Allies and Enemies

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Re: Allies and Enemies

Unread post by gdub411 »

I think it is up to the players. I would think if they wrote a backround to explain their cooperative ways with each other and it seems viable to you then that's that. If no backrounds exist or doesn't include that, then I would encourage them to role play it out.

Perhaps in the beginning they cooperate minimally for the good of the group(i.e...they don't flat out try and kill each other), not lending a hand and such until that trust builds.
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Re: Allies and Enemies

Unread post by scottypotty »

NPCs would treat them accordingly. It'd be very difficult for a Wolfen player to hang out with a human adventuring party in the heart of the Western Empire. Characters who freely associated with 'undesirables' would be treated poorly as well. Players don't have to roleplay racial prejudice if they don't really want to. And it's focus in your game is really up to you. But I have always found that a little inner-party conflict creates an entertainging game. Well, at least for the GM.
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Re: Allies and Enemies

Unread post by gdub411 »

I somewhat agree with above poster when it comes to NPCs.. Just keep in mind, racial hatreds doesn't have to mean going to blows st the mere sight of each other. Certainly, with a little diplomacy, one race could tolerate the presence of a hated race, at least for a short while.

" I don't like your pet(referring to the Wolfen), but as long as you keep him on a short lease, get your business done and move on, promising no trouble
we'll let you pass".....something like that.
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