuration they could make him obscenely powerful. Natural innate aptitude for stable mutation plus master psionics: The two areas that Gene-Splicers excel at enhancing.
-- [Overall may be considered difficult game aspects: Subtle but slim possibility of random master psychic similar to several other ones found in Rifts; Rifts integration/version typically simply being having the abilities but not the skills of any master psychic RCC/OCC rather than the HU2 version; and so forth. These are always interesting to deal with. Each such instance tends to be semi-unique. Either (A) well defined with specific limitations often unique for that species; or (B) Basic generic possibilities that tend to be more implied than defined with no special limitations.]
-- Max's final version is not listed this is still just an outline. A final summarized version of Max may eventually be listed separately.
-- Just for amusement: Psychics are considered essentially extremely minor mutants of their species if you can find that tidbit in the books.
Fully Modified Spider-Skull Walker:
- Double Normal Maximum Increases to MDC, Speed, and so forth. Plus up to double extra features per area. All via enhanced operator ability #4. Yields: 850 MDC + 255 MDC Vallax Force Field (1 primary and 1 backup), 112 mph ground and flight (see below), and so forth. Force Field Options: Techno-Wizard 150 MDC (RMB), Ultimax/Triax FF fully modded to 170 MDC (by using same MDC % as for Armor MDC), Naruni Super Heavy FF fully modded to 272 MDC (by using same MDC % as for Armor MDC), Vallax Force Field fully modded to 255 MDC which regenerates 1D10+10 MDC per melee (both by using same MDC % as for Armor MDC and simplified numbers) and unlike most force fields this one seems to replenish itself at the same rate after reaching zero MDC (unless the vehicle is destroyed), Create Force Field Super Ability 200 MDC. Should be enough room based on maximum add-on modifications (see Operator RUE) to allow for one primary tech FF system and one backup tech FF system only usable one at a time (Vallax x2 is best, Vallax + TW is interesting only if 100s of ISP and/or PPE are available, or whatever).
- Dual Rail Guns Replaced with Dual Boom Guns that do Dual Boom Gun Blasts. If need be use the Triax Glitterboy Boom Guns. Over-sized ammo drums store 20,000 rounds each gun allowing 20,000 dual blasts. May include special ammo: MDC wood rounds, MDC silver rounds, and so forth.
- Mini-Missile Launcher Add-On: Primarily for shooting down incoming missile volleys. Almost never needed for autododging targets. 100 Mini-Missiles payload. Can fire any volley size from 1 to 20. 200 MDC top-mounted mini-missile launcher, 100 MDC internal reinforced missile storage compartment, with emergency jettison and detonation system. If its launcher MDC is depleted (note overkill absorption rule) the remaining mini-missile automatically jettison, propelling straight upward 100 feet and detonating all remaining missile harmlessly.
- Dual Laser Turrets: If the optional Vallax Option is used (see Apprentices below) then the core components of both of these dual turrets have been replaced with the Vallax Rifle essential components. Resulting in 2D6x10 MD dual-blasts that automatically bypass any impervious to energy (regardless of nature) after the first shot on a recurring target; unlimited shots, fully modified range 2400 feet.
- Limited but extremely nimble VTOL Hovering and Flight Addition: 112 mph, 500 foot maximum height. Achieved via combination of: Underside hover jets, rear propulsion jets, and maneuverings jets on each leg. Can fire the dual boom guns without hindrance while flying. Nimble enough to autododge in if pilot is capable of it.
- Customized Appearance: Its modifications have been done to specifically change its appearance as much as possible. It currently appears to be more of a Triax or Kittani (Atlantis) streamline and space-age design. Basically it simply isn't visually recognized as being a CS Spider Skull Walker by anyone including the CS.
- Numerous other optional features.
- Optional TW modifications include: Impervious to Energy, Invisibility (Superior), and so forth from his 15th level Techno-Wizard contact: For duration per use, and so forth (see RMB). Listed ISP (see psionics) effectively limits these to two uses total before all ISP expended. It is very, very easy to trade for goods and services as a double maximum modifications level 15 Operator - can fully modify a vehicle or armor for a Techno-Wizard who then adds his own TW additions to it making the TW very happy.
- Why a spider skull walker?: Just interesting to revitalize an early canon Rifts robot vehicle. Also happened to have enough MDC and weight to support switching the standard dual rail guns to dual boom guns with minimal modifications. Ironically the six giant spider legs are visually amusing as huge stabilization pylons which are actually irrelevant since it already weighs nearly 30 tons.
Neural Mace: For peacefully subduing very low powered opponents, usually mercenary bar room brawl equivalent encounters. Otherwise mostly symbolic. In theory he has a preference for methods that quickly subdue and confiscate equipment from those that attack them. Neural Maces, Stun Guns (WB10:Juicer Uprising - Defender Power Armor - Neural Disruptor Rifle), Tear Gas, restraints, and so forth.
Neural Disruptor Rifles: Fully modified version: Standard save (modified to base 27) for targets in armor up to 85 MDC; +6 save for targets in armor of 86 to 136 MDC; armor 137+ MDC is immune, range 1440 feet. Same amount of MDC as Force Field or Innate MDC should also stop it. Each MDC is dealt with separately do not total them (it either stops it or it doesn't). Immunity to Energy or Electricity applies. Resistance or immunity to either of poison or stun most likely applies as well. All MDC true supernatural (Demons, etc), natural (Dragons, etc.) and artificial creatures of magic (Mega-Juicer, Dragon Juicer, Tattoo-Man, etc) are also immune. Must still strike target first. Mostly a symbolic weapon. Special Power connector slot in hand grip, see T-C23. Max and his apprentices all carry one of these in a custom locking back shoulder holster. To be replaced with a better and plausible "stun gun" for him and his apprentices when available. (WB10 Defender Power Armor)
Minor Magical Items:
Obtained from TW buddy and/or other customer contacts, and so forth.
- Hindrances: Anything that can detect magic can potentially find the location of these items. A TW device or similar could also likely obscure specific magic detection. Also see Sentinel Blades for T-C23.
- 7-Section Amulet: Each section is a separate medallion which are then simply tied into place along a string which is worn securely around the neck. Each section provides a different Amulet spell benefit thus achieving all 7 benefits simultaneously; constant See The Invisible, etc. RUE page 223.
- Various Talisman: Each has 1 spell with 3 usages, must be recharged by its creator: With useful spells such as Carpet of Adhesion, Dispel Magic Barrier, and so forth. Talisman spell, BoM page 150.
- Magic Scrolls: Useful spells of 9th or higher level. Create Magic Scroll BoM page 140.
- Other minor magical items: At GMs discretion.
Magical Items:
- These are approaching overkill and are less Rifts-ish than preferred but may be necessary for absolute security. Inferred creation guidelines similar to magical weapons: Alchemist (PFRPG), Mystic Kuznya (WB18), Druids (WB3), Holy Weapons (Equivalent variation of Rune Weapons), and other persistent magic item creation sources. Also any item put into the game can technically be captured by players. When dealing with spells (Power Weapon, Anti-Magic Cloud, etc) or effects (Rune Weapon creature Vulnerability) that include specific limitations or benefits for being rune weapons can treat these as such. Technically “minor rune items”. Includes Sentinel Blades (see T-C23).
- Left Bracer: Constant Invulnerability (as spell:) Same immunities and bonuses as spell, with separate on/off MDC field (which refreshes every melee), and on/off blue light of the aura. For wearer and gear up to two-handed sword/rocket launcher and worn armor no larger than 1 foot beyond the wearer's natural shape in any direction (so up to 2 feet additional height, width, length) including force fields. Works with T-C23. 50 MDC aura/field completely renews at the start of every melee and MDC field portion only covers the hand-grips of any wielded weapons. Can be activated and deactivated on command. Will automatically switch off if any other MDC field is active or is activated. Will automatically switch on (non-visible version) if no MDC field is present or if current one is eliminated. The aura has no visible aspect, except that on command its color can become blue providing the equivalent light of a 40 watt lightbulb. Its bonds in the same manner as Sentinel Blades and only the wielder can activate its abilities. Its aura's magical nature is completely masked by the Mystic Invisibility of a Sentinel Blade. Item is indestructible and does not impede the wearing of actual armor due to being as thin as sheet metal.
- Additional/Extended aura effect also acts as an anti-matter containment/repulsion field preventing anything within the aura from physically interacting with Anti-Matter. Thus providing the only known immunity to Anti-Matter: Do not make any physical contact with it whatsoever (otherwise only possible by not having a physical form).
-- Anti-Matter explosions are more of an expanding disintegration field rather than an actual explosion/big boom. Things within the field essentially cease to be while things outside of the field are unaffected.
- Right Bracer: Constant Impervious to Magic Barriers: Basically makes the wearer and his gear immune to detrimental magical barriers (same types as for Dispel Magic Barriers spell). However does not impede Protection Circles. Indestructible with same gear limitations as Left Bracer.
-- Further protects the wearer and his gear from all unnatural energy drain (including TW Void Wall, Shadow Wall spell, life force drain, Nxla/Harvesters/Xombie, etc) and detrimental anti-magic equivalent effects (anti-magic cloud, ley line storms, etc).
-- Also provides immunity to Telekinesis and equivalent effects regardless of nature: Magic, psi, super ability, etc; as well as artificial gravity manipulation; other appropriately similar effects can also be included in the immunity.
-- Approved acquisition of a T-C23 from Max could include a Right Bracer at GM's discretion. If particularly lenient could also include a Left Bracer.
"Sentinel" T-C23 Power Armor - Double Max Modified T-C20 Power Armor - Full Military Version of Triax T-21: Essentially fully articulate "work coveralls", with the benefit of light power armor strength. Its minimal increase in size and dextrous fingers means its fully functional for over 90% of Operator tasks. Due the further dangers of attack from the overall violence of the area it is also essentially enhanced body armor. It is less restrictive than most body armors and can be worn while piloting vehicles and robot vehicles.
* Usage: For safety and practicality both he and his apprentices will be wearing suits of these while working 90% or more of the time (100% except when in personal quarters).
* This custom armor version was nicknamed “Sentinel” by the local townsfolk. It was given its technical designation by the Combative Operator: T-C23 represents "C" Combat designation, "2" base model, and "3" Mechanic/Explorer designation.
* These have been fully enhanced via his Operator Ability #4.
* Yielding 340 MDC + 255 MDC Vallax Force Field which regenerates 1D10+10 MDC per melee[/u] (fully modded by using same MDC % as for Armor MDC and simplified numbers). Unlike most force fields this one seems to replenish itself at the same rate after reaching zero MDC (unless the armor is destroyed). Configuration includes a precise gap over each weapon/tool exit point so they can always fire without hitting the force field (missile launcher, finger tools, etc.). External wielded weapons are not protected by the force field, however only a called shot to such a weapon would reveal that (Neural Disruptor Rifle, melee weapons, etc). Other Force Field options would require: PPE/ISP (TW), larger armor type (Ultimax), the mutant power, possibly something from Triax (Triax 2 book perhaps?), or other advanced or alien technology. Specific area MDC is similarly double max modified.
* Robotic Strength: Full robotic strength, since its radically enhanced MDC now qualifies it for such an upgrade. See Augmented Strength vs Robotic Strength RUE page 285. [An innovative interpretation]
-- Also increase to 27 (Robotic Strength). [This actually makes it slightly less than the standard P.S. of the similarly sized same basic technology T-31 heavy power armor - by P.S. type and Immunity to Psionics standards: WB5:Triax. Thus making the P.S. conversion and P.S. increase notions even more plausible.]
* Heavy Power Armor: Fully modified with 250+ MDC (and robotic strength just for completeness) is reclassified as Heavy Power Armor. With the ultra heavy force field eliminating any doubt of this. Essentially more powerful than an Ultimax: More total MDC and ultra-heavy force field regenerates very quickly apparently even when depleted; man-sized so can be worn anywhere that body armor could be worn; 1D6x10 MD built-in weaponry that bypasses any immunities to it, provides autododge when using its primary movement form. The Ultimax is one of the few power armors or robot vehicles that comes with a force field. As such it actually makes a very good comparison for similar MDC values and offensive capabilities.
* Immunity to Psionics: 250+ MDC see RUE page 366. The description of this feature (which is due to 250+ MDC main body) does not technically affect the wearer's psionics such as Sixth Sense or Intuitive Combat. Even if it did an innovative minor variation on the basic potential of the Techno-Wizard Psionic Mind Shield (RUE page 136) could produce a helmet modification that permits the use of such abilities. The ISP usage cost could simply be: Double ISP costs, or require an activated effect by 18 ISP for 24 hours of normal Battle Psionics use. Based on the notion that allowing specific psionics use would be much easier than creating a magical immunity to all psionics. Both would be without otherwise compromising the nature of innate Impervious to Psionics from adversaries.
* Magic Avoidance: Many magic spells and effects use dodge as a saving throw (Magic Net, etc). Thus the autododge is extremely helpful. Most non-damaging effects are also limited to very short range of typically under 100 feet.
-- Heavy Power Armor immunities to magic: Death Bolt (BoM - Necro), etc.
* Power Jumping: 238 mph, provides autododge, and +3 autododge (BOTH ONLY WHILE POWER JUMPING). Its primary movement type. Typically 20 to 30 foot jumps up and across, maximum of 420 feet. Side Note: Basically while Power Jumping it essentially moves in the same bouncing, unpredictable way as a Juicer engaged in combat. Basically able to move approximately 5000 feet (just under 1 mile) per melee; with 10 actions per round it could move 500 feet per action = 16 to 25 jumps while engaged in combat. Absurd but approximately technically accurate.
* Flight/Jump Engines and Universal Mobility: Silenced Engines, cushioned boot-grips and non-reflective semi-camouflage or full camouflage paint, special surface coatings to eliminate 'clanking', fine-tuned weight balancing, custom-fitting, exceptional hand and finger grips for climbing, balanced buoyancy for swimming, corresponding computer programs combining sensors and non-combat use of targeting system, and so forth. Adds +40% to: Acrobatics, Climbing, Gymnastics, Prowl, and Swimming. (See Expanded Operator Abilities below.) [Innovative interpretations; See Triax Hover Tank for similar principle Silenced Engines WB5:Triax]
* Helmet:
-- Sound Filtration System: Fully insulated against the sonic boom effects of Boom Guns (RUE page 51 + Boom Gun details).
-- Enhanced Sensors: All known optical sensors including Magnification (up to x480, 9 feet), Telescopic (up to x60, 3 miles), and so forth (RUE page 50, 264). Polarized lenses sufficient to protect against even a Blinding Flash spell or equivalent.
-- Language Translator: 21 languages at any one time (see RUE page 262 and 49). Virtually any language is available including appropriate Phase World languages at GM discretion.
-- Targeting System: Allows standard dual forearm weapon blasts, for standard 1 action. Presumably compensates for any and all possible movement based penalties while Power Jumping and engaged in combat (its primary function), especially since it is built off the military version of the T-21. Shouldn't need to but if in doubt then consider it a modification added into it, most likely an inspired targeting system variation partially based on the commonly available targeting system from the Juicer Killer Power Armor (WB10: Juicer Uprisings). It is basically designed to counter a juicer's autododge abilities, thus using it as a template for designing one that allows autododge abilities.
-- Target ID Recognition HUD: Equivalent of all ID skills at 98%: ALL standard Lore skills (plus Vampire and Xiticix), Identify Plants and Fruit, Appraise Goods (vehicles, and military goods only), Intelligence (organizations, groups, merc companies, military forces, etc), Streetwise (gangs), and so forth. Primarily anything found on Rifts Earth. (simplified, far more extensive, advanced, miniature version of existing Tech; using T-C23 sensors, HUD, and advanced computer systems)
* Back Shoulders:
-- Right Side Back Shoulder - Customized Locking Rifle Holster: which holds one rifle securely in place, primarily for the Neural Disruptor Rifle (see Notable Equipment above).
-- Left Side Back Shoulder - Micro Missile Launcher: Custom built launcher replaces standard back mounted T-C20/T-C23 missile launcher, Volleys of 1 to 20, ammo capacity 60 micro missiles. Primary Purpose: Countering enemy missile volleys of 4 or more. Naruni Micro Missiles (listed in DB3:PWS; DB8:Naruni Wave 2?) eventually replaced with Tekhammer Anti-Matter Micro Missiles (1D4x10 MD each, damage type: Anti-matter, otherwise standard micro missile stats). [See TW Create Anti-Matter Machine] Tekhammer has roughly 10000 in stock at any time. TW Missile Countermeasures Enhancement on missile tube #1 only: 98% chance to shoot down missile volley with one missile (self powered). Reinforced internal missile compartment jettisons and harmlessly implodes destroying just the specially reinforced compartment if the missile launcher is destroyed. Done without damaging the surrounding area.
* Fingers:
-- Index Finger - Laser Wand with Scalpel settings available (Electronics and Etchings).
-- Middle Finger - Laser Torch (Cutting and Welding) (see RUE page 269).
-- Ring Finger - Retractable Power Connector for Neural Disruptor Rifle while wielded that connects it to the Power Armor's nuclear power supply. Basically a variation of the Retractable Finger Blades (RUE page 53). External end casing also rotates with full robotic strength.
-- Little Finger - Retractable Universal Cyberjack Plug (see Computer Portable Field Unit RUE page 262).
-- Finger Tech - Expanded details in case of any confusion: Also note similar laser finger tech RUE page 53. Custom versions should fit fine, however Laser Torch core components could be built into back of hand and use focusing lenses in mini-tubes to project it down the length of the finger (similar to fibre-optics). Hand held versions are also larger due to appropriate hand-held casing requirements which in turn allow use of cheaper and larger components, and so forth. Probably easiest to build out of 6 laser wand weapon cores that are funnelled into a single beam as needed. Pen sized laser wand = pen casing + 60% space for mini-e-clip = weapon core smaller than a AAA battery. Could also just build from scratch. Alternatively even special order from Triax, Black Market, Northern Gun, or Wilks. Improvised Estimated cost: 7000 base x10 easy miniaturization x 10 easy prototype = 700000 credits for one plus 70000 credits for each additional with a size equal to a single AAA battery.
-- T-C23 Field Repairs: The combination of built-in tools, diverse advanced sensor systems including non-combat/mechanical usage, robotic strength, and so forth make the T-C23 ideal for performing Field Repairs. As such it eliminates the skill penalties for all Field Repairs except Extensive (RUE page 312). Presumably "extensive" would include any significant section (main body, primary limb, etc) who's MDC has been reduced below 30% (since at 15% it becomes unrepairable based on original SB1). [just an appropriate innovative interpretation]
* Forearms:
-- Back-Hand Side of Forearms, Both Arms - Vallax Beams: 5D6 MD and 1200 foot range each. Custom targeting system allows dual blasts for 1D6x10 MD (instead of 5D6x2) and after first hit on same target it automatically bypasses any impervious to energy regardless its nature. The military version included forearm lasers which have been replaced by the Vallax Pistol tech (see Apprentices below).
-- Elbow/Little Finger Outer Side of Forearms, Both Arms - "Experimental Retractable Silver Blades similar to energized or vibro blades". If anyone asks is from experimental metallurgy MDC silver (some Forum posts actually address tech-based MDC silver) and several processes far too complicated to even attempt to explain. Which are actually magical "Sentinel Blades":
--- Overall Nature and Power Level: Unaligned Magical Blades that can initially be wielded by anyone. Vaguely similar to Holy Weapons, Mystic Kuznya, and other such magical weaponry. Non-standard rune weapons/items: "Greater" or low end "Greatest" "Rune Weapon" combat capabilities but only considered to be "Minor Rune Items" mainly due to a lack of independent personality (WB30: Nuhr Dwarves - Nuhr Rune Maker; extended Mystic Kuznya equivalent). Closest creation methods being demonstrated by Nuhr Rune Maker (variants of Mystic Kuznya) and standard Mystic Kuznya (which only has an unfinished limited list of possibilities similar to list of specific TW items vs endless possibilities via TW creation process). Story element: It tends to be a signature item that no one else can deduce how to make... strangely appears to be a non-magical sword (advanced or alien tech perhaps?) by all detection methods (even to Nuhr Rune Makers and Mystic Kuznya). They are physically designed and disguised to appear to be "experimental retractable vibro blades" especially when housed in armor forearms. Ultimately are effectively immune to detection as magic items. Thus their true nature and value is only rarely known to anyone (Max, apprentices/former apprentices, certain members of the local mage guild, etc). [Some original magic abilities and variations on standard magic weapons]
--- Naturally bonds to wielder after carrying for 24 hours allowing weapon abilities other than raw damage to function. Remains in effect for up to one month after being separated from wielder, refreshes via any contact before then. Otherwise then becomes wieldable by anyone again. Repeating process. Wielder cannot sense the blade. [Minor variation of standard]
--- Typically only installed in pairs (WP Paired Weapons), each located in the outside-most section of the forearm (side-mounted for practical wielding). Definitely installable along with the forearm Vallax blasters due to Max's double maximum modification ability of two additions per location instead of one. Though in theory could really just be considered a design option for any Operator to install.
--- +2 All Combat Rolls (any d20) from each Sentinel Blade = +4 from the pair: Initiative, strike, ranged strike (ancient and modern), parry, autododge only if or when present, saving throws, perception, and so forth. Only applicable if wielded or "sheathed" in forearm sheaths, including built into armor. Cumulative from all Sentinel Blades. Maximum of one per arm. [Magical weapon bonus enhanced variant specifically designed to be cumulative with other Sentinel Blades]
--- Indestructible 100% Pure Silver: Affects and usually does +10 extra base damage to creatures specifically vulnerable to it, werebeasts, vampires, and so forth. This further benefits from specific creature vulnerability damage multipliers: Double damage from silver weapons (= 1D6x10+10 all x2 = 2D6x10+20) and so forth. When multiple damage types and multipliers apply: Silver, rune, magic weapon, and so forth only the highest/most important multiplier would apply (unless bored GMs add them together similar to Critical Hit multipliers or whatever). Inflicts damage as HP if a HP target (only if an invulnerable to physical target with HP and a vulnerability to silver weapons) or MDC if a MDC target.
--- Inflict 1D6x10 MD magical rune weapon physical silver damage each.
--- Minor Magical Blade Lengthening: Allows just the full-size blade to condense down as short that of a small knife. When fully retracted as such it is concealed within the forearm armor housing. Blade width and hilt size remain the same. Wielded via WP Sword at lengths of over 1 foot, or WP Knife or simply unarmed (like knuckle-spikes) at 1 foot or less. Similar to a shape shifting or metamorphosis type of effect. [Original magic weapon option]
--- When designed as a forearm weapon it is intentionally designed to look like an over-sized retractable vibro-blade when wielded. Forearm Weapon Version has extremely thin blade, small hilt, minor cross-piece, small hand grip, and minor pommel. Regular sword version has normal thickness blade, and so forth.
--- Constant Mystic Invisibility (not actual invisibility) for the weapon, and also the wielder if it is anywhere on the individual. Also protects from all detrimental Anti-Magic, Ley Line Storms effects, and so forth (can still dispel opponent effects). Not applied to other beings who have contact with it. Renders weapon, wielder and his gear (up to worn body armor, T-C23 power armor), force fields, auras, psionic and magic capabilities and usage completely undetectable by all magical, psionic, and special sensory means (Psi-Stalker, Dog Boy, a Dragon's 'Sense Other Dragons' ability, even Object Read, and so forth). Special senses are usually psionic or semi-psionic variations or magical senses of creatures of magic. Otherwise appears completely visible to normal sight and tech sensors. This is basically similar to a combined constant Mask PPE and Mask ISP and Psionics sensitive psionic effect.
----- If combined with an actual Invisibility then it renders the individual undetectable by "See the Invisible" effects: Psionic power, magic amulet, most if not all innate versions are simply psionic or magic equivalents unless obtained via non-magical or non-psionic tech or super ability, etc. Having the See The Invisible from the Major Super Ability of "Invisibility" would be one of the few ways to still see such an individual (DB4:Skraypers). However Invisible Superior ends if any hostile action is made, and the individual must continually pass prowl checks while moving to be completely unnoticed. Since its a d100 skill based concept its maximum possible prowl would be 98% resulting in there always a chance of being detected. Only if combined with some kind of magical sound eliminating aura (mobile AOE field) could the prowl limitation be essentially removed. Almost all other forms are effectively Invisible Simple (Innate, Super Ability, etc) which can be detected via many technological and mundane senses.
----- Overall Usage Example: A spell caster could chat with a Dog-Boy and the Dog-Boy would have no idea that the person was a spell caster. Even with non-visible active self-buffing spells and psionics would still remain undetectable when talking to the Dog-Boy. Could even step out of visual sight nearby, quietly cast a self-buffing spell, and the act of casting a spell would still not be detectable. Only when a spell encompasses an area that is larger than a force field around the individual with the blade does it then become a fully unconcealed external effect and thus detectable. (Mercenary Adventures book) [Original magic weapon option]
--- Hilt and base of the blade are housed in the outer side of each forearm. It will safely magically extend the blade out up to four feet past the hand or retract upon verbal command by the wielder. One set of combat friendly instant command words for each, usually: 1-E and 1-R (left full extend, left full retract), 2-E and 2-R (right full extend, left full retract). Adding in a middle number to the extend command will select the length: 1-1-E = extend to 1 foot length; 1-2-E = 2 foot; 1-3-E = 3 foot. There are also activate all commands of Z-E, Z-R, Z-1-E, Z-2-E, Z-3-E. Commands are usable as part of a wielders overall effects for a particular action except that it prevents other verbal communication (radio, etc) for that action. Command word codes are etched in Dragonese/Elven on the hilt of the blade. The codes are easy enough to say if taught by someone who knows the language to someone who does not. Only command words from the bonded wielder will function.
--- Can only be added and removed by completely disassembling the arms of the armor. Alternatively by destroying the arms of the armor.
--- Design Note: Melee tends to be the least preferred method of combat for the T-C23 due to nature of built-in autododge. Mainly used for "bug hunts" when having to go inside confined spaces: Sewers, most buildings, caves, and so forth.
--- Only available via the Mage Guild members and connections. Not typically for sale. Primarily for Max and his apprentices. However is included as part of any fully constructed T-C23 even those for sale. Raw value 17 million each, conservative street value of 34 million each (68 million for a pair), and only available via special circumstances (similar to rune weapons).
* Size: Effectively unchanged, more efficient MDC materials were used to replace standard plating for the increased MDC modification. Similar efficiency for other modifications.
* Weight: 120 lbs, after weight reduction modification.
* Other stats, speeds, MDC by location, and so forth fully double max modified. Includes an underwater speed equal to half of flight speed. Maximum depth 765 feet.
* Whatever else makes sense.
* Limitations: Its main limitation is the medium range of its built-in weapon systems.
* Original Acquisition: Having a fondness for efficient, advanced tech he eventually found a suit of T-21 Terrain Hopper Power Armor. After experimenting and studying at length he made extensive inquiries into the tech behind its development. Eventually managed to contact those that managed to supply these power armors regularly. With some smooth talking and several well placed bribes he was able to learn of the military version of this armor. Ultimately he was able to obtain over forty of the T-C20 military version most of which he currently keeps in extremely secure storage. (See WB5:Triax for military version; Sourcebook One for T-21 version; available in North America pre 93 PA – WB5: 103 PA minus 10 years talks with CS while already having been retailing tech extensively prior to these talks = pre 93 PA.) Earliest availability of Vallax tech is 83 P.A. As such consider the T-C23 to be Max's primary armor unit from 83 PA to 105 PA (when the GBSK became available at the start of the CS vs FQ/Tolkeen War).
* Value: Raw value around 50 million including the Vallax Tech (2 million base armor value; estimate 1 million x2 Vallax beams and 10 million x1 Vallax FF, logical approximation of 2 million for robotic strength conversion, 2x17 million+ Sentinel Blades). As essentially the military uniform for him and his people he wouldn't likely sell it to anyone else. The security of having the only supply of this uniform plus a quick comparison of the value of power armor and robot vehicles with similar stats means a street value of double: 100 million credits (including hidden full value of the Sentinel Blades). This typically translates into one perfect condition sought after power armor or robot vehicle being trade-able for one fully armed T-C23 (WB2: Two Kittani Power Armor types, etc).
-- Ultimately there is a slim chance that as a favor he would sell a single fully modified unit to a former apprentice (Operator OCC - possibly players) for personal use only, for precisely 50 million universal credits (no trade values except for semi-unique items highly sought after by Triax - see contacts). Maximum of one such sale per former apprentice ever (if it is destroyed or otherwise disappeared then has no inclination to provide another one). It would have a mandatory inclusion of a 15 year duration Attune Object to Owner on entire item, or all essential parts (including Vallax Tech). Reserved for those that remain on good terms with the Combative Operator.
-- Sales beyond this: Will only be available for 100 million universal credits worth of trade-in value of semi-unique items highly sought after by Triax - see contacts. Paid and verified in advance. Has also given one to his level 15 Techno-Wizard contact in exchange for all his ongoing services.
* This is a unique combination of extremely advanced and alien military tech. The GM may presume a -65% total skill penalty (-40% advanced/alien, -25% military) when working on it except for: The Combative Operator, his apprentices and former apprentices, anyone with Mechano-Link Super Ability, probably the Vallax and their techs as well. Anyone with extensive military tech familiarity (the technicians from Triax, Latest Coalition War Campaign tech, Kittani, etc.) or simply have the Vehicle Armorer skill would eliminate the -25% military portion. A simplified logical innovative method for repairs: Presume that as long as the Robot Mechanic skill has at least 1% after the penalty then standard repairs can be made without a skill check in non-stressful situations by 4th level or higher beings (no skill xp at 4th+ level). This tech is fully modified except for possible minor add-ons (special sensors, TW additions, and so forth).
* T-C23 for Wearers with Psionics or even magic capabilities (most likely PPE source for a standard human Operator is from 1 to 6 magic tattoos): Techno-Wizard Additions (all at 15th level duration and effect; see RMB Techno-Wizard): Armor of Ithan (emergency force fields), Invisibility - Superior (emergency escape option), Superhuman Agility (MA), Fighting Spirit (MA) [expanded options], or whatever.
-- Any purchased T-C23 will generally include four TW Additions of choice by the local Techno-Wizard as long as the purchaser is in good standing with both Max and Cliff.
* Storage: While not in use during apprentice down-time is securely stored in individual's quarters. Storage device is an automatic power armor suiting up machine (equivalent to a team of assistants) allowing apprentice to suit up in 1 minute (instead of 1D4+4 minutes, GMG).
* Similar Tech: Has been studying, experimenting with, and modifying several similar principle armors:
-- "Super Sentinel" T-G23 Power Armor - Double Max Modified Glitterboy Sidekick Power Armor (WB22): Utilizes a more appropriate designation for his modified versions since the basic Glitterboy Sidekick is literally a T-21 simply built with Glitterboy Technology and with a FQ Military preferred designation. Heavy power armor by design, modified to have: 476 MDC Main Body, 800 LBS with jet pack (without pilot), robotic PS 31, Autododge and +9 Autododge (armor bonus only; +13 with both Sentinel Blades) while Powerjumping only (at 210 mph), max depth 2040 feet, otherwise roughly same height, width, speeds, and so forth as T-C23. Small enough to fit in same spaces as T-C23. However at roughly 1000 lbs with pilot and gear it essentially weighs as much as an average Full Conversion Borg with Heavy Armor. Main Limitations: External transportation limited to heavy vehicles; suffers speed and combat penalties when travelling through foliage or similar (even SDC) obstructions. Extensive sensor and balancing modifications making it suitable for indoor autododging in the garage bays via Power Armor Elite. Regular version is easily recognizable as Glitterboy Tech and due to the propaganda war footage of CS vs FQ, CS army interactions with FQ army, and so forth the Glitterboy Sidekick is likely be a fairly well known power armor after its introduction in 105 P.A at the start of war. As such it is likely to simply be regarded as a rather minor and odd usage of GB-Tech rather than a sought after armor. This is literally the GB-Tech version of a T-21. Effectively/appropriately rare availability (at GM's discretion) although it has no rarity listing upon becoming available on the Black Market at the start of the CS War in 105 P.A. Since the only source ever is recent and via FQ (unlike the archaic regular GB) such acquisitions would probably have to be through Triax rep (all of Max's T-G23's will be) or risk alienating Triax as a contact. FQ is NGR's/Triax #1 ally overall since the CS mainly delays and limits any treaty or alliance (FQ gave Triax GB-Tech). From 106 P.A. onward this becomes the current version of Max's armor. Once utilized then all of instances of T-C23 become T-G23 instead: Max, apprentices, and Techno-Wizard ally/Cliff. Further available for appropriate trade-in as per T-C23 at GM's discretion but equally appropriate to be unavailable to non-NPCs except possibly former apprentices. If the T-G23 is effectively publicly unavailable at GM's discretion then the T-C23 should remain the publicly available one.
-- Kittani Universal Power Armor (WB2): Dubbed T-K23 similar to weaponless T-C20, higher P.S., tends to be recognizable as alien tech, rarely available. Has several fully modified ones in storage (same % mods as T-C23). Low value, with nearly identical stats to T-C20, alien tech, good for comparison of tech and tech principles. Earliest version of this armor series: Utilized prior to 83 P.A. in a limited version, provided via some of the Mage Guild's contacts.
-- T-31 (WB5): Mainly for studying full robotic strength from extremely similar design elements (size, etc) from same overall tech as T-21/T-C23. Only available as a courtesy from Triax rep and only due to not being on the same continent as Triax/NGR. Also with the possibility of Max refining the design in ways that might be useful to Triax/NGR.
EQUIPMENT ENHANCEMENTS: Primary gear is altered via simultaneous contact of target being and target item with a strange alien plant. Its effects are the equivalent of an Attune Object to Owner Temporal wizardry spell except it is not a magical effect. The seedling functions as a 1 year duration, yearly renewal (WB3:England or BoM). The full grown one functions as a 15 year duration. Cannot be dispelled or negated by any known means (including TW Void Wall and the plant). Its a partial 4D being/plant that just minimally feeds on the TW Dimensional "Vortex" Field providing its equivalent of 'sunlight'. This process is vaguely reminiscent of the energy absorbing ability of the TW Void Wall. As such it is completely immune to the TW Void Wall, TW Vortex, other sources of energy absorption, and so forth. For soil it needs an indestructible magical item (closest approximation to its soil of origin). The molecule sized residue it produces harmlessly infuses a few molecules into the molecular structure (like burrs) of any item or being it comes in contact with (except for its current 'soil'). When an item and a being contact the same residue simultaneously it has the side effect of acting as a Attune Object to Owner equivalent. Without both an indestructible magical item soil plus constant uninterrupted dimensional energy (even a 1 minute interruption disrupts it) this molecular residue will eventually disintegrate after a certain number of years. A single being can be Attuned to multiple items but an item cannot be attuned to multiple beings.
-- Applied to all T-C23 (including both blades) used by himself and his apprentices (1 each), as well as his spider skull walker (him only). Simply prevents it from being used by any means by anyone other than the single individual to whom it is attuned. All such tech is Attuned once each year (simultaneously) thus if an apprentice dies then their gear can simply be stored until attunement expires or have the individual part replaced. Note: For any size of object limitations can simply remove an essential component (CPU with or without motherboard; or power supply) and have it attuned to the individual. Once placed back in then only the designated individual can operate that component without which the entire armor or vehicle cannot function. Presume replacing the part is a 1 hour process (due to inaccessibility of the part) that also requires the correct replacement part.
- Self and business.
- Typically: 2D6x10 million universal credits at any given time and hidden in the underground bunker. Its location is near the auto-destruct component and escape tunnel. Only carries around 1D6x1000 credits unless making a special purchase or just made a sale.
- Typically: 2D6x100 million credits worth of spare parts at any given time. All stored in the warehouse or underground bunker. Note: A single robot vehicle or advanced power armor typically sells for 20 to 30 million credits each, so having 200 million to 1.2 billion credits worth of parts is only the equivalent of about 20 to 60 such units.
* Includes the +4 to all d20 combat bonuses from Sentinel Blades (see T-C23).
* Uses Fully Modified Spider-Skull Walker with Robot Combat Elite with Mechano-Link benefits and never tires (Healing Factor). Only uses Mechano-Link Telemechanic Possession if he has Create Force Field power.
* Built-In Force Fields and possibly use of Create Force Field Major Super Ability.
* +11 Autododge (PP 30 and Extraordinary PP), able to dodge all attacks even those from behind (Intuitive Combat); +18 Autododge Power Jumping in T-C23; or eventually as of 106 P.A or later +24 Autododge Power Jumping in T-G23. Additional +5 and autododge without power jumping (or power jumping autododge bonus) is theoretically available from an expanded Techno-Wizard Armor Additions (RMB) of Superhuman Agility (MA). However this activated effects would only be for a short amount of time.
* 13 a/r, +20 regular strike Dual Boom Guns: From level 15 HTH Assassin, WP Heavy MD Weapons, and Robot Combat Elite Walker; plus Mechano-Link bonus, Weapon Engineer bonus (OCC skill), Weapon Systems bonus, built-in Walker sensor bonus. Same a/r and strike bonuses for Dual Laser Turrets. Same strike bonus for regular called shot with Dual Boom Guns (head-shots on power armor, and so forth).
* +13 initiative (Exceptional PP 31; Quick Draw PP 31, HTH Assassin 15th), yielding either +19 including Sixth Sense or +16 including Intuitive Combat. Plus another +1 or +2 depending upon use of Spider Skull Walker or T-C23.
* T-C23 Sentinel Blades: +18 strike, +19 parry, WP Paired Weapons. Other swords +16 thrown.
* See The Invisible - constant (Amulet).
* Warning of Spirits in the Area (Amulet).
* Sixth Sense and Intuitive Combat (Psionics).
* Every available sensor (see T-C23).
* Final combat numbers and options may vary.
* Theoretical Bonuses #1: Technically the unique situation of wearing a T-C23 while piloting the Spider Skull Walker should fully combine the bonuses from Power Armor Elite T-C23 bonus with the Robot Combat Elite Spider Skull Walker Bonuses. However these have not been included in the above. Would mean using two piloting skills simultaneously however the style and nature of the power armor one is effectively the equivalent of power armor version of a Physical Skill in usage. End result: Possible = yes; plausible = yes; appropriate = probably only in high level campaigns or for overpowered NPCs via lenient GMs.
* Theoretical Bonuses #2: Power armors with built-in autododging capabilities operated by pilots with Power Armor Elite for that armor (or armor series) should include a bonus to autododge equal to the dodge bonus. However it is such an obscure situation that its most likely been overlooked in the game system.
Includes from: T-C23, Sentinel Blades x2, Magical Bracers, Amulet, Healing Factor. Attribute bonuses not included.
Disease: +6, and also Immunity (...Bracer).
Horror Factor: +16 {+24 with PC:S} (SBx2 + Bracer + Amulet).
Insanity: +8 (SBx2 + Amulet).
Magic/Curses: +18 [+15 Ap], {+23; +20 Ap with PC:S} and Impervious to Magical Barriers except Protection Circles (see Dispel Magic Barriers). (SBx2 + Bracer + Amulet + Heal. F)
- Sickness Spell/Effect: +24 [+21 Ap] {+29; +26 Ap with PC:S} (...Amulet x2).
Perception: +7, or +9 Detect Concealment or Ambush from 98% skill (unless GMs permit/prefer combining in which case add together as appropriate).
Poisons/Toxins: +7, and also Immunity (...Bracer).
Possession: {Impervious via PC:S}
- Magic Possession: +20 [+17 Ap].
- Psionic Possession: +20 [+17 Ap] and Impervious (see T-C23).
- Other (Demonic, etc): +6.
Psionic: +18 [+15 Ap], {+23; +20 Ap with PC:S} and Impervious to most Psionics (see T-C23); base save most likely 12 but varies depending upon GM design preferences.
All Others (Demonic Curses, etc): +4.
Coma/Death: +20%.
Immunity to: Cold, Disease, Drugs, Energy, Fire, Magical Barriers, Poisons, {Possession with Protection Circle:Superior}, Psionics, Toxins, and Physical Contact from Undead. Which includes worn armor up to T-C23 (including force fields) and weapons up to 2-handed swords or rocket launchers.
Written and posted by random_username (AKA Munchkin Clown) on the Palladium Books: GM Forum.
CONTENT DETAILS RATING: PG-13, high PG/nearly 14A equivalent. Moderate violence and brief implied reference to alcohol: tavern, merc shops, combat pits, no nonsense laws, defensive town tactics/terminology, and sci-fi/magical tech/scenarios. Appropriate game elements and humor. Included since this is a public forum posting. [Compared to 2012 movie ratings: A movie equivalent would be rated PG-13 in the USA, or PG possibly 14A in Canada.]
STATUS: Finished rough outline by design. GM's challenge to fill in the innumerable blanks and adjustments. Player's challenge to be heroic. Any Rifts Veteran's challenge to determine on their own the how and why of anything via their own insight into Rifts. Likely to require numerous re-readings in order to piece all the elements together. Though ultimately simply just some appropriate in every way honorable fun from an old dude Gaming Coach. Merry Christmas 2012.
- NPC Operator outline with Double Maximum Tech Modification Capabilities.
- Mandatory Intro Article:
- Also Provides Tech Sales: Fully modded natural armors for spell-casters further modifiable by local level 15 Techno-Wizard (RMB), significant access to Triax Tech, etc.
- Can also purchase ultra rare tech from players specifically valuable to Triax (and possibly CS) for full value which may also be traded in for ultra-rare tech such as the "Sentinel" Power Armor.
- Some extremely limited Alien Tech: Salvaged and disguised Naruni, disguised Vallax.
- Plus functional outline for customizable non-canon "Tek Town" as a setting or home base for the Players. Essentially a primarily Intermediate/Veteran Player setting suitable for transitioning into (or starting as) Advanced/Elite Veterans (see Mandatory Intro link above). Typically only the lowest Epic power scale characters might find some setting elements helpful. Munchkin player gaming is not included since it means effectively playing something that is not inherently playable (100+ attacks per melee, etc.).
- Plus several possible useful adventure elements: Including difficult but eventually possible expensive one-way transport to NGR from North America (see Contacts - Triax).
- Includes several original Techno-Wizard, Psi-Tech, and Gizmoteer security devices.
- Includes appropriate Expanded Interpretation of Operator Modification Capabilities.
- For GMs who have a use for such things.
- Possible inspiration for designing NPC or Player Operators.
- "Build a better Operator" with valid back-story to genuinely justify why it is level 15.
- Intended to be an interesting, fun, simplified, and appropriate level 15 Operator NPC maximized for GM and player usefulness NOT OVERKILL. Operators are often one of the most commonly sought out NPCs in the game for Tech based PCs. Thus having a decent one around is handy for both PC and GM. Tossing in some quirks and story element possibilities integrates it into the game more thoroughly.
- By the time players have enough gaming experience to recognize the need to seek out an Operator to modify their equipment they are probably ready for maximum or this double maximum modification capability.
- The semi-unique Vallax tech inclusion (see apprentices) is another way to revitalize old canon technology.
- Uses a minor variation or two on the Special Human Trait option.
- May be considered somewhat lenient on interpretation and usage of other various possibilities.
- Just an essential component outline for this NPC. Remaining attributes, HP, SDC, and so forth are up to individual GMs or possibly players.
- Rarity: This combination is essentially limited to a maximum of one per violent city neighborhood or unprotected town, typically in North America, with the Vallax Tech aspect further limited to even fewer or possibly even a single Combative Operator. It could also be one per continent or entirely unique. Due to the possible but rare combination of: Mutant abilities + 30+ stats + Aberrant protector scenario enabling enough Experience Points to achieve level 15. Simply compare to how many Player Characters will ever actually manage to go from first level to fifteen level.
- Books Referred To: Rifts Ultimate Edition, WB13:Lone Star, WB10:Juicer Uprising, DB4:Skraypers, Conversion Book One (revised or original), Sourcebook One (revised or original), WB5:Triax One, and WB30:D-Bees. None of the standard info available was included below so all of these books will likely be required to actually make use of this article/forum posting. However, it could also technically be used "as-is" as long as at least have access to the standard Operator's percentage modification abilities listed in the RUE.
NAME: Max Tekhammer. (Real Name: Unknown) Still just a template/outline. A final version summary of Max may be added eventually.
OCC: Operator (RUE).
- Possible Additional OCCs: Needs to remain as "human" as possible without detectable magical abilities. Allowing him to maintain to his CS contact if any (and possibly Triax). Possible magic and psionic cloaking abilities: Mystic Invisibility (Merc Adventures), Mask PPE (Psionic), or T-C23 Sentinel Blades, and so forth. Currently is just a HP & SDC human (mutant) who's mutant abilities are easily explained away as common psionic abilities (Telemechanics) and advanced combat abilities: HTH Assassin + Extraordinary PP masquerading as HTH Commando. ... alocc.html Also covered in #26 on ... ombat.html
LEVEL: 15.
ALIGNMENT: Aberrant (with some Principled tendencies). Formerly aspired to be an Aberrant Cyber-Knight but didn't become one (see Cyber-Knight Racial Requirements RUE). Found the Code of Conduct and wandering adventurer lifestyle admirable but not quite for him. Something about bringing a sword to a gun fight... followed by simply being overrun by hordes of monsters... while almost always being in unfamiliar terrain (that tends to change dramatically and frequently due to influx of alien lifeforms, battles, and so forth).
PERSONALITY: Fair but no nonsense. An Aberrant Town or Neighborhood protector. Based out of his Operator's Mechanic Shop supplied with parts via the confiscated gear of offenders. Has cordial relations with Cyber-Knights, the Black Market, legitimate humanoid Mercenary Companies, Local Townsfolk, and so forth. His apprentices are his loyal Lieutenants and he is there Leader. In general he will not associate with Anarchist, Miscreant or Diabolical beings.
- "Fair": Aberrant Protector in violent town in violent Rifts world...
- Mechanic Shop Posted Door Sign: In numerous languages stating "No negotiation of any type"; includes all semi-local languages (American, Spanish, French), Dragonese/Elven, Euro (just in case a Triax rep visits), Gobberly, Demongogian (more frequently utilized that it might seem), plus any other common local languages. Aspiring customers will be verbally greeted with "Welcome to the best tech shop in town. All prices are non-negotiable and paid in advance. Violators will be exterminated."
- Will not tolerate threats, bartering (usually a cover for other influences), bribes, trust/intimidate attempts, charm/impress attempts, awe/horror factor, seduction, magic illusions, and so forth towards him, his shop, or those he protects. Anyone who attempt these will be immediately subdued and all of their equipment confiscated as payment for their offence. If need be the individual will restrained and transported with nothing more than the clothes on their back to a random town within about 500 miles by one of his apprentices.
- Anything more violent such as: Threats implying usage of present weapons (on individual or via nearby associates), any act of violence, psionic influence, and so forth will result in terminating the target while attempting to save as much of the target's gear as possible. Law of Bartering.
- Shop prices are standard prices and are not inflated or reduced: Most of his tech parts are from confiscated tech so except for the danger in their acquisition there is no actual cost to them. Having heavy force fields usually means eliminating any repair costs from their acquisition from hostile targets. (Repair Costs listed in Operator Ability #4 in RUE, as well as an expanded list in Sourcebook One?)
- Some minor specific discounts: See Contacts (below).
- Two different scale "brawling pits" are available in town (or the neighborhood).
- Huge Local Bar/Tavern with 10000 customer capacity has indoor "Infantry brawling pit" (20 feet deep, 20 feet by 20 feet). Run by the barkeep owner. Ten-foot tavern entry doors, and limited to light power armor at most (T-C23 is fine). Anything heavier than light power armor usually isn't suitable for use in a tavern.
- Outdoor Robot Vehicle and Heavy Power Armor "Robotic brawling pit" (60 feet deep, 400 feet by 400 feet). Run by the Promoter. Primarily for robotic vehicle and heavy power armor combatants.
- Both are for official or unofficial melee-only combat (drunken challenges are common). As long as both combatants enter and voluntarily continue their melee-only combat then no intervention is necessary. Most beings will yield once they are below 30% innate MDC, or when SDC beings have their MDC armor destroyed or reduced below 50% (unrepairable below 15%: Original and Revised SB1; possibly higher elsewhere). Minor Exception: Drunken patrons of the Tavern who start a fight without entering the pit are simply tossed into the pit by the bouncers. That usually either gets them to fight in the designated area or to realize their error and quietly leave the pit. Bouncers are typically any innate MDC humanoid with supernatural strength or similar: Dragon Juicer, Mega Juicer, possibly Titan Juicer in armor, and so forth.
- The Barkeep or Promoter, any regular customers, and locals can explain to any newcomers that the only fights permitted in town are non-lethal, melee only and must occur voluntarily in either of the two "brawling pits". Violators will be exterminated. Enforced by the local protector and his assistants. Signs with all semi-local languages explaining this fighting restriction as well are posted all over town. A simple picture-based explanation is included as well: Two power armors fighting on level land circled in red with red line through it; next to two power armors fighting in a pit circled in green.
- Spontaneous fights are common, with corresponding gambling offered via the Barkeep or Promoter.
- Law of Frenzy: Any damage outside of either pit is an offense. Since ranged combat tends to lead to this any ranged combat is also automatically an offense. Lethal combat is an offense. Superseded by Law of Defenders and occasionally Law of Invaders (see Tek Town Details below).
- There is also an unofficial, unregulated "anything goes" combat valley about 10 miles outside of town. However, this is often just a trap being set by local bandits or whoever that can provoke a few foolish mercenaries or adventurers into going. Neither the locals nor the protector go to that location.
- Personal Combat Request to Fight Max: If genuinely honorable he simply replies that such things are inappropriate due to his responsibilities. Usually this is just an attempt to lure him out of the fortress to be ambushed and so forth. If a bandit, volatile challenger, or similar he either simply blasts them with the turrets or pauses briefly to confer with Cliff. He thus informs Cliff (see the Techno-Wizard below) that a volunteer target for his latest experimental weapon has presented himself. If useful to Cliff then Max simply informs any such challenger to head to the robotic pit (or just outside of the town perimeter if Cliff's weaponry is ranged or particularly lethal) and wait there. Cliff typically shows up in his own T-C23 so the challenger is generally unaware of any difference.
APPEARANCE: Almost always in his personal armor. Otherwise an idyllic solid appearance and build that could be anywhere in his 40s, 30s, or late 20s.
NOTABLE ATTRIBUTES: IQ 30+, MA 10+, ME 10+, PP 31+, PE 10+, full autododge, and never fatigues (see below). Base speed of 6 for the RUE low attribute boost to IQ, or Gene-Spliced to IQ 30 plus one insanity option (Mindwerks), or the possible but implausible natural 29 or 30 attribute roll (natural 18 +6 on 1d6 +5 or 6 on 1D6) +1 Operator bonus.
- Ultimate Attributes and Abilities Option: Technically Gene-Splicers can provide 'any attributes, abilities, and so forth' limited only by the GM (first option in Mindwerks); except for innate magical abilities.
SPECIES: Rifts Earth Mutant Human (Super Abilities Conversion Book 1 original or revised version) or Skraypers Mutant Human (Seerons) born and/or raised on Rifts Earth. Gene-Splicers (Mindwerks) or Lone Star could possibly produce equivalent abilities as well.
- Major: Mechano-Link, Create Force Field.
- Minor: Extraordinary PP, Healing Factor.
- Can replace Create Force Field with various Force Fields (Naruni, TW, Ultimax, Vallax, etc) built into specific armors or vehicles.
-- Mechano-Link: Unlimited use all Telemechanic abilities; universal 'Pilot Everything' skill percentage even alien tech. Essentially has limited Robot Combat Elite in all applicable: Full capabilities/maneuvers but no actual combat bonuses (bonus attacks, etc). Combat bonuses require the actual RCE/PCE, RCB/PCB, Weapon Systems, etc; bonus to strike with all modern weaponry. Less obvious benefit: Eliminates Tech type Skill Penalties (RUE page 301): Advanced, Unknown, or Alien Machines and Tech; and Military Tech penalties. Primary Exception: Any technology that is immune to Telemechanics or equivalent such as: Just the espionage components made by Archie-3 (Shemarrian Nation?). Indirect Exception: Incorrect Species Auto-destruct: Several technologies are hardwired to be only usable by specific species with corresponding auto-destruct if incorrect species attempts to tamper with the item: Shemarrian Guns (Archie-3), Vallax Weapons (WB10: Juicer), and so forth (Bonus yes, Boom yes; otherwise they would be common acquisitions). Side Note: Even without this the Vehicle Armorer skill would eliminate just the Military Tech penalties.
-- Extraordinary PP: Mainly for Autododge and PP bonus to legitimately achieve 31 PP. Other minor bonuses.
-- Healing Factor: Mainly "never fatigues". Huge list of other bonuses. Treated as does not need sleep and never tires enabling him to operate at maximum innate speed/capacity for unlimited duration.
- Combined Powers: Mechano-Link full immersion Meditation (on/off) allowing MDC regeneration of direct contact tech. MDC is same as HP + SDC healing rate with option of super healing (Healing Factor). However any damaged sustained to an item while its being healed also inflicts an equal amount of SDC to Max (1 MD = 1 SD). If the item is destroyed while doing so Max must save vs coma/death of PE +1% per level, +bonuses or immediately die (level+HF=35%+PE attribute number +PE coma/death bonus +others). No other limit while doing so. Whiles utilizing Mechano-Link Healing Factor Meditation other standard meditation benefits apply (ISP gain, PPE gain, etc). (Original concept; Based on HU2 Combining Powers plus MDC versions of powers in Rifts and MDC settings.)
- Modification Comparison Note: Heavy modification of power armor is like modern day street racing modification of cars, essentially tons of parts are swapped out for higher performance parts and/or fine-tuned in unique ways, and by the time its done very little of the original vehicle remains. Also any mass produced technology is inherently built to minimum practical capabilities for cost effectiveness. Custom modification aims for maximum effectiveness. Mass production might use the 100 credit piece of tech since its sufficient to function appropriately while custom modification might use the 10,000 credit piece of tech replacement part to maximize effectiveness.
- MDC Materials Technical Note: Essentially the Rifts system does not differentiate between the various qualities of MDC materials used in terms of cost or repairs (though it formerly did in terms of type of armor being repaired). See Operator Ability #4 (RUE) for universal MDC repair costs (listed as "replace" MDC presumably for both repairs and additional MDC). MDC qualities are easy to recognize when comparing a roughly 1 ton or less power armor to a 10 to 30 ton robot vehicle with the same main body MDC (typically in the 300 to 450 MDC range). Since Operator MDC additions do not increase weight (there is even an option to reduce the overall weight) it is presumably done by "replacing" existing MDC plating with more efficient MDC material plating. Thus being similar to retrofitting a SDC vehicle into a MDC vehicle where it too has its "armor" replaced by more effective armor. What this likely means is that when MDC is "added" to an armor type it will either be a small amount with irrelevant weight adjustment OR significant MDC where existing MDC plating is removed and replaced with more efficient MDC material plating. Since the removed MDC plating is still fine for use only the additional MDC is charged for in credits. Since any repairs to MDC armors are simply done with the corresponding correct MDC material then modded armors that are subsequently damaged will be repaired with the improved MDC material.
- Operator vs Non-Operator Modification Note: As the primary advanced tech OCC Operators have special modification abilities above and beyond the other OCCs or just the mechanical skills themselves (see Operator Ability #4). The strangest of which is perhaps the Vehicle Armorer skill which specifically provides familiarity with cutting edge military technology, enough that it provides lesser versions of Operator Ability #4. Once an Operator has this skill he gets to use his Operator mods for that tech instead of the skill mods.
- Tech Armor Side Note: Except for GM generosity the ability to continually use the same tech armor (body armor, power armor, robot vehicle) usually requires having damage buffers such as autododge, force fields, Techno-Wizard impervious to energy addition, and so forth.
#1 Defined Talent - Operator Ability #4: Repair and Soup-Up Machines and Abilities (double modification capabilities) (WB13: Lonestar).
- This is a minor variation of the standard available options. Gaining double normal enhancement capabilities (similar to the double bonus if a Physical skill was chosen). Instead of two defined skills benefiting just the one Operator Ability which applies to all of his mechanical skills.
#2 Enhanced Intelligence, option #2: Actual ability name is different. (WB13: Lonestar).
- Standard Version Provides: Huge amount of bonus skills. Availability of all skills regardless of normal OCC restrictions (both bonus and regular OCC). Actual canon: All skills access + many bonus skills + treated as equivalent of Secondary Skills yet can get the most advanced skills with bonus skills (Artificial Intelligence, in theory any Hand to Hand skill) which are unavailable as normal Secondary Skills = the only standard canon skill category with this combo (Any skill + 0% bonus) are the rare less than 1% of OCC skills that have no percentage bonus (see Cyber-Doc: Medical Doctor skill, and several other RUE OCCs) = bonus skills are essentially "Lesser OCC Skills". This is just an easier to understand label.
- Minor Variant Expanded Options: An alternative to Mechano-Link's less obvious benefit. Can also choose a specific tech penalty elimination option instead of a bonus skill selection. 1 Bonus Skill usage obtains 1 of: Complete familiarity with a single "Advanced, Unknown, or Alien Technology" that would normally have a skill penalty associated with working on it. Each of the following would be considered a single Tech selection:
-- All North America Human Military Tech (Coalition, Northern Gun, and so forth); Side Note: The Vehicle Armorer skill description implies effectively having this tech familiarity (last sentence in skill description; RUE).
-- All European Human Military Tech (England, Triax/NGR, Soviet, and so forth);
-- Naruni Tech;
-- Vallax Tech requires nearly impossible circumstances to achieve - infected but free-will juicer, Vallax Android, Vallax species, or genetic mimic shapeshifter - PLUS the electrical and mechanical capabilities to disable the auto-destruct features - PLUS the tech must be obtained before the end of the actual Juicer Uprising event in World Book 10 where they and all of their tech was destroyed. They are such an otherwise such an obscure species that not even the Splugorth have heard of them or their technology. (see WB10: Juicer Uprising)
- and so forth.
- See RUE page 301 for details of skill penalties.
- Mechano-Link side note: This is able to utilize all advanced or alien tech without penalties which could imply that it also effectively eliminates any penalties for mechanically working on such devices. Doing so would eliminate the necessity of the above. Vallax Tech would still require the special apprentice circumstances in order to obtain and disarm before being able to work on them.
#3 Optionally: Could have up to 1 more Special Human Traits (max of 3 for mutants).
- an automatic 20+ MA attribute (start with low MA, get RUE attribute bonus; then select?); ambidexterity + combat bonuses; Defined Talent: Boxing and Acrobatics = double combat bonuses for both; Defined Talent: Mechano Link 'Pilot Everything' and 'Operate Any Machine' (= 96% both with IQ bonus; lenient usage for universal base skill equivalents),and so forth.
OCC SKILLS: (primarily essential selectable skills for the character theme; remaining OCC skills are listed in RUE)
- Robot Combat Elite - All CR-### CS Robot Vehicles: Including Spider Skull Walker. (RUE)
- Robot Combat Elite - All Glitterboy models: All built of the same basic chassis, game-play appropriate lenient RUE armor groupings interpretation. Same applies to SAMAS.
- Robot Combat Elite - All T-## including T-C## Triax Armors: T-21, T-31, T-C20, T-C23, and so forth. The T-C## is just the "luxury edition" of the T-21. RUE lists T-21 as Ground Power Armor but should actually be classified as Flying Power Armor (since it does fly, and also compare dodge bonus relevance) and especially since the GBSK is specifically listed as a flier and is literally the GB-Tech version of a T-21/T-C20 (horrible comparison to virtually identical flight capabilities of a T-21). Having Elite in any of the T-series, Kittanni Universal Power Armor (WB2 comparatively primitive alien tech predecessor to T-21), Glitterboy Sidekick (WB22 literally a T-21 built from GB-Tech) effectively includes the remaining ones on this list (possibly lenient armor groups).
-- A single PAE or RCE lists a specific grouping of similar power armors or robot vehicles. These are generally most easily defined in any relevant way by a technical designation attributed to their manufacturer. However several base power armor types are actually made by several different manufacturers yet all simply minor variations of that basic power armor. As such any PAE that includes any model or manufacturer of one of these should effectively include all other models and manufacturers of the same basic type. Examples: SAMAS, Glitterboys, T-21/T-C20/Glitterboy Sidekick/Kittanni Universal Power Armor; each basically knock-offs/equivalent/variations of the core design.
- WP Heavy MD Weapons.
- HTH: Assassin.
ADDITIONAL OCC PREREQUISITE SKILLS: (RUE page 299 - in bold "If an O.C.C. or R.C.C. starts off with a skill...")
- Communication: Literacy x3 (Computer Operation, Electrical Engineer, and Mechanical Engineer prerequisite). Interestingly the three literacy skills actually makes sense since Operators start with two spoken languages, and Techno-Can is essentially an engineering and programming language for all technology which lacks a spoken version.
- Science: Mathematics - Advanced (Electrical Engineer prerequisite).
- Special: The combined abilities of Electrical Engineer and Mechanical Engineer effectively include the equivalent of abilities of the Electricity Generation skill. Mechanical Engineer "includes fusion driven turbines and advanced power supplies". Electrical Engineer can "wire entire buildings or vehicles". Mostly just eliminates any need to select the Electricity Generation skill and comprehensive ability to independently power his own buildings.
OCC RELATED SKILLS: (primarily essential skills for the character theme)
- Electrical: Robot Electronics 13th/98%.
- Mechanical: Aircraft Mechanics 15th/98%, Automotive Mechanics 13th/98%, Locksmith 15th/98%, Robot Mechanics 15th/98%, Vehicle Armorer 15th/98%.
- Military: Military Fortifications 10th/98%.
- Physical: Boxing 4th/combat bonuses.
- Pilot Related: Navigation 7th/98%, Weapon Systems 7th/98%.
- Rogue: Computer Hacking 15th/98%.
- Tech: Appraise Goods 10th/98% (x2, ALL Military Goods; covers Recognize Weapon Quality and more), Computer Programming 15th/98%.
SECONDARY SKILLS: (primarily essential skills for the character theme)
- Tech: Lore: Magic 15th/98% (Symbols 98%, People Enchanted 97%), Lore: Demons & Monsters 15th/98%, Lore: Faeries & Creatures of Magic 12th/98%, Lore: Psychics & Psionics 8th/81%, Lore: Juicer 4th/66%. [Protector 'know your targets' theme.]
- WP: Energy Pistols 15th, Energy Rifles 15th, Quick Draw 2nd/initiative bonus (simplest interpretation, seems to function similar to a Physical skill providing a universal combat bonus).
BONUS SKILLS: (via Special Human Traits, Enhanced Intelligence, Option #2; no OCC skill % bonus) Huge number of bonus skills. (see WB:Lone Star)
- Communications: Electronic Countermeasures 5th/71%, Surveillance 7th/91%. [Seemed helpful]
- Espionage: Detect Ambush 11th/98%, Detect Concealment 13th/98%, Intelligence 15th/98%. [Detection and Universal Enemy Identification and Analysis]
- Military: Camouflage 12th/98%, Demolitions 6th/92%. [Mostly incorporated into Military Fortifications for secret tunnels, compartments, turrets, auto-destruct, and so forth]
- Physical: Acrobatics 4th/98%+ (Includes: Climbing 66%, Prowl 56%). [Theme appropriate: movement style of T-C23, no fear of heights for non-Men-at-Arms pilots, Physical Prowess Bonus]
- Science: Artificial Intelligence 15th/98%, Chemistry 15th/98%, Chemistry:Analytical 15th/98%. [Design and modify tech materials, armor types, and so forth]
- Tech: Art 8th/91% (Modern Tech Design, Customization, and Paint-job) [Vehicle Armorer skill already does this?], Lore:D-Bee 14th/98%, Salvage 9th/96% (advanced version of Recycle).
- Wilderness: Skin & Prepare Animal Hides 10th/96%. [Applied to all appropriate skin-able monsters suitable for making natural MDC armor]
- Advanced Tech Familiarity Option: North America Human Military Tech (free from Vehicle Armorer skill?), European Human Military Tech (free from Vehicle Armorer skill plus access to Triax tech?), Naruni, Vallax, plus other appropriate ones. Mechano-Link may actually effectively provide all of these tech types for free since it eliminates them for piloting purposes. So either (A) All advanced and alien tech types free from Mechano-Link leaving room for 3 more skills; or (B) only the Advanced Tech free from Vehicle Armorer, selecting Naruni and Vallax as individual alien tech types, leaving room for 1 more alien tech type or 1 more skill.
- "Pilot All": High percent base plus IQ % bonus. Applies to all percentage based piloting skills. Only individual Robot Combat Elite skills must be obtained separately. (see DB4:Skraypers)
- Law 15th/98%.
- Swimming 15th/98%.
- WP Sword 15th/-.
- Remaining bonus skills effectively covered via OCC, etc.
- Lore:Xiticix 11th/98%. [From "Cured" Hates bugs of all kinds; see History - Fortifications.]
- Seeron (HSS) with Latent (Enhanced Major) or Master Psionics (DB4 + HU2); Mutant Human or Seeron - plus Azlum mod (WB2); Either with any Psionics - plus Gene-Splicer mods (SB3), or...
- Human Mutants with Random Psionics: Originally prohibited mostly to maintain game balance and to keep every Scholar & Adventurer OCC from being immediately overly powerful. Psi-Ghost and other listed examples violates that and even does so in far more powerful ways (Psi-Ghost Major Super Abilities = potentially unlimited enemy tech vehicle capture ability - starting with fastest vehicle, limited invulnerability, and so forth). Ultimately really only remains as a game-balancing option for low powered campaigns. Also useful to those without any familiarity with the HU2 book or even the DB4 book. If a real diehard for the wording of the concept over the relevant intent/context of a concept then no worries simply use one of the far more powerful example options. [Innovative interpretation; as always its a matter of relevance to any particular GM]
- Mutant + Psionics Examples: Psi-Ghost, Seerons, Bio-Freak, Gene-Splicer creations, Azlum mod (WB2), and so forth.
- Mainly for Sixth Sense, Intuitive Combat, average 80+ ISP, better psionic saving throw, allows use of optional TW additions, plus other interesting psionic abilities.
- Max's Psionics: Max is probably most functional as a Seeron (HSS) with Master Psionics substituting in Psi-Tech abilities (but no skills) instead. Born and raised on Rifts Earth. [DB4; HU2 vs Psyscape] This maximizes his tech capabilities (speed and versatility) though many aspects are simply alternate variations on Mechano-Link/Operator Abilities. It also covers the Sixth Sense and Intuitive Combat psychic abilities, has 280 ISP, 8 PPE, and is still technically 'human' (a Seeron Human that would pass for a regular Rifts Earth human). The double max modification ability would also apply to the one modification percentage that the Psi-Tech has but Operator's does not (the computer %). The repeated modification abilities presumably do not combine, only the better of the two is used. This also treats Max's tech mod enhancement as a universal bonus to any similar tech modification percentage abilities from any OCC (possible, plausible, appropriate, just simply unlikely to occur).
-- Combining Identical Bonus/Mod Types: Could attempt to combine identical types (speed modification %). However the stable ones tend to be identical mod numbers (or simply lesser versions of Operator mod abilities) implying being the same type of bonus (similar to attempting to obtain the same WP twice due to multiple OCCs with same OCC skill). Therefore combining is inappropriate however using the better of the two identical bonus types is appropriate (computer %, double speed tech skill use = 6 days of work per day with never fatigues, etc). Jury-rigging speed is about the only one that might combine (x2 = base +100%, x3 = base +200% = base +300% = x4; though mostly as an amusing story element).
-- Interesting Side Note: If the Gene-Splicers (Mindwerks) ever enhanced Max based off this configuration they could make him obscenely powerful. Natural innate aptitude for stable mutation plus master psionics: The two areas that Gene-Splicers excel at enhancing.
-- [Overall may be considered difficult game aspects: Subtle but slim possibility of random master psychic similar to several other ones found in Rifts; Rifts integration/version typically simply being having the abilities but not the skills of any master psychic RCC/OCC rather than the HU2 version; and so forth. These are always interesting to deal with. Each such instance tends to be semi-unique. Either (A) well defined with specific limitations often unique for that species; or (B) Basic generic possibilities that tend to be more implied than defined with no special limitations.]
-- Max's final version is not listed this is still just an outline. A final summarized version of Max may eventually be listed separately.
-- Just for amusement: Psychics are considered essentially extremely minor mutants of their species if you can find that tidbit in the books.
Fully Modified Spider-Skull Walker:
- Double Normal Maximum Increases to MDC, Speed, and so forth. Plus up to double extra features per area. All via enhanced operator ability #4. Yields: 850 MDC + 255 MDC Vallax Force Field (1 primary and 1 backup), 112 mph ground and flight (see below), and so forth. Force Field Options: Techno-Wizard 150 MDC (RMB), Ultimax/Triax FF fully modded to 170 MDC (by using same MDC % as for Armor MDC), Naruni Super Heavy FF fully modded to 272 MDC (by using same MDC % as for Armor MDC), Vallax Force Field fully modded to 255 MDC which regenerates 1D10+10 MDC per melee (both by using same MDC % as for Armor MDC and simplified numbers) and unlike most force fields this one seems to replenish itself at the same rate after reaching zero MDC (unless the vehicle is destroyed), Create Force Field Super Ability 200 MDC. Should be enough room based on maximum add-on modifications (see Operator RUE) to allow for one primary tech FF system and one backup tech FF system only usable one at a time (Vallax x2 is best, Vallax + TW is interesting only if 100s of ISP and/or PPE are available, or whatever).
- Dual Rail Guns Replaced with Dual Boom Guns that do Dual Boom Gun Blasts. If need be use the Triax Glitterboy Boom Guns. Over-sized ammo drums store 20,000 rounds each gun allowing 20,000 dual blasts. May include special ammo: MDC wood rounds, MDC silver rounds, and so forth.
- Mini-Missile Launcher Add-On: Primarily for shooting down incoming missile volleys. Almost never needed for autododging targets. 100 Mini-Missiles payload. Can fire any volley size from 1 to 20. 200 MDC top-mounted mini-missile launcher, 100 MDC internal reinforced missile storage compartment, with emergency jettison and detonation system. If its launcher MDC is depleted (note overkill absorption rule) the remaining mini-missile automatically jettison, propelling straight upward 100 feet and detonating all remaining missile harmlessly.
- Dual Laser Turrets: If the optional Vallax Option is used (see Apprentices below) then the core components of both of these dual turrets have been replaced with the Vallax Rifle essential components. Resulting in 2D6x10 MD dual-blasts that automatically bypass any impervious to energy (regardless of nature) after the first shot on a recurring target; unlimited shots, fully modified range 2400 feet.
- Limited but extremely nimble VTOL Hovering and Flight Addition: 112 mph, 500 foot maximum height. Achieved via combination of: Underside hover jets, rear propulsion jets, and maneuverings jets on each leg. Can fire the dual boom guns without hindrance while flying. Nimble enough to autododge in if pilot is capable of it.
- Customized Appearance: Its modifications have been done to specifically change its appearance as much as possible. It currently appears to be more of a Triax or Kittani (Atlantis) streamline and space-age design. Basically it simply isn't visually recognized as being a CS Spider Skull Walker by anyone including the CS.
- Numerous other optional features.
- Optional TW modifications include: Impervious to Energy, Invisibility (Superior), and so forth from his 15th level Techno-Wizard contact: For duration per use, and so forth (see RMB). Listed ISP (see psionics) effectively limits these to two uses total before all ISP expended. It is very, very easy to trade for goods and services as a double maximum modifications level 15 Operator - can fully modify a vehicle or armor for a Techno-Wizard who then adds his own TW additions to it making the TW very happy.
- Why a spider skull walker?: Just interesting to revitalize an early canon Rifts robot vehicle. Also happened to have enough MDC and weight to support switching the standard dual rail guns to dual boom guns with minimal modifications. Ironically the six giant spider legs are visually amusing as huge stabilization pylons which are actually irrelevant since it already weighs nearly 30 tons.
Neural Mace: For peacefully subduing very low powered opponents, usually mercenary bar room brawl equivalent encounters. Otherwise mostly symbolic. In theory he has a preference for methods that quickly subdue and confiscate equipment from those that attack them. Neural Maces, Stun Guns (WB10:Juicer Uprising - Defender Power Armor - Neural Disruptor Rifle), Tear Gas, restraints, and so forth.
Neural Disruptor Rifles: Fully modified version: Standard save (modified to base 27) for targets in armor up to 85 MDC; +6 save for targets in armor of 86 to 136 MDC; armor 137+ MDC is immune, range 1440 feet. Same amount of MDC as Force Field or Innate MDC should also stop it. Each MDC is dealt with separately do not total them (it either stops it or it doesn't). Immunity to Energy or Electricity applies. Resistance or immunity to either of poison or stun most likely applies as well. All MDC true supernatural (Demons, etc), natural (Dragons, etc.) and artificial creatures of magic (Mega-Juicer, Dragon Juicer, Tattoo-Man, etc) are also immune. Must still strike target first. Mostly a symbolic weapon. Special Power connector slot in hand grip, see T-C23. Max and his apprentices all carry one of these in a custom locking back shoulder holster. To be replaced with a better and plausible "stun gun" for him and his apprentices when available. (WB10 Defender Power Armor)
Minor Magical Items:
Obtained from TW buddy and/or other customer contacts, and so forth.
- Hindrances: Anything that can detect magic can potentially find the location of these items. A TW device or similar could also likely obscure specific magic detection. Also see Sentinel Blades for T-C23.
- 7-Section Amulet: Each section is a separate medallion which are then simply tied into place along a string which is worn securely around the neck. Each section provides a different Amulet spell benefit thus achieving all 7 benefits simultaneously; constant See The Invisible, etc. RUE page 223.
- Various Talisman: Each has 1 spell with 3 usages, must be recharged by its creator: With useful spells such as Carpet of Adhesion, Dispel Magic Barrier, and so forth. Talisman spell, BoM page 150.
- Magic Scrolls: Useful spells of 9th or higher level. Create Magic Scroll BoM page 140.
- Other minor magical items: At GMs discretion.
Magical Items:
- These are approaching overkill and are less Rifts-ish than preferred but may be necessary for absolute security. Inferred creation guidelines similar to magical weapons: Alchemist (PFRPG), Mystic Kuznya (WB18), Druids (WB3), Holy Weapons (Equivalent variation of Rune Weapons), and other persistent magic item creation sources. Also any item put into the game can technically be captured by players. When dealing with spells (Power Weapon, Anti-Magic Cloud, etc) or effects (Rune Weapon creature Vulnerability) that include specific limitations or benefits for being rune weapons can treat these as such. Technically “minor rune items”. Includes Sentinel Blades (see T-C23).
- Left Bracer: Constant Invulnerability (as spell:) Same immunities and bonuses as spell, with separate on/off MDC field (which refreshes every melee), and on/off blue light of the aura. For wearer and gear up to two-handed sword/rocket launcher and worn armor no larger than 1 foot beyond the wearer's natural shape in any direction (so up to 2 feet additional height, width, length) including force fields. Works with T-C23. 50 MDC aura/field completely renews at the start of every melee and MDC field portion only covers the hand-grips of any wielded weapons. Can be activated and deactivated on command. Will automatically switch off if any other MDC field is active or is activated. Will automatically switch on (non-visible version) if no MDC field is present or if current one is eliminated. The aura has no visible aspect, except that on command its color can become blue providing the equivalent light of a 40 watt lightbulb. Its bonds in the same manner as Sentinel Blades and only the wielder can activate its abilities. Its aura's magical nature is completely masked by the Mystic Invisibility of a Sentinel Blade. Item is indestructible and does not impede the wearing of actual armor due to being as thin as sheet metal.
- Additional/Extended aura effect also acts as an anti-matter containment/repulsion field preventing anything within the aura from physically interacting with Anti-Matter. Thus providing the only known immunity to Anti-Matter: Do not make any physical contact with it whatsoever (otherwise only possible by not having a physical form).
-- Anti-Matter explosions are more of an expanding disintegration field rather than an actual explosion/big boom. Things within the field essentially cease to be while things outside of the field are unaffected.
- Right Bracer: Constant Impervious to Magic Barriers: Basically makes the wearer and his gear immune to detrimental magical barriers (same types as for Dispel Magic Barriers spell). However does not impede Protection Circles. Indestructible with same gear limitations as Left Bracer.
-- Further protects the wearer and his gear from all unnatural energy drain (including TW Void Wall, Shadow Wall spell, life force drain, Nxla/Harvesters/Xombie, etc) and detrimental anti-magic equivalent effects (anti-magic cloud, ley line storms, etc).
-- Also provides immunity to Telekinesis and equivalent effects regardless of nature: Magic, psi, super ability, etc; as well as artificial gravity manipulation; other appropriately similar effects can also be included in the immunity.
-- Approved acquisition of a T-C23 from Max could include a Right Bracer at GM's discretion. If particularly lenient could also include a Left Bracer.
"Sentinel" T-C23 Power Armor - Double Max Modified T-C20 Power Armor - Full Military Version of Triax T-21: Essentially fully articulate "work coveralls", with the benefit of light power armor strength. Its minimal increase in size and dextrous fingers means its fully functional for over 90% of Operator tasks. Due the further dangers of attack from the overall violence of the area it is also essentially enhanced body armor. It is less restrictive than most body armors and can be worn while piloting vehicles and robot vehicles.
* Usage: For safety and practicality both he and his apprentices will be wearing suits of these while working 90% or more of the time (100% except when in personal quarters).
* This custom armor version was nicknamed “Sentinel” by the local townsfolk. It was given its technical designation by the Combative Operator: T-C23 represents "C" Combat designation, "2" base model, and "3" Mechanic/Explorer designation.
* These have been fully enhanced via his Operator Ability #4.
* Yielding 340 MDC + 255 MDC Vallax Force Field which regenerates 1D10+10 MDC per melee[/u] (fully modded by using same MDC % as for Armor MDC and simplified numbers). Unlike most force fields this one seems to replenish itself at the same rate after reaching zero MDC (unless the armor is destroyed). Configuration includes a precise gap over each weapon/tool exit point so they can always fire without hitting the force field (missile launcher, finger tools, etc.). External wielded weapons are not protected by the force field, however only a called shot to such a weapon would reveal that (Neural Disruptor Rifle, melee weapons, etc). Other Force Field options would require: PPE/ISP (TW), larger armor type (Ultimax), the mutant power, possibly something from Triax (Triax 2 book perhaps?), or other advanced or alien technology. Specific area MDC is similarly double max modified.
* Robotic Strength: Full robotic strength, since its radically enhanced MDC now qualifies it for such an upgrade. See Augmented Strength vs Robotic Strength RUE page 285. [An innovative interpretation]
-- Also increase to 27 (Robotic Strength). [This actually makes it slightly less than the standard P.S. of the similarly sized same basic technology T-31 heavy power armor - by P.S. type and Immunity to Psionics standards: WB5:Triax. Thus making the P.S. conversion and P.S. increase notions even more plausible.]
* Heavy Power Armor: Fully modified with 250+ MDC (and robotic strength just for completeness) is reclassified as Heavy Power Armor. With the ultra heavy force field eliminating any doubt of this. Essentially more powerful than an Ultimax: More total MDC and ultra-heavy force field regenerates very quickly apparently even when depleted; man-sized so can be worn anywhere that body armor could be worn; 1D6x10 MD built-in weaponry that bypasses any immunities to it, provides autododge when using its primary movement form. The Ultimax is one of the few power armors or robot vehicles that comes with a force field. As such it actually makes a very good comparison for similar MDC values and offensive capabilities.
* Immunity to Psionics: 250+ MDC see RUE page 366. The description of this feature (which is due to 250+ MDC main body) does not technically affect the wearer's psionics such as Sixth Sense or Intuitive Combat. Even if it did an innovative minor variation on the basic potential of the Techno-Wizard Psionic Mind Shield (RUE page 136) could produce a helmet modification that permits the use of such abilities. The ISP usage cost could simply be: Double ISP costs, or require an activated effect by 18 ISP for 24 hours of normal Battle Psionics use. Based on the notion that allowing specific psionics use would be much easier than creating a magical immunity to all psionics. Both would be without otherwise compromising the nature of innate Impervious to Psionics from adversaries.
* Magic Avoidance: Many magic spells and effects use dodge as a saving throw (Magic Net, etc). Thus the autododge is extremely helpful. Most non-damaging effects are also limited to very short range of typically under 100 feet.
-- Heavy Power Armor immunities to magic: Death Bolt (BoM - Necro), etc.
* Power Jumping: 238 mph, provides autododge, and +3 autododge (BOTH ONLY WHILE POWER JUMPING). Its primary movement type. Typically 20 to 30 foot jumps up and across, maximum of 420 feet. Side Note: Basically while Power Jumping it essentially moves in the same bouncing, unpredictable way as a Juicer engaged in combat. Basically able to move approximately 5000 feet (just under 1 mile) per melee; with 10 actions per round it could move 500 feet per action = 16 to 25 jumps while engaged in combat. Absurd but approximately technically accurate.
* Flight/Jump Engines and Universal Mobility: Silenced Engines, cushioned boot-grips and non-reflective semi-camouflage or full camouflage paint, special surface coatings to eliminate 'clanking', fine-tuned weight balancing, custom-fitting, exceptional hand and finger grips for climbing, balanced buoyancy for swimming, corresponding computer programs combining sensors and non-combat use of targeting system, and so forth. Adds +40% to: Acrobatics, Climbing, Gymnastics, Prowl, and Swimming. (See Expanded Operator Abilities below.) [Innovative interpretations; See Triax Hover Tank for similar principle Silenced Engines WB5:Triax]
* Helmet:
-- Sound Filtration System: Fully insulated against the sonic boom effects of Boom Guns (RUE page 51 + Boom Gun details).
-- Enhanced Sensors: All known optical sensors including Magnification (up to x480, 9 feet), Telescopic (up to x60, 3 miles), and so forth (RUE page 50, 264). Polarized lenses sufficient to protect against even a Blinding Flash spell or equivalent.
-- Language Translator: 21 languages at any one time (see RUE page 262 and 49). Virtually any language is available including appropriate Phase World languages at GM discretion.
-- Targeting System: Allows standard dual forearm weapon blasts, for standard 1 action. Presumably compensates for any and all possible movement based penalties while Power Jumping and engaged in combat (its primary function), especially since it is built off the military version of the T-21. Shouldn't need to but if in doubt then consider it a modification added into it, most likely an inspired targeting system variation partially based on the commonly available targeting system from the Juicer Killer Power Armor (WB10: Juicer Uprisings). It is basically designed to counter a juicer's autododge abilities, thus using it as a template for designing one that allows autododge abilities.
-- Target ID Recognition HUD: Equivalent of all ID skills at 98%: ALL standard Lore skills (plus Vampire and Xiticix), Identify Plants and Fruit, Appraise Goods (vehicles, and military goods only), Intelligence (organizations, groups, merc companies, military forces, etc), Streetwise (gangs), and so forth. Primarily anything found on Rifts Earth. (simplified, far more extensive, advanced, miniature version of existing Tech; using T-C23 sensors, HUD, and advanced computer systems)
* Back Shoulders:
-- Right Side Back Shoulder - Customized Locking Rifle Holster: which holds one rifle securely in place, primarily for the Neural Disruptor Rifle (see Notable Equipment above).
-- Left Side Back Shoulder - Micro Missile Launcher: Custom built launcher replaces standard back mounted T-C20/T-C23 missile launcher, Volleys of 1 to 20, ammo capacity 60 micro missiles. Primary Purpose: Countering enemy missile volleys of 4 or more. Naruni Micro Missiles (listed in DB3:PWS; DB8:Naruni Wave 2?) eventually replaced with Tekhammer Anti-Matter Micro Missiles (1D4x10 MD each, damage type: Anti-matter, otherwise standard micro missile stats). [See TW Create Anti-Matter Machine] Tekhammer has roughly 10000 in stock at any time. TW Missile Countermeasures Enhancement on missile tube #1 only: 98% chance to shoot down missile volley with one missile (self powered). Reinforced internal missile compartment jettisons and harmlessly implodes destroying just the specially reinforced compartment if the missile launcher is destroyed. Done without damaging the surrounding area.
* Fingers:
-- Index Finger - Laser Wand with Scalpel settings available (Electronics and Etchings).
-- Middle Finger - Laser Torch (Cutting and Welding) (see RUE page 269).
-- Ring Finger - Retractable Power Connector for Neural Disruptor Rifle while wielded that connects it to the Power Armor's nuclear power supply. Basically a variation of the Retractable Finger Blades (RUE page 53). External end casing also rotates with full robotic strength.
-- Little Finger - Retractable Universal Cyberjack Plug (see Computer Portable Field Unit RUE page 262).
-- Finger Tech - Expanded details in case of any confusion: Also note similar laser finger tech RUE page 53. Custom versions should fit fine, however Laser Torch core components could be built into back of hand and use focusing lenses in mini-tubes to project it down the length of the finger (similar to fibre-optics). Hand held versions are also larger due to appropriate hand-held casing requirements which in turn allow use of cheaper and larger components, and so forth. Probably easiest to build out of 6 laser wand weapon cores that are funnelled into a single beam as needed. Pen sized laser wand = pen casing + 60% space for mini-e-clip = weapon core smaller than a AAA battery. Could also just build from scratch. Alternatively even special order from Triax, Black Market, Northern Gun, or Wilks. Improvised Estimated cost: 7000 base x10 easy miniaturization x 10 easy prototype = 700000 credits for one plus 70000 credits for each additional with a size equal to a single AAA battery.
-- T-C23 Field Repairs: The combination of built-in tools, diverse advanced sensor systems including non-combat/mechanical usage, robotic strength, and so forth make the T-C23 ideal for performing Field Repairs. As such it eliminates the skill penalties for all Field Repairs except Extensive (RUE page 312). Presumably "extensive" would include any significant section (main body, primary limb, etc) who's MDC has been reduced below 30% (since at 15% it becomes unrepairable based on original SB1). [just an appropriate innovative interpretation]
* Forearms:
-- Back-Hand Side of Forearms, Both Arms - Vallax Beams: 5D6 MD and 1200 foot range each. Custom targeting system allows dual blasts for 1D6x10 MD (instead of 5D6x2) and after first hit on same target it automatically bypasses any impervious to energy regardless its nature. The military version included forearm lasers which have been replaced by the Vallax Pistol tech (see Apprentices below).
-- Elbow/Little Finger Outer Side of Forearms, Both Arms - "Experimental Retractable Silver Blades similar to energized or vibro blades". If anyone asks is from experimental metallurgy MDC silver (some Forum posts actually address tech-based MDC silver) and several processes far too complicated to even attempt to explain. Which are actually magical "Sentinel Blades":
--- Overall Nature and Power Level: Unaligned Magical Blades that can initially be wielded by anyone. Vaguely similar to Holy Weapons, Mystic Kuznya, and other such magical weaponry. Non-standard rune weapons/items: "Greater" or low end "Greatest" "Rune Weapon" combat capabilities but only considered to be "Minor Rune Items" mainly due to a lack of independent personality (WB30: Nuhr Dwarves - Nuhr Rune Maker; extended Mystic Kuznya equivalent). Closest creation methods being demonstrated by Nuhr Rune Maker (variants of Mystic Kuznya) and standard Mystic Kuznya (which only has an unfinished limited list of possibilities similar to list of specific TW items vs endless possibilities via TW creation process). Story element: It tends to be a signature item that no one else can deduce how to make... strangely appears to be a non-magical sword (advanced or alien tech perhaps?) by all detection methods (even to Nuhr Rune Makers and Mystic Kuznya). They are physically designed and disguised to appear to be "experimental retractable vibro blades" especially when housed in armor forearms. Ultimately are effectively immune to detection as magic items. Thus their true nature and value is only rarely known to anyone (Max, apprentices/former apprentices, certain members of the local mage guild, etc). [Some original magic abilities and variations on standard magic weapons]
--- Naturally bonds to wielder after carrying for 24 hours allowing weapon abilities other than raw damage to function. Remains in effect for up to one month after being separated from wielder, refreshes via any contact before then. Otherwise then becomes wieldable by anyone again. Repeating process. Wielder cannot sense the blade. [Minor variation of standard]
--- Typically only installed in pairs (WP Paired Weapons), each located in the outside-most section of the forearm (side-mounted for practical wielding). Definitely installable along with the forearm Vallax blasters due to Max's double maximum modification ability of two additions per location instead of one. Though in theory could really just be considered a design option for any Operator to install.
--- +2 All Combat Rolls (any d20) from each Sentinel Blade = +4 from the pair: Initiative, strike, ranged strike (ancient and modern), parry, autododge only if or when present, saving throws, perception, and so forth. Only applicable if wielded or "sheathed" in forearm sheaths, including built into armor. Cumulative from all Sentinel Blades. Maximum of one per arm. [Magical weapon bonus enhanced variant specifically designed to be cumulative with other Sentinel Blades]
--- Indestructible 100% Pure Silver: Affects and usually does +10 extra base damage to creatures specifically vulnerable to it, werebeasts, vampires, and so forth. This further benefits from specific creature vulnerability damage multipliers: Double damage from silver weapons (= 1D6x10+10 all x2 = 2D6x10+20) and so forth. When multiple damage types and multipliers apply: Silver, rune, magic weapon, and so forth only the highest/most important multiplier would apply (unless bored GMs add them together similar to Critical Hit multipliers or whatever). Inflicts damage as HP if a HP target (only if an invulnerable to physical target with HP and a vulnerability to silver weapons) or MDC if a MDC target.
--- Inflict 1D6x10 MD magical rune weapon physical silver damage each.
--- Minor Magical Blade Lengthening: Allows just the full-size blade to condense down as short that of a small knife. When fully retracted as such it is concealed within the forearm armor housing. Blade width and hilt size remain the same. Wielded via WP Sword at lengths of over 1 foot, or WP Knife or simply unarmed (like knuckle-spikes) at 1 foot or less. Similar to a shape shifting or metamorphosis type of effect. [Original magic weapon option]
--- When designed as a forearm weapon it is intentionally designed to look like an over-sized retractable vibro-blade when wielded. Forearm Weapon Version has extremely thin blade, small hilt, minor cross-piece, small hand grip, and minor pommel. Regular sword version has normal thickness blade, and so forth.
--- Constant Mystic Invisibility (not actual invisibility) for the weapon, and also the wielder if it is anywhere on the individual. Also protects from all detrimental Anti-Magic, Ley Line Storms effects, and so forth (can still dispel opponent effects). Not applied to other beings who have contact with it. Renders weapon, wielder and his gear (up to worn body armor, T-C23 power armor), force fields, auras, psionic and magic capabilities and usage completely undetectable by all magical, psionic, and special sensory means (Psi-Stalker, Dog Boy, a Dragon's 'Sense Other Dragons' ability, even Object Read, and so forth). Special senses are usually psionic or semi-psionic variations or magical senses of creatures of magic. Otherwise appears completely visible to normal sight and tech sensors. This is basically similar to a combined constant Mask PPE and Mask ISP and Psionics sensitive psionic effect.
----- If combined with an actual Invisibility then it renders the individual undetectable by "See the Invisible" effects: Psionic power, magic amulet, most if not all innate versions are simply psionic or magic equivalents unless obtained via non-magical or non-psionic tech or super ability, etc. Having the See The Invisible from the Major Super Ability of "Invisibility" would be one of the few ways to still see such an individual (DB4:Skraypers). However Invisible Superior ends if any hostile action is made, and the individual must continually pass prowl checks while moving to be completely unnoticed. Since its a d100 skill based concept its maximum possible prowl would be 98% resulting in there always a chance of being detected. Only if combined with some kind of magical sound eliminating aura (mobile AOE field) could the prowl limitation be essentially removed. Almost all other forms are effectively Invisible Simple (Innate, Super Ability, etc) which can be detected via many technological and mundane senses.
----- Overall Usage Example: A spell caster could chat with a Dog-Boy and the Dog-Boy would have no idea that the person was a spell caster. Even with non-visible active self-buffing spells and psionics would still remain undetectable when talking to the Dog-Boy. Could even step out of visual sight nearby, quietly cast a self-buffing spell, and the act of casting a spell would still not be detectable. Only when a spell encompasses an area that is larger than a force field around the individual with the blade does it then become a fully unconcealed external effect and thus detectable. (Mercenary Adventures book) [Original magic weapon option]
--- Hilt and base of the blade are housed in the outer side of each forearm. It will safely magically extend the blade out up to four feet past the hand or retract upon verbal command by the wielder. One set of combat friendly instant command words for each, usually: 1-E and 1-R (left full extend, left full retract), 2-E and 2-R (right full extend, left full retract). Adding in a middle number to the extend command will select the length: 1-1-E = extend to 1 foot length; 1-2-E = 2 foot; 1-3-E = 3 foot. There are also activate all commands of Z-E, Z-R, Z-1-E, Z-2-E, Z-3-E. Commands are usable as part of a wielders overall effects for a particular action except that it prevents other verbal communication (radio, etc) for that action. Command word codes are etched in Dragonese/Elven on the hilt of the blade. The codes are easy enough to say if taught by someone who knows the language to someone who does not. Only command words from the bonded wielder will function.
--- Can only be added and removed by completely disassembling the arms of the armor. Alternatively by destroying the arms of the armor.
--- Design Note: Melee tends to be the least preferred method of combat for the T-C23 due to nature of built-in autododge. Mainly used for "bug hunts" when having to go inside confined spaces: Sewers, most buildings, caves, and so forth.
--- Only available via the Mage Guild members and connections. Not typically for sale. Primarily for Max and his apprentices. However is included as part of any fully constructed T-C23 even those for sale. Raw value 17 million each, conservative street value of 34 million each (68 million for a pair), and only available via special circumstances (similar to rune weapons).
* Size: Effectively unchanged, more efficient MDC materials were used to replace standard plating for the increased MDC modification. Similar efficiency for other modifications.
* Weight: 120 lbs, after weight reduction modification.
* Other stats, speeds, MDC by location, and so forth fully double max modified. Includes an underwater speed equal to half of flight speed. Maximum depth 765 feet.
* Whatever else makes sense.
* Limitations: Its main limitation is the medium range of its built-in weapon systems.
* Original Acquisition: Having a fondness for efficient, advanced tech he eventually found a suit of T-21 Terrain Hopper Power Armor. After experimenting and studying at length he made extensive inquiries into the tech behind its development. Eventually managed to contact those that managed to supply these power armors regularly. With some smooth talking and several well placed bribes he was able to learn of the military version of this armor. Ultimately he was able to obtain over forty of the T-C20 military version most of which he currently keeps in extremely secure storage. (See WB5:Triax for military version; Sourcebook One for T-21 version; available in North America pre 93 PA – WB5: 103 PA minus 10 years talks with CS while already having been retailing tech extensively prior to these talks = pre 93 PA.) Earliest availability of Vallax tech is 83 P.A. As such consider the T-C23 to be Max's primary armor unit from 83 PA to 105 PA (when the GBSK became available at the start of the CS vs FQ/Tolkeen War).
* Value: Raw value around 50 million including the Vallax Tech (2 million base armor value; estimate 1 million x2 Vallax beams and 10 million x1 Vallax FF, logical approximation of 2 million for robotic strength conversion, 2x17 million+ Sentinel Blades). As essentially the military uniform for him and his people he wouldn't likely sell it to anyone else. The security of having the only supply of this uniform plus a quick comparison of the value of power armor and robot vehicles with similar stats means a street value of double: 100 million credits (including hidden full value of the Sentinel Blades). This typically translates into one perfect condition sought after power armor or robot vehicle being trade-able for one fully armed T-C23 (WB2: Two Kittani Power Armor types, etc).
-- Ultimately there is a slim chance that as a favor he would sell a single fully modified unit to a former apprentice (Operator OCC - possibly players) for personal use only, for precisely 50 million universal credits (no trade values except for semi-unique items highly sought after by Triax - see contacts). Maximum of one such sale per former apprentice ever (if it is destroyed or otherwise disappeared then has no inclination to provide another one). It would have a mandatory inclusion of a 15 year duration Attune Object to Owner on entire item, or all essential parts (including Vallax Tech). Reserved for those that remain on good terms with the Combative Operator.
-- Sales beyond this: Will only be available for 100 million universal credits worth of trade-in value of semi-unique items highly sought after by Triax - see contacts. Paid and verified in advance. Has also given one to his level 15 Techno-Wizard contact in exchange for all his ongoing services.
* This is a unique combination of extremely advanced and alien military tech. The GM may presume a -65% total skill penalty (-40% advanced/alien, -25% military) when working on it except for: The Combative Operator, his apprentices and former apprentices, anyone with Mechano-Link Super Ability, probably the Vallax and their techs as well. Anyone with extensive military tech familiarity (the technicians from Triax, Latest Coalition War Campaign tech, Kittani, etc.) or simply have the Vehicle Armorer skill would eliminate the -25% military portion. A simplified logical innovative method for repairs: Presume that as long as the Robot Mechanic skill has at least 1% after the penalty then standard repairs can be made without a skill check in non-stressful situations by 4th level or higher beings (no skill xp at 4th+ level). This tech is fully modified except for possible minor add-ons (special sensors, TW additions, and so forth).
* T-C23 for Wearers with Psionics or even magic capabilities (most likely PPE source for a standard human Operator is from 1 to 6 magic tattoos): Techno-Wizard Additions (all at 15th level duration and effect; see RMB Techno-Wizard): Armor of Ithan (emergency force fields), Invisibility - Superior (emergency escape option), Superhuman Agility (MA), Fighting Spirit (MA) [expanded options], or whatever.
-- Any purchased T-C23 will generally include four TW Additions of choice by the local Techno-Wizard as long as the purchaser is in good standing with both Max and Cliff.
* Storage: While not in use during apprentice down-time is securely stored in individual's quarters. Storage device is an automatic power armor suiting up machine (equivalent to a team of assistants) allowing apprentice to suit up in 1 minute (instead of 1D4+4 minutes, GMG).
* Similar Tech: Has been studying, experimenting with, and modifying several similar principle armors:
-- "Super Sentinel" T-G23 Power Armor - Double Max Modified Glitterboy Sidekick Power Armor (WB22): Utilizes a more appropriate designation for his modified versions since the basic Glitterboy Sidekick is literally a T-21 simply built with Glitterboy Technology and with a FQ Military preferred designation. Heavy power armor by design, modified to have: 476 MDC Main Body, 800 LBS with jet pack (without pilot), robotic PS 31, Autododge and +9 Autododge (armor bonus only; +13 with both Sentinel Blades) while Powerjumping only (at 210 mph), max depth 2040 feet, otherwise roughly same height, width, speeds, and so forth as T-C23. Small enough to fit in same spaces as T-C23. However at roughly 1000 lbs with pilot and gear it essentially weighs as much as an average Full Conversion Borg with Heavy Armor. Main Limitations: External transportation limited to heavy vehicles; suffers speed and combat penalties when travelling through foliage or similar (even SDC) obstructions. Extensive sensor and balancing modifications making it suitable for indoor autododging in the garage bays via Power Armor Elite. Regular version is easily recognizable as Glitterboy Tech and due to the propaganda war footage of CS vs FQ, CS army interactions with FQ army, and so forth the Glitterboy Sidekick is likely be a fairly well known power armor after its introduction in 105 P.A at the start of war. As such it is likely to simply be regarded as a rather minor and odd usage of GB-Tech rather than a sought after armor. This is literally the GB-Tech version of a T-21. Effectively/appropriately rare availability (at GM's discretion) although it has no rarity listing upon becoming available on the Black Market at the start of the CS War in 105 P.A. Since the only source ever is recent and via FQ (unlike the archaic regular GB) such acquisitions would probably have to be through Triax rep (all of Max's T-G23's will be) or risk alienating Triax as a contact. FQ is NGR's/Triax #1 ally overall since the CS mainly delays and limits any treaty or alliance (FQ gave Triax GB-Tech). From 106 P.A. onward this becomes the current version of Max's armor. Once utilized then all of instances of T-C23 become T-G23 instead: Max, apprentices, and Techno-Wizard ally/Cliff. Further available for appropriate trade-in as per T-C23 at GM's discretion but equally appropriate to be unavailable to non-NPCs except possibly former apprentices. If the T-G23 is effectively publicly unavailable at GM's discretion then the T-C23 should remain the publicly available one.
-- Kittani Universal Power Armor (WB2): Dubbed T-K23 similar to weaponless T-C20, higher P.S., tends to be recognizable as alien tech, rarely available. Has several fully modified ones in storage (same % mods as T-C23). Low value, with nearly identical stats to T-C20, alien tech, good for comparison of tech and tech principles. Earliest version of this armor series: Utilized prior to 83 P.A. in a limited version, provided via some of the Mage Guild's contacts.
-- T-31 (WB5): Mainly for studying full robotic strength from extremely similar design elements (size, etc) from same overall tech as T-21/T-C23. Only available as a courtesy from Triax rep and only due to not being on the same continent as Triax/NGR. Also with the possibility of Max refining the design in ways that might be useful to Triax/NGR.
EQUIPMENT ENHANCEMENTS: Primary gear is altered via simultaneous contact of target being and target item with a strange alien plant. Its effects are the equivalent of an Attune Object to Owner Temporal wizardry spell except it is not a magical effect. The seedling functions as a 1 year duration, yearly renewal (WB3:England or BoM). The full grown one functions as a 15 year duration. Cannot be dispelled or negated by any known means (including TW Void Wall and the plant). Its a partial 4D being/plant that just minimally feeds on the TW Dimensional "Vortex" Field providing its equivalent of 'sunlight'. This process is vaguely reminiscent of the energy absorbing ability of the TW Void Wall. As such it is completely immune to the TW Void Wall, TW Vortex, other sources of energy absorption, and so forth. For soil it needs an indestructible magical item (closest approximation to its soil of origin). The molecule sized residue it produces harmlessly infuses a few molecules into the molecular structure (like burrs) of any item or being it comes in contact with (except for its current 'soil'). When an item and a being contact the same residue simultaneously it has the side effect of acting as a Attune Object to Owner equivalent. Without both an indestructible magical item soil plus constant uninterrupted dimensional energy (even a 1 minute interruption disrupts it) this molecular residue will eventually disintegrate after a certain number of years. A single being can be Attuned to multiple items but an item cannot be attuned to multiple beings.
-- Applied to all T-C23 (including both blades) used by himself and his apprentices (1 each), as well as his spider skull walker (him only). Simply prevents it from being used by any means by anyone other than the single individual to whom it is attuned. All such tech is Attuned once each year (simultaneously) thus if an apprentice dies then their gear can simply be stored until attunement expires or have the individual part replaced. Note: For any size of object limitations can simply remove an essential component (CPU with or without motherboard; or power supply) and have it attuned to the individual. Once placed back in then only the designated individual can operate that component without which the entire armor or vehicle cannot function. Presume replacing the part is a 1 hour process (due to inaccessibility of the part) that also requires the correct replacement part.
- Self and business.
- Typically: 2D6x10 million universal credits at any given time and hidden in the underground bunker. Its location is near the auto-destruct component and escape tunnel. Only carries around 1D6x1000 credits unless making a special purchase or just made a sale.
- Typically: 2D6x100 million credits worth of spare parts at any given time. All stored in the warehouse or underground bunker. Note: A single robot vehicle or advanced power armor typically sells for 20 to 30 million credits each, so having 200 million to 1.2 billion credits worth of parts is only the equivalent of about 20 to 60 such units.
* Includes the +4 to all d20 combat bonuses from Sentinel Blades (see T-C23).
* Uses Fully Modified Spider-Skull Walker with Robot Combat Elite with Mechano-Link benefits and never tires (Healing Factor). Only uses Mechano-Link Telemechanic Possession if he has Create Force Field power.
* Built-In Force Fields and possibly use of Create Force Field Major Super Ability.
* +11 Autododge (PP 30 and Extraordinary PP), able to dodge all attacks even those from behind (Intuitive Combat); +18 Autododge Power Jumping in T-C23; or eventually as of 106 P.A or later +24 Autododge Power Jumping in T-G23. Additional +5 and autododge without power jumping (or power jumping autododge bonus) is theoretically available from an expanded Techno-Wizard Armor Additions (RMB) of Superhuman Agility (MA). However this activated effects would only be for a short amount of time.
* 13 a/r, +20 regular strike Dual Boom Guns: From level 15 HTH Assassin, WP Heavy MD Weapons, and Robot Combat Elite Walker; plus Mechano-Link bonus, Weapon Engineer bonus (OCC skill), Weapon Systems bonus, built-in Walker sensor bonus. Same a/r and strike bonuses for Dual Laser Turrets. Same strike bonus for regular called shot with Dual Boom Guns (head-shots on power armor, and so forth).
* +13 initiative (Exceptional PP 31; Quick Draw PP 31, HTH Assassin 15th), yielding either +19 including Sixth Sense or +16 including Intuitive Combat. Plus another +1 or +2 depending upon use of Spider Skull Walker or T-C23.
* T-C23 Sentinel Blades: +18 strike, +19 parry, WP Paired Weapons. Other swords +16 thrown.
* See The Invisible - constant (Amulet).
* Warning of Spirits in the Area (Amulet).
* Sixth Sense and Intuitive Combat (Psionics).
* Every available sensor (see T-C23).
* Final combat numbers and options may vary.
* Theoretical Bonuses #1: Technically the unique situation of wearing a T-C23 while piloting the Spider Skull Walker should fully combine the bonuses from Power Armor Elite T-C23 bonus with the Robot Combat Elite Spider Skull Walker Bonuses. However these have not been included in the above. Would mean using two piloting skills simultaneously however the style and nature of the power armor one is effectively the equivalent of power armor version of a Physical Skill in usage. End result: Possible = yes; plausible = yes; appropriate = probably only in high level campaigns or for overpowered NPCs via lenient GMs.
* Theoretical Bonuses #2: Power armors with built-in autododging capabilities operated by pilots with Power Armor Elite for that armor (or armor series) should include a bonus to autododge equal to the dodge bonus. However it is such an obscure situation that its most likely been overlooked in the game system.
Includes from: T-C23, Sentinel Blades x2, Magical Bracers, Amulet, Healing Factor. Attribute bonuses not included.
Disease: +6, and also Immunity (...Bracer).
Horror Factor: +16 {+24 with PC:S} (SBx2 + Bracer + Amulet).
Insanity: +8 (SBx2 + Amulet).
Magic/Curses: +18 [+15 Ap], {+23; +20 Ap with PC:S} and Impervious to Magical Barriers except Protection Circles (see Dispel Magic Barriers). (SBx2 + Bracer + Amulet + Heal. F)
- Sickness Spell/Effect: +24 [+21 Ap] {+29; +26 Ap with PC:S} (...Amulet x2).
Perception: +7, or +9 Detect Concealment or Ambush from 98% skill (unless GMs permit/prefer combining in which case add together as appropriate).
Poisons/Toxins: +7, and also Immunity (...Bracer).
Possession: {Impervious via PC:S}
- Magic Possession: +20 [+17 Ap].
- Psionic Possession: +20 [+17 Ap] and Impervious (see T-C23).
- Other (Demonic, etc): +6.
Psionic: +18 [+15 Ap], {+23; +20 Ap with PC:S} and Impervious to most Psionics (see T-C23); base save most likely 12 but varies depending upon GM design preferences.
All Others (Demonic Curses, etc): +4.
Coma/Death: +20%.
Immunity to: Cold, Disease, Drugs, Energy, Fire, Magical Barriers, Poisons, {Possession with Protection Circle:Superior}, Psionics, Toxins, and Physical Contact from Undead. Which includes worn armor up to T-C23 (including force fields) and weapons up to 2-handed swords or rocket launchers.