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And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 8:45 pm
by SmilingJack
While gaming today,

Our group began discussing unreasonable players, or gamers who completely mess up a game because of their behavior

I thought it would be entertaining to hear everyone's horror stories and also offer everyone a opportunity to vent

Please feel free to explain the individual, what happened that annoyed everyone, and the overall outcome

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 9:17 pm
by flatline
We had one GM that actually planned out what the campaign was supposed to be and any time the players deviated from his vision, he'd try to railroad us back to his storyline.

All his campaigns ended the same way: the players eventually focused on doing whatever they could to screw up his plans and then when he (or we) couldn't take it anymore, we switched GMs and started a new campaign.

He was fine as a player, though.


Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 9:43 pm
by SmilingJack
I love the GM appraisal because you're right , GM's like players can be horrible and may often behave really inappropriately and often to the detriment of the game as a whole

My worst GM story is the same thing, railroading players and getting F'd off because the players refuse to go along with his epic storyline and everything would be perfect as long as the PCs are able to guess the right choice every time, have no opinions of their own, praise the GM for infantile and abusive behavior, and not be anything but subservient to the GM

There is a reason why these individuals don't end up lasting in groups very long, and why we have our horror stories

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 4:51 pm
by Mercdog
I had a player who would literally always make his character a stoner. Not a good idea for him to do that when most of the campaign was set in Ravenloft. The land of Borca in particular. :twisted:

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:28 pm
by Snake Eyes
One player in my gaming group got so bad that i had to completely reboot both my Dead Reign & Rifts campaigns......

For Dead Reign he tried using a mystic ninja (thought it was the rifts version, but no, completely made up)

The for Rifts he said he had the whole Enclave (from fallout) backing him in case we had to fight the Coalition :frust:

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:37 pm
by The Beast
Mercdog wrote:I had a player who would literally always make his character a stoner. Not a good idea for him to do that when most of the campaign was set in Ravenloft. The land of Borca in particular. :twisted:

Heh. My first group had a player whose CoC PC couldn't do any fighting without being stoned. He'd use the same dice for our HU, RT, and CP games without issue, but this one setting he'd always roll badly without his PC being stoned.

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:05 pm
by Icefalcon
I have a player that used to try an wreck every campaign just because he could.

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:25 pm
by flatline
Icefalcon wrote:I have a player that used to try an wreck every campaign just because he could.

The term we used for such a player was "ex-player".

We had no tolerance for people who tried to ruin the fun for everyone else.


Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:31 pm
by Icefalcon
flatline wrote:
Icefalcon wrote:I have a player that used to try an wreck every campaign just because he could.

The term we used for such a player was "ex-player".

We had no tolerance for people who tried to ruin the fun for everyone else.


He was gone for about a year then I was begged by several players to let him back in for another chance. The only reason I did is because he had gamed with another group for a while and was told in no uncertain terms what would happen if he acted like that. When he returned, I told him the same thing, if he started trying to break my games anymore that I would show him the door and there would be no more invitations to the game. I have not had a problem since.

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:33 pm
by Alrik Vas
Rules lawyering players who don't actually understand the rules, or disregard logic so they can make an argument. Three hour yelling matches that you just want to end because you know we're all friends, but he gaming table turns us into jackasses.

Being a kid was fun, yeah.

Though we had this one GM that would send 14 and 12 year old boys armed with shotguns after you if you ever did anything to mess with his game. So even if you flipped out and killed them there were a ton of witnesses and you'd be a wanted chump for the rest of your life. If you didnt' defend yourself, he wouldn't kill you, but he would say the injury was disfiguring, or you'd have combat penalties and permanently be missing some SDC.

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 4:00 am
by KillWatch
"I have a player that used to try an wreck every campaign just because he could."
See what you do here is violate them with a rabid chicken named razor beak. Meanwhile everyone else pretends nothing out of the ordinary is happening each time the douche moon rises

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 5:38 am
by Nightmask
Alrik Vas wrote:Rules lawyering players who don't actually understand the rules, or disregard logic so they can make an argument. Three hour yelling matches that you just want to end because you know we're all friends, but he gaming table turns us into jackasses.

Being a kid was fun, yeah.

Though we had this one GM that would send 14 and 12 year old boys armed with shotguns after you if you ever did anything to mess with his game. So even if you flipped out and killed them there were a ton of witnesses and you'd be a wanted chump for the rest of your life. If you didnt' defend yourself, he wouldn't kill you, but he would say the injury was disfiguring, or you'd have combat penalties and permanently be missing some SDC.

No way I'd be going along with something like that.

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 11:03 am
by Dunia
Be prepare to laugh and cry.

I know of 2 players who play Rifts who are brothers, the elder brother always insists that the younger GM and force his will on the kid brother to play (almost always the same character and this is his character):

A Godling RCC (3rd son of Zurvan and therefore he is a 4D being - even though it is said that Zurvan did not want his sons to have this ability), who just happens to be a Promethean RCC (they have ruled it that Godlings can choose any 1 race) that has 1 level cosmic knight to get the uber beam and then he becomes a Cyberknight after a few levels. So what we have is a character that is totally immune to all SDC and at the same time converts all MDC to SDC - and thus is immune to damage.

The younger brother who is the GM has his own character in the game who is a Demigod chinese general who just happens to be a Cyberknight trained under Load Coake himself.

They are quite pathetic

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 11:44 am
by say652
I had one player that always wore power armor, always. and tried to sneak and prowl in a SAMAS and slowly converted himself to partial conversion to avoid being out of his power armor. so this mdc onion character had power armor mdc, cyborg armor mdc, and finally cyborg frame mdc. Mr onion also constantly whined about not having an autododge(?????) complained when the only flying character was targeted by the villians and constantly wanted to add another layer of mdc by building a giant robot that surrounds his SAMAS.
the other player always came up with homebrew character classes. I HATE HOMEBREW!!!! lets see the worst was a supernatural hunter. some abilities of this "normal human" included instantly know enemies weakness, all mdc becomes sdc,1/2 damage from sdc(stacked with mdc conversion to sdc) horror factor 17(reputation????) autododge(????) paired weapons,autoparry, enhanced critical(12-20) and of course being the general in like seven different armies, bio regenerate d4x10 sdc/hp per minute,regrow limbs 4d6 minutes, magic resistance(yup 87% vs harmful spells) and a natural immunity to psionics but can still benefit from psionic healing.

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 1:25 pm
by The Dark Elf
My brother is the worst-

He railroads the plot away from obvious intentions, argues the rules, makes up rules, cheats on his character sheet, lies about his rolls, distracts the other players, doesnt share his drink, never brings food, rarely GMs, farts alot, stingy with rewards and experience points, overstays his welcome, arrives late, moans about wanting to play another game and loads of other bad stuff I made up.

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 6:37 pm
by KillWatch
wow all of these scenarios could be handled with a decent GM who is willing to spank
-oh so you can't be hurt? By anything? You sound like an excellent suit of armor for a possessing entity. Also I hope you like being level 1,... forever. And you are part of a pantheon? So you are godlike? Which means you will have godly enemies.
-You are a FCBorg in a suit? Specially made? really? Still vulnerable to psionics? Well is the armor part of you or not? If so then they can see you, if not then we can still have fun with EMPs, over a lake, can you swim?

There is no bonus I can think of that can't be turned inside out to be a negative. But this is all reactionary and the first step is for the gm to say No...

If they can't abide by that then they don't really want to play with you, they want to rule.

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 7:09 pm
by Icefalcon
KillWatch wrote:wow all of these scenarios could be handled with a decent GM who is willing to spank

Not always. You have some players that will sneak small things by you until they pile up into some super-awesome combo.

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 7:17 pm
by flatline
Icefalcon wrote:
KillWatch wrote:wow all of these scenarios could be handled with a decent GM who is willing to spank

Not always. You have some players that will sneak small things by you until they pile up into some super-awesome combo.

I had a magic deck in the 90's that was kind of like that.


Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 1:19 am
by SmilingJack
I have a new one I'd like to add

Captain I hate my character who mind you, chose their own character and had free reign to modify it however they wanted

So instead of playing they sulk, act petulant, and complain about not only their character, but also the world setting, two things that they agreed upon weeks before

so finally they end Up trying to throw the adventure

before anyone goes gaming, they should learn to have a level of maturity
and develop some social skills

Please go suck elsewhere



Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 1:42 pm
by arouetta
I had one player that had two annoyances. First, he and his wife have two poorly disciplined children. They can't play quietly in the living room, they are constantly at the dining room table, under the dining room table, chasing the cats, "mommy, daddy, daddy, mommy,", etc. Constant distractions which made it hard for everyone to get in character. When we talked to him about it, he got defensive. When told that he should tell them no rather than "sure, you can have more snacks" every freakin' time they come in so that the behavior to interrupt was not reinforced, he was "well we don't believe in telling our children that". :x

What made him worse is that he fancies himself an actor (has a degree in theatre arts, has had bit roles on Investigation Discovery shows), so every session, at least once, he would hijack the game to describe, line by line, a movie scene. Bo-ring. :roll:

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 6:45 pm
by KillWatch
ok you can tell him how distracting it is and that you would like it to stop, with no expectation of a result on his part. Be willing to leave If he is unwilling to compromise. But you can't tell him how to raise his kids.

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 8:01 pm
by Nightmask
arouetta wrote:I had one player that had two annoyances. First, he and his wife have two poorly disciplined children. They can't play quietly in the living room, they are constantly at the dining room table, under the dining room table, chasing the cats, "mommy, daddy, daddy, mommy,", etc. Constant distractions which made it hard for everyone to get in character. When we talked to him about it, he got defensive. When told that he should tell them no rather than "sure, you can have more snacks" every freakin' time they come in so that the behavior to interrupt was not reinforced, he was "well we don't believe in telling our children that". :x

What made him worse is that he fancies himself an actor (has a degree in theatre arts, has had bit roles on Investigation Discovery shows), so every session, at least once, he would hijack the game to describe, line by line, a movie scene. Bo-ring. :roll:

I hate to think of how many kids have been screwed up by the 'oh we don't set limits for our kids or tell them no' parents. They simply don't seem to comprehend that kids require limits and discipline out of their parents to grow up right.

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 9:09 pm
by flatline
Nightmask wrote:
arouetta wrote:I had one player that had two annoyances. First, he and his wife have two poorly disciplined children. They can't play quietly in the living room, they are constantly at the dining room table, under the dining room table, chasing the cats, "mommy, daddy, daddy, mommy,", etc. Constant distractions which made it hard for everyone to get in character. When we talked to him about it, he got defensive. When told that he should tell them no rather than "sure, you can have more snacks" every freakin' time they come in so that the behavior to interrupt was not reinforced, he was "well we don't believe in telling our children that". :x

What made him worse is that he fancies himself an actor (has a degree in theatre arts, has had bit roles on Investigation Discovery shows), so every session, at least once, he would hijack the game to describe, line by line, a movie scene. Bo-ring. :roll:

I hate to think of how many kids have been screwed up by the 'oh we don't set limits for our kids or tell them no' parents. They simply don't seem to comprehend that kids require limits and discipline out of their parents to grow up right.

When we had our first kid, my wife, a pediatrician, made me read "1-2-3 Magic". There are probably other good books out there on the subject as well. But basically, if you only take one thing away from such a book, it's that your natural instincts are pretty much backwards when it comes to crying children. If you're not careful, you end up reinforcing the behavior that you least want the child to have.

Scary stuff for a new parent, but good to be aware of.


Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 10:42 pm
by Icefalcon
flatline wrote:
Nightmask wrote:
arouetta wrote:I had one player that had two annoyances. First, he and his wife have two poorly disciplined children. They can't play quietly in the living room, they are constantly at the dining room table, under the dining room table, chasing the cats, "mommy, daddy, daddy, mommy,", etc. Constant distractions which made it hard for everyone to get in character. When we talked to him about it, he got defensive. When told that he should tell them no rather than "sure, you can have more snacks" every freakin' time they come in so that the behavior to interrupt was not reinforced, he was "well we don't believe in telling our children that". :x

What made him worse is that he fancies himself an actor (has a degree in theatre arts, has had bit roles on Investigation Discovery shows), so every session, at least once, he would hijack the game to describe, line by line, a movie scene. Bo-ring. :roll:

I hate to think of how many kids have been screwed up by the 'oh we don't set limits for our kids or tell them no' parents. They simply don't seem to comprehend that kids require limits and discipline out of their parents to grow up right.

When we had our first kid, my wife, a pediatrician, made me read "1-2-3 Magic". There are probably other good books out there on the subject as well. But basically, if you only take one thing away from such a book, it's that your natural instincts are pretty much backwards when it comes to crying children. If you're not careful, you end up reinforcing the behavior that you least want the child to have.

Scary stuff for a new parent, but good to be aware of.


I am very insistent on discipline with my kids. They know that when we are roleplaying that they are to keep the noise and interruptions to a minimum.

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 1:59 am
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
flatline wrote:my wife, a pediatrician

You married a doctor..nicely done Sir.

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 7:26 am
by flatline
The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:
flatline wrote:my wife, a pediatrician

You married a doctor..nicely done Sir.

A fortunate accident. I married my sweetie and some years later she became a doctor.


Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 7:41 am
by SmilingJack
flatline wrote:
The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:
flatline wrote:my wife, a pediatrician

You married a doctor..nicely done Sir.

A fortunate accident. I married my sweetie and some years later she became a doctor.


She married a Palladium Fan, Gamer, and Intelligent forum member

I'd say you both got the better end of the deal

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 12:16 pm
by SmilingJack
I'm certain I posted this before but it's become a running joke in all my campaigns and with The Steel City Rifters

My cousin......

Dear oh dear

40yrs old mind you

Decides to throw the game by attacking every NPC, literally anything, even if it's helping

i mean he would walk into a town see NPC and attack it


Cut off the male genitalia and place it in the deceased npc's mouth

EVERY adventure




Now i carry my rifts ultimate edition and a DSM-IV-TR when I play\

Yes he sucked

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 2:17 am
by KillWatch
I think once would have been good. Twice with a stern warning. And why did the other players allow it?

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 3:15 am
by KillWatch
sniper says what?

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 4:03 am
by Ice Dragon
There are good and bad GMs and players.

We had a GM who loved his NPCs more than anything. In a Robotech Invid Invasion game one character was blasting his main gun of his veritech hover tank with a natural roll of 20. This character was fighting an Invid RCB and was on the brink of dying - the last shot so to speak. The GM told us, that he parried with a natural 20 and than all other Invids opened up with every thing on the poor VHT :-(.

The some guy as a player was flying with his Legios (Alphas + Beta Fighter) in a CAS mission for the characters (all had Cyclones). Then as a GM I wanted to reduce the missile load of the said player (Alpha + Beta was fully loaded) and attack the aircraft with 50 long range missile fired by Invid supports. What does his character do: a fire my booster and climb into Earth orbit to loose the missiles. :-(.

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 7:11 am
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
Little Snuzzles wrote:
Panomas wrote:
Little Snuzzles wrote:The Rules Loop Hole Specialist

"I have Gymnastics, Acrobatics, Underwater Paired Weapons, and blah blah which gives me a +10 to dodge, and as I Lannotaur hunter, I have +6 and auto-dodge, so basically I can't be hit by anything other than a natural 20."

And don't forget if you should happen to roll a natural 20 yourself...That's just the way it goes sometimes :clown:

Oh yes, if that actually happens, this kind of guy will have some excuse or argument for why it doesn't count. :roll:

He lives again and walks among us!

There was this one player (me :( ) who pauses game play to ask about rules he's forgotten. Not to balance things in his favor so much, as to make sure...well I'm kind of skeptical on why it is I'm doing it.

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 12:39 pm
by SmilingJack
Little Snuzzles

Nice to see you back

I hope your experience is better this time around

Welcome back :0)

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 3:34 am
by SmilingJack
I would like to bring up the one archetype a lot of us may have faced

The pissed off teenager

They don't have to be a teenager,they just act like one which involves

Getting drunk both ingame and real world
Trying to make sexual congress with any female character
Using abilities they don't have and complaining the entire time if you deny them
Multiple phallic references
Antagonizing other players
Distracting other players

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 3:41 am
by SmilingJack
KillWatch wrote:I think once would have been good. Twice with a stern warning. And why did the other players allow it?

My cousin played in family games with my brother and myself, unfortunately these happened when we were in maryland with him, we only played 2-3x per year, we couldn't find many other gamers at the time, so we went with what we had

Which was my penile cutting cousin

Ironically we stopped visiting and talking to him

Imagine that :0P

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:44 pm
by KillWatch
Saurvon Good on ya

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 3:29 am
by Nightmask
Saurvon wrote:Player issues don't come to mind as much as GM issues. lol

We have a large group and have been playing together for roughly 20 years. Not all of us run all systems though. This GM ran Shadowrun. Love the game, the system is a bit clunky, but we really enjoyed the difficulty associated with it. Incredibly detail oriented GM. Was a great storyteller, was a very Fair GM, but he had one kwirk that drove us all nuts.

All games followed this pattern:

Night 1
-Meet Fixer&Johnson (Basically Fixer was our "agent" and the "Johnson" was the employer, who was always referred to as Mr/Ms Johnson)
-Flesh out our plan as detailed as possible. Get any additional gear we need. Initial Hacks and such out of the way.
-No matter the time the game ended when our plan was done.

Night 2
-Time to enact plan, which the GM has had at least a full week to build up defenses against.
-We slam our heads against so many obstacles we barely succeed.

This continued forever, sure "night 2" sometimes took several game plays. But it was very frustrating to know that everything we planned for would suddenly be accounted for. So on one occasion after leaving the Johnson I suggested to the group we drive to the buidling we had been hired to infiltrate. You know, just to scout it out. The GM didn't think anything of it, since we always did that anyway. But this time when we got there I said, "This place is a joke, we don't need no stinkin' plannin'!" I drew my gun and we just walked in.

He started choking on his soda and almost fell out of his chair as I rolled to shoot the front desk person. Sadly, he ended the game immediately and never again ran a Shadowrun game. It's as if my character will be forever frozen in time firing my smartgun into a poor security guard.

Oooooo, really bad form for the GM to always be having such defenses as if the targets always knew they were going to get hit and by whom. Well other than if it were part of a reveal that there was a mole somewhere revealing your secrets and expanded storyarc material, but given his reaction it was sadly more likely just bad GMing. Too bad he didn't learn from the experience and expand instead of instantly quitting running the game like that.

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:08 am
by arthurfallz
Bad players? I've been graced with good players most of the time, but there were choice... exceptions.


The Social Blank: Couldn't keep up a conversation in a bar. It seriously took him, oh, around 60 seconds to come up with a one word reply to the most obvious, cliched social interactions in a bar. And he wanted to play WoD games!

The Compulsive Liar: His character could always do something in another book we didn't have. He had talked to Kevin and got rules clarified. His character levelled up at "his other game".

The huh????: Every character he made was insane. They said things and acted in ways that only that "strange dude" in really cheesy horror movies acted. It's like he had an anti-cool paradigm he had to operate in.

Mrs. I Never Read the Books: Wants to play, but never, ever finds time to read the books. She can read, but take a moment of time out of her schedule to read the manual to the game she wants to play in? Nooooo....

The Power Drinker: Game started when he popped his first beer. It ended when I decided I couldn't GM for a belligerent person anymore who was drunk. Happened every time I GMed for him.

Concepticus!: This is more a general problem with gamers. They have a concept for their character, even if the system can't or won't support it, and will try to ignore rules, the plot, progress, and entertainment to make sure they don't "stray from concept."

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 12:05 am
by The Beast
Saurvon wrote:Player issues don't come to mind as much as GM issues. lol

We have a large group and have been playing together for roughly 20 years. Not all of us run all systems though. This GM ran Shadowrun. Love the game, the system is a bit clunky, but we really enjoyed the difficulty associated with it. Incredibly detail oriented GM. Was a great storyteller, was a very Fair GM, but he had one kwirk that drove us all nuts.

All games followed this pattern:

Night 1
-Meet Fixer&Johnson (Basically Fixer was our "agent" and the "Johnson" was the employer, who was always referred to as Mr/Ms Johnson)
-Flesh out our plan as detailed as possible. Get any additional gear we need. Initial Hacks and such out of the way.
-No matter the time the game ended when our plan was done.

Night 2
-Time to enact plan, which the GM has had at least a full week to build up defenses against.
-We slam our heads against so many obstacles we barely succeed.

This continued forever, sure "night 2" sometimes took several game plays. But it was very frustrating to know that everything we planned for would suddenly be accounted for. So on one occasion after leaving the Johnson I suggested to the group we drive to the buidling we had been hired to infiltrate. You know, just to scout it out. The GM didn't think anything of it, since we always did that anyway. But this time when we got there I said, "This place is a joke, we don't need no stinkin' plannin'!" I drew my gun and we just walked in.

He started choking on his soda and almost fell out of his chair as I rolled to shoot the front desk person. Sadly, he ended the game immediately and never again ran a Shadowrun game. It's as if my character will be forever frozen in time firing my smartgun into a poor security guard.

Did he give up playing with you guys completely?

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:20 pm
by sirkermittsg
so my list:

1. change the game: In a robotech game I was in, a player wanted to change nearly every mecha in the game "for balance". thing is the GM and most of the rest of us just wanted to go with playing the book as written.... have also met thouse that want to change nearly every rule under the sun.

2. PVP as oposed to team: Several players I have known over the years attacked various members of the team and on occasion attempted to orchestrate total party kills.

3. whiner players. it is frustrating to no end when I encounter other players that don't want to be a part of the team as a whole and just want to do their own thing that the team may not agree with. And then even more frustrating when thouse same players whine incessantly when the team does not support their hairbrained ideas or back them up when they try to act without support of the team and fail.

4. stalker players. In my capacity as a team leader, I once had a player here on the forumns that stalked me for several weeks online. every single time I logged on he would whine about how the team did not support his ideas and he attemped to bully me into overruling the team. I finally went to the GM and one of the moderators to solve the problem.... I game to have fun....not to add to my stress level from real life.

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:01 pm
by Hot Rod
My home game is a family one so we get the usual:
Doesn't know the rules, but she wants to RP. :angel:
Tries to maximize the rules in his character's favor. 8) (until he breaks one or more then :x )
Rolls constantly when it's not his turn, and always has '20' initiative already rolled "See!".
Says he has 'A Stick' is on his sheet, when asked to see it, "well I meant to write down 'A Stick' when we were in the forest...". :badbad:

Granted these vary from 13-15, and a couple 40(mumble)'s but you'd think they'd discovered something new...

Then there was a recent GM I played under, now he admitted he'd be railroading us ahead of time but still:
Unknown alien destroyer class spacecraft & fighters attacks our (modified) shuttle in transit. Through some lucky rolls, teamwork, and most of our missiles we win, but barely. Of course another shows up... then we are "Rescued" by a Splugorth Armada :shock: My character, having an interest in tech manages to TK one of the alien's PA onboard. Supposedly everyone but me new that the PA had nuclear self destruct devices that would go off after a couple hours. (??? this after he told me my character "Knew all common knowledge about the aliens due to research.) He then has the character mocked by the minions for not knowing such a common fact. (though not cannon obviously)

Unfortunately this trend continued with NPCs constantly able to outmaneuver and outgun the character, even to the point of ignoring his plasma resistance (supposed to take 1/2, but when the GM says "You take 352 points of damage." you take off 352 MDC right?)

One thing that finally got me kicked from the game was weight carried lol. Weighing 4 tons with SN PS31 and I wasn't allowed to carry anything... the 400lb Phase mystic with SN PS 35 though was free to run around with a minigun and 900lbs of ammo in addition to his armor, other weapons (inc a magic sword, phase cannon, etc lol) and he was lifting half an APC with other characters inside. Seriously I still don't get it. The GM even admitted to spending more time looking up rules about my character than anyone else. Why treat him differently from everyone else? If he didn't want the PA recovered just say (in PM or game) "Please don't" or "It doesn't work." don't rewrite the books, change the rules and mock the character for doing what he was allowed to do.

I have had more problem players than GMs, but the GMs are much harder to do anything about, and do more damage in the long run.


Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:49 pm
by Armorlord
RuneKatana wrote:
say652 wrote:I had one player that always wore power armor, always. and tried to sneak and prowl in a SAMAS and slowly converted himself to partial conversion to avoid being out of his power armor. so this mdc onion character had power armor mdc, cyborg armor mdc, and finally cyborg frame mdc. Mr onion also constantly whined about not having an autododge(?????) complained when the only flying character was targeted by the villians and constantly wanted to add another layer of mdc by building a giant robot that surrounds his SAMAS.

Well, that onion thing is why 'borgs aren't able to wear power armor. Most full conversion combat cyborgs are eight to twelve feet tall and between a half a ton to a ton. They cannot fit inside power armor and robots, they are too large and bulky. This is stated in the rules at some point, but cannot quote you where.

A borg inside a power armor inside a giant robot? And he thought that this made sense? Munchkin.
Meh, with the right chassis, I don't see an issue with the Borg-in-Power-Power. Borg in armor in power armor, we got to figure out where he's getting the space for that, but otherwise alright (other than possible whining about "What do you mean I can't be a heavy borg in the heavy borg armor and still fit inside?" :roll: ) Hell, if they can find someone with the skill and willing to take their money to custom build it, I'd even allow for the nonsense that would be the BorgArmorPowerArmorGiantRobot layercake.
What wouldn't, and shouldn't, fly however, is whining. Not about his dodge and darn sure not about his flying botstrocity being the most noticeable and dangerous target for opponents to fire on.

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:29 pm
by arouetta
I traded in one annoying player for another. He argues with the GM. Once per game, he starts off with "Well I think..." and off he goes. Not, "page such and such", not "last game the ruling on similar circumstances was", just "well I think".

Last time, it was early in the game, the characters were disarmed. They were physically patted down by a lord's personal guard with the captain watching. Later on, he starts with "I take out my chains..." I say "What chains? You were disarmed and you agreed to it." He tried to say that they were still openly wrapped around his chest. He tried to say that they wouldn't have been taken because they were not apparent weapons. The other players were openly disagreeing with him, and he still argued. Then he pouted and said he didn't have his backpack at all because the cloth could be turned into a weapon.

After the game when I was taking him home, I told him how to phrase things to debate a call (book rule, precedent, physics, other agreed upon fact, not opinion only). He said that the chains wouldn't be considered weapons because no one was using them as brass knuckles like he was. I told him that prior to his joining, I would have used chains as an excellent strangulation device, crushing the larynx, so yes lots of people would be leery of the chains, including people tasked with a lord's safety. He had the audacity to say "well in pathfinder rope is better at strangling than chain". :frust:

Prior to that, he said he was always sleeping in his armor, and on the way home after a game, I told him that he would eventually end up with a disease because at some point he would fail his save vs disease. I explained pressure sores and staph and strep always looking for a break in the skin. What do I hear? "Well in pathfinder rangers have a feat to let them sleep in their armor and I'm playing a ranger. I thought all gaming systems were the same." :frust: :thwak: I'm not sure if it's fortunate or not, but as of last game he listened so I will not be using the tables from Yin-Sloth Jungles.

I am trying out his game (he's a GM) and the players openly argue with him. :-? He's young so maybe he thinks it's normal etiquette. My other players think he's nuts and rude.

Re: And Then There Was This One Player.........

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:44 pm
by flatline
Rappanui wrote:
arouetta wrote:I traded in one annoying player for another. He argues with the GM. Once per game, he starts off with "Well I think..." and off he goes. Not, "page such and such", not "last game the ruling on similar circumstances was", just "well I think".

Last time, it was early in the game, the characters were disarmed. They were physically patted down by a lord's personal guard with the captain watching. Later on, he starts with "I take out my chains..." I say "What chains? You were disarmed and you agreed to it." He tried to say that they were still openly wrapped around his chest. He tried to say that they wouldn't have been taken because they were not apparent weapons. The other players were openly disagreeing with him, and he still argued. Then he pouted and said he didn't have his backpack at all because the cloth could be turned into a weapon.

After the game when I was taking him home, I told him how to phrase things to debate a call (book rule, precedent, physics, other agreed upon fact, not opinion only). He said that the chains wouldn't be considered weapons because no one was using them as brass knuckles like he was. I told him that prior to his joining, I would have used chains as an excellent strangulation device, crushing the larynx, so yes lots of people would be leery of the chains, including people tasked with a lord's safety. He had the audacity to say "well in pathfinder rope is better at strangling than chain". :frust:

Prior to that, he said he was always sleeping in his armor, and on the way home after a game, I told him that he would eventually end up with a disease because at some point he would fail his save vs disease. I explained pressure sores and staph and strep always looking for a break in the skin. What do I hear? "Well in pathfinder rangers have a feat to let them sleep in their armor and I'm playing a ranger. I thought all gaming systems were the same." :frust: :thwak: I'm not sure if it's fortunate or not, but as of last game he listened so I will not be using the tables from Yin-Sloth Jungles.

I am trying out his game (he's a GM) and the players openly argue with him. :-? He's young so maybe he thinks it's normal etiquette. My other players think he's nuts and rude.

funny thing is.. i never have players who play with power armor.. They see the pitfall of paying for repairs is..

I love it when other players have power armor. I charge them a flat rate of $X per PPE to repair it with Mend the Broken where X is scaled based on how easily my PPE is to replenish.
