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Expanded Natural & Genius special abilities

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 7:22 am
by Nightmask
Has anyone expanded on the special abilities that are available for the Natural & Genius OCC from Between The Shadows? It seems like there is room for a number of other special abilities. In particular it seems like there should be a Mechanical Genius option like there is for for the Electrical Genius. Same cost but with an orientation on Mechanical skills (although not sure what if any kind of comparable speciality for the character like the Electrical Genius gets with their Hot-Wiring skill from the Electrical Category).

Re: Expanded Natural & Genius special abilities

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 12:20 am
by Tor
Hm, possibly they didn't want to take too much impact away from the Psi-Mechanics?

Re: Expanded Natural & Genius special abilities

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 4:13 pm
by 13eowulf
I had a player propose a Mechanical Genius option to me once, that I approved.

Otherwise the Natural Genius was expanded/adapted into a Power Category in PU2 for Heroes Unlimited, with additional/different special abilities.

Perhaps re-adapting those special abilities back into NB would provide increased variety.

Re: Expanded Natural & Genius special abilities

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 1:50 am
by Nightmask
13eowulf wrote:I had a player propose a Mechanical Genius option to me once, that I approved.

Otherwise the Natural Genius was expanded/adapted into a Power Category in PU2 for Heroes Unlimited, with additional/different special abilities.

Perhaps re-adapting those special abilities back into NB would provide increased variety.

A possibility. Although while I liked the power category at first it seems like it's got too much going for it, such as too many skills that no longer have the cap at 98%. It kind of squeezes out some of the other power categories due to that. Still working up PPE costs for the special abilities it offers and making them available to the Nightbane OCC wouldn't be a bad deal, at least for those that make sense as something you'd have reason for a natural aptitude/interest in. Some of the abilities aren't really an outgrowth of personal interest and focus, at least not from what I can tell.

Re: Expanded Natural & Genius special abilities

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 12:42 am
by Prince Cherico
Nightmask wrote:
13eowulf wrote:I had a player propose a Mechanical Genius option to me once, that I approved.

Otherwise the Natural Genius was expanded/adapted into a Power Category in PU2 for Heroes Unlimited, with additional/different special abilities.

Perhaps re-adapting those special abilities back into NB would provide increased variety.

A possibility. Although while I liked the power category at first it seems like it's got too much going for it, such as too many skills that no longer have the cap at 98%. It kind of squeezes out some of the other power categories due to that. Still working up PPE costs for the special abilities it offers and making them available to the Nightbane OCC wouldn't be a bad deal, at least for those that make sense as something you'd have reason for a natural aptitude/interest in. Some of the abilities aren't really an outgrowth of personal interest and focus, at least not from what I can tell.

The genius has one very big disavantage they are still fundamentally very squisy humans in
a setting with with foes who warp reality to their whim.

Re: Expanded Natural & Genius special abilities

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 1:47 am
by Tor
There's always the PU2 class abilities.