There are some complications regarding how these oiwers works which I am not entirely clear on. Both can only be used while in morphus form. Working with the example of Nightbane A (with Facade A and Morphus A) and Nightbane B (Facade B, Morphus B).
1. Nightbane A has the 'Borrow Morphus' talent. A uses it to borrow Morphus B from Nightbane B. Nightbane B has the talent 'Splittin Image', and because Nightbane A is aware of B having this Talent, A is also able to use it.
If it is used, presumably 'Bane A keeps Morphus B, but which Facade splits off from it? Facade A or Facade B? If it's A, then this is a test that could be used to tell who is the fake or not. If B, then this would make Banes who have Splittin Image vulnerable to having their facades being Borrowed/copied even by Banes Sp who have never seen it.
2. Nightbane A has both talents, Borrow AND Copy. They first use Splittin' Image to divide into Facade A / Morphus A. Then, Morphus A (a separate being now) uses Borrow Facade on Nightbane B to assume the shape of Morphus B.
When assuming another morphus, a Bane using Borrow cannot use their natural talents, only those possessed by the one they're copying. So there are 2 situations that occur:
2.1: Nightbane B has no Splittin' Image talent. In this case, as the Morphus no longer has the talent, does the split end, and the facade merges back into the copied morphus? Or does it only end when the duration runs out?
2.2: Nightbane B has the Splittin' Image talent. Does the power already count as 'in-use' because Facade A is already out walking around? Or could the power be used again to split off Facade B associated with the copied Morphus B?
I'm also not sure what happens when a Shadow Warlock or Reshaper who select and use 'Borrow Morphus' use it. Presumably the 'Morphus' is whatever is borrowed, and the Facade would either be that associated with the borrowed morphus, or the natural human/reshaper form. Presumably you can't use these powers against humans/reshapers though since they have neither a facade or morphus, even though they can use abilities associated with those forms.
Borrow Morphus and Splittin' Image
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Borrow Morphus and Splittin' Image
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