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Your Most Evil Moment

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 12:29 am
by SmilingJack
You were a evil superhero or villain and this one adventure you........

So, What Is Your Most Malevolent Moment

Re: Your Most Evil Moment

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 7:38 pm
by Alrik Vas
Captured a couple of kids and starved them, they were fat kids, never wanting, never needing. Being locked up and starved was the worst thing in the world to them. Being disconnected from their phones, family, food, money and games made them irritable and angry. A few hours passed and they blamed each other for their troubles. I waited a day and they were angry, stir-crazy, they yelled and screamed, they wanted to kill each other. So i went into the room, knocked them both out with a drugs, dragged them into the kitchen and tied them their chairs.

They couldn't understand their offensiveness to the world, they didn't have any empathy for anyone else, they were too isulated from the real world. I was giving them a taste of it. Of course, I thought, handling the knife, they likely wouldn't understand what i was doing for them.

When they awoke, they would be numb, groggy. I had been cooking. They asked for food, feebly, whining. I gave it to them. Scraps of what I had made. Made from them. The sizzle of their blackened fingers and toes was like sweet music. They didn't want to eat, not when they realized what it was, but their hands were tied, and they were starving.

After a few bites, they were begging for more. They had a taste for it now. I told them they could have some, all they wanted, if they could take it. So i cut their ropes, dropped the knife between them and left the room, locking the metal door behind me. meant in a Role Playing Game... :oops:

No, really. A villain i made did that once, he caught these kids, literally expecting the goodguys to save them at the last minute, and got REALLY put off when the heroes didn't arrive, so he hunted down the PC's and told them it was all their fault. He had webbed hands, pointy ears, a wheeze in his voice and smelled like an old butcher shop, he also had light sensitive eyes and an uncanny resilience to pain. Pretty handy with a knife, too. Your scary, fedora and long coat wearing, spindly psycho with a cannibalistic edge.

Re: Your Most Evil Moment

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 9:26 pm
by say652
used invisibility' flight:wingless and twin machetes. "I don't know what happened the wind just cut them........the WIND!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!"

Re: Your Most Evil Moment

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 5:04 pm
by Reagren Wright
Had a NPC villain with super consumption, heavy weight, immovability, and immune to melee
attacks. He ate a player character's wizard hero and his dog familiar :fl: .

The other would have to be when I got tired of this one character who was seemingly
invincible. Had karmic power and invulnerability. So I sent my Assassins for Hire after him. One
guy used Negate Super Powers on him while a N&SS guy hit him from behind with so many
special martial arts bonuses it ended up being x5 damage. The blow knocked him off the roof
where the Negate Super Power villains continued concentrating on him until he hit the ground
some ten stories below. One flat hero who made a bloody mess when he landed.

Neither friends were happy with me in the manner in which I killed their characters but what
could I do, they were annoying :D .

Re: Your Most Evil Moment

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 9:58 am
by Iczer
Radion went to a poorly performing public school and asked basic science and maths questions of the students. He microwaved their teachers if they got them wrong.

Garry Kaine, The wild wizard, dimension portaled the patients in a burn ward into an active chemical fire.

The Defenestrator kills people by hurling them through plate glass windows. - he's a kook though.

The Dino-Sorcerer was curious held a room of corporate bankers hostage, and then expertly cooked them just so he could find out what human tastes like.

The Absorber routinely absorbed people, walked around in high places and then let them out to fall to their deaths.

The Surgeon tied a man down, removed his abdominal wall, and pulled his intestines out hanging them on hooks before releasing rats into the room. He also used to handcuff people in slowly flooding rooms after using psychic surgery to implant the keys to their cuffs inside them.

The Sowki Infiltrator Whev-R caught a miniature hero, paralysed him while shrunk and then fed him to the waste disposal.

The organisation "Angel play" would take in runaway mutant children, and videotape them for the internet.

The staff at Splendid Graces nursing and retirement home would find invalid elderly patients and then wheel them into a den of ghouls. They called the process "Making room" and were paid in ancient coins.


Re: Your Most Evil Moment

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 8:41 am
by Ranger
Had an evil Natural Genius who over the course of 1 year game time continued to harrass the PCs. The players eventually tracked him down to a safe house of his. When the battle was over and they were about to slap the cuffs on him, he showed them a series of computer screens with their family/loved ones on them. He gave them a choice, take him in, or watch them all die. The PCs broke into an argument over what they would do that allowed him to slip away. He then gave them a choice, do various jobs for him or watch their loved ones die. half the PCs decided to fight him, the other half said that they would save their family. The half that saved their families had to go kill the other half's families.

In the end, the PCs were left with 2 living, 1 in a coma and 4 dead. All of their reputations were destroyed and the Eastern Seaboard of the US was devastated...and all of the PCs family members were killed, including 2nd cousins.

Re: Your Most Evil Moment

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 12:03 am
by Ranger
Vasarto wrote:due to mishappenings that I did while trying to save a plane from falling. I caused one of my team mates to fly sword first through a plane that was filled with orphan children and puppies and when my team mate came through the other side he had a midget nun impaled on his sword in the sky....but luckily the plane didn't crash.

Did it go off a cliff?

Where the Nuns blind and the orphans refugees?

Re: Your Most Evil Moment

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 5:04 am
by KillWatch
Iczer: I like your style. Good villain

Re: Your Most Evil Moment

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 5:41 am
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
Good Lord.. Some of these things.. It's no wonder people think we're all messed up in our heads.

The most evil things I've done..
Previously.. While clearing 6 Flags of terrorists, the PC's tied one to the rear car of the roller coaster, then rode around until it wasn't funny anymore. It took awhile.

Recently.. I tossed an opponent down what I thought was a laundry chute. It wasn't. It was a garbage chute with rotating blades to reduce the trash size. The PC was momentarily horrified.

Re: Your Most Evil Moment

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 6:41 am
by KillWatch
But we are talking about villains, and evil. Not villains who are selfish just looking to make some quick cash by robbing people. Evil likes hurting people, for the goal of hurting people. Doing it as an accident or out of necessity or vengeance are all ulterior motives to hurting people. Evil's only motive is to hurt you. The less reason to do so the better. ie is it more evil? then lets go there.

Re: Your Most Evil Moment

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 3:55 pm
by Alrik Vas
Maybe you didn't read my post...

Re: Your Most Evil Moment

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 11:18 am
by KillWatch
no your post was fitting :)