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Re: Are there any written adventures (modules)

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 10:21 am
by Nekira Sudacne
fenix wrote:Are there are any written adventures for RIFTS or any of the other Palladium Games? The only one I know of is Coalition War Campaign.

Note: I am not looking for "Hooks, Lines, & Sinkers". I am a father of 2 very young children who works very long hours and my one bit of fun I look forward to is running my RPG group every two weeks. Sadly, I don't have time to build out an adventure on my own, however it seems like my group really wants to play RIFTS. I played RIFTS a LOT 10 years ago when I had less responsibilities and I had the time to build adventures, but sadly, I don't have as much time as I used to.

Is there anyone that can help?

in general Rifts dosnt' really have premade adventure moduels, both as a design choice of leaving more in the hands of GM's, and because Rifts is so innately unbalanced that making an adventure suitable for levels x-y is completely impossible. there are so many OCC's (hundreds) at such varying power levels (vagabonds to cosmo knights) that there is no baseline from which to publish generally balanced adventures. a fight that would be utterly challanging to one group could be soloed by a single more powerful OCC in another group. Rifts requires a heavy GM hand tweaking everything to the party actually asembled. So if you don't have time to do that, Rifts really is not going to make it easy on you.

a party of a rouge scientist, rouge scholar and city rat could be forced to flee from a fight that a full conversion cyborg could solo, and that's just the main book classes.

Re: Are there any written adventures (modules)

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 12:42 pm
by glitterboy2098
the RIFTER has a few premade adventures in them.. would have to look to remember which. Sourcebook 1 (both versions) has an adventure in it as well. generally there aren't many fleshed out adventures.. palladium tends to prefer plot hooks and hook-line-sinker set ups where they provide ideas and the GM's flesh them out.

Re: Are there any written adventures (modules)

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 11:52 am
by glitterboy2098
from the nexus nine rifter index..

Demonwrath - Rifter 8 - (don't remember this one, sorry)

The Bandits of Hollow Hill - Rifter 17 - fully detailed adventure. bandits have been attacking trade caravans, can the players find them and stop them?

Thunderbolt Adventure - Rifter 20 - someone has stolen the first GAW built A-10, its up to the player characters to find out who and where they hid it.

A Komplex Problem - Rifter 31 - strange things are going on in the NGR. can the players help uncover them?

On patrol - Rifter 34 - (not read this one, sorry)

note that these are just ones where the adventure material is more detailed. lots of articles have adventure's that are mostly suggested plot, but the GM gets to flesh out the details.

Re: Are there any written adventures (modules)

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 1:46 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
fenix wrote:
glitterboy2098 wrote:from the nexus nine rifter index..

Demonwrath - Rifter 8 - (don't remember this one, sorry)

The Bandits of Hollow Hill - Rifter 17 - fully detailed adventure. bandits have been attacking trade caravans, can the players find them and stop them?

Thunderbolt Adventure - Rifter 20 - someone has stolen the first GAW built A-10, its up to the player characters to find out who and where they hid it.

A Komplex Problem - Rifter 31 - strange things are going on in the NGR. can the players help uncover them?

On patrol - Rifter 34 - (not read this one, sorry)

note that these are just ones where the adventure material is more detailed. lots of articles have adventure's that are mostly suggested plot, but the GM gets to flesh out the details.

Thanks for the answer... It seems like Rifter #34 is prohibitively expensive online. Anyone have any idea why that is?

It was a very popular issue, as it had official material for the Rifts Arzno book that was cut due to wordcount.

However, you can buy .pdf's of most of the Rifters from palladium at Drive thru RPG. only 8$ for the PDF version.

Re: Are there any written adventures (modules)

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 4:58 am
by Warwolf
Rifts: Mercenaries also has an adventure included in the back. The Merc Adventure Sourcebook also has a neat pre-adventure set in a mercenary boot-camp that'd be good for kiddos just starting out. Beyond those and what has been stated above, there was an adventure book included with the G.M.s screen that I think had at least one full adventure in it (Xiticix and the Green Death, perhap?). You also might try looking over at the Megaversal Ambassadors forum. If some haven't been posted over there, you could still ask for some of the members to email you any convention games they have on-hand.

Re: Are there any written adventures (modules)

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 12:21 pm
by glitterboy2098
fenix wrote:
glitterboy2098 wrote:from the nexus nine rifter index..

Demonwrath - Rifter 8 - (don't remember this one, sorry)

The Bandits of Hollow Hill - Rifter 17 - fully detailed adventure. bandits have been attacking trade caravans, can the players find them and stop them?

Thunderbolt Adventure - Rifter 20 - someone has stolen the first GAW built A-10, its up to the player characters to find out who and where they hid it.

A Komplex Problem - Rifter 31 - strange things are going on in the NGR. can the players help uncover them?

On patrol - Rifter 34 - (not read this one, sorry)

note that these are just ones where the adventure material is more detailed. lots of articles have adventure's that are mostly suggested plot, but the GM gets to flesh out the details.

I had mentioned in my post that I am NOT looking for Hooks Lines & Sinkers

and i gave you the fully fleshed out adventures. these aren't HL&S's, they are full adventures. if i listed HL&S's i'd have half the rifter issues listed.