Quick and Easy Human Enemies

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Quick and Easy Human Enemies

Unread post by silvermoon383 »

I've been trying to expand my Robotech game to include fights against more than just Invid, but I haven't found any listings of ready-made human (my main focus at the moment) opponents. Would I need to create a group of such enemies from scratch, and if so, are there any shortcuts in the enemy creation? The last time I tried human opponents it took me forever to get them all made up and I was hoping to avoid that this time.
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Re: Quick and Easy Human Enemies

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

the current books kind of gloss over the human bandits and dissidents of the various era's. mostly because they tend to use the UEDF/ASC/UEEF gear, albeit in a salvaged madmax way.

the adventure ideas section of the shadow chronciles RPG main book has a few examples for specific scenarios. otherwise you're on you own.

that said, if your open to fanmade supplimental material, you could check out my Frags page at my sites, which has tables to let you roll up bandit/dissident/invid sympathizer groups. they tend to be fairly well armed mind you, so not exactly meant for random encounters, but useful for making groups that will play a bigger role in a campaign.
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Re: Quick and Easy Human Enemies

Unread post by silvermoon383 »

Thanks glitter, your frag page is definitely useful and I'm sure I'll make use of them in the future. What I was looking for more was shortcuts in how to create a combat character. Attributes, bonuses, skills, gear, are there things I can skip or techniques to make it go faster?
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Re: Quick and Easy Human Enemies

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

the quick roll character bit in the shadow chronicles main books can help stat up the major NPC's for such things.

mainly my suggestion is to assume average attributes (in otherwords, 10 to 12 ) for all but the major NPC's, and then only worry about HP/SDC, the HTH, and the handful of skills likely to see use in the game (like any WP or piloting skills)
generally all you need is the damage they can take, the weapon they're using, and just enough skill info you don't have to go hunting if something weird pops up.
so an NPC entry might look like thus:

Bandit #
bodily SDC:
Armor main body:
Attacks per melee:
HTH bonuses:

ones with mecha skills might get more complex, since you'd have to write up the mecha stats and MECT, but generally only major (usually named) NPC's need to be fully stated out.

also, if your group has multiple people with the same loadout, this approach means that you can use one entry for groups. you just need to track damage separately.
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Re: Quick and Easy Human Enemies

Unread post by silvermoon383 »

Sweet, thanks.

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