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growth ability and horror factor

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:21 pm
by say652
As is started with rifts first and used superpowers in that setting i like the option of the horror factor but, i bought the new revised book and wow great stuff. Flipping through i found the growth ability cool power and realized with a high physical endurance you get a massive horror factor when giant size. My question is is this rolled once on initial seeing the giant or is it used as the horror factor minor ability once EVERY melee a roll must be made. both seem fitting. Wow a giant roll hf but seeing said giant rampage through a city would also warrant additional hf rolls every melee. I like rules and structure for the element of fairness so any input is good input. Would the hereos just get the initial shock(one hf roll) or would the giantsize menace warrant a horrorfactor roll every melee?

Re: growth ability and horror factor

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:28 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Horror factor is only rolled upon the initial encounter. Once you've seen a giant rip the roof off a building two or three times, you just get numb to it.

Re: growth ability and horror factor

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:45 am
by Genhuman
Yes, HF is generally only rolled upon initial contact. Then again, if you are so inclined, it can also be situational (something I have used from time to time).

Example 1: You arrive on the scene and you see godzilla attacking Tokyo. You roll HF to see if you can muster up the courage to face the menacing beast. (initial)

Example 2: You just got done getting the civilians off the bus that Godzilla had kicked over during the still continuing battle. You look up because you are suddenly in shadow, and see a large clawed foot descending....... (Situational)

Re: growth ability and horror factor

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:40 am
by say652
so one for meeting and others as the situation warrants.

Re: growth ability and horror factor

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:59 pm
by Tor
say652 wrote:i found the growth ability cool power and realized with a high physical endurance you get a massive horror factor when giant size.
Yeah, this power and the way Power Leeches (Rifts Psyscape) grow are pretty much the only ceilingless Horror Factor factories I've come across in Palladium's games.

There's something kinda charming about that. I'm not normally in favour of extrapolating super abilities' statistics outside of super abilities, but in the case of size-based Horror Factor I think it would be fine to make an exception. I think if we ever have a giant creature (say an alien intelligence) who is so large that if we calculated their HF based on this power, it would be bigger, that we should increase it to that higher amount if their natural HF is lower.

For the most part you simply don't see Horror Factors above 19. I'm not really sure why, I don't think it can be about natural 20s because I think those let you save regardless (even if it was a HF of 100).

It does beg a question though, even if you normally only roll HF once, if a hero has a high HF from growth and some other power that forces people to roll every melee, would they roll against the higher HF every melee or the lower?

Re: growth ability and horror factor

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 5:54 pm
by say652
o this power is going to be fun to abuse my players with. meet the fourarmed giant named "Crunch" dont want to list his powers but you can already guess two. and Crunch is angry.....real

Re: growth ability and horror factor

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:18 pm
by Tor
This makes me wonder: if you fail a horror factor roll, would you be unable to use Negate Super Abilities?