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Two Circle Questions

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:42 pm
by St. Evil
1. Where exactly does it state the ease to destroy a circle? I have seen posted a kid w/ a can of paint can ruin a circle but that seems wrong to me. When active it seems to me that the circle is "preserved", hence the circle of contagion under water and muck in the Place of Magic.

2. If the knowledge power circle is used w/ a dragon tongue who was also a wizard, same for wolfen, do you get both bonuses or just the racial that is described?

Re: Two Circle Questions

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 11:20 pm
by cornholioprime
St. Evil wrote:1. Where exactly does it state the ease to destroy a circle? I have seen posted a kid w/ a can of paint can ruin a circle but that seems wrong to me. When active it seems to me that the circle is "preserved", hence the circle of contagion under water and muck in the Place of Magic.
That is a REALLY good question.

I, too, remember reading somewhere that destroying a circle can be as simple as rubbing even a small part of it out....but I just got through reading PFRPG (2nd Edition), where there is an extensive listing of Circles....and I can't find anything.

(I mean, if it were THAT easy, wouldn't any intelligent, summoned creature with the appropriate knowledge just throw a big rock onto the edge of the circle or something along those lines?)

2. If the knowledge power circle is used w/ a dragon tongue who was also a wizard, same for wolfen, do you get both bonuses or just the racial that is described?
PM Damian Magecraft and see what he has to say; you're way above my magical pay grade with that question.

Re: Two Circle Questions

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:00 am
by X'Zanthar
We gave active but non-permanent circles a save if someone not affected by the circle (i.e a human against a demon protection circle) IF they could normally alter the circle (i.e. rub away chalk vs inlaid silver).

As for the knowledge circle, it was ruled it was a specific circle, but if you had the matrix, you could do a magic one and a dragon one for the same tongue, and then have your Diabolist put a permanent rune on it!

Re: Two Circle Questions

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:33 am
by Killer Cyborg
My impression, without verifying from the books:

If a circle is Permanent, then it's effectively indestructible.
If it's not permanent, then it's very easily destroyed. All it takes is smearing part of the chalk line (or whatever the circle is drawn/made with) or moving or removing one of the components, etc.

Re: Two Circle Questions

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:24 pm
by Starmage21
Circles will last in perpetuity as long as no intelligent force purposefully mars the circle in a major way. I am pretty sure it is said somewhere that circles do not have to be perfect, just generally correct, and that the magic of the circle extends a tiny bit past the marks made to create it. The magic of the circles is a little more forgiving than some fantasy works, and that one tiny flaw in the geometry of the circle isnt going to cut it. The ingredients are magically kept fresh, animals wont go near them unless forced.

Re: Two Circle Questions

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:19 pm
by Tor
Question: would putting a layer of flooring (perhaps something translucent like ice or glass) overtop of a circle interfere with its operation in some way?

Re: Two Circle Questions

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:28 pm
by St. Evil
Tor wrote:Question: would putting a layer of flooring (perhaps something translucent like ice or glass) overtop of a circle interfere with its operation in some way?

I would say no, based on what feels right. Unless a range issue comes into play.

Re: Two Circle Questions

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:56 pm
by X'Zanthar
Tor wrote:Question: would putting a layer of flooring (perhaps something translucent like ice or glass) overtop of a circle interfere with its operation in some way?

I think we tried this, but the ruling (our game, nothing was found in the book) was the person activating the circle had to be able to touch it.

Re: Two Circle Questions

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:21 pm
by Starmage21
I'd create variations on my rulings based on the variations of circles.

Open circles: mostly yes
Closed circles: mostly no.
Protection Circles: mostly yes
Summoning Circles: mostly no
Circles of Power: individual basis.
Circles of Legend: 100% individual basis. The Circle of Contagion was unaffected by all the muck covering it, for example.