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REF Bio-Maintenance Engineer

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 5:56 pm
by Deathknight69
I could use a little help gang. I'm making/creating a 2nd character for a rifts campaign. I want her to be able to fix REF/Shadow Chronicals Era Mecha. How should I go about her O.C.C. ?? REF B-M or UEDF (SC) Tech Officer/Flight Engineer ????? She'll be in the Beta F/B when she and the Alpha fighter jock go thru a rift into Rifts.

Re: REF Bio-Maintenance Engineer

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 7:39 pm
by sirkermittsg
the tech officer gives you allot of flexibility for repair purposes and can take the flight skills....

I want to point out that it does not come with spare parts....unless you can justify having a bomb bay full of parts to the GM. also you have abut a month worth of fuel if you did not take spare protoculture cans. so you will quickly be looking for an alternate fuel source.... aka salvage a robot power core.

be aware, you will be branded a d-bee with your mecha. your beta is by default one of the most powerful robots to hit rifts earth....and allot of folks might want to take it from you.

Re: REF Bio-Maintenance Engineer

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 11:05 pm
by Deathknight69
Are there skill's overlap issue's between the 2 O.C.C.'s?? What I would like to know is a general consensus about which O.C.C. would be the best to generate??

As for the Technical issue's, He said that he's already working on the protoculture/spare parts issue's. They both will be rift - mutated after coming thru. The campaign is taking place on a Robotech/Rifts Earth.

Re: REF Bio-Maintenance Engineer

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 11:21 pm
by glitterboy2098
the UEDF/UEEF Technical officer is your best bet for formal training, the patcher from New Generation Sourcebook is a non-military class that offers much of the same engineering skills, just a bit more focused around mecha and vehicles than the technical Officer's more general knowledge.

the Patcher also benefits from having a small supply of parts and gear as starting equipment.

slightly humorous note: "bio-maintenance engineer' is a real world technical position... its a person who works on maintaining/repairing systems focused on supporting living things. stuff like air handling systems, oxygen supplies, air purifiers, etc. so Lunk was basically admitting to being a sort of highly trained air conditioner repairman. :)
real world Bio-maintence engineers have a lot of basic engineering training and usually have engineering interests outside their area of work, and Lunk certainly could have been cross-trained in something more useful than starship life support systems. which helps explain why he was able to keep their mecha working. though it helped that they never seemed to take any serious damage in the course of the show.

Re: REF Bio-Maintenance Engineer

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 12:55 am
by drewkitty ~..~
Deathknight69 wrote:I could use a little help gang. I'm making/creating a 2nd character for a rifts campaign. I want her to be able to fix REF/Shadow Chronicals Era Mecha. How should I go about her O.C.C. ?? REF B-M or UEDF (SC) Tech Officer/Flight Engineer ????? She'll be in the Beta F/B when she and the Alpha fighter jock go thru a rift into Rifts.

The Enlisted Crewman with the Motorpool Mechanic MOS. If a "working man" concept.
Technical officer with Engineering officer MOS. If a Officer concept.