Tarantino game part two. This gets better. Not safe for kids

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Re: Tarantino game part two. This gets better. Not safe for

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Umm.... Well.... Umm... Yeah....I've got nothing.
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Re: Tarantino game part two. This gets better. Not safe for

Unread post by Phaze »

I could swear I had that same dream last night....but I can't remember. :)
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Re: Tarantino game part two. This gets better. Not safe for

Unread post by Rimmerdal »

Good part is they took out that taco stand...not a fan of street Tacos..
Last edited by Rimmerdal on Tue Oct 22, 2013 12:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
taalismn wrote:
Rimmerdal wrote:mmm Rifts street meat..

Flooper. Fried, broiled, or chipped.
It's like eating Chinese.
FLOOP! And you're hungry again.
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Re: Tarantino game part two. This gets better. Not safe for

Unread post by taalismn »

I got as far as liquor still, meth lab, small arms shop/ammo dump, fuel canisters and started looking for cover....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Tarantino game part two. This gets better. Not safe for

Unread post by Rimmerdal »

taalismn wrote:I got as far as liquor still, meth lab, small arms shop/ammo dump, fuel canisters and started looking for cover....

Hope you didn't hide behind that Taco stand..
taalismn wrote:
Rimmerdal wrote:mmm Rifts street meat..

Flooper. Fried, broiled, or chipped.
It's like eating Chinese.
FLOOP! And you're hungry again.
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Re: Tarantino game part two. This gets better. Not safe for

Unread post by taalismn »

Rimmerdal wrote:
taalismn wrote:I got as far as liquor still, meth lab, small arms shop/ammo dump, fuel canisters and started looking for cover....

Hope you didn't hide behind that Taco stand..

You NEVER hide behind stands in any action movie. Especially if there's a chance automobiles will be involved. The fruit/flower stand ALWAYS gets it.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Tarantino game part two. This gets better. Not safe for

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

Dr_Rockzo wrote:So the players figured out the money they had from a drug deal was traced because it is the RDF that is involved in running drugs and then redistributing the money. Long story short they get sent to a base near the city of New Kansas City. This base is well more refined and large but hey...its the post apocalypse world so the military takes what it can get as far as personnel goes. Anyway I am skipping a lot of the dry stuff...on what happened and why they didn't get kicked out of the military on the go. Though they had plans on starting a hit man service, opening up a strip club etc. LOL

Anyway our four heros. Two PC's a Veritech Pilot and a Ranger and two NPC's a Forrest Gump type Private, and a Mechanic who tends to look after his slow friend.

Anyway the become part of a mission..."Operation Jelly Bean". They need to engage a wrecked Zen. ship and the micronized Zen settlement (along with human bandits) that are around it. They are dealing with both small and large targets.

So the first team to be dropped in is the Ranger/slow grunt/mechanic (comm guy). Their job is to take out anti-aircraft facilities. Well they are able to take the main one out 3 miles south of the Zen. ship. They take it with the Ranger and the Mechanic laying down fire while the slow Private is running through the woods cutting bad guys up with a Kabar. It appears to actually be built off old surplus Russian and Chinese systems showing that is was a human endeavor that built it. Once they leave there they find a liquor still in the woods, along with a reloading setup for small arms, a meth lab, and fuel canisters all in the same area. Well....once they realize the liquor is being made in radiators they opt out of it and the "slow hillbilly" private explains all he knows on how a meth lab works. Mmmmm....thinks the Ranger. He decides to have the slow guy steal as much of the meth as possible for their personal consumption.

As the Veritech squadron comes in for the main assault (which the other PC is a part of) the ground team takes the AA position back over to give them support in firing on Zen targets....yet two of the three of them are doing this while smoking Meth and drinking some Malt Liquor 40 oz's they found. Anyway after the fight and the RDF wins. (The crowd goes cheers!)

The guys get back to base and the Veritech pilots are cheered on...while no one cares about the ground pounders. Anyway the Veritech barracks are pooping with parties...one of the pilots is grilling out wearing a wooden barrel with suspenders, a cowboy hat, and cowboy boots. Guys are smoking out like Cheech and Chong and the decide to do to the..."Redlight" district in New KC.

So the Veritech pilots have their own party vehicle to carry a lot of guys. A dressed up International flatbed truck with nitrous, custom rims, and a black paint job on the cab with "The Murderface Express" on the hood. (There you go Metalcalypse fans).LOL

Anyway they get to this 3 block red light district. First problem during this fun is the "slow Private" is high on meth, and drunk and he has a knife to a hookers throat in which the Ranger PC resolves by throwing his KaBar into the privates arm. (good roll) Next all the guys end up in a pool hall together...(after the Private uses a condom to tie his arm up).

Then they hear gun shots on an epic scale....its turns out some micro zen and their outlaw human allies hunted down elements of the RDF for a little payback. Well....here is were it gets a bit weird. The team decides to get all the flammable liquor in the place and make molotovs. They head out the back and come down an alley.

They see a pickup with a bandit on the back coming their way and a fellow spraying an AK out the back. (BTW: They all have M9 pistols and Kabars on them). The Ranger in another epic knife throw takes the guy off the back with his Kabar. The Veritech pilot steps out and shoots the driver while the truck is going by making an epic head shot. Unfortunately the truck veres off and hits a small taco shack killing some of the patrons. Poor veritech pilot (he is also the one that accidentally shot down the airliner in last weeks game.) Anyway the PC's get up to a side street...and notice at the Transexual/Gay bar/brothel the clients and the workers are all being shot execution style...so the Ranger decides to save the place with a moltov throw....lets just say he got the baddies and a lot more. (shakes my head in disbelief)

Well the Veritech pilot runs back the other way only to find the slow guy stabbing the junk out of people with his Kabar. Well...the Veritech pilot uses a couple moltovs to take out some bad guys up ahead in which the slow guy runs to finish them off with his knife while they are on fire. The pilot PC tells him to stop and then commands him to find some transportation in which the slow guy responds "OK BOSS!", and then takes off running with knife in hand and condom bandage on his arm through a street of fire fighting looking for a ride to hot wire.

At this point the pilot PC has learned one of his guys got out of town by stealing the Donkey from the local Donkey show and road off to base with one of the hookers riding with him. LOL

At this point the Ranger is on the opposite side off the red light district checking out a parked moving truck across the street from the transexual/gay brothel that he set on fire...not the least bit concerned for the well being of the people who are injured. Anyway he is doing his best to figure out this lone moving truck sitting there by its lonesome. He looks down the street in time to see a few bars and brothels blow up...but for some reason he thinks he found a ride. Well...he doesn't have the skills to hotwire it so he just tosses a moltolv at it. Guess what...epic boom of massive proportions! Whole dang block and many buildings goes up...by the time this happens the Ranger is far enough away to not get killed...but knocked forward about 30 feet and suffers from a concussion.

They have no idea where the slow guy is, the mechanic NPC and the Veritech pilot are holed up inside the Donkey show bar, while the Ranger is dazzed and confused in some light rubble. They are getting reports on their radios that New Kansas City has over 10 more bombs like that on the ground and the military and police need everyman they can get.

Next week on Tarantino meets Macross can our party animal Veritech pilot, his twisted meth addict, drunken ranger buddy and his slow sidekick save the day with their level headed mechanic who is still wondering how he ended up here?


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