It must be fate, October 20, 2012
Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:54 pm
It must be fate, October 20, 2012
Wow, it seems the Fates must not want books released as much or as badly as you and I.
As I have noted, the weather has been miserable the last few weeks: cold, wet, strong winds. So I arrived at my office this morning to find that we are without power. Hmmm, let me rephrase that, we are almost completely without power. Only two rooms have electricity: the kitchen and MY OFFICE! There’s no heat and it is feeling cold in here, but manageable. I’ll work for as long as I can. Power is supposed to be restored by evening.
Taking my Sweetie, Kathy Simmons, out for Sweetest Day later this evening. Have a good weekend.
Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer and Surrogate Santa
© Copyright October 20, 2012 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.
Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Palladium Books®, Phase World®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Megaverse®, Nightbane®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars® and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. Heroes Unlimited™, Beyond the Supernatural, Dead Reign, Warpath, Shemarrian Nation, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.
Wow, it seems the Fates must not want books released as much or as badly as you and I.
As I have noted, the weather has been miserable the last few weeks: cold, wet, strong winds. So I arrived at my office this morning to find that we are without power. Hmmm, let me rephrase that, we are almost completely without power. Only two rooms have electricity: the kitchen and MY OFFICE! There’s no heat and it is feeling cold in here, but manageable. I’ll work for as long as I can. Power is supposed to be restored by evening.

Taking my Sweetie, Kathy Simmons, out for Sweetest Day later this evening. Have a good weekend.
Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer and Surrogate Santa
© Copyright October 20, 2012 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.
Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Palladium Books®, Phase World®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Megaverse®, Nightbane®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars® and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. Heroes Unlimited™, Beyond the Supernatural, Dead Reign, Warpath, Shemarrian Nation, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.