Robotech RPG Tactics - Kickstarter passes $500 K

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Robotech RPG Tactics - Kickstarter passes $500 K

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Our thanks to everyone who has supported us. ... -tacticstm

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Re: Robotech RPG Tactics - Kickstarter passes $500 K

Unread post by Shawn Merrow »

Awesome :ok:

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Re: Robotech RPG Tactics - Kickstarter passes $500 K

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Re: Robotech RPG Tactics - Kickstarter passes $500 K

Unread post by cawest »

there is supose to be a big something when they hit 560K.... about 1k away... keep your ears open
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Re: Robotech RPG Tactics - Kickstarter passes $500 K

Unread post by devillin »

I've never participate in a Kickstarter, so I have a couple of questions. My money is a little tight this month, so I can't pledge the amount I would like to right now. Can I pledge a lower amount, then upgrade my pledge to a higher amount after the Kickstarter is finished? Also, after the official day is over, can I still pledge after that?
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Re: Robotech RPG Tactics - Kickstarter passes $500 K

Unread post by Shawn Merrow »

devillin wrote:I've never participate in a Kickstarter, so I have a couple of questions. My money is a little tight this month, so I can't pledge the amount I would like to right now. Can I pledge a lower amount, then upgrade my pledge to a higher amount after the Kickstarter is finished? Also, after the official day is over, can I still pledge after that?

I think you will have to have some pledge in before it ends. As to your other question here is the answer from the page.

You will be able to increase your pledge to receive additional items using the pledge manager after the Kickstarter ends. However, these funds will not help unlock stretch goals.

I have heard that will be up to a month after it ends.

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Re: Robotech RPG Tactics - Kickstarter passes $500 K

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

And as of the closing time of the kickstarter, the final tally is....



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