Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:44 pm
Does anybody know where i can find the arcanist pcc for bts2, they give the xp table in the book but i cant find it anywhere in there, or am i jus blind?
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badges89 wrote:Does anybody know where i can find the arcanist pcc for bts2, they give the xp table in the book but i cant find it anywhere in there, or am i jus blind?
badges89 wrote:ok thanks for all that but unfortunately i do not have bts-1 so i have no frame of reference for that stuff in relation to the new edition, but i was wondering if i could use the wizard from palladium and jus tweak a few things?
Mephisto wrote:Hendrick's version will probably be better than the official Arcanist use that.
badges89 wrote:ok thanks for all that but unfortunately i do not have bts-1 so i have no frame of reference for that stuff in relation to the new edition, but i was wondering if i could use the wizard from palladium and jus tweak a few things?
green.nova343 wrote:badges89 wrote:i was wondering if i could use the wizard from palladium and jus tweak a few things?
Wizard from HU2 might be a better fit, if you have it. But if not, then the PFRPG version would probably be fine.
On the Adaption of the Arcanist for BtS-II wrote:"...
2. SPECIAL TRAINING (General Rule: straight adaptation from BtS-I)
The special training part is easy to adapt as “Understanding the Principles of Magic”, “Read Magic”, “The Practiced Use of Magic”, “Sense Magic” and “Recognize Magic Enchantment” (BtS-I, pages 51-52) can be applied in BtS-II just as they are.
Each arcanist starts with the following number of spells:
- 1D6 for each of the spell levels 1-3
- 1D4 for each of the spell level 4-9
- No spells beyond level 9
When you know the total number of spells roll 4D6. The result will determine for which of your incantations you know the ritual as well as the spell variant, for any remainder you will have to decide for each spell whether you know it as a spell or as a ritual.
For the difference between rituals and spells as well as regarding learning spells you can either apply the rules in BtS-I (pages 95 ss.) or the very similar stipulations in the - awesome - Nightbane core book ("pursuit of magic" chapter, pages 124 ss). I tend towards the latter and suggest applying the rules for the Sorcerer OCC on spells/rituals and spell acquisition per level (NB core, pages 115 ss.). Regarding rituals the sorcerer only has to differentiate between spell and ritual starting with spells at 7th spell level; I think that for BtS it needs to be possible to also have lower level rituals, so the 7th level thing does not apply for BtS.
Learning new spells when advancing in level:
An arcanist can learn as many new spells at a new level or even in between levels, provided he has sufficient funds (money may have to be paid for books, teaching, etc.), time (time is required to study anything!) and learning materials (teacher, books, etc.). This should be treated in a reasonable manner between GM and player. Players: unless there are exceptional circumstances, it will be unlikely that you gain much more than 6 new spells per level. GMs, give the guys at least one or two new spells per level, or more when they work hard at it!
ALTERNATIVE RULE on "Learning new spells when advancing in level":
An arcanist gains 1D4 new spells of random level (1D10; higher level spells only when he finds a teacher or tome of magic). These are spells he either recalls from his basic teachings but only then, as he gains more experience, fully understands or he has finally discovered these spells as a result of his intensive studies that come to fruitition on levelling.
I think the spells can be applied as are, basically. Or, one can very simply draw on any of the other spell sources in the megaverse (notably in my opinion PFRPG, Nightbane and Rifts - although: using spells from a SDC system will definitely make things much easier)..."
Mephisto wrote:OK fan was definitely the wrong word, but you are clearly an historian of the era. It would be easy to base a game in Africa during the Italian invasion with British colonial countries having their armies fighting the Italians. Or Japanese invaders in Myanmar or the assault on Singapore. Heck even the bombing of Darwin could be good for Australian based games. It's close to mixing in Recon with BTS2 flavor (think an aborigine psychic sensitive sensing the pending attack, while special forces soldiers get ready to head off the invasion that the Diviner predicts will be the next move by the Japanese fleet).