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Absurd and Joke Characters

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 12:16 am
by SmilingJack

I'm wondering if any of you have played or just conceptualized a joke character to run as a PC or include as an NPC

our last session our GM, informed us we could create up to 2 Ancillary characters, and while we were discussing the topic

I joked that I was creating a vagabond, who only had domestic skills And he was Charles from: Charles in Charge,

Also if my character dies I've already rolled up Tony from who's the boss with Mona as my second PC character

I wanted to hear what you guys have done or who you would want to add into an adventure that you think would be funny

Have fun!

Re: Absurd and Joke Characters

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:47 pm
by taalismn
Concept: Heroes Unlimited-style sentient Flea Gestalt that mindcontrolled a dog to get around. With the option of upgrading to a DogBoy.

Re: Absurd and Joke Characters

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 3:43 am
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
First, for an explanation of how we came up with this particular character go here: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=138319&sid=fdbd550d119a2e09673bf93ed5f8cf42#p2669230

now for the PC himself

IQ 5
ME 11
MA 22
PS 11
PP 4
PE 4
PB 21

Animal Type: Deer
Cause of mutation: Accidental Encounter
Education: Grew up on the fringes of society. Has Prowl +12%, HtH Basic, and 14 secondary skills.
(These are the 14 random skills we came up with)
Adv. Math
Auto Mechanics
First Aid
Basic Mechanics
Body Building
Wilderness Survival
Language: Hindi/Urdu
Language: Arabic
Land Navigation
Read Sensory Equipment
Pilot Related - Navigation (Air, Land, Sea)

BE WARNED! The back story we came up with is full of insensitive and probably racist humor. No actual insult is intended.

The Pc is basically retarded but not completely inept. Think along the lines of a stupider Forrest Gump. Like the fabled Idiot Savant our PC has a knack for languages and technology. He doesn't have an established home, but rather spends his time hanging out in the airport control tower (Navigation and Sensory instruments..."Okee dokee flight 465 time for to lan da airpwane!"), the local garage (he's surprisingly good at fixing things) or the corner quickie mart (where he picked up his foreign language skills). While clumsy, weak, and stupid, the PC is loved by the local townsfolk. Because really, what's more endearing than a simple minded buffoon with a cute dopey grin?

Re: Absurd and Joke Characters

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:04 am
by Akashic Soldier
Abran Cortez
Paul Mackenzie

Do I win the No Prize?

Re: Absurd and Joke Characters

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 2:10 pm
by Razzinold
I had a first time player who couldn't think of a name, ended up calling himself Bob Loblaw.
It's funny because when said it loud it sounds like you are saying "Blah, blah, blah".
Other then that the character wasn't funny or absurd, but it was fun for me when he ran into a CS patrol and they thought he was lipping off by answering "blah, blah, blah" when asked for his name, lol

Mr. Clippiddy Clop - The Mobile Death Pub

This became a long running inside joke that started way back from my original gaming group that continued on whenever the 3 of us found ourselves together again in larger/new groups.

I can't remember exactly how it came to be but I know it started out as a threat, someones brain was going to be inserted into a robot horse body, but he wasn't actually able to control it with free will only respond to our commands, however he would be fully aware of what's happening to him just powerless to stop it. It was a punishment for something (can't remember what for but I do remember it never happened) and the description became funnier with each telling.

Basically (from what I can remember) he could fire a boom gun out his butt, peed napalm, laser eyes, machine gun nostrils, flame thrower mouth and had a secret compartment in him that housed a keg of beer. The panel on his side would open up, a little shelf would slide out and there were two mugs of cold beer and a bowl of pretzels that magically was always full. Also two little benches could slide out from him as well if you didn't feel like sitting.

We laughed like crazy over this (keep in mind we were like 15-17 at the time). Later on whenever we played in a new group (the 3 of us played Rifts for years before adding new players) and we ran into a trouble maker (rules lawyer, somebody whining if they weren't the most powerful guy or not getting some awesome piece of equipment even though the character had no means of possessing) one of us would always mention the name Mr. Clippiddy Clop, or just neigh like a horse (or drum your knuckles on the table for hoof sounds) and we'd crack up laughing while everyone else just stared blankly since they had now clue what we were talking about.

We ended up not gaming together for years (until recently) and when they both came over to my place to roll up characters with the rest of the group I had just put together I mentioned the name and after all that time they still remembered the joke and burst out laughing.

I realise this must sound stupid and pointless to all the rest of you but that's the beauty of inside jokes, they're not usually all that funny unless you lived it and if you did then it's funny as hell!
Either way I'll stop talking now, lol

Re: Absurd and Joke Characters

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 5:11 pm
by taalismn
Razzinold wrote:I had a first time player who couldn't think of a name, ended up calling himself Bob Loblaw.
It's funny because when said it loud it sounds like you are saying "Blah, blah, blah".
Other then that the character wasn't funny or absurd, but it was fun for me when he ran into a CS patrol and they thought he was lipping off by answering "blah, blah, blah" when asked for his name, lol

Mr. Clippiddy Clop - The Mobile Death Pub
, lol

Actually I DO find that extremely (and darkly)'s a strange and demented twist on the slave borg concept. :twisted:

Re: Absurd and Joke Characters

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 5:39 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
A few years back, the online Rifts group I was in (Shiny Hal's), one of the guys did a x-mass special pit arena duals between tripped out chars. So I converted the "SANTA MAN" char from "you're under arrest", who denies being "STRIKE MAN" dressed up for x-mass.

Riding in on ehis trusty hog.... ahh..Raindeer, he won his arena fight hadily, with the help of "HOMERUN GIRL" and his cleats.

Re: Absurd and Joke Characters

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:06 pm
by Razzinold
taalismn wrote:
Razzinold wrote:I had a first time player who couldn't think of a name, ended up calling himself Bob Loblaw.
It's funny because when said it loud it sounds like you are saying "Blah, blah, blah".
Other then that the character wasn't funny or absurd, but it was fun for me when he ran into a CS patrol and they thought he was lipping off by answering "blah, blah, blah" when asked for his name, lol

Mr. Clippiddy Clop - The Mobile Death Pub
, lol

Actually I DO find that extremely (and darkly)'s a strange and demented twist on the slave borg concept. :twisted:

Thanks taalismn, like I said we found it funny as hell (still do to this day) we even said we would humiliate him further by making him carry us like a real horse. It was a funny threat to use on people.

Re: Absurd and Joke Characters

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:13 am
by boxee
I would never play it but asways liked the idea of a flooper turned bad, basically an assassin.

Re: Absurd and Joke Characters

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:42 am
by Looonatic
A Gurkha Cosmoknight with a pair of Cosmic Kukris.

Re: Absurd and Joke Characters

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:19 pm
by Alrik Vas
Ogre gladiator called Crush who had his own name written backwards on a plate then rivited to his head.

His signiture move was the headbutt so he could imprint his name into people's skulls.