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What Kind of Role Player Are You

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 7:18 pm
by SmilingJack
Within role playing games,

every player is accorded the opportunity to play their character however they want.

however after time, players begin to focus on specific aspects of playing

so the question begs to be asked, what's your favorite part of playing your character

Is it combat And action?

Do you enjoy really getting into your character and truly role playing them?

do you enjoy Using skills and solving puzzles?

or do you approach Games utilizing a hybrid of these aspects

how do you Role play your character, and why?

Re: What Kind of Role Player Are You

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 9:32 pm
by wyrmraker
I usually start off as roleplaying the concept, but inevitably turn into the party caretaker. My characters are the ones organizing supplies, home bases, etc.

Re: What Kind of Role Player Are You

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 9:39 pm
by SmilingJack
I personally end up playing the scout/ reconnaissance role

I have a propensity to play characters who are really quick, and stealthy, And can perform furitive actions

I think it comes from playing rogue characters in fantasy games, also it's a role that few people seem to tend towards, and can often be invaluable in getting out of difficult situations

The other role I really enjoy is as the healer of the group ,because it's such a Crucial role and can often determine the fate of the party

finally I personally really appreciate puzzles, And using my mind and Cunning to overcome obstacles, I also really enjoy playing in character And challenging myself to try something different that I normally wouldn't do in real life

Re: What Kind of Role Player Are You

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 9:40 pm
by DhAkael
Yes. :D
Next silly question. :clown:

Re: What Kind of Role Player Are You

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 10:18 pm
by flatline
Outside of combat, I'm the planner. Sometimes that's a leadership position, other times it's a support position. But in either case, I make sure the party has what it needs to accomplish its goals, or has a plan to get what it needs.

In combat, I provide support to the other characters. My primary goal is to always insure that we have a safe way to escape from combat if things start to go against us. Secondary objectives is to do whatever I can to help the other characters. My ability to do damage is always pretty marginal compared to the other characters, so I usually attempt to do things that provide tactical advantage rather than doing straight damage to the enemy.


Re: What Kind of Role Player Are You

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 1:23 am
by Icefalcon
SmilingJack wrote:I personally end up playing the scout/ reconnaissance role

I have a propensity to play characters who are really quick, and stealthy, And can perform furitive actions

I think it comes from playing rogue characters in fantasy games, also it's a role that few people seem to tend towards, and can often be invaluable in getting out of difficult situations

The other role I really enjoy is as the healer of the group ,because it's such a Crucial role and can often determine the fate of the party

finally I personally really appreciate puzzles, And using my mind and Cunning to overcome obstacles, I also really enjoy playing in character And challenging myself to try something different that I normally wouldn't do in real life

This sounds a lot like the way I play. I love playing the scout role and sneaking about. In the long run, I am there for the story. Anything that makes the world come alive is what I like.

Re: What Kind of Role Player Are You

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 1:32 am
by Dunia
I depends on my character, but I do not play RPGs if I can't RP my character and I find that I love to solve enigmas/learn lore about the world. So those two/three are tied to me.
Action and Caretaking, well if the situation and group demands it, then sure. But roleplaying and solving enigmas are my main drive

Re: What Kind of Role Player Are You

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:29 am
by Marrowlight
Out of combat, the concept usually varies, but the constant is that my characters all tend to be passionate about something - my rogue was constantly working to eliminate his enemies and obstacles, often before they even realized he considered them as such; my monk (who was stranded on a low-tech phase world, essentially) was obsessed with finding a blend of tea leaves akin to what he drank in his home plane; my thanagarian diplomat was obsessed with hot chicks with super-powers - and all the trouble that came with them (of course this was all just a ploy to get super-villains to seek asylum at thanagar's embassy, get them to join the military, and then ship them back to thanagar for experimentation....but that's neither here nor there :angel: ); etc, etc, etc. Whatever my character is focused on, he (or she) tries to do it to the best of their ability.

In combat, usually I build my character so that it can pair up with another player - either we duo-dps to shred bosses faster, or I let X tank while I move in for the kill. I let others rush to get the biggest and best weapons, and enjoy all the attention it gets them from the zombie dragons...while I sneak the KS and the treasure. 8-)

Re: What Kind of Role Player Are You

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:38 am
by Alrik Vas
In groups i get stuck being the leader, which is a terrible idea. Though i've successfully got our groups through a lot of bad situations, I've also lead us into certain death by accurately roleplaying my character.

When left to my own devices, I sneak. I patrol up to places quietly and half the time I've cleared the building without much resistance. I like to spend as few resources as possible dealing with most opponents because in rifts you never know if that perfectly normal looking human has a supernatural PS of 50 and 5000 MDC until it's too late. When you meet up with that, THEN it's time to pull out all the stops, but not before.

If i make an abrasive character, I don't change it just to be nice and when i play a polite character he doesn't suddenly lose his cool and murder people. I really like to stay true to concepts.

Re: What Kind of Role Player Are You

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:54 am
by flatline
Alrik Vas wrote:When left to my own devices, I sneak. I patrol up to places quietly and half the time I've cleared the building without much resistance. I like to spend as few resources as possible dealing with most opponents because in rifts you never know if that perfectly normal looking human has a supernatural PS of 50 and 5000 MDC until it's too late. When you meet up with that, THEN it's time to pull out all the stops, but not before.

This is one of the reasons why CS forces are such attractive targets of opportunity. The odds of them being anything other than well equipped SDC mortals is exceedingly low. The biggest surprise you're likely to get reinforcements. Heck, they even label which units are psychics!


Re: What Kind of Role Player Are You

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 1:59 pm
by Jay05
I suppose it's a hybrid of the OP options, I do like combat, but I also like working out puzzles etc and I LOVE to Role play my characters! Spent some time as a stage actor, so yeah character depth is important to me.

Re: What Kind of Role Player Are You

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:56 pm
by Alrik Vas
flatline wrote:
Alrik Vas wrote:When left to my own devices, I sneak. I patrol up to places quietly and half the time I've cleared the building without much resistance. I like to spend as few resources as possible dealing with most opponents because in rifts you never know if that perfectly normal looking human has a supernatural PS of 50 and 5000 MDC until it's too late. When you meet up with that, THEN it's time to pull out all the stops, but not before.

This is one of the reasons why CS forces are such attractive targets of opportunity. The odds of them being anything other than well equipped SDC mortals is exceedingly low. The biggest surprise you're likely to get reinforcements. Heck, they even label which units are psychics!


Yeah, all true. Though i feel GM's are very inconsistent with the dangers of a well-equipped force of SDC mortals. You see a crowd of them 3000' away on a ridge and they make obscene gestures, letting you know they don't like you (or they're CS, so you know it from the get-go) and suddenly, before you close range or formulate a plan, mortars and artillery happen.

This is why i stay away from military forces when i can. Not everyone has the ability to stop time or leap into another dimension like a temporal wizard. :|