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The Steel City Rifters Palladium Fantasy Game

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 12:02 am
by SmilingJack
Where Light Fears To Tread

You brave PCs, Are denizens of the isle of Bizantium
Although you are of varied ethnic and racial ancestry, and and the vast majority of individuals in Bizantium are human, your families were honored for a history of charitable and munificent actions aiding the isle and the crown

Recently a guild known as the Heart Of Steel, a ancient order of scholars, mystics, and adventurers who were among the founders of bizantium, has placed a call to anyone willing to undertake a expedition of immense danger and intrigue but also immeasurable wealth,

To lead a successful foray into the land of the damned

100 yes ago Octavian Zend lead a 30 men group in the first manned attempt at entering the chaos lands through the northern mountains of the great northern wilderness

Of the 30 who undertook this mission, none returned..... the only thing to return was the mutilated and severed head of Octavian,
His very eyes had been burned out and replaced with glowing emeralds,

this legend has been buried in mists of time and now what is truth has become increasingly obfuscated by conjecture

The severed head was reportedly returned by Octavian's son Augustus who is reported to have been driven insane by his father's loss and now lives as a recluse near the northern mountains

The Heart Of Steel is publicly offering a monetary reward in excess of a million platinum coins, however the scuttlebutt on the street also speaks of nobility, tithes, and large tracts of land being offered to those who successfully enter the chaos lands and return alive

Darker stories tell of a scrying dish that Octavian carried into the chaos lands that the royal crown of bizantium now desperately seeks to retrieve, and this renewed interest seems to have only recently been rekindled in the past few days after having been virtually ignored for years

Those stories that have found their way from the lord's palace speak of dark shadows, ungodly horrors, and most intriguingly 5 ancient armors that lay dormant covered in time and darkness, and a scrying dish in the palace suddenly transmitting evil images beyond comprehension

No one knows what lays ahead

The land of there damned, the chaos lands beckon you forward brave adventurer

But beware, for a dark wind is blowing......

Re: The Steel City Rifters Palladium Fantasy Game

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 12:05 am
by SmilingJack
Hi Everyone

We the Steel City Rifters

Are hosting a Palladium Fantasy game On Saturday May 18 In Pittsburgh

I included a brief intro to pique interest in our adventure

Anyone in the Pittsburgh area interested in playing please PM me

Or for info on future adventures

Re: The Steel City Rifters Palladium Fantasy Game

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 9:26 pm
by TheGameMaster
Darn, I thought this was going to be an online game. Sounds like fun, wish I could join in

Re: The Steel City Rifters Palladium Fantasy Game

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 11:22 pm
by SmilingJack
TheGameMaster wrote:Darn, I thought this was going to be an online game. Sounds like fun, wish I could join in

I'm so sorry you can't join us due to proximity issues

We'd love to have you as a player if you ever make it to pittaburgh

The adventure went amazingly well and I'll be posting a synopsis soon

Thanks for your response and hopefully if we can make it a online game you'll be able to join us

Re: The Steel City Rifters Palladium Fantasy Game

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 2:34 am
by zyanitevp
SmilingJack wrote:
TheGameMaster wrote:Darn, I thought this was going to be an online game. Sounds like fun, wish I could join in

I'm so sorry you can't join us due to proximity issues

We'd love to have you as a player if you ever make it to pittaburgh

The adventure went amazingly well and I'll be posting a synopsis soon

Thanks for your response and hopefully if we can make it a online game you'll be able to join us

Look forward to the synopsis.