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Re: A Campaign in the making.

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 4:57 am
by zyanitevp
You give such a big picture, high level overview it is hard to make suggestions or criticize- sounds like a good outline.

Re: A Campaign in the making.

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 2:11 am
by scottypotty
Good seed for a campaign. If you want it to last, break it up into several chapters. Have the underlying quest continue as the group encounters and handles other events. Try and make it seem like they are making the choice on where to go next. If you just leave a trail of obvious clues like breadcrumbs, it may get boring. You can also have each area they're required to visit already fleshed out. That way they can choose where they want to go. I'm currently writing up a campaing so I'm pretty much in the same mindset as you. I've got the bigger picture, but I've now got to fill in the details. The "where" and "why" of how the story progresses. I'd also suggest a handful of NPCs that they continue to come across. Maybe they keep meeting the same characters amont the Dawn's Summoners. Finding and slaying them would be excellent quest options.

Re: A Campaign in the making.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:37 am
by Juce734
Do you know where in the world they are going to start?

In order to let the players be able to go and do whatever they want I would put some "clues" or "hints" in each large area that related to the big storyline. Pepper some other unrelated adventures in each area too.

Don't forget to have the world evolve based on the big plot and what the heroes do. Once the heroes have saved tons and been to most places their legend could be known all over even in places they've never been to.

If the players act like they want to pursue the big plot continue doing it how you have been. If they show no interest in that plot early on continue with your ideas but if the disinterest in that direction continues then I would scrap that idea or let it be taken care of in the background while you work on a new campaign more in line with what you think the players want to strive for.

Re: A Campaign in the making.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:02 pm
by Tyberius
There is a half a page in Eastern Territories, p 110.

Re: A Campaign in the making.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:08 pm
DarkElf is writing a manuscript for Phi and Lopan, I believe....

Re: A Campaign in the making.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 3:33 pm
by The Dark Elf
mormonginger wrote:Thanks, Tyberius!

I'm excited to see what DarkElf comes up with for Phi and Lopan, his stuff is great!

Woah, take a step back! Firstly TY for the very pleasing compliment! :oops:

Secondly, I have written a submission on the Lopanic Games that is virtually complete (it was stupid to attempt a first book with so many needed game mechanics for the events which is holding me up playtesting the revision to the event rules). Kevin hasnt read it yet and my writing could well be as crap as others in the past that have submitted and not seen publication. A submission doesnt mean you'll see a book (but if it's rejected I'll make a website or something).

To write the Games I have had to flesh out the Islands of Phi and Lopan and have enough detailed notes easily for a 160 book, including two new types of magic, new monsters and many towns (I like the design and content of the Eastern Territory book so that's an inspiration for content of cities). That is all separate from the Games submission. Ofc, again my writing or my ideas may be in the total opposite of Kevins so they may mean nothing to anyone but my group.

Im not going to throw myself into submitting my "notes" (they are more fleshed out than just notes) until I get some feedback on The Lopanic Games so until then Im working on a different type of submission and have six Rifter article ideas to carry on with....