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Saving Throw Question.

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:22 pm
by The Beast
N&S, page 141, right hand side, large paragraph under the Dodge 'Em Tactic bullet mentions an Ejector Seat Saving Throw. Does anyone here know the book and page number that can be found on?

Re: Saving Throw Question.

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 3:01 am
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
The Beast wrote:N&S, page 141, right hand side, large paragraph under the Dodge 'Em Tactic bullet mentions an Ejector Seat Saving Throw. Does anyone here know the book and page number that can be found on?

Nope. But I can offer you a personal theory on the matter.

First off, I don't think you can technically Save VS Ejector Seat. Just the words alone and the understanding of how something like that works, makes me think it's not possible in the way saving throws are generally understood. To me the words "Save VS ????" implies that you are trying to resist the effect of something. Given what an ejector seat does (launches you out of a vehicle or drops you out if you consider a trap door under the seat an ejector) I think saving VS the effect "being ejected" is impossible.

The only way(s) to "save" against being ejected are to either A. not get ejected in the 1st place or B. manage to avoid/lessen the damage you would incur from being ejected. To achieve that I propose the following options.

A. Avoid being ejected option 1

A. decides to eject B. from the vehicle for noxious body odor, messing with the radio, or whatever reason.
A. rolls to strike the ejector seat button on the dash.
B. sensing something might be up notices A. going for the button and decides to react by Blocking the Button, Deflecting A.'s Hand, etc.

This is done by A rolling to strike on a d20 + bonuses
B rolls to parry on a d20+bonuses
Highest result wins

A. Avoid being ejected option 2

A. decides to eject B. from the vehicle for noxious body odor, messing with the radio, or whatever reason.
A. pushes the cleverly hidden eject button/switch without B. noticing.
B. is oblivious to A.'s contempt and doesn't notice anything is amiss until he hears a click, feels an uncommon vibration under the seat, etc.
By now it is to late for B. to stop A. from activating the ejector seat. The only option now is to resist being ejected (closest you'll get to an actual save).

B is clued in to something happening and braces himself against any nearby support to avoid being launched from the vehicle or dropped out of it. B rolls to strike on a d20+bonuses. GM determines number to be beat for successful save.

B. To late, you're ejected. Now what?

You're going to take damage, probably a pretty hefty load of it too. Your only hope is to roll with punch/fall and take half damage is is stated in the rules.

Just for fun I'd also roll against your sense of balance % or your PP if you don't have a sense of balance to see if you can "stick the landing". A successful roll means you only take 1/4 damage and get bonus XP for flair. At least that's how I'd do it.

Re: Saving Throw Question.

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 8:08 pm
by Mercdog
Maybe it's a Save to determine if you launch the ejector seat before smashing into a mountain at top speed? It's hard to tell without elaboration.

Re: Saving Throw Question.

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 8:17 pm
by The Beast
Mercdog wrote:Maybe it's a Save to determine if you launch the ejector seat before smashing into a mountain at top speed? It's hard to tell without elaboration.

That what I always thought it is, but, AFAIK, there's nothing else on it.

Re: Saving Throw Question.

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 8:53 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
It might refer to not passing out when being ejected.

Re: Saving Throw Question.

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:42 pm
by slade the sniper
The Beast wrote:
Mercdog wrote:Maybe it's a Save to determine if you launch the ejector seat before smashing into a mountain at top speed? It's hard to tell without elaboration.

That what I always thought it is, but, AFAIK, there's nothing else on it.

This is what I use it for...


Re: Saving Throw Question.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:15 pm
by The Beast
Just spotted this rule in the HU book today, but again, it's not in there either. :badbad: