Online Robotech Zentraedi Character Generator

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Online Robotech Zentraedi Character Generator

Unread post by Bad_Syntax »

Long topic, simple site.

I wrote a little website to generate Robotech RPG Tactics data from randomly generated Zentraedi from the 2nd Ed RPG.

If others like it, or I get bored, I may implement:
Show all the abilities in melee from HTH training
Show all the skills from mecha combat training
Show stats when piloting mecha, including things like targeting computers outside of normal stats
Sending an email as soon as a character is generated, to keep folks honest
I personally think I need something beter than random weights/heights. Perhaps base them on PS, and/or PE/PB. Dunno.

Anyway, you can view it here:

The armor dropdown is purely to add MDC for the RRT block on the bottom of the page. The "use" forces the site to use Random.Org for random number generation, instead of internal .NET libraries, insuring a truly random sequence. However, if gets used too much each day I'll lose my free access. That probably won't happen for thousands of generated characters though.
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Re: Online Robotech Zentraedi Character Generator

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So far, so good for a random mook generator 8)
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Re: Online Robotech Zentraedi Character Generator

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May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
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Re: Online Robotech Zentraedi Character Generator

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taalismn wrote:So far, so good for a random mook generator 8)

think you could do something similar for the other era's? being able to generate random NPC's for the master's would be great.. as would a human one with classes.

as a suggestion, you might want to consider adding the standard OCC skills and the ability to select an MOS in a future update. OCC related and secondary skills players can always do themselves, but the standardized skills should be easy enough to program in. and for NPC's, those are the only ones that would really matter anyway.

also, where did you get the Robotech Tactics stats?
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Re: Online Robotech Zentraedi Character Generator

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VERY nice. Hope you add more.
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Re: Online Robotech Zentraedi Character Generator

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Some answers:
I can't really add characters from other "eras", as they don't have the templates like the Zentraedi do. I can add a generic character, as well as the few templates like Brainy, Pretty Boy, etc, but that'd be about it.

I can add the various skills, including HTH capabilities, just a matter of doing the data entry, the code is trivial.

The Robotech Tactics stats are from what we know about the game right now. That is 1 MDC per 25 RPG MDC, 1 weapon damage per 20 of its max RPG damage. The 1 MP per 30 mph is kinda assumed though based on stats I reverse engineered, and could be incorrect. I've done the same thing with all my RRT cards (I don't know if I can publish a link here, since it kinda sorta does have "mecha stats").

I was also thinking of a playing card set using random encounter tables from the various RPGs, to make it easy to create quick RRT battles, but again, lots of data entry.
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Re: Online Robotech Zentraedi Character Generator

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Bad_Syntax wrote:Thanks!

Some answers:
I can't really add characters from other "eras", as they don't have the templates like the Zentraedi do. I can add a generic character, as well as the few templates like Brainy, Pretty Boy, etc, but that'd be about it.

you can't use the quick creation method from the mainbook? pg65 to 66. those are templates, and the % roll should let your randomize which one you get.

for NPC's or quick player characters, the quick-creation rules are all you really need attribute wise.
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Re: Online Robotech Zentraedi Character Generator

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The armor dropdown *ONLY* applies for the RRT MDC factor, and only the Zentraedi, nowhere else. I kinda doubt that RRT would separate armor from flesh, and with Zentraedi being so tough it'd rob them to do so.

I did quite a bit of updating to the site, but not a whole heck of a lot of Q&A so expect some bugs.

Basically I added the quick character generation from all 3 core books, as well as a generic character, and all the RCC/MOS various benefits that would apply to attributes. I didn't sum up all the hand to hand benefits, nor add benefits from mecha combat training.

Anyway, like I said, its kinda ugly, and lacks some Q&A, but has a lot more functionality now. Of course the non-full-sized-zentraedi characters have no robotech tactics stats.
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Re: Online Robotech Zentraedi Character Generator

Unread post by ArmySGT. »

This is pretty much awesome from the word go!

Do you have a tutorial or a copy I can download and dissect?

I would love to make a random Zombie, normal human, and NPC generator for Dead Reign and a random Soldier, NCO, Officer generator for Recon.

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Re: Online Robotech Zentraedi Character Generator

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No, not really any source, but the code is *really* simple. I have a function that does a XdY roll (x=#, y=faces) and the rest is super simple. The hardest part is a bunch of select case statements to look for the type being created, to determine how to roll dice for each attribute. Granted, the site is about 2000 lines of code, but only 37 on the web page code and 70 for the random code (that is because I have as an optional source). The other 1600 or so lines is just "if zentraedi warrrior roll this way" sorta stuff.

However, if anybody is proficient with VB/ASP .net I'll send them the code if they shoot me an email at bad_syntax over at

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