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The circus Robotech style...
Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 1:56 am
by Rimmerdal
Trying to imagine a circus that travels from star system to star System. Now the tough part is what to put in it. I just don't see a bearded Praxian or the Universes tiniest Karbonarite being attractions. As for animals there the Falcons the praxians have...but aside from them Wondering what would be in a circus.
So far I have in mind an old decommissioned Zentraedi Warship group (2 scout, 1 Troop carrier and a selection of smaller ships to transport between ships.
So the two basic Questions...
1) any cool animals or side shows That fit in?
2) Would this be a viable way to have PC's travel the universe?
Re: The circus Robotech style...
Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 1:26 pm
by taalismn
I had a Rifts circus show that featured several Bioroids as mechanized giant tumblers and of their acts was the 'Ball of Danger!' where a pretty acrobat strapped herself into a double sphere ball-cage that was juggled by a Bioroid before the audience. That count?
There's always raiding a Genesis Pit for dinos and monsters(who might look horrible, but actually have sweet dispositions).
Re: The circus Robotech style...
Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 10:52 pm
by Alpha 11
Interesting ideals.
Re: The circus Robotech style...
Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 8:26 pm
by taalismn
-Strongman acts are right out the door because all you gotta do is call in a full-sized Zentraedi to start bench-pressing tanker trucks.
-Flying stunts get kind of cliched when you got mecha dogfighting all over the place; you go to the circus to FORGET the wars, not be reminded of them.
You COULD have:
-Garudan acrobats or jugglers.
-Perytonian 'energy mages' showing off. Is it biology, techno-trickery, or ACTUAL magic? Decide for yourself because they ain't tellin'.
-Spherian 'light dancers' refracting various colored lights through their bodies(or reflecting OFF them) and creating light shows through their very movements
-Karbarrean 'industrial daredevils'; motorcycle stunters, acrobats tumbling about a 'motion machine' that looks like something out a steampunk fever-dream.
-Classic Tirolian dancers(or what they THINK is 'classic')
Re: The circus Robotech style...
Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:03 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Replace the vampires in the circus creation tables (R:VK) with invid.
Re: The circus Robotech style...
Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:29 pm
by Alpha 11
taalismn wrote:-Strongman acts are right out the door because all you gotta do is call in a full-sized Zentraedi to start bench-pressing tanker trucks.
-Flying stunts get kind of cliched when you got mecha dogfighting all over the place; you go to the circus to FORGET the wars, not be reminded of them.
You COULD have:
-Garudan acrobats or jugglers.
-Perytonian 'energy mages' showing off. Is it biology, techno-trickery, or ACTUAL magic? Decide for yourself because they ain't tellin'.
-Spherian 'light dancers' refracting various colored lights through their bodies(or reflecting OFF them) and creating light shows through their very movements
-Karbarrean 'industrial daredevils'; motorcycle stunters, acrobats tumbling about a 'motion machine' that looks like something out a steampunk fever-dream.
-Classic Tirolian dancers(or what they THINK is 'classic')
Cool ideals.
Re: The circus Robotech style...
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:12 am
by taalismn
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Replace the vampires in the circus creation tables (R:VK) with invid.
Just advise visitors not to wear Flower of Life blooms on their person.
Re: The circus Robotech style...
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:21 pm
by Rimmerdal
Alpha 11 wrote:taalismn wrote:-Strongman acts are right out the door because all you gotta do is call in a full-sized Zentraedi to start bench-pressing tanker trucks.
-Flying stunts get kind of cliched when you got mecha dogfighting all over the place; you go to the circus to FORGET the wars, not be reminded of them.
You COULD have:
-Garudan acrobats or jugglers.
-Perytonian 'energy mages' showing off. Is it biology, techno-trickery, or ACTUAL magic? Decide for yourself because they ain't tellin'.
-Spherian 'light dancers' refracting various colored lights through their bodies(or reflecting OFF them) and creating light shows through their very movements
-Karbarrean 'industrial daredevils'; motorcycle stunters, acrobats tumbling about a 'motion machine' that looks like something out a steampunk fever-dream.
-Classic Tirolian dancers(or what they THINK is 'classic')
Cool ideals.
These will work and I do have an older unknown Spherian race that can do the light show trick. As well as the pre-mutation Perytons available as well. That Karbarrenean I keep getting an image of Evil Ken-evil in a bear suit...LOL!
all these assets are also quite combat capable...except the Tyrolian dancers.
Re: The circus Robotech style...
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:24 pm
by Rimmerdal
taalismn wrote:drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Replace the vampires in the circus creation tables (R:VK) with invid.
Just advise visitors not to wear Flower of Life blooms on their person.
An Invid brain running a circus could be a nice twist. The brain could a rogue, it could be the Regis herself doing recon, an earlier version of a stage 5...Even someone who submitted to Invid experimentation..
Re: The circus Robotech style...
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:12 pm
by taalismn
Rimmerdal wrote:taalismn wrote:drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Replace the vampires in the circus creation tables (R:VK) with invid.
Just advise visitors not to wear Flower of Life blooms on their person.
An Invid brain running a circus could be a nice twist. The brain could a rogue, it could be the Regis herself doing recon, an earlier version of a stage 5...Even someone who submitted to Invid experimentation..
The Genesis Show?
I have an image of an Invid Clam Ship acting as a mobile concert stage....

Re: The circus Robotech style...
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:16 pm
by SRoss
taalismn wrote:Rimmerdal wrote:taalismn wrote:drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Replace the vampires in the circus creation tables (R:VK) with invid.
Just advise visitors not to wear Flower of Life blooms on their person.
An Invid brain running a circus could be a nice twist. The brain could a rogue, it could be the Regis herself doing recon, an earlier version of a stage 5...Even someone who submitted to Invid experimentation..
The Genesis Show?
I have an image of an Invid Clam Ship acting as a mobile concert stage....

Mommie! The t-shirt you bought won't fit over my third arm!"

Re: The circus Robotech style...
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 2:05 am
by glitterboy2098
Rimmerdal wrote:all these assets are also quite combat capable...except the Tyrolian dancers.
the dancers are a trick.. they don't need to be combat capable because the live band plays Tirolian hypnotic instruments (all male Muse triumverate), and the Dancers (an all female Muse Triumverate)
really know how to distract the viewers.
Re: The circus Robotech style...
Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 6:32 pm
by Rimmerdal
those ideas started my thinking. I have few notions and will add a Praxian Aviary as well.
Current acts:
The Goranza Family
-Garudan acrobats and jugglers.
Clan Far'ngala
-A family of Perytonian (?) 'energy mages' showing off. Is it biology, techno-trickery, or ACTUAL magic? Decide for yourself because they ain't tellin'.
the Sun's Heart:
-Spherian 'light dancers' refracting various colored lights through their bodies(or reflecting OFF them) and creating light shows through their very movements.
The Urilla stunt Performers:
-Karbarrean 'industrial daredevils'; motorcycle stunt riders and acrobats. there act is tumbling, riding act with spheres, ramps and twirling ribbon like roads connecting the spheres.
Unnamed acts:
-a Classic troupe of Tirolian Musicians and dancers(or what they THINK is 'classic')
-A knife and thrown weapons act by a group of seemingly blind aliens.
-An escape artists act
-Stunt and Trick Archery act
Re: The circus Robotech style...
Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 7:31 pm
by taalismn
Looks good so far....maybe some exotic animal acts or an IMU designed and equipped for special effects and spectacular performance?(Like a battloid designed to fold in impossible ways, do tricks like standing on one hand, breakdancing, tumbling, etc,, and done up in a full-hull mirror chrome polish job or harlequin patterns).
Re: The circus Robotech style...
Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 8:17 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
There could be some invid mutations (animals or people) in the curios section of the circus.
Re: The circus Robotech style...
Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 9:15 pm
by taalismn
glitterboy2098 wrote:Rimmerdal wrote:all these assets are also quite combat capable...except the Tyrolian dancers.
the dancers are a trick.. they don't need to be combat capable because the live band plays Tirolian hypnotic instruments (all male Muse triumverate), and the Dancers (an all female Muse Triumverate)
really know how to distract the viewers.
When not performing, the Tirolians can double as sound and communications technicians/coordinators.
But if you're using a Zentraedi cruiser plus some auxiliaries(the Quiltra-Draenitz transports from the Masters Saga RPG Book?), you could carry a reinforced BATTALION of backstage workers and still have room, and not have to have your performers doing multiple jobs.
Re: The circus Robotech style...
Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 10:55 am
by Rimmerdal
Ya backstage and comm staff..I'll need to sort that out. the Tyrolians easily double as diplomatic staff as well.
I have a few other races that have the ability to safely go into electrical energy and radiation to help out in engineering. and of course some sort of security.
Animal acts will be a Falcon training team. Others will be fenerous cats (cats about the size lynx and bob cats able to displace them selves with a telepathic image.), and a few space borne life forms kept in special bays exposed to space.
Re: The circus Robotech style...
Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 1:56 pm
by taalismn
Rimmerdal wrote:Ya backstage and comm staff..I'll need to sort that out. the Tyrolians easily double as diplomatic staff as well.
I have a few other races that have the ability to safely go into electrical energy and radiation to help out in engineering. and of course some sort of security.
Animal acts will be a Falcon training team. Others will be fenerous cats (cats about the size lynx and bob cats able to displace them selves with a telepathic image.), and a few space borne life forms kept in special bays exposed to space.
Or if you don't want to shuttle people up to space to see the critters, create an enclosed vacuum chamber with gravity-nullifiers...expensive, but doable. Maybe build it into a reconditioned Zentraedi ReEntry/Landing Pod, with the forward ramp replaced with a giant transparency.
Re: The circus Robotech style...
Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 10:07 pm
by Rimmerdal
taalismn wrote:Rimmerdal wrote:Ya backstage and comm staff..I'll need to sort that out. the Tyrolians easily double as diplomatic staff as well.
I have a few other races that have the ability to safely go into electrical energy and radiation to help out in engineering. and of course some sort of security.
Animal acts will be a Falcon training team. Others will be fenerous cats (cats about the size lynx and bob cats able to displace them selves with a telepathic image.), and a few space borne life forms kept in special bays exposed to space.
Or if you don't want to shuttle people up to space to see the critters, create an enclosed vacuum chamber with gravity-nullifiers...expensive, but doable. Maybe build it into a reconditioned Zentraedi ReEntry/Landing Pod, with the forward ramp replaced with a giant transparency.
Sort of like fish tanks for space fish...hmmm might go that route. Could use them to eliminate problems like nosy adventurers.
Re: The circus Robotech style...
Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 10:17 am
by taalismn
And if the space fish get uppity or prove dangerous...well, turn off the power, open the hatch, and watch them implode.

Re: The circus Robotech style...
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 12:49 pm
by Rimmerdal
Thinking a multi-armed juggling act..a group of hyper agile 4 armed aliens. probable insectoid types since there aren't that many bug races in Robotech. so they'd be a rare and unique sight.
Re: The circus Robotech style...
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:50 pm
by taalismn
Rimmerdal wrote:Thinking a multi-armed juggling act..a group of hyper agile 4 armed aliens. probable insectoid types since there aren't that many bug races in Robotech. so they'd be a rare and unique sight.
That's when raiding Aliens Unlimited can come in handy for Central Casting aliens.