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Re: A single table of Missile stats?

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 10:24 pm
by Sgt Anjay
In the Shadow Chronicles manga size the list of missiles starts on pg. 185 bottom right ("Explosives and Other Equipment") and goes to pg. 187

Re: A single table of Missile stats?

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 10:45 pm
by jaymz
Shadow chronicles deluxe hardcover lists them all on page 131

Re: A single table of Missile stats?

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:32 am
by ShadowLogan
Murdock_SE wrote:Is it me, or is the SC:RPG and Macross Saga book in particular in dire need of a full missile listing, akin to the original RPG's "MISSILES RANGES WARHEADS DAMAGE" table? Does one exist in any of the shadow chronicles rpg books? I own the core book and the Macross book only (for now). In many places, the book just states "Per mini-missile" or "Per short-range missle", but then you are never provided a full listing? Perhaps I'm just overlooking something staring me in the face. I'm to the point where I may just use the original 1st edition book's table, which I do still have in hand thankfully.

They are listed in the Shadow Chronicles Main Book (on the pages previously identified), however it is not presented in the chart layout and format found in the original RT or in Rifts & HU lines, but rather chunks of text for each listing that resembles the more common weapon entries approach.