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Unique Adventure Settings and Environments

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:06 pm
by SmilingJack
Yesterday while playing with my group of Rpg Players: The Steel City Rifters

We began discussing some unique settings and locals for games held on rifts earth

One place we collectively thought would be sick to stage a adventure would be in the chernobyl power plant and neighboring pripiyat

We just thought that the mood and atmosphere of the game would be so interesting and that you could create
So many cool monsters and how amazing would it be to explore the actual demolished reactor

Even writing this gives me an eerie feeling, imagine playing the adventure!

That being said

1: What are the unique places you'd like to hold an adventure in and why

2: What are some cool monsters and equipment you'd have

3: What unique characters would you include

Re: Unique Adventure Settings and Environments

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 12:11 am
by say652
i am fond of everyday plain old earth. supers,mages,psionics,aliens,any class converted to SDC. i use the news, movies,books and the internet for adventure ideas. i prefer sdc settings though so i am way off base i think.

Re: Unique Adventure Settings and Environments

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 12:25 am
by Bill
For my most recent Rifts series, set in Michigan's northern peninsula, I described the abandoned xiticix hive city that occupies the ruins of Marquette. The players skirted it rather than enter it, after I told them that the city is infested with demons, aliens, bandits, and several tribes of wild psistalkers. I tried to tempt them with legends of golden age tech buried under the lichen and decaying resin. They were only first level characters though and not really ready to throw their characters away.

Re: Unique Adventure Settings and Environments

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 6:08 pm
by Razzinold
SmilingJack wrote:Yesterday while playing with my group of Rpg Players: The Steel City Rifters

We began discussing some unique settings and locals for games held on rifts earth

One place we collectively thought would be sick to stage a adventure would be in the chernobyl power plant and neighboring pripiyat

We just thought that the mood and atmosphere of the game would be so interesting and that you could create
So many cool monsters and how amazing would it be to explore the actual demolished reactor

Even writing this gives me an eerie feeling, imagine playing the adventure!

Now by "stage and adventure", do you mean your game takes place there or actually host a game there ?

I will answer your questions assuming both

SmilingJack wrote:That being said

1: What are the unique places you'd like to hold an adventure in and why

I would like to play a game in The Blue Ghost Tunnel. Talk about a nice creepy atmosphere to be sitting in while playing a Rfts/Nightbane/BTS game.

on the flip side a unique place for the game to take place in, I would probably pick a place that I wouldn't normally be allowed access to (or ones I could) like abandoned prisons/mental hospitals or all those ghost towns you read about.

SmilingJack wrote:2: What are some cool monsters and equipment you'd have

If I was playing for real in a creepy location, I would like to have some cool stuff set up to freak out the players, hidden speakers or something like that.

For either scenario it would depend on where the game takes place. If I used the Blue Ghost Tunnel then obviously I would have spirits. If I set the game in an abandoned prison/mental hospital I would use a mixture of ghosts, surviving patients that were experimented on, maybe a group of mutants or d-bees (or a human gang) using this place as their hideout.

SmilingJack wrote:3: What unique characters would you include

For the prison/hospital scenario, I would like to make them assume that they were dealing with ghosts/spirits but some of it would actually turn out to be real people/dbees living there and using old service tunnels/hidden passages to get around undetected. This would make it seem to the players (hopefully) that they are dealing with the paranormal because the person they were chasing you appear to vanish in a hallway, etc.

Location makes a huge difference when playing. I find in the summer we'd like to play outside on my back deck and the it was really different then playing at the kitchen table or living room. The game seemed more laid back and casual, I find the conversation flowed more naturally, kind of like we actually were the characters hanging out at a BBQ or something.

Whereas when we played a few times in an empty house at night, it really amped up the vibes of the game. I had bought my first house but had to do some renovations before moving in and my buddies were helping me with the project. We would bring our Rifts stuff and game in the empty living room (the previous owners were nice enough to let me have their fridge, stove and kitchen table/chairs). So we set the table up there after a day's work and gamed, it was pretty cool to be gaming in a empty house in a state of repair with only a lamp or two to light up the living room.

Re: Unique Adventure Settings and Environments

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:13 pm
by MurderCityDisciple
My game is based in the Great Lakes on a smuggling submarine.

There a lot of future plans...cruising down the Mississippi, maybe into the vamp kingdoms and eventually maybe even out into the Caribbean and Atlantis.

Pirates, smuggling, running into rifts and popping out in strange places etc. Palladium has a decent amount of water based adventure content. I'm planning on delving into it.

Right now my group is struggling against a rifted in entity which is draining all the life out of upper Michigan, leaving death and dead grey forests in it's wake.

With Rifts, it's anything goes...I'm going to see how far I can go with that concept.