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Working on an updated skill list...

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:45 am
by mrloucifer
I've been working on an updated skill list to add to the House of BTS, which includes skills found in various RIFTER books and some that I've made at home.

But before I finished it and posted it, I thought I'd ask you fine folks if you had any useful BTS skills that aren't in the main book, perhaps home made skills you use, or skills from the various Rifters (I might have missed some skills so I want to double check) or elsewhere?

Re: Working on an updated skill list...

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:30 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Check out the We Gots the Skills thread in the Heroes Unlimited forum for lots of skills that I've made and others have as well. Many of them are posted over to the Skills section of the Black Vault wiki site also.

Re: Working on an updated skill list...

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 4:42 pm
by mrloucifer
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Check out the We Gots the Skills thread in the Heroes Unlimited forum for lots of skills that I've made and others have as well. Many of them are posted over to the Skills section of the Black Vault wiki site also.

Holy snapping aardvarks Gargoyle! This topic is gonna keep me busy sifting through them for awhile. :) Thanx Mucho!

Re: Working on an updated skill list...

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 4:51 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
mrloucifer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Check out the We Gots the Skills thread in the Heroes Unlimited forum for lots of skills that I've made and others have as well. Many of them are posted over to the Skills section of the Black Vault wiki site also.

Holy snapping aardvarks Gargoyle! This topic is gonna keep me busy sifting through them for awhile. :) Thanx Mucho!
No problemo. :bandit:

Re: Working on an updated skill list...

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:25 pm
by Damian Magecraft
Also the Rifter Zero has a comprehensive skill list (includes source reference)

Re: Working on an updated skill list...

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 2:26 pm
by mrloucifer
I've submitted my skill list by the way. You can find in under the Skills tab on the creations page.

that being said, if there is a skill that you use in your games that's not on the list, feel free to post it here, it may get added to the list. :)