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Is this RIFTS review accurate and fair?

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 5:24 am
by Baron mugwort
OK so I doubt we really needed a RIFTS review given its age and all BUT I do want to encourage new gamers to get into RPG's.

I chose RIFTS because it is still one of my favorites.

Let me know what you think guys :)

Re: Is this RIFTS review accurate and fair?

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 6:34 am
by Baron mugwort
Cheers amigo, yeah you are right I used the term Hitpoint so people could understand it a little better. Hmm will clear that up now.

With the rules being all over the place, I agree with you on character creation BUT how do you get PPE or cast spells? How do you shoot down missiles? etc. but to be fair I know I couldn't have done it any better lol. It's not a criticism as such, I hope it comes across that this is one of my fave games of all time but when writing a review you have to pick a flaw or two :P

Also I will be reviewing Ultimate Edition in the next couple of weeks. I did the main book just because I know it and love it. You can still get hold of it on DrivethruRPG or Ebay! As a side note I LOVE ULTIMATE EDITION :D (well most of it lol).

As far as new players taking an age to make a character, I reckon you and your friends are a lot faster than mine! I have a very slow ponderous friend who agonizes over every single thing he selects and our game sessions are usually only 4 hours.... by the time this guy has killed 2-3hours making his character the session is over :P

Fair point about that 2nd paragraph towards the end! Consider it gone :D

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my review and comment on it. I have taken your advice and will apply it right now!

P.S. after I make your changes perhaps you could give me a positive vote ;)

Re: Is this RIFTS review accurate and fair?

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 6:43 am
by Eclipse
Actually, if someone's commentary on trying to use the book (possibly RUE as well as the original main Rifts book) strictly according to the text to create a character is correct, trying to make a character can take inordinately long if you don't have someone to guide you through the process, due to some inconsistencies in the writing. And the ratio is 100 SDC to an MDC for inanimate objects and 100 SDC or HP to an MDC for animate beings. Of course other rpgs have their own character creation issues. Other rpgs like DND have plenty of out-of-the-box characters too now, thanks to template races. Rifts is a wonderful mashup of scifi, magic and psionics if you don't look beneath the facade too much. Also the main book picture is quite good looking, although the original grab bag of art in the centre of the original main book left a little to be desired with some of the pics e.g. generic druid lady..

It was an interesting review, but I don't want to either kiss ass or insult you with the options you put on the poll :) 7 out of 10 sounds good, partly because of your enthusiasm.

Re: Is this RIFTS review accurate and fair?

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 10:42 am
by Baron mugwort
I see what you are saying J.L. I have to offer my apologies as I am very new to this kind of thing.

Still you are very right in what you say and thanks for the confidence boost.

Thank you for your comments :D they are indeed wise :)

Re: Is this RIFTS review accurate and fair?

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 11:35 pm
by Sureshot
I give it a 8 on 10. And as J L has said never ever change your review because it bothers those who read it. Change it if you made a mistake. That's it. Keep up the good work.

Re: Is this RIFTS review accurate and fair?

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 4:26 am
by Baron mugwort
Thanks for the support guys :D also thank so much for taking the time to read my review.

I will be reviewing Ultimate Edition in the next week or so.

Take it easy :D

Re: Is this RIFTS review accurate and fair?

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 4:20 am
by Baron mugwort
Will be posting my Ultimate Edition review this Wednesday :)