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Re: Why do people think humans are weak?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:50 pm
by flatline
You're setting the bar pretty low if you consider shooting the head or using terrain to your advantage to be "thinking outside the box".

Playing a human has a huge opportunity cost since you're giving up every advantage that you might have gotten by choosing some other race (MDC, supernatural strength, bio-regeneration, natural abilities, etc). Whether or not that matters depends entirely on the GM, players, and campaign.


Re: Why do people think humans are weak?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 9:07 pm
by Bill

Re: Why do people think humans are weak?

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:39 am
by Akashic Soldier
I love playing humans, they're my preferred race. However, if I play a D-Bee I make sure to play up the differences in thinking and culture. I think its just the same thing everyone has always had with RPGs man. "Why would I be a human if I could be an Elf and have cool power X, Y, and Z."

Re: Why do people think humans are weak?

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:50 am
by Tiree
I only play humans - they are the cockroaches of the galaxy sci-fi trope

Re: Why do people think humans are weak?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 5:30 pm
by Hotrod
Video explanation.

Humans, as presented in Palladium's products, ARE weak.

Here's a tough question: Who is weaker than humans? I can think of two arguable examples:

Gnomes. They get some nice skill bonuses and stat bonuses in specific areas, but overall, they are weaker. They're also tiny people who are meant to not be strong warrior-types. In an MDC environment, where a simple vibro-knife is insta-death to an unarmored SDC human anyway, it's not much of a weakness.

Changelings. Slower, fewer hit points, intolerant of alcohol, and intolerant of salt. On the plus side, they're nearly invincible against mental attack, and they're friggin' changelings!

... basically, that's it. Every other species is either equivalent to humans, weaker in one or two token areas, but otherwise equivalent or better, or across-the-board superior. Even the above two examples have their redeeming qualities.

I suppose that humans are presented this way because we want our game to be larger-than-life, not smaller-than-life. If Palladium released a game in which humans were giants, and every other sentient species else was primitive, dumb, weak, and tiny, how interesting would that be?

Re: Why do people think humans are weak?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:04 pm
by Grell
Because humans don't have any stat bonuses or powers right out of the box aside from a chance at exceptional attributes and possible psionic powers (and a low one at that). What people often don't see is that humans aren't restricted by their race, can be just about anything, can come from almost anywhere (including Hades) and there is much greater variation between members of the same species (3-30 per attribute, per person out of the box).

Non-human species have much more power and perks often enough, but they are also often limited in what class they can take (if any) and don't receive the benefit of bonus dice for exceptional stats due to attribute bonuses already built in (and often to emphasis one or two race-specific traits). The end result of this is that members of the same non-human race will tend to have less variation in their attributes and defining characteristics.

Re: Why do people think humans are weak?

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 9:01 pm
by tgunner91
Right now I only play with human characters. Yeah they are weak, so you have to work hard to succeed. That means many more XPs. RCCs that can get by without breaking a sweat don't get a lot from me. Why should they? When you have super abilities most things come easy. So what do you learn?

It sounds to me like you have some jaded players.

Re: Why do people think humans are weak?

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 1:48 am
by MaxxSterling
Humans suck... Why would you even want to play something so weak in such a super-powered world. Even with body armor 3-4 shots from a 1d6x10 weapon and you are vaporized! I'm not saying I haven't played them, but I was always so worried in the back of mind, that I never really gave much of a thought of longevity, because I knew I was always a trigger pull or spell away from death, even at level 15. S.D.C. beings barely exist in my campaigns and when they do, they die fast and hard and are usually fodder. The only way I could see this working is if you're entire campaign was S.D.C. based, or localized to someplace small, like Chi-Town. Even in a standard non-uber game, once you get global, megaversal or inter-dimensional, you're dead.

Re: Why do people think humans are weak?

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:52 pm
by Hotrod
It's all situational. You can play a human wilderness scout with Huntsman armor and a Wilks 357 laser rifle and walk around feeling like a god of the wilderness in some areas and adventures. In others, you'd feel like an insect trying to avoid getting splattered by windshields on the interstate. Either state of mind can be fun, especially if they overlap in the same game.

Re: Why do people think humans are weak?

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:55 pm
by Alrik Vas
MaxxSterling wrote:Humans suck... Why would you even want to play something so weak in such a super-powered world. Even with body armor 3-4 shots from a 1d6x10 weapon and you are vaporized! I'm not saying I haven't played them, but I was always so worried in the back of mind, that I never really gave much of a thought of longevity, because I knew I was always a trigger pull or spell away from death, even at level 15. S.D.C. beings barely exist in my campaigns and when they do, they die fast and hard and are usually fodder. The only way I could see this working is if you're entire campaign was S.D.C. based, or localized to someplace small, like Chi-Town. Even in a standard non-uber game, once you get global, megaversal or inter-dimensional, you're dead.

If that were the case, there wouldn't be humans in places like the three galaxies.

Besides, everyone is a trigger pull away from death when you have the right weapon. :bandit:

Re: Why do people think humans are weak?

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 6:52 pm
by say652
I let normal human Pc's pick one attribute at 24. And use 4D6 drop the lowest one for the rest. Didn't take long before my hatred of high IQ's developed (look at the bonus to skills Yo).

Re: Why do people think humans are weak?

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 7:16 pm
by say652
All time Favorite sdc race.. Amaki Stonemen (not psychic) slap a titan juicer upgrade on and 15+ years stonefisted carnage....until you fail a trap/mine detection roll and poof. Dust clouded by a fusionblock.

Re: Why do people think humans are weak?

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 11:58 am
by Malleable
Humans are weaker - at least in an MDC environment. Its MDC concept that you're basically invulnerable to normal damage (and HPs are insane). The other SDC races have some advantage over humans, but really its normally not too much.

For me I always saw humans as a race that were MUCH more flexible and adaptive. They advance and learn quicker than the other races of the megaverse - and spread like a virus.

I thought humans should get an XP bonus and have less restriction on changing O.C.C.s.

Personally I avoid playing nonhumans, but strive to make my human character progress to god-like power .


Re: Why do people think humans are weak?

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 9:15 pm
by Hotrod
On the brighter side, humans can get magic tattoos... though ogres and true atlanteans and chiang-ku can too.

Oh, but humans get lots of human-only OCCs in the CS, NGR, and a few other places.