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Re: anyone have an AtB world map?

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:24 pm
by glitterboy2098
i can help a little..

a rough map of north america: Map of NA.
i say rough because while i based it on the official maps, those maps didn't have much in the way of landmarks, so i had to guess for a lot of things that weren't described specifically.

note that the stuff in the center of the continent is stuff created here on the forums, mostly by me.

i've got copies of the official maps (since photobucket always screws up my big maps.. stupid auto-resize.. that map linked to had everything in fine detail..), i just don't have them uploaded anywhere. and i need to organize my ATB section of my photobucket account.

Re: anyone have an AtB world map?

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 2:00 am
by glitterboy2098
MT-NME wrote:Cool, thanks Glitterboy. You wouldn't happen to have a larger version, would you?
Or links to the threads you filled it out from?

i have a larger version, but honestly, it's kinda lousy at the higher resolution. i wasn't as good with MSpaint back then.

but here are the official maps i consulted.
East coast (ATB)
West coast (Roadhogs)

as for the threads... keep in mind these are basically fan ideas..
[Fanbook] ATB2: The Plains of Free Cattle
[fanbook] Nomad Herds, or "exactly what is Free Cattle?"
[fanbook] Equipment and Weapons

the thread that started my thought processes..
pepsi jedi grabs one of my ideas and runs with it.. this one actually predates the 'fanbook' threads

unfortunately, i've not spent much time actually work on this project.. the book i was already freelancing started to really snowball into something grand, and my college work kept sucking up my free time.

Re: anyone have an AtB world map?

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:47 am
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
I would really love to have all this info collected in one spot. anyone have a link to all the threads concerning it? Or am I already looking at all the associated info.

Also, glitterboy, if you have advice on mapping out the US that'd be awesome. It almost looks like the East lost some coastline as well.

Re: anyone have an AtB world map?

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 7:15 am
by NMI
IF you wanted to collect all the Fan material not already stickied and PM a link to each, I can create a post and make it a sticky OR you can create a post with a link to everything and I can then go make it stickied.