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Re: Assumed Pre-requisite Skills for OCC Skills

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 11:59 pm
by Alrik Vas
Yeah, this has been a bit odd for me too. Like the MoS for the merc soldiers, you can get your MD as a medic but it doesn't say you need to prerequisites, or it does? Pretty confusing.

HAhaha, sorry, you were looking for answers not agreement. :P

Re: Assumed Pre-requisite Skills for OCC Skills

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:10 am
by Grand Paladin
Christopher Booth wrote:I apologize if this has been answered previously, but I missed it. I was able to track down some general info in the archived FAQ, which answered a lot, but not enough

According to RUE PG 299 and an archived FAQ (If an OCC/RCC/MOC skill has a pre-requisite, the character is assumed to have those pre-requisite skills.

Prime example: CS Tech officer, Robotics MOS (RUE pg 236) actually has an entire skill TREE that is not listed (Robot Electronics, requiring Electrical Engineer, which in turn requires Advanced Math)

Question 1) What/Where are the rules for the percentages? Base skill only? Per-level adjustments? Skill bonuses? (IE if the pre-requisite skill falls under one of the OCC skills or OCC related skill categories that receives a bonus.

Question 2) Do these assumed skills count towards pre-requisites for other skills? (The assumed Mechanical engineer, for Robot Mechanics, allowing Weapons engineer to be chosen as MOS)

Question 1: The rule of thumb that I would use is, if the OCC has a skill bonus for the requisite skill category, add that to the requisite skill and the skill progresses per the standard advancement for that skill.

Question 2: Yes.

Re: Assumed Pre-requisite Skills for OCC Skills

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:43 am
by drewkitty ~..~
#1 Yes, if the OCC/PCC/RCC/MOS skill has a pre-requ that is not stated in the skills list then the char gets that (or One of) pre-requ skill. At Base % + IQ bonus if any, +the skill's normal level up bonus. (i.e.: no bonus % from class/specialty skill set.)

#2 Yes.

Re: Assumed Pre-requisite Skills for OCC Skills

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 11:09 am
by Grimlock
Has anyone ever considered replacing a skill missing prerequisites with another, perhaps more appropriate, skill?

The Spacer O.C.C. from Phase World is supposed to have the Spaceship Mechanics skill without any prerequisites. I've always imagined that the Basic Mechanics skills, which was introduced sometime AFTER Phase World was published, made more sense, only adapted to the Phase World environment to include repairs on most systems found on a spaceship; perhaps a hybrid skill called "Basic Spaceship Mechanics".

In terms of the Medic MOS for the Merc Soldier O.C.C., I think I have an easy fix:
The line that states "Pathology (+10%) OR Chemistry (+10%)" should be changed to "Pathology (+10%) AND Chemistry (+10%)", since Chemistry is a prerequisite for Pathology anyway. That leaves Literacy as the only missing prerequisite skill for Medical Doctor; replace "Brewing (+5%)" with "Literacy: Native (+5%)" and you're set. I mean: Why would Brewing even be a part of Medic MOS package? When is a Merc going to be hiding behind cover, pinned by gunfire, and decide to make lemonade? :P


Re: Assumed Pre-requisite Skills for OCC Skills

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:05 pm
by eliakon
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:#1 Yes, if the OCC/PCC/RCC/MOS skill has a pre-requ that is not stated in the skills list then the char gets that (or One of) pre-requ skill. At Base % + IQ bonus if any, +the skill's normal level up bonus. (i.e.: no bonus % from class/specialty skill set.)

#2 Yes.

I would respectfully disagree and allow the player to use half the skill bonus for the master skill for all prerequisites. *shrugs* Since there is, as far as I know, no canon on this we just have to infer. I figure that you will be good (half bonus) at the basics of your work, and really good (full bonus) at the specifics of it. Mileage may vary. *shrugs*

Re: Assumed Pre-requisite Skills for OCC Skills

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 3:38 pm
by Eashamahel
I've always thought a good solution was to give that pre-requisite skill the same bonus as it would have gotten had it been selected as an OCC Related Skill. The Operator actually has about the same issues as the CS Tech character, where he has several un-listed mechanical skills that he needs as pre-requisites. If he is just given them as OCC skills, they are lower percentage than if he were to have selected them as Related Skills, where he gets a bonus to mechanical skills.