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Splicer Earth

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:35 am
by Akashic Soldier
Hey Guys,

One of the players in my new game will be from Splicers Earth so I was going through the dimension book making sure what works where and how and thought to myself...

"Hey, he is always telling me to talk to the guys on the Splicers forum because they're cool!"

So I was wondering if anyone had already stated out the Splicer's Dimension so I wouldn't have to bother? :P

I rolled the dimensional matrix but that was as far as I got before I thought of hitting you guys up. You can see what I am talking about here. The rules for dimension building are in Dimension Book 7 if anyone was curious. Its easy as heck but I was hoping to find out if there was something with a semi-official capacity before I put any real hard work into it.

I'd also like to know if there are any cool Splicers Landscape images and if so where? :)

Thank you!

Re: Splicer Earth

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 10:08 am
by The Galactus Kid
As far as being rolled up using those rules in DB: 7, I'm not sure if that has ever been done. I will say that the rules for characters from other settings and taking a splicers character into other dimensions is covered in the main book. Now that you've brought this up, I'm intrigued.

Re: Splicer Earth

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 10:22 am
by NMI
Yeah, if I recall, it mentions in the back of the Splicer's book what happens when taking PC's from Splicers to other realms and vice versa. It will be interesting to see what you come up with.

Re: Splicer Earth

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 9:27 am
by darkguyver
No need to quote that much text in a single go. A sentence here and there to back up a point is fine but not several successive paragraphs Jefffar.

Re: Splicer Earth

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:49 am
by Razorwing
In all honesty, I would think that the bio-regenerative powers of most supernatural and creatures of magic would make them immune to the nano-bot plague for the same reason that it makes it impossible to implant them with bionics/cybernetics. In the case of the nano-bots, they are agressively attacked by their immune systems rather than the forced rejection seen with bionics/cybernetics.

Those few supernatural and creatures of magic that can get cybernetic systems (Broodkil and gargoyles for example) would be affected by the plague as normal.

Likewise, full conversion 'borgs I would see as being more or less immune too as they are effectively robot bodies with minimal organic systems (mostly just a brain). There is just too little organic matter left in these borgs to produce much of an effect, and that what there is is usually heavily shielded/contained.

Re: Splicer Earth

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 6:22 pm
by darkguyver
Razorwing wrote:Likewise, full conversion 'borgs I would see as being more or less immune too as they are effectively robot bodies with minimal organic systems (mostly just a brain). There is just too little organic matter left in these borgs to produce much of an effect, and that what there is is usually heavily shielded/contained.

Like this unless it air tight which won't if brain would be torn to pieces do to plage

Re: Splicer Earth

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:18 pm
by Razorwing
I'm just saying that in a lot of cases, a full conversion Borg will have so little of their original organic parts and what parts they do have will be burried so deep within their mechanical bodies that the chances of the nanobot plague affecting them is vitually non-existant. Of course, trying to get someone to fix anything that goes wrong with them will be a bit of a problem as no one can touch them without triggering the plague, but that's a different kettle of fish entirely.

Re: Splicer Earth

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 10:13 pm
by boxee
To be totally honest there is really no problem with bringing any splicer character into any other setting. If going to an SDC setting just convert to SDC as usual, ie if it is MDC it is now SDC, simple.
The classes in splicers as written are balanced as long as the player uses the splicers book to write up the character. Only real problem is when players try to mix settings to make over powered characters, and you are smart enough to just tell them no.
One minor problem might be levelling up they get bio-e as they level for enhancements. You could find some way to let them do this or talk to them before hand and figure something out.

Re: Splicer Earth

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:05 pm
by Shark_Force
Razorwing wrote:I'm just saying that in a lot of cases, a full conversion Borg will have so little of their original organic parts and what parts they do have will be burried so deep within their mechanical bodies that the chances of the nanobot plague affecting them is vitually non-existant. Of course, trying to get someone to fix anything that goes wrong with them will be a bit of a problem as no one can touch them without triggering the plague, but that's a different kettle of fish entirely.

that's basically what the rules for bringing in characters from other settings says, anyways, so yes. that is what happens :P

of course, if their case is ever cracked, they're screwed... but then again, it's not like having your brain exposed to the open elements is exactly a wonderful thing even without the nanoplague.