What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

Whether it is a Veritech or a Valkyrie, Robotech or Macross II, Earth is in danger eitherway. Grab your mecha and fight the good fight.

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What is your main focus for your Tactics minis?

Use as Figs in my RPG sessions
Decorations and Collectibles
Wargaming with the Tactics rules
Total votes: 40

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What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

Unread post by Spinachcat »

What are your plans for your box of goodies?

Are the minis going to be mostly used for RPGing? Decor? or the Wargame?

Do you have any paint scheme plans?

Is your crew planning on some special events?
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

Unread post by Seto Kaiba »

Robotech fans are few and far between out here, so actually using 'em is probably out of the question... they'd end up in the display case next to my 1/250 Bandai anniversary sets.
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Zer0 Kay wrote:Damn you for anticipating my question. I've really got to unfoe you, your information is far more valuable than my sanity when dealing with your blunt callousness. :)
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

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Sadly, here in North Dakota, it will be more of just collecting them, and not playing them. Though I think I will be able to play with a friend or 2, but not that often. Though I WILL be bring them to the next Open House. Will anyone want to play with me?
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

Unread post by rtsurfer »

I'm sure people are getting it for a variety of reasons, some multiple motivations. Robotech/Macross collectors (especially completest), model builders who don't have a good variety of small scale RT/Mac but like the designs, rt rpg'ers looking to make their current games more tactile, RT fans who have in mind someone to convert to the game, established wargamers (especially Battletech, that don't hate HG/RT) who want to try it out, rt fans who want to try it out because they are intrigued or think it's cool, nostalgic/casual RT viewers/fans who happen upon it or by word of mouth, fans who want other eras or rifts produced in the same style & scale, rt fans who just want to show their support, maybe some people just want to act out RT/Mac battles for their own enjoyment, & likely reasons I haven't thought of.

Maybe Palladium/Ninja Division, or someone else for that matter, could come up with a chessboard like coordinate system. Decent sized numbered grid with each square divided into 4 smaller lettered squares or triangles. Two players could agree to a common layout of obstacles and initial mecha placement, maybe Pall/ND could come up with a dice generator & statistics keeper app. Game play would be similar to a long distance game of chess or battleship. I wouldn't be surprised if such a long distance system already exist and could be adapted for RT RPG Tactics.

If & when this game system goes into a broader retail market, chances of finding someone who has a set &/or wants to play should increase for players in more isolated regions. For now perhaps Pall/ND could set up a database where players could enter their location and gaming info then be matched with others willing to drive that distance to play in person. There could be a number of players or a gaming store/club nearby that might play but you have no idea they exist.
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

Unread post by Snake Eyes »

I didn't vote because i have to pick all three......later on, once i knew the rules well enough, i would be running demos at my local game store
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

Unread post by jedi078 »

rtsurfer wrote:Maybe Palladium/Ninja Division, or someone else for that matter, could come up with a chessboard like coordinate system. Decent sized numbered grid with each square divided into 4 smaller lettered squares or triangles. Two players could agree to a common layout of obstacles and initial mecha placement, maybe Pall/ND could come up with a dice generator & statistics keeper app. Game play would be similar to a long distance game of chess or battleship. I wouldn't be surprised if such a long distance system already exist and could be adapted for RT RPG Tactics.

hmmm using the pieces for a specialized Chess board would be interesting.
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

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I might use them in Warhammer 40,000 Epic....and bring Robotech to the Imperium of Man!

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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

jedi078 wrote:
rtsurfer wrote:Maybe Palladium/Ninja Division, or someone else for that matter, could come up with a chessboard like coordinate system. Decent sized numbered grid with each square divided into 4 smaller lettered squares or triangles. Two players could agree to a common layout of obstacles and initial mecha placement, maybe Pall/ND could come up with a dice generator & statistics keeper app. Game play would be similar to a long distance game of chess or battleship. I wouldn't be surprised if such a long distance system already exist and could be adapted for RT RPG Tactics.

hmmm using the pieces for a specialized Chess board would be interesting.

I don't think rtsurfer is suggesting a specialized chess board (though the mini's could substitute for pieces on a regular chessboard). What he is suggesting is a coordinate system to describe movement in the game like Chess has (Battleship uses coordinates on where you attack).

It would have several advantages as it could allow one to go back to a certain point and try something different (or rules got misinterpreted), examine what went wrong (beyond luck of the dice roll), set the board in the event of a board changing incident (cat/dog runs through the game era moving/knocking over pieces, child "plays" with the set when not looking, etc), and correspondence style games (still need to resolve the dice issue).

The best way to do that would be with pre-generated maps that are already gridded out and with some type of coordinates built in (or agreed to before hand). And morph able environment (cars, trashcans, etc) would also have to be agreed on placement before hand (or defined starting positions on a map). Really haven't looked into the mini's game to see how terrain/environment is defined (included/available tiles/maps or off the cuff stand-ins).
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

Unread post by DhAkael »

Not wasting my hard-earned cash on this...
I'm saving my creds for the 'official' (re; LEGAL) release of Yamato 2199 (which sadly is going to be yanki-fied into Starblazers by the american distributors...again; The pacific war was over 70 years ago. Let it go...we've moved on); a much more worthwhile expenditure.
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

Unread post by rtsurfer »

ShadowLogan wrote:
jedi078 wrote:
rtsurfer wrote:Maybe Palladium/Ninja Division, or someone else for that matter, could come up with a chessboard like coordinate system. Decent sized numbered grid with each square divided into 4 smaller lettered squares or triangles. Two players could agree to a common layout of obstacles and initial mecha placement, maybe Pall/ND could come up with a dice generator & statistics keeper app. Game play would be similar to a long distance game of chess or battleship. I wouldn't be surprised if such a long distance system already exist and could be adapted for RT RPG Tactics.

hmmm using the pieces for a specialized Chess board would be interesting.

I don't think rtsurfer is suggesting a specialized chess board (though the mini's could substitute for pieces on a regular chessboard). What he is suggesting is a coordinate system to describe movement in the game like Chess has (Battleship uses coordinates on where you attack).

It would have several advantages as it could allow one to go back to a certain point and try something different (or rules got misinterpreted), examine what went wrong (beyond luck of the dice roll), set the board in the event of a board changing incident (cat/dog runs through the game era moving/knocking over pieces, child "plays" with the set when not looking, etc), and correspondence style games (still need to resolve the dice issue).

The best way to do that would be with pre-generated maps that are already gridded out and with some type of coordinates built in (or agreed to before hand). And morph able environment (cars, trashcans, etc) would also have to be agreed on placement before hand (or defined starting positions on a map). Really haven't looked into the mini's game to see how terrain/environment is defined (included/available tiles/maps or off the cuff stand-ins).

Once a good variety of pieces are available, a chess set might be a bit pricy but fun way for people who want to game but aren't into rpg type play. It would be an interesting way to display the Robotech/Macross pieces, wonder how they would look in gold, silver, chrone, bronze, (ie: something metalic looking) or black & white?

The grid might be on either an actual vinyl sheet of notable size or a set of numbered markers like little flags.
I don't recall where, but I have seen websites that have either free or inexpensive printable paper/card standups -- buildings and I think other props.
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

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jedi078 wrote:
rtsurfer wrote:Maybe Palladium/Ninja Division, or someone else for that matter, could come up with a chessboard like coordinate system. Decent sized numbered grid with each square divided into 4 smaller lettered squares or triangles. Two players could agree to a common layout of obstacles and initial mecha placement, maybe Pall/ND could come up with a dice generator & statistics keeper app. Game play would be similar to a long distance game of chess or battleship. I wouldn't be surprised if such a long distance system already exist and could be adapted for RT RPG Tactics.

hmmm using the pieces for a specialized Chess board would be interesting.

That would be cool.

DhAkael wrote:*shrug*
Not wasting my hard-earned cash on this...
I'm saving my creds for the 'official' (re; LEGAL) release of Yamato 2199 (which sadly is going to be yanki-fied into Starblazers by the american distributors...again; The pacific war was over 70 years ago. Let it go...we've moved on); a much more worthwhile expenditure.

How sure of you of that info, because if that is true, that would be stupid, and pointless to do. I hope you are wrong. I don't see them doing it now, because they did an anime called Zipang, and that delt with the Japanese Navy during WWII, and they didn't change things.
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

Unread post by Shawn Merrow »

Alpha 11 wrote:
DhAkael wrote:*shrug*
Not wasting my hard-earned cash on this...
I'm saving my creds for the 'official' (re; LEGAL) release of Yamato 2199 (which sadly is going to be yanki-fied into Starblazers by the american distributors...again; The pacific war was over 70 years ago. Let it go...we've moved on); a much more worthwhile expenditure.

How sure of you of that info, because if that is true, that would be stupid, and pointless to do. I hope you are wrong. I don't see them doing it now, because they did an anime called Zipang, and that delt with the Japanese Navy during WWII, and they didn't change things.

Yamato 2199 Anime to Launch Overseas as Star Blazers 2199

I can see why they would do that in the US as it already has an established fanbase under the name Star Blazers. I'm sure it has a lot more to do with marketing an established name then worry over the name Yamato.

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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

Unread post by Lt Gargoyle »

I like the chess board idea. But if i buy them and thats a big if. I want to have all three eras, and sadly i do not think we will see that. Macross is a good series. But I prefer robotech and if i am gonna support this, I want to see the other two eras first. All to often PB has let its fans down with book releases and books which never seem to get written.
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

rtsurfer wrote:Once a good variety of pieces are available, a chess set might be a bit pricy but fun way for people who want to game but aren't into rpg type play. It would be an interesting way to display the Robotech/Macross pieces, wonder how they would look in gold, silver, chrone, bronze, (ie: something metalic looking) or black & white?

I'm not sure about pricy. Compared to say a simple no frills chess set you can pick up for under $20 yes, it would be pricy, but some of those collector/theme type sets might be more comparable (Amazon has a Star Trek: TNG set for ~$75, a Star Wars one for ~$70, and I've seen collector's type sets running in the hundreds of dollars).

If done by faction (ASC/RDF/REF)/era (NG/TRM/TMS) you could avoid needing to worry about the color differences themselves, though would need to decide who is playing as white & black.
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

Unread post by taalismn »

Going with collectibles here...The 'Lucky Gorilla' that saw its way through four years of college and two years of graduate school needs some company on the nick-nack shelf. :D
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

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Lt Gargoyle wrote:I like the chess board idea. But if i buy them and thats a big if. I want to have all three eras, and sadly i do not think we will see that. Macross is a good series. But I prefer robotech and if i am gonna support this, I want to see the other two eras first. All to often PB has let its fans down with book releases and books which never seem to get written.

Palladium is really pushing all 3 eras. In the end, if they first part don't go well, then we might see it. That's business for you. Though I think they will do fairly well on it. Maybe they'll reless the last two at the same time or closs together.
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

Unread post by SailorCallie »

Spinachcat wrote:What are your plans for your box of goodies?

Are the minis going to be mostly used for RPGing? Decor? or the Wargame?

Do you have any paint scheme plans?

Is your crew planning on some special events?

Wargaming. ;)
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

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I'll probably put some money into decent ship minis...
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

Unread post by Shawn Merrow »

Exclusive: Kevin Siembieda On Playing And Playtesting Robotech RPG Tactics - Part 2

As a supplement to the Robotech RPG, the game pieces can be used to represent the player characters in a campaign, and the Robotech RPG Tactics rules can be used to engage in skirmish combat and large scale battles. Robotech RPG Tactics also includes a set of conversion rules for converting RPG characters into 'special characters' for use in the tabletop game. While a converted character will never be exactly like its RPG cousin, these rules provide all the "flavor" of the original RPG character on the tabletop. Just be careful, since it's much easier to die in Robotech RPG Tactics!

Really like that they are doing that. :ok:

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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

Unread post by Snuffy »

I am going to initially use them for wargaming and then if there is any interest in running a RPG with my group I will try to use them for both.
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

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I believe that if the gameplay turns out to be fun (and it looks good so far), I believe this game will be great for cross-pollination between the RPGs and the wargame.
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

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Shawn Merrow wrote:Exclusive: Kevin Siembieda On Playing And Playtesting Robotech RPG Tactics - Part 2

As a supplement to the Robotech RPG, the game pieces can be used to represent the player characters in a campaign, and the Robotech RPG Tactics rules can be used to engage in skirmish combat and large scale battles. Robotech RPG Tactics also includes a set of conversion rules for converting RPG characters into 'special characters' for use in the tabletop game. While a converted character will never be exactly like its RPG cousin, these rules provide all the "flavor" of the original RPG character on the tabletop. Just be careful, since it's much easier to die in Robotech RPG Tactics!

Really like that they are doing that. :ok:

Same for me.
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

Unread post by jaymz »

Shawn Merrow wrote:
Alpha 11 wrote:
DhAkael wrote:*shrug*
Not wasting my hard-earned cash on this...
I'm saving my creds for the 'official' (re; LEGAL) release of Yamato 2199 (which sadly is going to be yanki-fied into Starblazers by the american distributors...again; The pacific war was over 70 years ago. Let it go...we've moved on); a much more worthwhile expenditure.

How sure of you of that info, because if that is true, that would be stupid, and pointless to do. I hope you are wrong. I don't see them doing it now, because they did an anime called Zipang, and that delt with the Japanese Navy during WWII, and they didn't change things.

Yamato 2199 Anime to Launch Overseas as Star Blazers 2199

I can see why they would do that in the US as it already has an established fanbase under the name Star Blazers. I'm sure it has a lot more to do with marketing an established name then worry over the name Yamato.

Awesome :ok:
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

Unread post by jaymz »

Wargaming though it will get used for the other three as well.
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

Unread post by Spinachcat »

Anybody know if the basic box rules are going to cover space combat?

I am very interested to see how the game balances Air vs. Ground units. In 40k, the flyers are really just treated as high speed hovercraft, AKA very little mechanical difference than ground vehicles. I wonder how height in the air (aka 3D measuring) will play a role in the Robotech game.
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

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Spinachcat wrote:Anybody know if the basic box rules are going to cover space combat?

I am very interested to see how the game balances Air vs. Ground units. In 40k, the flyers are really just treated as high speed hovercraft, AKA very little mechanical difference than ground vehicles. I wonder how height in the air (aka 3D measuring) will play a role in the Robotech game.

I wouldn't be surprise if they simplified things.
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

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They've said there will be variant rules for different environments, but they're not modeling elevation
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

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Though I will use the mini's for all 3 purposes, the main use will be for the Wargaming aspect.
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

Unread post by Janus »

I will take it to my friend's house and have a few quick games. I doubt they will buy into it, but I figure there would be no need as it would have all we would need to play anyway. Beyond that it will prolly go ontomy shelf like most of my other miniatures from Warhammer to Rackham. There are only a few I did not buy into.
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

Unread post by jedi078 »

Redfor 2-25 wrote:I can't get anybody to play the RPG. How ever in my area interest in the tactics game is running high. If I ever get the RPG game off the ground I might use them for mecha combat.

Same boat here so I tunred to runing PBP games on rpol.net

I do intended to try and play test the rules on rpol once we get official rule book. Our only hurdle at this point is showing the battles.

In regards to the minis I intend to paint all of them. For the VF-1' I plan to do a Max, Mirya, Ben Dixion, Jack Archer, and Izzy Randel type.
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

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jedi078 wrote:
Redfor 2-25 wrote:I can't get anybody to play the RPG. How ever in my area interest in the tactics game is running high. If I ever get the RPG game off the ground I might use them for mecha combat.

Same boat here so I tunred to runing PBP games on rpol.net

I do intended to try and play test the rules on rpol once we get official rule book. Our only hurdle at this point is showing the battles.

In regards to the minis I intend to paint all of them. For the VF-1' I plan to do a Max, Mirya, Ben Dixion, Jack Archer, and Izzy Randel type.

Good ideal. I think I'll try to do the same. My big question is, why they didn't do at least a Max and Mirya(VF) in the KS.
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

Unread post by jedi078 »

Alpha 11 wrote:Good ideal. I think I'll try to do the same. My big question is, why they didn't do at least a Max and Mirya(VF) in the KS.

I don't know, I think it would have been cool if they were offered as a two pack of super VF's.
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

Unread post by Forar »

Primarily wargaming, with something of a collection aspect as well, since Robotech was my first anime series, and holds a special place in my heart to this day.

Two other friends were super excited as well, so we all bought in for the KS campaign pretty significantly, and will have enough figures between the three of us to field a sizable war on the table if we should so choose. I do hope the game finds lasting international appeal (and that the second and third series get made as well), but as long as it's fun I should have at least 7 opponents to play against locally (just among my circle of friends), and who knows how many more in town (not much of a game store regular, but for the right tournament or event, I might make an exception).

Of course, that begins to veer into getting ahead of myself territory. First it needs to come out, then we can deal with what success it may or may not have.
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Re: What are your plans for Robotech RPG Tactics?

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

SteinarB wrote:I'll be playing them in the game they were made for, naturally, and I'll use them in the Battletech/Mechwarrior tabletop wargame/RPG campaign I'm running for my gaming group to represent some of the "Unseen" designs like Wasps, Stingers, Valkyries, Phoenix Hawks, Crusaders, Archers, Riflemen, Warhammers and Longbows. I'd like to use the officer's pod for Marauders, but I believe it may be a bit too big for the Battletech scale of things.

the zent stuff will be too big for Battletech, unless you use the recently released super-heavy mech rules from the last Jihad book. and even then, they might not fit terribly well. (superheavies aren't quite that much larger physically, just very heavy)

but they should be useable as figures at the scale of Mechwarrior Dark Age/Age of Destruction. and since Zent's are about 32mm tall at the scale in question, the Zent mecha could be used as battlesuits/robots for games in the 28-32mm scale, like Warhammer 40K and such. heck, i'm tempted to draw up some stats for FUBAR..
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