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New Host Armor naming in need of help and or opinion

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 3:58 pm
by Kakuma
Working on writing up a standard issue Host Armor for House Hammond and I'm trying to decide.






Let me know which you think sounds best. I'm leaning towards Cerasaurus. This standard Host Armor will feature the Armored Head Crest, Osteoderms the armor plates from the back of the Stegosaurus, and a Combat Tail the type of which is the Host Armor's owners choice. Choice of metabolism and other Bio-Enhancements will belong to the pilot's. :D

Re: New Host Armor naming in need of help and or opinion

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 11:44 pm
by Shark_Force
doesn't have to be named after the creature it's designed from, really. you could pick almost anything.

the behemoth, for example, appears to be drawing heavily from rhinoceros, but no indication of that is in the name. the dracos may use komodo dragon DNA, but most likely is called a dracos because it looks like a dragon. the grendel... well, probably is not actually based on the DNA of an ancient norse mythological creature. the leviathan actually doesn't look much like it's namesake at all, as far as i can tell (leviathan is a sea serpent iirc). the strider is pretty clearly based on an ostrich, but nothing in it's name inherently suggests that. likewise the zephyr is probably based on a dragonfly, but is named for a gentle breeze.

if you feel like making it sound like a dinosaur name, might i suggest simply looking up some words in latin that describe it, and adding "saurus" (ie "lizard") at the end?

for example, if you were to put "amplanxosaurus", you'd have basically "many-plated lizard"... well, except that somewhere, a person who *actually* knows latin is probably deeply offended that i would suggest that as a translation.

anyways, i'm not convinced "amplanxosaurus" is the name you want, but i bet with a bit of messing around with an english-to-latin dictionary you could come up with something that sounds impressive.