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Your Earliest Palladium Memories

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:39 pm
by SmilingJack
we all remember our first experience playing a Palladium game

many of those memories Shaped how we play today, and Are often fondly remembered

so what are your earliest memories?

here are some questions to help stimulate Your memories

1. what was your first palladium character

2. what was your first adventure like

3. what do you remember liking about Palladium immediately

4. what made you continue playing palladium games

5. what memory do you still carry with you today

Re: Your Earliest Palladium Memories

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:57 pm
by flatline
Absolute very first Palladium character I ever made was a mutant hawk from TNMT. The GM misunderstood how size levels and Bio-E interacted and so I ended up having way more Bio-E to spend than I should have. I didn't know any better since I hadn't yet read the book myself and, hey, he was the GM, so it didn't really matter.

I think I played one, maybe two sessions with him before we merged into another group that showed us the correct way to generate mutant animals.

Palladium was the first system I really got to know, and that was just because that's what the group of older kids that I played with were playing. As we branched out and learned other systems, we kept coming back to various Palladium settings because Palladium makes really great settings.


Re: Your Earliest Palladium Memories

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:06 am
by Alrik Vas
Mutant Porcupine, TMNT. Played for nearly a year (11-12 years old), got level 8...then got blown up in a bar fight when someone found the "insert dynamite here" slot on my pants.

Re: Your Earliest Palladium Memories

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:27 am
by arthurfallz
1. What was your first palladium character?

I'm having trouble remembering precisely. I think it was a Veritech Pilot, or my first TMNT character (I think a mutant bear or something). Neither were noteworthy, as we jumped around a lot on what we were playing until we hit Heroes Unlimited.

2. What was your first adventure like?

I honestly don't remember! :(

3. What do you remember liking about Palladium immediately?

I liked the fact that the weapons all had picutres for them. That there was a real sense of choice in terms of equipment. I liked the fact that high attributes gave you bonuses, and the excitement if you scored a good stat that you got a bonus die added. But really.. it was the first few pages, explaining how to play, the terms (an early gaming lexicon).

4. What made you continue playing palladium games?

Honestly, it was Robotech. I loved Robotech, even though I only got to see a few episodes on T.V. I read the entire novel series (adapted from the shows by Carl Macek). Also, I couldn't afford RPGs, and my friends bought Palladium games (because they were cheap), so I played it by default :lol:

5. What memory do you still carry with you today?

About Palladium? Hmm. Wacky, zany fun really. The thrill of rolling a natural 20 at the right time. How hard it was (is) to level up a character. The humour of figuring out wacky power combinations. The culturual knowledge I gained from reading some of Eric's work (even if not all of it was correct). It was part of my teenage life, and many of the concepts I learned and played with in Palladium have stuck with me.

Re: Your Earliest Palladium Memories

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:05 am
by Mech-Viper Prime
1. what was your first palladium character

Robotech fighter pilot

2. what was your first adventure like

Standard robotech adventure, character ended up getting his leg blown off by a terrorist.

3. what do you remember liking about Palladium immediately

The range of skills.

4. what made you continue playing palladium games


5. what memory do you still carry with you today

Weekends playing next gen with friends.

Re: Your Earliest Palladium Memories

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 12:01 pm
by Ravenwing
1) Destroid Pilot in a Tomahawk!
2) The Launch of the SDF-1, I locked onto the deck and went PPC happy!
3) The Combat system!
4) Robotech, then I found Rifts. How much more incentive do you need.
5) Getting blown up in my Destroid by the Female Zents Boobie Guns! lol. Honestly, no one lets me live that one down.

Re: Your Earliest Palladium Memories

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 11:30 pm
by Daniel Stoker
SmilingJack wrote:1. what was your first palladium character

Psi-Mal - Mal-Lak-Nar a aquatic world psionic.

2. what was your first adventure like

Short, we did the pre-made adventure in Heroes Unlimited and I nearly blew up a bomb with pyrokinesis.

3. what do you remember liking about Palladium immediately

It seemed more fun then the D&D game I had played but I had a premade wizard there and didn't really know how the system worked.

4. what made you continue playing palladium games

At first availability, but then it became how much I liked the world.

5. what memory do you still carry with you today

Just how scary the Particle Beam rifle could be.

Daniel Stoker

Re: Your Earliest Palladium Memories

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:37 am
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
SmilingJack wrote:1. what was your first palladium character

A TMNT mutant Gorilla named Bubba. He wore bibbed overalls, drove a crotch-rocket and toted around a .50 caliber machine gun that he fired from the hip.

2. what was your first adventure like

I'm pretty sure it was the Terror on Rural Route 5 adventure. We used the setting of our local HS so we were very familiar with the layout. I remember the opening scene dialogue. The GM (our uncle) painted the picture of a rowdy frat house full of mutant miscreants. We were all sitting around watching TV when there was a knock at the door. It was the cops! Luckily before we could make any combat oriented decisions the Detective introduced himself and explained what he wanted. We didn't so much volunteer for the job as we were "voluntold". I still chuckle at the memory of squashing a mutant pig terrorist behind the automatic bleachers.

3. what do you remember liking about Palladium immediately

The mutant animals. I've always been a fan of animals in general but to find out i could basically be a Were-anything. i was immediately sold on the idea.

4. what made you continue playing palladium games

It was the first and really ONLY system I ever learned to play. I tried D&D once in Hs, but couldn't get the hang of it. I also vaguely remember trying to play the StarWars RPG but can't remember anything other than having a wookie that changed colors like a snowshoe hare. Plus it was just SO dang fun. I never ran into any of the rule problems others say are some common in the game. I really think those people are just trying to over complicate things

5. what memory do you still carry with you today

The look on my uncles face when I did this...

In a TMNT/HU1r campaign our merry band of Mutant Animals and Aliens had been contracted/conscripted by the government to be their go to problem solvers. In some random spot or another we ran into what appeared to be a pirate ship full of vampires. Luckily the vampire creatures were susceptible to our energy weapons (we'd just problem solved something on another planet). The action conversation went like this:

ME (Percivil: a mutant kangaroo): I roll to strike the vampire with my laser sword

GM: The vampire dodges by turning into mist. You hear a faint sizzle as your sword hisses through the cloud where he used to be.

ME: Is the cloud still there? Has he resolidified yet?

GM: The cloud is still there. He hasn't reformed, but you can tell the mist is condensing and getting thicker.

ME: I stick my face in the cloud and go (makes exaggerated drawn out sucking noise by inhaling through pursed lips) and then hold it in!
(There is a period of shocked silence as the GM just sort of stares at me with his jaw hanging open and this "i can't believe you just did that" look on his face.)
GM: Holy Sh!^ dude! (He then laughed until he had tears in his eyes.) Okay man, your lungs are starting to burn and it feels like something is trying to claw it's way out of your chest.

ME: Ok I'm gonna spit/blow it all out.

GM: You manage to spit out all of the vampire you inhaled plus cough up a couple mouthfuls of blood and what might be some lung tissue. The vampire reforms in front of you with a wide eyed look of terror on it's face. It screams in horror, turns from you and runs toward the opposite side of the deck. As it goes to leap over the edge you hear BUZZZFFFFFFZZZZT and it vaporizes into a cloud of red mist. Looking to your side you see Puff (an "alien" dragon) holding a smoking plasma ejector.

Percivil was the first character I made after purchasing my own set of books and to this day is one of my favorites. Surprisingly he's still alive after 25 years (meaning he never died in play and his sheet wasn't destroyed. sadly he doesn't have 25 years of play or XP behind him).

Re: Your Earliest Palladium Memories

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:47 am
by The Dark Elf
SmilingJack wrote:we all remember our first experience playing a Palladium game

many of those memories Shaped how we play today, and Are often fondly remembered

so what are your earliest memories?

here are some questions to help stimulate Your memories

1. what was your first palladium character

Seriously cant remember (probably TMNT)

2. what was your first adventure like

Walk along - scarecrow - walk along - manticore - walk along chasm with poles to jump across (think Bok Pai) - door; open it - treasure. That is a 100% accurate PFRPG first game we played. I can even remember the map (that obviously wasnt needed).

3. what do you remember liking about Palladium immediately

Simple, easy. I was instantly attracted to the religions section and the spells list and the variety of other games they did.

4. what made you continue playing palladium games

The PFRPG adventures were freaking awesome! The megavarse of being able to change game. PFRPG had multiple OCCs which is hands down why that turned into our main game.

5. what memory do you still carry with you today

All the memories of playing Island at the edge of the world! And being published in the Rifter. And the eulsive POHs! Also, when I was young I caught my brother writing some stuff down for TMNT for his game with his friends and and I remember taking the **** out of him for writing for fun! and nowadays....

Re: Your Earliest Palladium Memories

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:11 am
by jaymz
1. what was your first palladium character

Bot RCC from Sourcebook 1 for Rifts

2. what was your first adventure like

Chaotic in a good way

3. what do you remember liking about Palladium immediately

The fact Rifts seemed to have everything in one place. Bots, Mages, Psychics, Mutants, Demons, Vampires etc

4. what made you continue playing palladium games

That's what the guys that got me hooked played so I stuck with it.....that and Robotech really.

5. what memory do you still carry with you today

All the fun had with friends.

Re: Your Earliest Palladium Memories

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 6:13 am
by T-Willard
I got my book kind of special. We saw an ad for Rifts in something, I don't really remember if it was in Dragon magazine or in the back of one of the new books for the Palladium RPG, but we didn't exactly have access to a gaming store. (Right here is why you'll see I have a lot of brand loyalty :P ) Since the "order from" bit was for Palladium books we (meaning my friends made me) wrote to Palladium, told them the situation, and sent a money order for the Core Book. Palladium sent us the Core Books we wanted, along with some other little things, and a personal note scrawled on a piece of paper that said "Thanks for playing! ~Kevin~" which meant a lot to all of us.

1. what was your first palladium character CS Rogue Scientist mod

2. what was your first adventure like Heading to NORAD to find out what happened to it.

3. what do you remember liking about Palladium immediately BIG FRIGGIN' ROBOTS!

4. what made you continue playing palladium games I like the MD system, the world (It's liked an amped up Gamma World), and some of the s tuff.

5. what memory do you still carry with you today The First Mechaniod War

Re: Your Earliest Palladium Memories

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:16 pm
by dragonfett
My first character was a headhunter, and while I don't remember the first campaign I played in, I do remember by brother's GMPC was a Stage one Promethean who had Rifted to Earth in a spaceship. What I remember liking about Palladium (Rifts actually) was the seamless blending of high levels of magic and technology into one setting (well, perhaps not exactly seamless, but certainly better than other setting that I had ever read about). That is the main reason I keep looking for a group willing to play Rifts with (I am currently in a pbp on Google+). The memory that I still carry with me actually happened while I was GM'ing a game for some friends up in Georgia a few years ago and they came across a Thornhead Demon and one of my players just out of the blue shouted "KKKIIIIIIDDDD VVEEENNISSOONN!!!"

Re: Your Earliest Palladium Memories

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:25 pm
by DhAkael
Weekend long gamaing sessions and crazy stuff like Juicers riding on top of SAMAS...and that was the tame sessions.