Tee-Hee Tickle-Fu----The Laughing Art

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Tee-Hee Tickle-Fu----The Laughing Art

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Having another go at an oddball 'niche' martial art.
As always, I make no pretense of being a martial artist(and anything even vaguely physically-oriented), so I welcome constructive criticism.

Tee-Hee Tickle-Fu----The Laughing Art
(aka ‘Keichi-keichi-ku’)

The warlord’s informers had caught her as she exited the hashish den where she’d met her city contact. She had fought hard, but the minions had quickly overwhelmed her, disarmed her of her daggers, thrown away her poison vial earrings, then ignonimously bundled her away to one of the warlord’s keeps.
There she had been stripped down to her undergarments, and bound spread-eagled over a bed in this cell. They hadn’t touched her yet, but she knew it was only a matter of time...the warlord had a reputation for ruthlessness, and her current state could only mean that torture of the meanest kind was to be her fate.
Sure enough, it wasn’t long before an ancient old man in plain, but expensive, robes entered the room, carrying an elaborate and ominous-looking lacquered drawered case with him, walked up next to the bound captive, and set business-like to settling hmself and his tools. She hated the smile he gave her, but didn’t miss the cool, clinical appraisal he gave his captive and bared audience.
She snarled; “Like what you see, old man?! Is the tyrant Qoun not man enough to do his own rapine? He has to send a fossil to do his evil?!”
The old man seemed genuinely taken aback by the statement, before understanding dawned in his features; “Oh no, Lord Qoun is too much the gentleman to even contemplate taking or allowing such gross liberties with women, even an outlaw such as yourself , but he does desire information on where your fellow Than Valley bandits...or, as you call them, revolutionaries, are hiding...and as quickly as possible. He would not think to insult or mark you with bludgeon, rack, or hot iron, so in your case a more enlightened approach has been called for.”
He slid open one of the thin drawers in his box and pulled forth one of the instruments there. Her eyes went cross-eyed as he held it up for her to see.
“I think we will start with the speckled quail breast feather.”

Her howls shook the very timbers of the keep. She broke well before dawn. Feeling merciful, Lord Qoun spared her from the headsman’s axe, commuting the sentence to exile in the far eastern islands, though she could never look at feathers of any kind ever again without collapsing into shivering giggling fits.

While most esoteric martial arts forms teach practitioners how to inflict painful, incapacitating blows to vital points, adherents of the school of Tickle-Fu learn how to leave their opponents paralyzed with pleasure....Arguably, the line between pleasure and pain is sometimes a slender one, so often the moves used to inflict a tickle attack look similar to those for inflicting pain, but with a slight twist. What would normally leave an enemy gasping in agony, will instead leave them guffawing in pleasure.
Considered a ‘soft’ martial arts style, Tickle-Fu practitioners typically attack with their hands and fingers(if they must attack with their feet, they will do so barefoot, so as to be able to use their toes), parrying attacks with one hand while darting forward to deliver quick-fingered tickles. Holds are also used to trap an opponent while the Tickle-Fu’er proceeds to incapacitate them with quick strikes to their funny bone and other nerve plexi. The basic moves distract the opponent with tingling and ticklish sensations, while the more advanced attacks (vital points) can leave them paralyzed and/or laughing hysterically. Favored weapons are feathers, feather dusters, soft brushes, and plush toys. Escape moves focus on circular or wiggling motions to quickly squirm free of holds. Dodge maneuvers teach the practitioner to ‘be as the feather’, using floating or gliding motions to move around or just ahead of an opponent’s strikes. When strikes DO hit, the practitioner is taught to roll ‘like a feather on the wind’, spinning and rolling like a down feather in a pillow fight. Practitioners of Tee-Hee are also taught how to make the best personal presentation, to charm or intimidate an opponent, and how to resist torture(during training, Tee-Hee practitioners frequently practice on each other to get acclimated to tickle-attacks).
Unusual among martial artists, Tickle-Fu masters focus on having fun and giving equal amounts of pleasure during combat....They tend to be compassionate towards their opponents; the line ‘and was it good for you?” might well sum up their philosophy. This in itself can drive more selfish or serious-minded opponents nuts during combat; they may not feel the Tickle-Fu fighter takes them seriously, or is serious about martial arts.
Tickle-Fu fighters can often find work outside martial arts as massage therapists.

Note: Practitioners who possess a prehensile furry or fluffy tail can use it akin to a feather; +1 to M.E. ‘damage’ from a Tickle Attack.

Notable Tools of the Trade:

Fuzzy Ball---A fuzzy ball on the end of an elastic cord or short handle; used to tickle a target.
+1 to M.E. ‘damage’ from a Tickle Attack.

Feathers---Depending on the grade and softness of the feather, these can add +1-1d6 to M.E. ‘damage’ from a Tickle Attack

Phoenix Feather Tickle Rod---This legendary Tickle-Fu instrument of torture is said to be made from a phoenix feather(well, duh!)with a silver handle. The feather itself is exceptionally fine, about two feet long, glowing a soft silver or gold-white, and is warm to the touch. Used in conjunction with Tickle-Fu, the Phoenix Feather can drop a martial artist chortling, or break a defiant captive’s will to resist in peals of laughter. 3d6 M.E. ‘damage’ from a Tickle Attack.

Feather Gauntlet---A leather glove with holders for feathers or brushes attached to each finger. +1d4 to M.E. ‘damage’ from a Tickle Attack

Neural Point Atemi

Country of Origin: Believed to be China
Style: (Non-Exclusive)

Entrance Requirements:
Good or Selfish alignments only

Skill Cost: 10 years(6 years if taken as a Secondary Martial Art Form)

Costume: None; casual clothing is preferred, usually soft fabrics like felt or velvet(sleeve cuffs), though fur muffs have proven popular. Many practitioners also prefer to go barefoot, or wear open-toed sandals.

Stance: Upright, hands held out in front, fingers widespread and wiggling.

Character Bonuses:
+1d4 MA
+1d4 ME
+1 P.P.

Combat Skills:

Attacks per Melee: 2

Escape Moves: Roll With Punch/Fall/Impact, Automatic Roll

Basic Defensive Moves: Dodge, Parry, Circular Parry

Advanced Defenses: Disarm, Breakfall

Hand Attacks:
Punch---1d4 damage

Fore-Knuckle Fist----1d6 damage

Palm Strike---1d6 damage

Finger Poke---Does 1 point of damage, Can be used to target sensitive parts of the anatomy like the eyes or nose, but is typically used to deliver Atemi attacks.

Grab Attack---Typically used to subdue a target, disarm them, and present a body part to be tickled.

Tickle Attack---- The Tickle-Tee-Hee practitioner can declare that their attack(with foot or hand) is a Tickle Attack, in which case it does NO damage, but instead does ‘damage’ to M.E., by targeting a person’s sensitive body parts and tickling them(obviously, this isn’t going to work through all-covering heavy armor, but WILL work through thin clothing, or a convenient opening like a pants cuff or open faceplate). A victim of a tickle attack must make a save under their M.E. or they will find themselves momentarily distracted that melee; -1 to strike, parry, or dodge. Furthermore, on a failed save, they temporarily lose 1d4 M.E. due to distraction and loss of composure. A second save under their M.E.(recalculated accordingly) means that they will regain 1d4 points of their Mental Endurance back at the end of the melee.
However, if a person’s M.E. gets so eroded by cumulative Tickle Attacks that they reach 0 points, all composure is lost, and the person is reduced to chortling tears. They will also be vulnerable(no bonuses to save) to psychic and other mental attacks, including interrogation. If this happens, they will regain their former composure far slower; regain 1d4 points of ME per hour, as they relive the sensations of being tickled to meltdown.

Basic Foot Attacks:
Tripping/Leg Hook
Toe Tickle---A tickle attack launched with the toes of the bare feet. The most the Tickle-Fu practitioner can be wearing on their feet is tabi socks(toed ‘ninja’ socks). A Toe Tickle does 1d4 points of M.E. damage per attack. Tickle-Fu practitioners play a SERIOUS game of footsie.

Jumping Foot Attacks: None

Special Attacks:
*Funnybone Strike---Paralysis Attack(Vial Points)

*Sneezer---With a feather and a called attack, the Tickle-Fu practitioner can tickle a target’s nose and induce a sneezing fit. A successful strike will cause the victim to lose initiative, one APM, and be at HALF normal hand to hand bonuses for 1 melee while they sneeze their lungs out.

Arm Hold
Leg Hold
Body Hold
Neck Hold

Weapons Katas:
W.P. Feather Duster

Modifiers to Attacks:
Pull Punch, Knockout/Stun, Critical Strike

Skills Included in Training:
Martial Arts Powers:
Select 2 powers from Atemi or Martial Arts techniques.


Cultural Skills:
Hoko-Jutsu(Art of Binding)(+3%)


Philosophical Training: Taoist
If this is your Primary Martial Arts Form, then the following other forms can be learned in a shorter time; Monkey Style Kung Fu(5 years), Drunken Style Kung Fu(6 years), and Taido(7 years).

Level Advancement Bonuses:
1st----- +1 to Dodge, +2 Roll With Punch/Fall/Impact, +2 Parry, +2 Pull Punch
2nd-----+1 Strike, +2 Grab, +2 Breakfall
3rd----- +1 additional action/attack, +2 Pull Punch, +1 strike w/ fingertip strike, Knockout/Stun on a Natural 20.
4th-----+2 Parry, +1 Disarm, , +2 Break Hold, select an additional Atemi power(EXCEPT Dim Mak)
5th-----+1 to M.E. ‘damage’ from a Tickle Attack, +1 strike w/ fingertip strike.
6th-----+1 Strike, Select 1 additional power from Atemi (EXCEPT Dim Mak), Martial Arts Techniques, or Chi Mastery
7th-----+2 Roll With Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 Pull Punch, +1 Grab, +2 Breakfall
8th-----+1 additional action/attack, +1 Disarm, +2 Break Hold, Knockout/Stun on a Natural 19-20.
9th-----+2 Parry, +1 Strike,, +1 strike w/ fingertip strike, +1 Pull Punch
10th----- +1 to M.E. ‘damage’ from a Tickle Attack, select an additional Atemi power(EXCEPT Dim Mak)
11th-----+1 additional action/attack, +1 to M.E. ‘damage’ from a Tickle Attack, +1 Grab
12th-----+1 Strike, +1 Pull Punch, +1 Disarm, +2 Breakfall
*Tikee-Te-He---The Tickle-Fu equivalent of Dim-Mak, this attack leaves the victim permanently sensitized to tickle sensations...That means that any subsequent physical blow, or even casual contact, will have the victim feeling ticklish all over again, and easily distracted by the sensations generated....Like Dim Mak, Tikee-Te-He works progressively, wearing away the victim’s mental endurance until even putting on clothes is enough to send them rolling in hysterical laughter. Every time the victim takes damage, or even is touched, they must make a save versus their M.E. or they collapse in fits of giggling; HALF all physical bonuses and initiative rolls for 1d4 melees. Every time the victim takes more than 5 points of damage, they must roll again under their M.E., or risk PERMANENTLY losing a point of M.E.. The victim is often marked by a miniature blemish in the shape of a feather somewhere on their body.
Unlike Dim Mak, Tikee-Te-He CAN be cured, but it’s almost as difficult to find the cure as for Dim Mak; only high-level Tickle Tee-Hee practitioners and acupuncturists can reverse the curse.
13th-----+2 Roll With Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 strike w/ fingertip strike, +1 Grab.
14th-----+2 Parry, +1 Disarm, +2 Breakfall
15th-----+1 Strike, +1 to M.E. ‘damage’ from a Tickle Attack

Why Study Tickle-Fu?
Because it’s low-key and unexpected! While wholly ineffectual against multiple attackers, it does allow one to utterly devastate and incapacitate an individual opponent without doing lasting damage. It’s also versatile...as a means of interrogation, it leaves no permanent physical damage, while demolishing mental defenses...and its knowledge of erogenous zones makes it popular after-hours. Practitioners of Tickle-Fu make good livings as interrogators and professional masseuses(often simultaneously). The combination of close-in moves makes it a good Art for escaping close-quarters combat, and it’s one of the few forms that teaches Atemi skills. Tickle Fu is also good clean fun when you can leave a ninja assassin helpless in a giggling fit or get a sad child to laugh. On the minus side, it’s lacking in long range attacks and damaging moves, especially against multiple opponents.
Last edited by taalismn on Thu Mar 28, 2013 8:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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The Oh So Amazing Nate
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Re: Tee-Hee Tickle-Fu----The Laughing Art

Unread post by The Oh So Amazing Nate »

Well done!

Are you accepting suggestions?
Perhaps a Horror Factor modifier? Who, upon realizing they are about to be tickled, doesn't immediately hunch down, arms dropped to the side to protect the ribs, hands out to block attacks, start backing away saying no no no no ohh no no no.

You mentioned a knowledge of erogenous zones and work as a massage artist, but no description of any attack or movement that focused on manipulation of those area's (no i'm not being pervy). While not exactly a tickle, a light brushing strike to the right area can set an..opponent?..to shivering, rendering them temporarily helpless.

Shouldn't tickle fu also have a ground fighting component? I know that when i've been attacked in that manner it is where I end up. On the ground, in a fetal position, begging for mercy.

I would also think that upon a high enough level the tickle fu master could make their opponent soil themselves, further eroding their ME

Just some thoughts. Again, Good Work.
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keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: Tee-Hee Tickle-Fu----The Laughing Art

Unread post by taalismn »

The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:Well done!

Are you accepting suggestions?
Perhaps a Horror Factor modifier? Who, upon realizing they are about to be tickled, doesn't immediately hunch down, arms dropped to the side to protect the ribs, hands out to block attacks, start backing away saying no no no no ohh no no no.

You mentioned a knowledge of erogenous zones and work as a massage artist, but no description of any attack or movement that focused on manipulation of those area's (no i'm not being pervy). While not exactly a tickle, a light brushing strike to the right area can set an..opponent?..to shivering, rendering them temporarily helpless.

Shouldn't tickle fu also have a ground fighting component? I know that when i've been attacked in that manner it is where I end up. On the ground, in a fetal position, begging for mercy.

I would also think that upon a high enough level the tickle fu master could make their opponent soil themselves, further eroding their ME

Just some thoughts. Again, Good Work.

Some good suggestions. I'll try to address them:

Ground Component....Covered by Holds and Wrestling. Ideally it's the OPPONENT, and not the attacker, who ends up in a fetal position.

Horror Factor....I figure this would only work on repeat victims of the Art, and arguably the defensive posture can work to the benefit of the potential victim, rather than handicap them. Shields are up, phasers on 'maim'.

Errogenous Zone Knowledge---Ah, the unprint(able)ed ADVANCED super-secret techniques. Considering that I also came up with the skill 'Seduction: Sexual Techniques'(game skill, not that I'm boasting or anything), you might want to add that skill to your character if you're going that route. Otherwise, Orgasmo-ken is a step beyond Tickle-Fu, which is just echi(although some female ninja who have fallen afoul of particularly adept Tickle-Fu masters may disagree with me).

Bowel Control---Hmmm...I MIGHT add that, soon as I figure out a decent way of putting it into game terms. But then one might want to add 'tearing eyes' and 'laugh self unconscious', and I'd rule that soiling oneself is a SIDE EFFECT of losing M.E., and not a humiliation-cause. Or I might consider it/them for a Rifts Mystic China-style Mystic-class version of Tickle-fu, the level at which you tickle demons and gods*.

*Part of the inspiration for this martial art(besides too much anime with absurdist and/or scantily-clad martial artists) was one of Keith Laumer's 'Retief' short stories, where a mighty alien warrior is described as having been 'driven mad by tickle-torture at the hands of the infamous Kree'. Considering the warrior in question was an eight foot tall, superhumanly strong, nitrous-oxide-breathing techno-barbarian, that had to be some serious tickling.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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The Oh So Amazing Nate
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Re: Tee-Hee Tickle-Fu----The Laughing Art

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taalismn wrote:Errogenous Zone Knowledge---Ah, the unprint(able)ed ADVANCED super-secret techniques. Considering that I also came up with the skill 'Seduction: Sexual Techniques'(game skill, not that I'm boasting or anything), you might want to add that skill to your character if you're going that route. Otherwise, Orgasmo-ken is a step beyond Tickle-Fu, which is just echi(although some female ninja who have fallen afoul of particularly adept Tickle-Fu masters may disagree with me).

orgasmo-ken? haven't seen that one before. got a link or pm to it?

Bowel Control---Hmmm...I MIGHT add that, soon as I figure out a decent way of putting it into game terms. But then one might want to add 'tearing eyes' and 'laugh self unconscious', and I'd rule that soiling oneself is a SIDE EFFECT of losing M.E., and not a humiliation-cause. Or I might consider it/them for a Rifts Mystic China-style Mystic-class version of Tickle-fu, the level at which you tickle demons and gods*.

Lol no no no. Bladder control. I've never heard of someone being tickled till they crapped their pants. Wet themselves, yes.
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: Tee-Hee Tickle-Fu----The Laughing Art

Unread post by taalismn »

The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:
taalismn wrote:Errogenous Zone Knowledge---Ah, the unprint(able)ed ADVANCED super-secret techniques. Considering that I also came up with the skill 'Seduction: Sexual Techniques'(game skill, not that I'm boasting or anything), you might want to add that skill to your character if you're going that route. Otherwise, Orgasmo-ken is a step beyond Tickle-Fu, which is just echi(although some female ninja who have fallen afoul of particularly adept Tickle-Fu masters may disagree with me).

orgasmo-ken? haven't seen that one before. got a link or pm to it?

You are not yet ready for such knowledge, grasshopper.
Many have asked, many have sought, many have looked for the knowledge in all the wrong places, many have been beaten to a pulp for peeking in the bathhouse, others have wound up being married by Elvis in a humble little ceremony in Vegas, and at least one has died due to...well, let's say the police in Bombay still drink themselves into a stupor when asked about that one....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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