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House rules...

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 6:00 pm
by pblackcrow
Post your house rules or ideas for house rules here. And can I please get a green tag for this post? Thanks everyone.

Cheers and ankh udja seneb.


Re: House rules...

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 7:42 am
by The Dark Elf
Take your shoes off at the door.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 1:51 pm
by pblackcrow
LOL! Bring the host either dried fruit, cookies, baked goods, and/or candies. In one case, bring the wife of the host candy and the host a bottle of Even Williams. That was a FUN game!!!

Re: House rules...

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 7:37 pm
by Cinos
I've got a million that re-write the game, so I'm not going to go into all of them here in any detail, but some bullet points;

EXP is point buy, since levels are among one of my least favorate RPG elements, more so in Palladium when levels can take a while and skills advanced in extremely unfocused and completely uncontroled ways. Each element of a character is broken down into costs, learning a new skill at base (Well, in this its at 0%), advancing a skill 1 level, getting a new level of a WP or Hand to Hand, getting a new OCC (or getting a level on their OCC/RCC), a new spell or psi power all had a cost that grew as they got higher and had a soft cap of 15 (in game events like mentors, or characters becoming truly legendary could raise it past this cap, and the EXP cost skyrocketed, but I had a game go long enough that the characters had about 20 class levels and some WP's in the 18's).

Skills where re-balanced to not be based on a 1 to 100 rating scale. Though 99 - 100 rolls where still failures, the average skill for a level 1 characters sat around 75 to 100%, while once they're past level 5 or so, 500% was pretty common, though characters rarely past that except for highly focused skills, one focused his Public Speaking so high, the exp cost was noticeably leaving his character anemic in other ways, he never had much P.P.E and never really got new spells beyond a few keynotes he used to not die (to make up for his lack of SDC). This allows for more common penalties. You're talking in a bar and the locals don't like you, so you're at -30% to public speaking. That penalty would be egregious in normal rules, since even at max public speaking, that's a third of your skill. It also allowed percentage reductions for 'difficult' tasks. Say you also offended a guys sister there, perhaps when dealing with him, your Public Speaking is also Reduced by 75%. So if you're at 200% Public Speaking, its 200 * .25 - 30, which would leave you with only 20% of your skill. Mean while, if you where truly a legendary silk tongued speaker, having 500% public speaking, you'd hold onto 95% skill rating, nearly perfect expectations. Perhaps if you where trying to talk a dragon into giving you some of its treasure without any real leverage or reason, perhaps a penalty more like a 99% Reduction and a -500% is in order. Once you got a hang of what the expectations of the player are, it worked super well to quickly assign a penalty that matched the situation, without the element of a level four character who's a trained computer tech failing at relatively basic elements of his job a quarter of the time.

Combat was split into 15 Second segments, which is similar to a lot of players Melee Round split, rather than having them all consecutive.

WP's where completely overhauled, rather than providing a flat "+1 Strike per 3 Levels" type deals, each WP had a list of abilities which had a growing cost. You'd get points for leveling the WP (Higher level = more points), which you would spend on the abilities you wanted. Some of these where just basic bonus to strike or parry with the weapon, some where bonus damage, higher critical rates, added death blow chances. Some where odder, maces had a bonus damage to armor and shields, as well as an ability which let them add some of their hit damage even when they hit armor to the wearer, daggers had an ability to increase poison damage, or deal crippling strikes, and most had a few different proc effects, such as daggers "Blade Twisting", chance to cause an additional attack after an attack which hit past armor.

Hand to Hands worked in a similar way, but worked for all attacks (unarmed had its own WP), that acted as the foundation of your characters fighting style, as well as holding things like Dodge bonus, or initiative and the like. These in conjunction really allowed you to go into detail about how your character fights and build a style that suits them and translates their personality. Do they get huge damage bonuses and swing blindly? Are they cautious and load up on defensive tech? Do they develop highly skilled fighting styles or live in the shallow ends of capability? It also created a greater rift in the higher levels between those who have combat training and those who don't, which the game doesn't really have, only a few bonuses to strike between someone trained in a weapon and someone just grabbing it, a range of difference that is virtually absent in the early game.

Finally, the last major change was to occs, each one was giving a unique ability every 3 Levels, and a talent tree to which they would get one talent selection each level to invest into relatively large bonuses, which grew in power the deeper one got into the OCC to encourage single classing, while multi-classing remained powerful and popular, getting more than 2 classes was often a disaster of getting spread too thin, it was pulled off a few times. These abilities ranged from simple like the Man-at-Arms "Meat Shield", providing +1 to Save vs Poison and +25% SDC and HP, to complex such as the Priests Celestial Ally, which gave them a minor ally from their god as a pseudo minion (They had no real control, but they would of course share viewpoints and where generally agreeable with each other, unless the priest was straying from their path). What exactly the ally was varied god to god. Or wizards "Twisting Gold", in which if they cast a protective spell, they got a bonus to their next spell if it was an attack spell, then a buff to a debuff spell, which provided a buff to protective spells. Allowing them to create a rythem of different spells, and if they maintained that rythem, got a bonus, but lost it if they where forced to break it due to combat situations (or turn delays).

There where some other changes, attributes got shifted to provide a bonus or penalty at any value (other than 10), rather than just huge values, so your stats actually mattered in the low end. Gear (mostly armor) was rebalanced to work effectively with the higher strike / parry / damage totals that could be made, plate tended to have a thousand or so SDC and an AR in the mid 20's, while truly end game armor would run about 10k and an AR in the 40's. (Stuff made out of like, Wooly Dragon Bone or Black Iron).

Re: House rules...

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 9:58 pm
by pblackcrow
Cool. We vote on what rules we use at the beginning of each game. Rather to use the "armor rating" or "attack reduction", PPE channeling, talents, abilities, etc.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:52 pm
by The Beast
Flush the toilet.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:13 pm
by pblackcrow
LOL! :lol:

Re: House rules...

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 12:15 am
by kiralon
I have tons as well but they are for first ed.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 3:26 pm
by pblackcrow
kiralon wrote:I have tons as well but they are for first ed.

So??? Post them.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 9:13 pm
by kiralon
All of them, er that would take up many many pages.

But a quick rundown from character creation

Decide Race
Roll stats
Lesser Heroes - Roll 3 columns, pick best column
Greater heroes - Roll 1 column re-roll 1's
Greatest Heroes - Roll 1 column, re-roll 1 & 2's (the first time, keep whatever the die say on reroll)

Can burn stats 2 to 1. (take ps down by 2 increase iq by 1 etc)
Stats Burnt down can't be added to by skills (running etc)
Humans can move their stats around, that's because they are more adaptive than other races.
Other Races get their special race skills from second ed (blood scent track for wolfen etc)
Pick alignment
Pick class.
Wizards are standard
Sorcerers are wizards that have ppe like 2nd ed and pick from the second ed spell list instead
Holy Palladins can pick 2 prayers from priest of light and do them once per day per level.
note any character who worships a god can do divine intervention on a 01% to 05% roll, however the diametrically aligned god will answer on a 99% to 100%
Pick Skills
Pick Perks (60+ to choose from, humans get 3 at level 1, all other races get 1 or 2)
Roll Social Background, eligible for bloodlines y/n, high rolls get extra money, low rolls get less money but can start with a bloodline
Roll for Psionics
Buy equipment and weapons at standard book price from second ed, when game starts prices are usually double, especially for magic items.
Workout cost modifier for MA and PB for character. (low ma and pb means things cost extra or aren't available)

I split the to hit roll into a to hit roll and an armour penetration roll and use the weapon damage out of second ed.
The to hit roll is standard
The Armour Penetration Roll only gets bonuses from WP plusses to Strike, HtH style plusses to strike and perks. Weapons have to specifically state they have bonuses to penetrate armour.
The extra 1d6 damage for larger than man-size I use in increments, its +1die per 6ft over 7 so 7-13ft +1d6 (or 1dwhatever), 13 to 19ft + 2d6 (or dices), 19 to 25 is + 3dwhatever etc.

The Combat Turn

Phase 1
Decide your first action.
Phase 2
Roll for Initiative, add and subtract modifiers.
Phase 3
Out of Initiative Attacks. (i.e. Sniper shots, Failed horror factor attacks, etc).
Phase 4
Start of action Phase, Person with highest initiative tally does his first action, then second person does his etc until all attacks are used.
Phase 5
Persistent Damage is applied (i.e. acid, holy water).

Combat Modifiers – Ranged Combat
These are the range numbers required to hit a stationary person in no wind and no cover if you have appropriate WP.
Add 5 to the to hit numbers if no WP.
Point Blank: 5+ Within 10ft.
Short: 8+ Within %10 of weapon range.
Medium: 12+ Within %50 of weapon range.
Long: 16+ Within %100 of weapon range.
Extreme: 21+ Within %120 of weapon range.

Target Speed Modifiers
5 +2 to target number.
12 +4 to target number.
18 +6 to target number.
24 +8 to target number.
30 +10 to target number.

Cover Modifiers
(Soft Cover is cover that won't stop the shot but does block line of site)
Soft Cover, %25 +1 to target number.
Soft Cover, %50 +2 to target number.
Soft Cover, %75 +3 to target number.
Soft Cover, %90 +5 to target number.
Hard Cover, %25 +2 to target number.
Hard Cover, %50 +4 to target number.
Hard Cover, %75 +7 to target number.
Hard Cover, %90 +10 to target number.

Size Modifiers
Miniscule (20 cent coin size or smaller): +16 to target number.
(Extra +8 if called shot)
Tiny (30cm or smaller): +8 to target number
(Extra +4 if called shot)
Small (3ft or small): +4 to target number
(Extra +2 if called shot)
Medium(Man size or smaller): No modifiers
(Extra +1 if called shot)
Large (7ft to 9ft range): -2 to target number
(-1 if called shot)
Huge (9ft to 15 ft): -4 to target number
(-2 if called shot)
Gargantuan (15ft to 30 ft): -6 to target number
(-3 if called shot)
Freakin Hooge (30ft+): -10 to target number
(-5 if called shot)
Wind Modifiers (Point Blank Halves these modifiers)
Light Wind +2 to target number.
Medium Wind +4 to target number.
Strong Wind +8 to target number.
Storm Winds +12 to target number.
Cyclonic Winds +20 to target number. (Note, PC’s, hell even Dragons would be hard pressed to do anything in 120mph+ winds).

So if you use a longbow to shoot at an ogre 100ft away while he is moving at 8 in light winds but he is behind a brick wall you need
Within %50 of range so thats medium, so you need at least a 12
he is moving at 8 so thats +2 so you need a 14
theres light wind so that takes it to 16 (light wind +2)
and he's got %50 hard cover (brick wall to his waist +4)
but he is larger then man size (8ft tall)so that takes 2 off the hit roll
so with his bonuses to strike he has to get an 18 or higher to hit.

H to H Weapon Modifiers
Note, the x3 Critical isn’t applied to magic items unless specifically mentioned under the abilities of that magic item. Which means that %99 of book magic items won’t do x3 criticals. Just as a reminder, Rigid Armour drops the critical multiplier down by 1 to a minimum of x2, and in the event of critical from behind , rolling a critical only ups the critical multiplier by 1. example. A thief with a 2H sword smacks somebody in the back unnoticed and he has a x4 backstab multiplier and he rolls a natural twenty, rather than x7 damage (x4 backstab + x3 2H weapon it is only x5 all told.

All axes suck mightily to parry with, but are nasty to your opponent. The axe modifiers go something like this.

1H Axes. -4 from your parry roll
2H Axes. -6 to parry

However you get an extra 1D6 damage from Lvl 2 onwards, and 2H axes do x3 criticals.

Sharp at one end, blunt at the other, not much else to say really.

1H swords – no change
2H swords – x3 Criticals.

Pole Arms
Pole Arms are a cool stand off weapon, since your opponent is a goodly distance away you will normally get the first strike in combat, except against other first striking weapons. They can also set to receive a charge.

PoleArm - First strike, you get an attack in phase 3 of a combat round.
- Set to receive a charge. x2 damage when receiving a charge, this is an overall multiplier used after all other damage has been calculated including criticals.

Ball & Chain
Chain weapons are nasty, but they have a bad tendency to turn on their wielder when used incompetently.

Chain weapons - If you fumble you have to roll twice on the arrhhgg the pain critical fumble chart, and if you have a goupillion flail you have to roll thrice.
- x3 Criticals with a Natural Critical range of 19-20, but a fumble range of 1-4.
- Non Large Shield wielding opponents get -4 to parry your attacks.
- At Lvl 5 WP the fumble range is dropped back to just 1-2.

Knives & Daggers
Sharp pointy bits of metal for all to use. Handy in tight corners.

Knives are truly to small to parry with and generally only good for throwing at people or sneaking up behind them and removing their liver.
- Knives can only parry other weapons of small class.

Daggers, these are a different story as they can be almost up to short sword sized, but aren’t as concealable or throwable.
- The Dagger can parry up to short class weapons singly, or using cross blocks for large class weapons, however you have to have paired weapons to cross block and cross blocking takes up one attack.
- You get one free cross block at Lvl’s 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 etc. Daggers can’t parry giant class weapons or Chain Weapons.

Blunt Weapons
These trauma inducing weapons may not be quite as effective as swords or axes, but in the right hands they look cool, and that’s all that matters right???

1H Blunt Weapons - x3 Criticals on Non Rigid armour opponents only.
2H Blunt Weapons - x3 Criticals.

AAArgh the Pain.

Critical hit locations. When hit these are numbed for 1d4 rounds, arm and hand hits means items are dropped etc, Foot/leg hits reduce speed to 1/4. Abdominal and Chest hits cause damage over time (1d4 per round from bleeding, until treated). Head hit is a KO for 1d4 rounds. These negatives are only applied if the person isn't wearing armour on that location.

1. Left Foot
2. The Right Foot
3. Left Knee
4. Right Knee
5. Left Upper Leg
6. Right Upper Leg
7. Groin
8. Lower Abdomen
9. Stomach
10. Chest
11. Chest
12. Chest
13. Left Hand
14. Right Hand
15. Left Forearm
16. Right Forearm
17. Left Upper Arm
18. Right Upper Arm
19. Throat
20. Head

Critical Fumble
Roll on the chart below to see if you can share the pain.

1. Hit something Hard and Break weapon, if bow bowstring is now unusable
If HtH weapon, weapon now does 1/2 damage unless indestructible and until
2. Hit a friend, roll to strike, he can parry it if he can see it coming. Then do
damage as normal.
3. Hit yourself, way to go dumbass, see if you penetrate your armour, then roll
full damage yourself, because you can.
4. Weapon Flies from hand, adios amigo. It lands 3d6 feet away in a random direction. Can hit others.
5. Stuck weapon, weapon is now imbedded in something and will take 1d3
actions to recover. If ranged ammo gets entangled and will take 1d3 actions to
sort out. If your lucky its stuck in a tree, otherwise that Ogre is pissed.
6. Jarring Shock. The attack numbs your hands briefly, lose next action. If Ranged
you drop your ammo.
7. Your Awesome attack combo almost worked, except that it didn't. You
telegraphed all your attacks this round with such precision that the enemy could
work out what you are doing. You automagically get 2 for initiative next round.
8-19. Lucky you, you don't mangle yourself, or anyone else.
20 - Recovery, awesome roll. Now re-roll your strike roll and don't roll a 1 this
time retard.

Ill link the perks and bloodlines soon, and add the other stuff at a later date.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 9:29 pm
by arouetta
kiralon wrote:Critical Fumble
Roll on the chart below to see if you can share the pain.

1. Hit something Hard and Break weapon, if bow bowstring is now unusable
If HtH weapon, weapon now does 1/2 damage unless indestructible and until
2. Hit a friend, roll to strike, he can parry it if he can see it coming. Then do
damage as normal.
3. Hit yourself, way to go dumbass, see if you penetrate your armour, then roll
full damage yourself, because you can.
4. Weapon Flies from hand, adios amigo. It lands 3d6 feet away in a random direction. Can hit others.
5. Stuck weapon, weapon is now imbedded in something and will take 1d3
actions to recover. If ranged ammo gets entangled and will take 1d3 actions to
sort out. If your lucky its stuck in a tree, otherwise that Ogre is pissed.
6. Jarring Shock. The attack numbs your hands briefly, lose next action. If Ranged
you drop your ammo.
7. Your Awesome attack combo almost worked, except that it didn't. You
telegraphed all your attacks this round with such precision that the enemy could
work out what you are doing. You automagically get 2 for initiative next round.
8-19. Lucky you, you don't mangle yourself, or anyone else.
20 - Recovery, awesome roll. Now re-roll your strike roll and don't roll a 1 this
time retard.

Mind if I use this? I've been wanting a better table than the one I inherited from the GM I learned from.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 10:26 pm
by kiralon
Be my guest, that's why I put it up, for others to get ideas from.
If you want a giggle get arms law and claw law from merp and incorporate the critical/fumbles descriptions into your game, they a hilarious. My favourite crits were when an archer shot an orc from behind and critical hit the orcs right eye (arrow went all the way through) and one of the fire crits was all organic material on back is destroyed, and we were fighting a very powerful evil magic user who was chasing us down on a horse, so the archer (same character) used a fire arrow on the horse to try and get it to throw the mage and hopefully disrupt his spellcasting. He hit the horse and did a fire critical and rolled the one that destroys all organic matter on the back of said creature (supposed to be backpacks and stuff). I laughed and laughed and let it stand. Powerful evil mage burnt to crisp.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 11:05 pm
by Grell
Firearms and other puncture/stab weapons inflict damage direct to Hit Points, for when my players desire "more bang for their buck." :)

Being shot at point blank range (10 ft. or less) does double damage. Not really a proper house rule, but I've only seen it printed and defined in the Compendium.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:33 pm
by zyanitevp
arouetta wrote:
kiralon wrote:Critical Fumble
Roll on the chart below to see if you can share the pain.

1. Hit something Hard and Break weapon, if bow bowstring is now unusable
If HtH weapon, weapon now does 1/2 damage unless indestructible and until
2. Hit a friend, roll to strike, he can parry it if he can see it coming. Then do
damage as normal.
3. Hit yourself, way to go dumbass, see if you penetrate your armour, then roll
full damage yourself, because you can.
4. Weapon Flies from hand, adios amigo. It lands 3d6 feet away in a random direction. Can hit others.
5. Stuck weapon, weapon is now imbedded in something and will take 1d3
actions to recover. If ranged ammo gets entangled and will take 1d3 actions to
sort out. If your lucky its stuck in a tree, otherwise that Ogre is pissed.
6. Jarring Shock. The attack numbs your hands briefly, lose next action. If Ranged
you drop your ammo.
7. Your Awesome attack combo almost worked, except that it didn't. You
telegraphed all your attacks this round with such precision that the enemy could
work out what you are doing. You automagically get 2 for initiative next round.
8-19. Lucky you, you don't mangle yourself, or anyone else.
20 - Recovery, awesome roll. Now re-roll your strike roll and don't roll a 1 this
time retard.

Mind if I use this? I've been wanting a better table than the one I inherited from the GM I learned from.

Funny how similar ours are, except I have less of a chance of nothing happening.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:24 pm
by pblackcrow
When attacking with weapons I actually let my players/gm capitalize on critical failures. Rather simply by saying parry the attack and riposte or disarm him/her/it. I also let them do false attacks/feint.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:15 pm
by kiralon
zyanitevp wrote:
arouetta wrote:
kiralon wrote:Critical Fumble
Roll on the chart below to see if you can share the pain.

1. Hit something Hard and Break weapon, if bow bowstring is now unusable
If HtH weapon, weapon now does 1/2 damage unless indestructible and until
2. Hit a friend, roll to strike, he can parry it if he can see it coming. Then do
damage as normal.
3. Hit yourself, way to go dumbass, see if you penetrate your armour, then roll
full damage yourself, because you can.
4. Weapon Flies from hand, adios amigo. It lands 3d6 feet away in a random direction. Can hit others.
5. Stuck weapon, weapon is now imbedded in something and will take 1d3
actions to recover. If ranged ammo gets entangled and will take 1d3 actions to
sort out. If your lucky its stuck in a tree, otherwise that Ogre is pissed.
6. Jarring Shock. The attack numbs your hands briefly, lose next action. If Ranged
you drop your ammo.
7. Your Awesome attack combo almost worked, except that it didn't. You
telegraphed all your attacks this round with such precision that the enemy could
work out what you are doing. You automagically get 2 for initiative next round.
8-19. Lucky you, you don't mangle yourself, or anyone else.
20 - Recovery, awesome roll. Now re-roll your strike roll and don't roll a 1 this
time retard.

Mind if I use this? I've been wanting a better table than the one I inherited from the GM I learned from.

Funny how similar ours are, except I have less of a chance of nothing happening.

Great Minds think alike ;)

Re: House rules...

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 8:27 pm
by Alrik Vas
pblackcrow wrote:When attacking with weapons I actually let my players/gm capitalize on critical failures. Rather simply by saying parry the attack and riposte or disarm him/her/it. I also let them do false attacks/feint.

How do your feints work?

Re: House rules...

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 1:08 pm
by pblackcrow
In fencing a false attack is an attack that is intended to miss or fall short, so as to produce a reaction from the opponent. A feint is an offensive movement resembling an attack in all but its continuance. It is an attack into one line with the intention of switching to another line before the attack is completed. A feint is intended to draw a reaction from an opponent. This is the ‘intention’, and the reaction is generally a parry, which can then be deceived.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 3:42 pm
by Cinos
pblackcrow wrote:In fencing a false attack is an attack that is intended to miss or fall short, so as to produce a reaction from the opponent. A feint is an offensive movement resembling an attack in all but its continuance. It is an attack into one line with the intention of switching to another line before the attack is completed. A feint is intended to draw a reaction from an opponent. This is the ‘intention’, and the reaction is generally a parry, which can then be deceived.

I think he meant mechanically.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 4:33 pm
by Alrik Vas
Yes...I've used enough of them IRL to have that part figured out :P

I was asking about mechanics. Thank you, Cinos. :)

Re: House rules...

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 1:26 pm
by pblackcrow
Alrik Vas wrote:Yes...I've used enough of them IRL to have that part figured out :P

I was asking about mechanics. Thank you, Cinos. :)

Oh, a fellow fencer...Okay. It works basically the same way, when he goes to parries or block the strike you attack. Forces him to loose an attack by dodging or use up an auto dodge. But that is only effective if he has the fencing skill...Those moves plus an attack per round, a added point to dodge, etc.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 3:05 pm
by Alrik Vas
I don't understand your mechanics. :(

I would think it should work as thus:

You attempt to be a tricky git, drawing down your opponent's guard and forcing them into a bad situation. Roll attack as normal, but gain +4 if you have the fencing skill, this roll is opposed by your target, a humanoid (or intelligent) opponent. If you win the roll, your next melee attack cannot be parried or dodged, if you failed the roll your enemy gains +4 on their defense.

"realism" can only get you so far in RPG's, i think this is a pretty good give and take mechanic. What do you think?

Re: House rules...

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:54 pm
by kiralon
Attacker = Dethlenn StrongintheArm - a Palladin
Defender = Dumbdum the Ogre
Before attacker strikes he calls a feint
rolls to hit, doesnt add pp bonus, but adds (MA-15 to a minimum of 0) and +1 per level of fencing
Ogre rolls to parry, he gets a bonus to the feint strike only of +1 per level of fencing plus his other normal bonuses and if he beats dethlenns strike roll the feint fails and now its the ogre's action
if Ogre fails to parry the number he failed by is added to dethlens next strike which he takes immediately, and the weapon/shield used to parry but failed can't be used to parry the feint strike
The feint costs 2 attacks/actions to do, successful or unsuccessful so you must have 2 actions available to do it. (I might endup making bonuses lower and successful consecutive feints cumulative)
Dethlenn call a feint rolls a 12 to strike, he has an MA of 20 so he adds 5, and he has had fencing since level 1 and is now level seven so he adds another 7 and then his well made sword bonus of +1 and his wp skill of +2, so +15 to a feint strike, he gets a whopping 27 he has a pp of 18 but that doesnt count for the feint.
The ogre is level 6, has a well made kobold shield +3 to parry and has a PP of 20 +3 and a wp plus to parry with his shield of +3 and a hand to hand bonus of +3 and doesnt have fencing so a total of 12
ogre is a lot less lucky and rolls a 7, +12 =19
Dethlenn the immiediately makes his feint strike with a bonus of +8, and the ogre can't parry with his shield because thats what he tried to parry the feint with.
Dethlenn rolls a 16 to hit with +12 to strike, thats a mighty 28
the ogre now has to parry with his sword and beat 28, good luck mr ogre as he now needs a natural 20 to parry.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 1:53 pm
by pblackcrow
Not bad guys.

I am surprised that other people haven't introduce the ultimate sneaky thing. When going up against a 2 handed sword...Locking swords, try to get in close, then pull a dagger and stab under the chin or to the throat with the free hand. Or...keep a dagger in the bottom half of a two handed sword.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 5:37 pm
by Alrik Vas
I prefer to side-step and bash their face with the pommel when they try to lock me up. :P

Re: House rules...

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:05 am
by pblackcrow
I have actually done that in the SCA. There was a group of us who were discussing moves and tactics, rather like we are now, and this cocky older teenager smarted off to me and said "Show me, because I don't believe a skinny, little, mute, retard like you knows anything about swordsmanship." Not knowing who I was, or who all had instructed me. I was trained in mysterious circle fencing, as well as regular fencing, kendo, etc. At that point I hadn't been trained in kung fu. I was 16...and well...let's just say he opened his mind and learned a lot from me that day. We became mates. In fact, I got a Christmas card from him and his partner today.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:55 pm
by kiralon
I made crossbows armour piercing +2 for hand held, +4 for medium and +6 for heavy and +10 for arbalest, but I also have an armour penetration roll after strike where you only get you weapon proficiency plus to strike and specials, so an ar of 17 is pretty nasty.

Humans pick 3 at level 1, then one at level 2,3,5,6,7,9,10,11,13,14,15
Non-Humans pick 2 at level 1

Animal Friend
Animals prefer to not attack one of their friends, unless the animal is threatened or very, very hungry. Exactly what an animal is in this world is open to debate.

Rank 1
When a an animal friend comes across an animal,
They roll a d20 + MA Bonus + (2*Rank).
The animal rolls a d20 + horror factor.
If the PC gets the higher number then the animal will leave the PC alone.
Reqs: Lvl 1.

Rank 2
Pick an animal, these animals will automatically leave you alone,
You get +10%*Rank to any skills that involve this animal.
You also get basic medical skill pertaining to these animals.
Reqs: Rank 1 Animal Friend, Lvl 3.

Rank 3
You get speak additional language (your chosen animal) at 6th lvl profiency
If you make a control roll you can ask the help you.
You can summon 1 large, 1d4 medium, or 2d6 small helpers 25%. You can also pick one of the druid animal abilities pertaining to that animal.
Reqs: Rank 2 Animal Friend, Lvl 5.

Armour Piercer
In previous lives you were always defeated by even the smallest pieces of armour, this time round, you swore to penetrate armour, even if it kills you.
Rank 1
+1 to penetrate armour
Reqs: Lvl 1
Rank 2
+2 to penetrate armour
Reqs: Rank 1 armour piercer, Lvl 3.
Rank 3
+3 to penetrate armour
Reqs: Rank 2 armour piercer, Lvl 6.

You are more like to notice details about people and places. Gives bonuses on perception based tests. (Bonuses are cumulative).

Rank 1
+1 to non-combat perception based tests.
+1 to surprise rolls.
+1 to Initiave.
Reqs: Lvl 1.
Rank 2
+1 to non-combat perception based tests.
+1 Strike with all ranged weapons .
+1 to Initiave.
Also gives you a one in twenty chance of spotting secret doors (modified by perception bonuses).
Reqs: Rank 1 Awareness.
Rank 3
+2 to non-combat perception based tests.
+1 to surprise rolls.
+1 Strike with all ranged weapons.
+1 to Initiave.
Reqs: Rank 2 Awareness, Lvl 5.

Bar Room Brawling
You have learned the secret art of kick the bastard in the nuts while he aint lookin, or you just punch faster (Not usable with Martial Arts).

When fighting without weapons or improvised weapons.
Bonuses are cumulative.
Rank 1
+1 ATM .
Reqs: Lvl 1.
Rank 2
+1 Strike.
+2 Parry.
+2 Damage.
Reqs: Lvl 3, Rank 1 Bar Room Brawling.
Rank 3
+1 Atm.
+1 Strike.
+2 Parry.
+2 Damage.
Reqs: Lvl 5, Rank 2 Bar Room Brawling.

Battlefield Medic
The Medic perk will give you a one-time bonus of +20% to all healing and holistic skills and +10% to the recovery rolls of those being tended to.
Number of Ranks: 1
Reqs: Lvl 2

Bonus Ranged Damage
Your training with an ancient Elvish Archer has made you deadly with ranged weapons, for each level of this Perk.
Note, Damage IS cumulative (+6 by rank 3).

Rank 1
+1 Damage.
Reqs: Lvl 3.

Rank 2
+2 Damage.
Reqs: Rank 1 Bonus Ranged Damage.

Rank 3
+3 Damage.
Reqs: Rank 2 Bonus Ranged Damage.

Bonus Rate of Fire
This Perk allows teaches you how to place your arrows/quarrels for maximum firing speed and still remain as accurate as before. Can go one attack over the maximum firing rate of crossbows.
Bonuses aren’t cumulative.
Firer has to be stationary

Rank 1
+1 attack every second round.
Reqs: Lvl 1, OCC Longbowman.

Rank 2
+1 attack every round.
Reqs: Lvl 3, Rank 1 Bonus Rate of fire.

Rank 3
+1 1/2 Attacks a round.
Reqs: Lvl 5, Rank 2 Bonus Rate of fire.

Rank 4
+2 Attacks a round.
Reqs: Lvl 7, Rank 3 Bonus Rate of fire.

Criticals - Better
The critical hits you cause in combat are more devastating.

Rank 1
Rolls of 1 for Damage a rerolled.
Reqs: Lvl 1.

Rank 2
Rolls of 1,2 for Damage a rerolled.
Reqs: Lvl 4, Rank 1 Criticals – Better.

Rank 3
Criticals do x3 Damage rather then x2.
Reqs: Lvl 8, Rank 2 Criticals - Better , Luck 14.

Criticals - More
You are more likely to cause Critical Hits in combat if you have this Perk. This is a good thing.
Rank 1
Critical on a 19 – 20.
Reqs: Lvl 2.
Rank 2
Critical on a 18 – 20.
Reqs: Lvl 5, Rank 1 Criticals – More.
Rank 3
Critical on a 17 – 20.
Reqs: Lvl 7, Rank 2 Criticals – More.

Your hyperactivity as a child still hasn’t left you, as a result you are very fidgety and move around a lot more in combat, making it harder to hit you.
This only works when wearing non-encumbering armour.
Rank 1
Foes get –1 to strike you.
Reqs: Lvl 1.
Rank 2
Foes get –2 to strike you.
Reqs: Lvl 5, Rank 1 Dodger.
Rank 3
Foes get –3 to strike you.
Reqs: Lvl 7, No hand to hand or H to H Non men at arms, Rank 1 Dodger.

Earlier Initiative
He who hits first, wins. You based your fighting strategy on that simple statement.
Rank 1
+2 to Initiave.
Reqs: Lvl 1.

Rank 2
+4 to Initiave.
Reqs: Lvl 3, Rank 1 Earlier Initiative.

Rank 3
+6 to Initiave.
You can have all your attacks in your first attack sequence.
Reqs: Lvl 5, Rank 2 Earlier Initiative.

You are the avatar of the bookworm, geeks invite you to seminars to teach em how to talk constantly about inane subjects.
Not Cumulative.

Rank 1
You get 10 extra percentage points to spend on skills per lvl, but you can’t spend more then 5% on a single skill per lvl this way.
Reqs: Lvl 1, IQ 10.

Rank 2
You get 20 extra percentage points to spend on skills per lvl, but you can’t spend more then 5% on a single skill per lvl this way.
Reqs: Rank 1 Educated, Lvl 3.

Rank 3
You get 50 extra percentage points to spend on skills per lvl, but you can’t spend more then 5% on a single skill per lvl this way.
Reqs: Rank 2 educated, PS less then 14, zits, glasses.

Elementalist Extraordinaire
When you were young a strange man with bright blue hair messed with you mentally
Rank 1
Add One Elemental Sphere of Knowledge to your repertoire, it cannot be contrary to your primary sphere.
Rank 2
Max Damage 2x/Lvl per day on primary element
Rank 3
Add the last Elemental Sphere of Knowledge to your arcane ability.

Energiser Bunny
When it comes to shooting lightning out of your but, you just keep going and going and going, and going, and going.

Rank 1
Lightning spells cost 20% less ppe.
Reqs: Lvl 1.

Rank 2
Lightning spells cost 50% less ppe.
Reqs: Rank 1 Energiser Bunny.

The mark of the Explorer is to search out new and interesting locations. With this Perk, you have a greater chance of finding special places or peoples.

Rank 1
+10% To finding items.
Halves the time to find it.
(eg Normally you have a 5% chance to find the plant bearsfoot, and the search time is 2 hrs, with this perk you have a 15% chance to find it and can roll every hour)
Reqs: None

Faster Healing
You were clumsy when you were a child, bumping into things and falling over constantly, thankfully mother nature made up for this by letting you heal faster whenever you injured yourself.

Rank 1
+1 hp healed per nights rest.
Reqs: None

Rank 2
+2 hp healed per nights rest.
+1 hp whenever any type of healing is applied to you.
Reqs: Rank 1 Faster Healing.

Rank 3
+3 hp healed per nights rest.
+5 hp whenever any type of healing is applied to you.
Reqs: Lvl 5, Rank 2 Faster Healing.

Flower Child
You were an experimentive little git when young, by the age of 12 you had tried every hard core drug easily accessible in a large city, unfortunately your strange body chemistry was highly resistant to the drugs you imbibed.

Rank 1
You are (PE x 2)% less likely to get addicted to drugs, and they affect you for ½ the duration.
+2 save vs non-lethal poison.
Reqs: None.

Fortune Finder
You have the talent of finding extra stuff. You will find additional money in any encounter where you roll for a random amount of money.

Rank 1
You get an extra 1d4*10% over what the untalented find.
Reqs: Luck 9.

Rank 2
You get an extra 1d6*10%.
+20% to find magic items.
Reqs: Rank 1 fortune finder.

Hated Enemy
One day, while innocently traveling to a nearby town some insert hated race here grabbed you and tortured you in unspeakable ways, funnily enough this sort of left some mental scarring and you have had a bit of psychopathic hatred for them ever since.
Rank 1
+1 strike, +2 Damage vs. hated foe.
You get –50% to reactions against these foes, You also tend to spit on them and cast imprecations their way.
Reqs: None.
Rank 2
+2 strike, +4 damage –1 parry vs. hated foe
You will not interact (other than with something sharp or burny) with your hated race at all.
Reqs: Rank 1 Hated Enemy.
Rank 3
+4 strike, +8 damage –4 parry vs. hated foe
You will go out of your way to slay your enemy, unless there is something really important going on, or you will be jailed for more than 6 months (to much time taken out from slaying ‘em). You can also froth at the mouth a bit if you choose.
Reqs: Rank 2 Hated Enemy.

You are naturally talented at putting bodies back together.
Rank 1
+1d4 hp healed whenever healing is done.
Reqs: Lvl 1.
Rank 2
+1d6 hp healed whenever healing is done.
+5% Medical.
+10% Surgeon.
+5% Holistic Medicine.

Heave Ho!
You are a mighty juggernaught when throwing things at your opponent.
Rank 1
+2 Damage to thrown.
+20ft Rnge to thrown.
Reqs: Lvl 1
Rank 2
+4 Damage to thrown.
+40ft Rnge to thrown.
Reqs: Lvl 1

Life giver
With each level of this Perk, you gain an additional 4 Hit Points. This may not seem like a lot, but every little bit helps.
Rank 1
+4 hp
Reqs: Lvl 1
Rank 2
+6 hp
Reqs: Rank 1 Lifegiver
Rank 3
+6 hp
Reqs: Rank 2 Lifegiver
Rank 4
+6 hp
Reqs: Rank 3 Lifegiver
Rank 5
+6 hp
Reqs: Rank 4 Lifegiver

Lightning Forkery
You can bend electrical energy to your (almost) every whim
Rank 1
Can target 1 extra thing with direct damage lightning spells.
Reqs: Warlock
Rank 2
Can target 2 extra things with direct damage lightning spells.
Reqs: Rank 1 Lightning Forkery.

Magical Miser
You are the scrooge of PPE, you would prefer to give up your first born then to use your own PPE.
Not Cumulative.
Rank 1
-3 PPE cost to spells with a minimum of 2 PPE
Reqs: Lvl 1
Rank 2
-6 PPE cost to spells that are Lvl 3 or higher with a minimum cost of 6 PPE.
Reqs: Rank 1 Magial Miser, Lvl 5.
Rank 3
-10 PPE cost to spells that are Lvl 6 or higher with a minimum cost of 12 PPE.
Reqs: Rank 2 Magial Miser, Lvl 7.

Master Thief
Your fingers are nimble, your feet are quick and anything not bolted down becomes yours by right. Rob from the rich, and give to you.
Not Cumulative.

Rank 1
+5% to Prowl
+5% to Pick Locks
+5% to Pick Pockets
+5% to find Secret compartments/doors
Reqs: Lvl 1 Thief or Assassin, or Entertainer.

Rank 2
+10% to Prowl
+10% to Pick Locks
+10% to Pick Pockets
+10% to find Secret compartments/doors
+1 Multiplier to Backstab
Reqs: Rank 1 Master Thief, Lvl 3 ONLY.

Master Trader
You have mastered one aspect of bartering - the ability to buy goods for cheaper than a normal person.

Rank 1
10% Discount off bought Items.
Reqs: None

Rank 2
1d4*10% Discount off Bought Items.
2d6% Bonus to price of sold items.
Reqs: Rank 1 Master Trader, MA 14 or Higher

Rank 3
1d4*10+20% Discount off Bought Items
1d4*10 Bonus to price of sold items.
Reqs: Rank 2 Master Trader, OCC Merchant Lvl 5.

Mental Block
Mental Block is the ability to tune out any outside mental interference. You must have learned this from a passing guru.

Rank 1
Changes your base save vs psionics to 12.
Reqs: Starting Character Only.

Move Faster
Ever found that after finding a Dragon, or other such nasty, that the Warriors of the party leave you in their dust, well for one night only you to can own the patented, MOVE FASTER in a can, eventually it is possible or you to leave the warrior eating YOUR dust.

Rank 1
+1d4 to speed.
Reqs: Maximum of 13 speed.

Rank 1
+1d4 to speed
Reqs: Rank 1 Move Faster.

Rank 1
+1d4 to speed
Reqs: Rank 2 Move Faster.

Mr. Fixit
This Perk will give you a one-time bonus of +10% to the general repair and armourer skills. A little late night cramming never hurt anybody, especially you.

Rank 1
+10% to General Repair, Carpentry, Masonry and Armourer/Blacksmithing skills, and a reroll on a failed roll
Reqs: None

Mysterious Stranger
With this Perk, you have gained the attention of a Mysterious Stranger, who will appear to help you from time to time. If your ally is lost in combat, do not expect him or her to be replaced.

Rank 1
Gain the services of a mysterious stranger of Lvls 1–4 who will stop by and help you occasionally.
Reqs: None

Rank 2
Gain the services of a Mysterious Stranger of Lvls 4-7 who will stop by and help you occasionally.
Reqs: Rank 1 Mysterious Stranger.

Rank 3
Gain the services of a mysterious stranger of Lvls 6-12 who will stop by and lend a hand occasionally.
Reqs: Rank 2 Mysterious Stranger.

Ever had someone accuse you of being a munchkin, well prove em right with this disgustingly powerful perk.

Rank 1
You do +5 to everything whenever you do damage.
Reqs: Lvl 5, if you ever change class or have changed class for any reason, your character keeps this perk but loses all other perks, and this automatically qualifies you to be a munchkin (duh, see Munchkin Slayer).

Rank 2
You do +10 Damage in Hand to Hand Combat.
Reqs: Lvl 9.

Rank 3
You do +15 Damage in Hand to Hand Combat.
Reqs: Lvl 11.

Munchkin Slayer
Number of Ranks: 1
Are you sick off being beaten/magicked up by munchkins. If you take this perk anybody with munchkin written on their forehead, will run into problems, first of all Add up their stats, for each point over their upper average, you get +1 or -1 (your choice) to everything. Against your spells they have a saving throw of 25 – (their best saving throw) unless they are immune. If they are immune to more than two things they find that the universe disbelieves them out of existence.
If none of your stats are over 12 you can use this perk
Level 1

Night Vision
No nightsight, looking to splatter your opponent in pitch darkness, well this is the perk for you. Unfortunately everything is in black and white. (+60ft all told)
Bonuses are cumulative.

Rank 1
+10ft Night vision range
Reqs: No innate nightsight.

Rank 2
+20ft Night vision range
Reqs: Night vision Rank 1.

Rank 2
+30ft Night vision range
Reqs: Night vision Rank 2.

Open Your Eyes
Have you ever noticed that you don’t, or walked into trees that have been there since the dawn of time. Well read on.
Bonuses are not cumulative.

Rank 1
+1 perception (+2 for elves and halflings).
Reqs: None

Rank 2
+2 perception (+3 for elves and halflings).
Reqs: Lvl 5

The pathfinder is better able to find the shortest route to your destination when it comes to land navigation.
Bonuses are not cumulative.
Bonuses apply to 3 others per Rank of Perk.

Rank 1
+15% to the hourly movement rate of the party, up to a maximum speed governed by plains movement.
Reqs: Land Navigation and Sense of Direction.

Rank 2
+30% to the hourly movement rate of the party, up to a maximum speed governed by plains movement.
Reqs: Rank 1 Pathfinder.

Rank 3
+50% to the hourly movement rate of the party, up to a maximum speed governed by plains movement.
35% Chance to Treegate once a week, A treegate is a portal that opens between to like trees, to another set of trees up to 600 miles away.
Reqs: Rank 2 Pathfinder, Occ Druid Lvl 3.

You are much more adept at Stealing than the normal crook. You can steal with the best of them, because with this Perk, you could filch a mans false teeth, while he was eating with them.
Bonuses aren’t cumulative.

Rank 1
+20% to Pickpocket
Reqs: Pickpocket the skill

Rank 2
+40% to Pickpocket
You get a pickpocket reroll 1xDaily.
Pickees are 15% chance less likely to notice their items missing.
Reqs: Rank 2 Pickpocket.

Rank 3
+60% to Pickpocket
You get a pickpocket reroll on each separate Pickpocket attempt.
Pickees are 35% chance less likely to notice their items missing.
Reqs: Rank 3 Pickpocket, Occ Thief Lvl 7.

You have a resistance to (pick one) Fire, Energy, Magic, Cold, Wards etc

Rank 1
+1 to save vs your choice.
Reqs: None.

Rank 2
+2 to save vs your, plus damage done by said thing is reduced by 5 pts to a minimum of 5.
Reqs: Rank 1 Resistances Lvl 5.

Rank 3
+5 to save vs your, plus damage done by said thing is reduced by 10 pts to a minimum of 5.
Reqs: Rank 2 Resistances Lvl 7.

The Shadow
When the sun goes down, or you are in a badly lit area, you move like a Shadow with this Perk.

Rank 1
+25% to prowl during Shadowy conditions.
Reqs: Prowl.

The talent of hitting things at long and short distances. However this also lets you do trick shots.

Rank 1
Reduces called shot number by 1 (15). You can also shoot two arrows out of your bow. (The arrows need slight modifications)
Reqs: WP in a ranged weapon.

Rank 2
Reduces called shot number by 2 (14).
Reqs: Rank 1 Sharpshooter.

Rank 3
Reduces called shot number by 4 (12).
Reqs: Rank 2 Sharpshooter, Occ Longbowman only.

Silent Death
While Sneaking, if you hit a critter in the back, you will get bonuses to your multiplier to backstab. Silent Death is that kind of Perk.
Bonuses are Cumulative.

Rank 1
+1 to backstab multiplier while prowling, or gain backstab.
Reqs: Lvl 5.

Rank 2
+1 to backstab multiplier while prowling.
Reqs: Rank 1 Silent Death, Lvl 7.

Rank 3
+1 to backstab multiplier while prowling.
Reqs: Rank 2 Silent Death, Lvl 11.

Spell Specialisation
Determined Study in a Particular sphere of Magic has boosted your oomph, unfortunately you somewhat ignored the diametrically aligned sphere

+1/-1 save vs sphere chosen/opposite per rank

Rank 1: Chosen sphere is +1 spell strength, reduce casting cost by 8 + 2per lvl ppe to a minimum of 5, Diametrically opposed sphere -2 spell strength, Diametrically opposed sphere spells cost x2 ppe. +3/-3 Init Chosen/Opposite.
Reqs: Spellcasting
Note: There can be only one specialty sphere

Rank 2: Chosen sphere is +2 spell strength, Spells do +1 minimum damage per die, +%50 Range.
Reqs: Lvl 3 spell combat, lvl 1 spell spec.

Rank 3: Chosen sphere is +3 spell strength, Max Damage 1xlvl daily, Spells do +2 minimum.
Reqs: Lvl 5 spell combat, lvl 2 spell spec.

Rank 4: +1 atm with Chosen sphere, +4 Spell strength, Spells do +3 minimum damage per die,
Reqs: Lvl 7 spell combat, lvl 3 spell spec.

Rank 5: Spells do +4 minimum damage per die, +5 Spell strength
Reqs: Lvl 9 spell combat, lvl 4 spell spec.

Rank 6: +2 atm with Chosen sphere, +6 Spell strength
Reqs: Lvl 11 spell combat, lvl 5 spell spec.

Rank 7: No save 1xDaily, +7 Spell strength
Reqs: Lvl 13 spell combat, lvl 6 spell spec.

Spell Extension
Find that your lightning bolts are just stopping short of their intended target, or that the Carpet of adhesion spell barely makes it past your toes. Well, with this perk you can put more effort into ranged spells to, you guessed it, make them hit your opponents miles away*.

Rank 1
Use 100% more PPE to Double the range of your spells.
Reqs: Spellcasting Obviously.

Rank 2
Use 50% more PPE to Double the range of your spells.
Reqs: Lvl 5, Rank 1 Spell Extension.

Rank 3
Double the range of your spells.
Reqs: Lvl 7, Rank 2 Spell Extension.

*If you are standing on a 6 point nexus and have a 15000 pt power focus.

Spell Penetration
This perk teaches the tough critters that spells can usually get around most defenses.
Rank 1
Use 200% more PPE to give +1 spell strength.
Reqs: Spellcasting.

Rank 2
Use 100% more PPE to give +1 spell strength.
Use 200% more PPE to give +2 spell strength.
Reqs: Lvl 3, Rank 1 Spell Penetration.

Rank 3
Use 50% more PPE to give +1 spell strength.
Use 100% more PPE to give +2 spell strength.
Use 200% more PPE to give +3 spell strength.
Reqs: Lvl 5, Rank 2 Spell Penetration.

Yum! Tastes like chicken. You use cobra poison as most people would use salt.

Rank 1
Gain a reroll to save vs poison 1 x daily.
Reqs: None

You decided that the best skill to learn was to stay alive, and after that the rest was easy.
Rank 1
+10% or +2 S/P/D/AP/Dam in Critical situations.
Note, the DM decides if it is a critical situation and this power can only be called on if you didn’t get yourself into the situation. (eg Running around a corner to a locked door with a Balrog hot on your heels is a critical situation (+10% to pick locks). Waiting for the Balrog and telling it that his momma wears Elven pantyhose isn’t). Note to DM’s, if the characters are taking advantage of this perk (like starting fights they know they can’t win )then warn them once, after that take this perk away for ever.
Reqs: None

Rank 2
+20% or +4 S/P/D/AP/Dam in Critical situations.

Rank 3
+40% or +6 S/P/D/AP/Dam in Critical situations.

Sweeping Blow
Your thews are mighty, your blows grievous. Using 2 ATM gives you the Ability to hit all opponents in your front 180 degree arc. Each parry point over your strike roll reduces it.
Number of Ranks: 3
12 Intelligence
12 Mental Affinity
Level 1

Swift Learner
You are indeed a Swift Learner with this Perk, as each level will give you an additional +5% bonus whenever you earn experience points. Best purchased at an early stage in life.
Number of Ranks: 3
12 IQ
12 Mental Affinity
Level 1

Skill Specialist
You are good, damn good, in fact so good that one of your skills are increased by +10% immediately and by 5% per highest OCC lvl.
Number of Ranks: 1
Level 2

Are you a weedy little mage, maybe a wasting disease knocked you for a six, well this perk can help alleviate the pain of not having hit points.

Rank 1
+1 PE (+2 for Dwarves), +1 HP per level (+2 for dwarves).

Weapon Specialisation
When you were a teenager you impressed a weapon master with your politeness and tact, in return he taught the beginnings of weapon mastery.
Note: You have to pick a particular weapon type ie Claymore, or Crossbow, rather than large sword or blunt. Taking this perk costs 2 perks for non-fighter classes when first chosen.
Bonuses are not cumulative.

Rank 1: +1 to parry, +1 damage, +1 Initiave, Automatic parry.
Reqs: Lvl 1 only.

Rank 2: +1 to strike, Max damage 1xday (You get 1 extra max damage per day for
every 3 levels of a fighter class you have.
Reqs: Lvl 3, Rank 1 Weapon Specialisation.

Rank 3: +1 attack per round, +3 initiave, +2 damage.
Reqs: Lvl 5, Rank 2 Weapon Specialisation.

Rank 4: Combo parry/attack, +2 strike/parry
Reqs: Lvl 7, Rank 3 Weapon Specialisation.

Rank 5: +1d6 of damage, +1 attack per round, +5 Initiave.
Reqs: Lvl 9, Rank 4 Weapon Specialisation.

A wood crafty person spent a substantial amount of time growing up in a wooded environment, learning the sounds and ways of nature. While in a wooded area the wood crafty person gets the following bonuses.

Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3
(+5%) (+25%) (+50%)

To the following skills when in a wooded enviroment
ID Tracks
ID Plant/Fruits
Plant/Farm Lore
Trap/Skin Any
Wilderness Survival – Forest or Wooded

Opponents also get –1 to surprise

Minumum Reqs
Rank 1: none
Rank 2: Rank 1 Woodcrafty, lvl 3
Rank 3: Rank 2 Woodcrafty, lvl 5

Toughened skin
Rank 1
Reduces non magical damage by 1 to a minimum of 1, magic damage negates
DR 1/0
Can only be taken at level 1
Rank 2
Reduces non magical damage by 3 to a minimum of 1
+1 magic weapons negate (i.e plus to armour pierce)
DR 3/1
+3hp cumulative
Can only be taken at level 3
Rank 3
Reduces non magical damage by 5 to a minimum of 1 unless damage is reduced to -3, then it is ignored
DR 5/3
+ 3 weapons negate (i.e plus to armour pierce)
+6hp cumulative
-1pb (u g l y you aint got no alibi u ugly. skin has a toughened leathery look)
Can only be taken at level 5
Rank 4
Reduces non magical damage by 7 to a minimum of 1 unless damage is reduced to -3, then it is ignored. Can only be taken at level 8
DR 7/5
+5 weapons negate (i.e plus to armour pierce)
-2 pb (skin is now noticeable lumpy and hard)
+20hp cumulative
Rank 5
Reduces non magical damage by 9 to a minimum of 1 unless damage is reduced to -3, then it is ignored Can only be taken at level 11
DR 9/5
+5 weapons negate (i.e plus to armour pierce)
Elemental magic attacks do -1damage per dice roll (Fire, Cold, Sound, Energy)
-3pb (you so ugly you make the thing look good)
+70HP cumulative
Natural AR 12
Rank 6
DR 15/7
+7 weapons negate (i.e plus to armour pierce)
Elemental magic attacks do -2damage per dice roll (Fire, Cold, Sound, Energy)
-6pb (you so ugly you make the thing look good)
+100hp cumulative
Natural AR 15

Archmages are the epitome of magic using, however what they gain in power is offset buy a few trivial issues. Sorcerers spent all their time studying, studying and studying.
Costs 2 Perks at Level 1, and 1 Perk at level 2 (3 in total)
And 2/3rds Base PPE
The appellation of Archmage is only used from level 7 Onwards, before that you are known as Magus, or Magi .
Rank 1
Can only be taken by Wizard
Can only be taken at level 1, but bonuses don’t come into effect until LVL2
Minimum IQ: 16
Minimum Wil: 16
Maximum starting PS, PP, PE: 12 (burn em into IQ and Wil)
Cannot take weapon specialisation
Caster has to have a spell book
Base PPE is 1d6 per 5 points of IQ + 1d6
Spells cost 1 PPE/per lvl to cast (ignore book costs)
Spells have to be memorized 1
Caster can Ritualise spells 2
Spells that do base damage of d6 now do d8
Spells that do base damage of d8 now do d10
PPE can be used to increase base saving throws vs spells number
Maximum negative is
Targets Levels lower then caster + Wil bonus so if you have a wil of 16 and are 2 levels higher then your opponentt you can give him a maximum base save vs spells of 15
Costs 5 PPE/per negative, the PPE for this can only be paid with the Archmages natural store or whats stored with selfmade staff and wand rules.
Metamagic-Overburn: The Archmage can spend extra PPE points to do more damage
1 PPE = +(spell lvl) -2 (i.e fireball is lvl 5, so each PPE point adds 3 damage).
Now make a feedback check, the difficulty number is
8 + extra PPE used,
If the Archmage fails he takes 1d6 damage per level of the spell, with a radius of effect of spell lvl x2 feet., and the spell has no other effect.
So a fireball (lvl5) feedback does 5d6 damage in a 10ft radius centred on the caster.
but the number is modified by the Wil Bonus and the Magus’s level.
Direct Attack spells now have a to hit roll as ranged weapons however base to hit rolls
Are as follows
Point Blank (5 ft): 2
Short Range (1/10 spell range): 5
Medium Range: (1/2 spell Range): 10
Long Range: 15
Extreme Range: 20
(extreme range requires caster to have Metamagic: Spell Extension
Mage gets spell strength bonus as plus to strike and damage

Rank 2
Can only be chosen at level 5
Spells that do base damage of d4 now do d6
Spells that do base damage of d6 now do d10
Spells that do base damage of d8 now do d12
Chain Spells – If archmage has the Perk Metamagic: Precast he gets a chain casting slot. This is 2 linked spells that will go off at the same target, limitations from both spells apply, and the spells are cast as one level lower then normal.
Precasting not possible.

Metamagic: Precast Spells
Have you ever found that those pesky annoying muscle bound fools are gently eviscerating you while your tongue is still stumbling over those arcane formulae. Now presenting for the first time in full colour, Precast spells, these are spells that you cast already but are held in check, waiting for your activation word, now before Connel the barbarian gets his sword out you will have him gently floating through the air as ash.
Rank 1
Reqs: IQ 12
Precast spell
Casting time: 5
Spell is effective as one level lower
(i.e fireball is cast at level 5, as a precast spell it counts as a level 4)
Rank 2
Reqs: Rank 1 of PCS, lvl 5
Casting time: 3
One free (uses same level) precast slot

Metamagic: Maximum Overburn
Don’t ya just hate those days when that 300hp Ice Giant just keeps on coming, well slow him down with MAXIMUM OVERBURN, buy now and you will receive
Reqs: IQ 14
Rank 1
Uses one slot of higher level instead (i.e fireball is level 5, as an overburn spell it
counts as a level 6, or x2PPE).
Chosen Spell Does Maximum damage (no roll required)
Rank 2
Reqs: Rank 1 Overburn, Lvl 5
One free overburn slot (doesn’t cost 1 spell level extra)
Chosen Spell Does Maximum damage (no roll required)
Rank 3
Reqs: Rank 2 Overburn, Lvl 7
Two free overburn slots (doesn’t cost 1 spell level extra)
Chosen Spell Does Maximum damage (no roll required)
Overburn also does +1damage per caster level.

MetaMagic: Spell Extension
Don’t you just hate those friggin longbowman, pinging away at you from half a mile a way. Well get the Biatch back, check the surprise on his smugly grinning face when you shoot a lightning bolt up his arse from 600 ft away.
Reqs: Magical Ability, Lvl 1
Rank 1
Ranged spells have %30 extra range.
Rank 2
Reqs: Rank 2 spell extension, Lvl 5
Ranged spells have %60 extra range
Rank 3
Reqs: Lvl 7
Ranged spells have %100 extra range

Look at my Muscles (pronounced muskles)
Having a well toned body is all that you care about, and since you spent all your time buffing up (and taking bull steroids, well the snake oil saleman said it was full of concentrated bull essence) so if you cared that badly about it everyone will have to as well, or you’ll break their skulls
Rank 1
+1 PS. -1 MA
You get 1.5 x (PS Damage bonus) when using two handed weapons. (but have to pose every now and again)
Can only be taken at level 1.
Rank 2
+3 PS, -3 MA
You get 2.0 x (PS Damage bonus) when using two handed weapons. (but have to pose at the end of every kill, and tell everyone how good you look with a bad arnie accent)

Ambiance (pronounced: arm-bee-aunts, in a snooty, hoity toity voice) gives the person a heightened sense of drama, so he can increase the fear/happiness/sadness of an event with the appropriate musical cues. (watch’s home and away and neighbors for tips)
Proficiency in at least 2 different instruments, Entertainer class
The area of effect is 30ft + 1ft by each % the instruments checks are made by.
Duration 1 minute per Instrument Skill level + 1 rnd per level after music stops.
Rank 1
Fear Ambiance: -1 to init (jumpy), -1 to save vs fear, -1 Surprise(still jumpy) +2spd
Sadness Ambiance: Tears, +2 reaction modifier (away from fighting) ,
-5% to all skills.
Happy Ambiance: +1 Morale modifier to saves
+4 Reaction Modifier
Tense Ambiance: +1 Init, +1 Surprise, +1 Dodge.
Battle Ambiance: +1 Strike, +1 Parry, +1 Damage.

Rank 2
Reqs: Rank 1 Ambiance, Lvl 6 in entertainer class
Fear Ambiance: -2 to init (jumpy), -2 to save vs fear, -2 Surprise(still jumpy) +2spd
Sadness Ambiance: Tears, +4 reaction modifier (away from fighting) ,
-10% to all skills.
Happy Ambiance: +3 Morale modifier to saves (not cumulative with anything)
+5 Reaction Modifier
Tense Ambiance: +2 Init, +2 Surprise, +2 Dodge.
Battle Ambiance: +2 Strike, +2 Parry, +2 Damage.

Note: The Bonuses are non-cumulative, so if you have something with a higher bonus, you miss out.

Trap Magnet
I wonder what’s in here, what the ??? ahcrapahcrapcrapahcrapahcrapahcrapahcrapahcrap noooooooooooooooooooooooooo splurk gurgle…drip…drip…drip…drip…drip…drip.

Reqs: Bard
Rank 1
I have a cousin, he looks just like me, except less annoying, just kidding - well about the less annoying anyway.
Rank 2
I have another cousin, he’s even more useful then me. Giggle snort.
Rank 3
I have yet another cousin, he looks just like me in every respect as well, his name is even the same as mine, here’s his number. Hehehe
And so on and so forth.

Magic Resistance
Are mages being a pain in your rectum, are lightning bolts finding places where the sun don’t shine, if so maybe magic resistance is the new way.
Reqs: Human, Dwarf, Lvl 1
Rank 1
%10 Magic Resistance
Rank 2
Reqs: Rank 1 Magic Resistance, Lvl 5
%20 Magic Resistance
Rank 3
Reqs: Rank 2 Magic Resistance, Lvl 9
%50 Magic Resistance.

Notes: Spell Strength reduces magic resistance by %5 per point. So if your opponent has +10 spell strength you’re still going to burn.

Darkness Comes
Your necromantic skills are pretty darn good.
Reqs: IQ 7
Rank 1
You Summon/Control %20 more undead then normal.
Your summoned undead are %5 harder to turn
Rank 2
You Summon/Control %40 more undead then normal.
Your summoned undead are %10 harder to turn
Rank 3
You Summon/Control %50 more undead then normal.
Your summoned undead are %20 harder to turn

Siegeus Maximus
Your siege engine manipulation skills are peerless, each rank of this perk reduces the number of trained people required to use a siege engine.
Rank 1
Reqs: 16 PS
The user of this perk counts as 2 people in a siege engine emplacement.
Rank 2
Reqs: 21 PS, 18 PP
The user of this perk counts as 3 people in a siege engine emplacement.
Rank 3
Reqs: 25 PS, 22 PP, 20 spd
The user of this perk counts as 4 people in a siege engine emplacment.

Sleep of the Dead
You are a very heavy sleeper, you once slept through a tsunami that swept away your house (but your bed floated).
Rank 1
You sleep for 8 hours straight, only damage will wake you
1 nights rest gives 1d10hp on the first night, and 1d6 each night afterwards.
However if your sleep is interrupted you lose all benefits of sleep
Rank 2
Reqs: Rank 1 Sleep of the dead, Lvl 2+
You sleep for 6 hours straight, only 2pts+ damage will wake you
However 1 nights rest gives 1d10hp on the first night, and 1d6 each night afterwards
Rank 3
Reqs: Rank 2 Sleep of the dead, Lvl 5+
You sleep for 4 hours straight, only 5pts+ damage will wake you
However 1 nights rest gives 1d10hp on the first night, and 1d6 each night afterwards

Legend of Deathstalker
Stories abound of a man who wanders around killing slavers and freeing the slaves and leading them to the promised Land. (and no the promised land isn’t the western empire).
Reqs: Good or honourable alignment.
Rank 1
+1 Strike and +2 Dam vs Slavers.
Rank 2
Reqs: Rank 1 Legend of Deathstalker, Lvl 3+
+3 Strike, +1 AP, +4 Damage, Critical on a 16+ vs Slavers.
Rank 3
Reqs: Rank 2 Legend of Deathstalker, Lvl 5+
+1 Damage per slave freed
+5 Strike, +3 AP, +8 Damage, Critical on a 5+ vs Slavers.
+1 hp to a max of 100 per slave freed, bonus hp last 1 week.

Bear Grylls BBQ.
You have a cast iron stomach and can eat pretty much anything (except dwarven warbread, as your teeth aren’t jackhammers).
Rank 1
+2 Save vs ingested poisons.
+%10 Resistance to ingested diseases.
Rank 2
Reqs: Rank 1 Bear Grylls BBQ
+4 Save vs ingested poisons.
+%20 Resistance to ingested diseases.
Rank 3
Reqs: Rank 2 Bear Grylls BBQ
+6 Save vs ingested poisons.
+%40 Resistance to ingested diseases.

Doombringers Warcry
When charging into battle your screams and imprecations give even the most battle hardened warrior pause.
Reqs: MA 14+
Rank 1
Charge Cry
+1 strike, +3 Damage on a charge attack.
Hold Cry
Retake failed morale/hf roll at -2

Re: House rules...

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:18 am
by Alrik Vas
I sometimes change armor to have straight DR, like has been listed. Though i have someone weapons with armor defeating qualities.

Most light armor is Damage Reduction: 4
Most medium Armor is DR: 7
Most Heavy armor is DR: 12

Everytime you take a critical hit or a weapon rolls full damage, you lose 1 DR. I have this instead of SDC for armor.

Depending on the armor type, certain weapons are more useful. However to keep it simple i say only blunt and certain piercing weapons do Penetration, with 1 handed versions having a Penetration Value of 3, two handers have PV: 7

The addition that slashing weapons get is +3 damage to unarmored spots (pierce and blunt weapons get +1).

Also, shields have +1 DR, they're destroyed after taking 2/3/5 (light/medium/heavy) crit/full damage hits. Shields are almost always taken out before armor, unless called shots are made.

Creatures tend to remain normal, with just lots of SDC and natural AR. Though anything that wears armor uses these rules instead. I want to do this for Rifts too, but MDC is problematic.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 2:05 pm
by Myrrhibis
About the only house rule we've incorporated across-the-board in our gaming group (almost non-stop for 20 years) is

Parrying projectiles & energy weapons (wrong forum I know) has the -10 Parry/Dodge
But you CAN add in your P/D bonus if a combat class

We also allow a fair bit of drawing/readying weapon while doing a maneuver like running/jumping into place. Although the more "video game" or "action movie" like you're trying to be, higher chance you land wrong or can't hit the broad side of a barn - or a buddy instead.

There's a deck of Crit/Fumble cards I bought at GenCon years ago... I need to check to see if the manufacturer is still in business; we need a modern-weapon deck ^_^

Re: House rules...

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 12:21 am
by torjones
pblackcrow wrote:Post your house rules or ideas for house rules here. And can I please get a green tag for this post? Thanks everyone.
Cheers and ankh udja seneb.


Re: House rules...

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:06 pm
by Baron mugwort
Small shield +1AR, Large shield +2AR (yes Armour of Ithan and a large shield gives an AR:20)
Natural 20 on dodge roll = autododge
PS damage bonus added to custom bows (I am an archer this makes sense)
Carpet of Adhesion - If you save then you do not stick at all. If you fail you are stuck for 2D6 attacks.
Evil Eye Paralysis, Blind etc. are cancelled if another hostile move is made against the target (Protects your 15th level Palladium from being paralysed and having his throat slit by some low level psychic punk).

Re: House rules...

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 12:51 pm
by pblackcrow
When doing a mind control spell or psyonic, it's based on a battle of wills...the total of 3 rolls on a D20 + Will or ME, since not everyone uses the Will attribute...the greater one wins. If they tie, it's doesn't succeed.

Speaking of attributes, we do attribute checks with a d30. Also, in addition to the Willpower attribute we also use the following in some games, and for every 5 levels give 1d8 worth of points to be devided among them.

PERC ( Perception): is not just the character's ability to pick out minute details. It is also represents the character's sense of danger, and insight. The Attribute Bonus Chart gives a bonus to the character's Danger Sense.

LUCK: is the character's ability to miraculously escape bad situations, always get the best breaks in life, and generally stay out of trouble. The higher the LUCK score the luckier the character. To make a successful LUCK roll the character must roll under his/her LUCK on a d30. If the roll was successful the character escapes the situation, or has success at the attempted feat, otherwise s/he has failed. An optional rule that also applies to luck is that if the roll is failed, the amount failed by is taken from the characters luck score. Luck taken in this fashion can only be restored by further successful luck rolls. Regardless luck may never be increased beyond the original luck score unless through some magical means. The Attribute Bonus Chart does not give a bonus for LUCK.

REF (Reflex): Is the ability to respond to spontaneous situations quickly. The higher the REF score the faster the response of the character. The Attribute Bonus Chart gives a bonus to the character's Initiative. Reflex is the only stat not determined by a direct dice roll. It is a combination of three stats added together and averaged. The stats used to determine reflex are P.P., SPD. and PER (EG. The Player rolls a 14 for P.P, a 13 for SPD, and a 15 for PS. He adds these up to get a total of 42 and then divides by 3 to get the average score of 14 making his REF stat 14.)

PERS. (Persuade): Exactly what it sounds like. The stats used to determine reflex are MA, IQ, and PB (EG. The Player rolls a 14 for MA, a 13 for IQ, and a 15 for PB. He adds these up to get a total of 42 and then divides by 3 and round down to get the average score of 14 making his PERS. stat 14.) It uses the same percentage table as MA.

GK (General knowledge): What it sounds like. Roll 3d6, use the MA chart. Skills that are simple general knowledge things such as fishing and cooking default to this if character doesn't have the skills. Or in determining if they know or might have heard something.

REC (Recall): Is the ability to recall stuff when player can't. The stats used to determine reflex are GK, IQ, and PREC (EG. The Player rolls a 14 for GK, a 13 for IQ, and a 15 for PREC. He adds these up to get a total of 42 and then divides by 3 and round down to get the average score of 14 making his REC. stat 14.) It uses the same percentage table as MA.

Also BAL (Balance)'s new and I know we use the PP score and I can't remember what else. I think it was REF, and PE. Didn't have a chart.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 1:57 pm
by Alrik Vas
Whenever someone doesn't have a skill for something that could reasonably be done untrained, i give them a D20 roll with a +1 for every amount of 10's digit they have in the relevant attribute (+1 for 10-19, +2 for 20 etc). I tend to arbitrarily decide their success or failure (though i look for a roll of 17+).

Re: House rules...

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 8:19 pm
by pblackcrow
We combined spear and staff and gave bonuses for those who also have taken blunt like we do with targeting and archery, mouth weapons, and knife.
And things like fishing, cards, etc can be learnt while in game and you don't really have to spend a skill slot for the more basic and simple skills. Things that can be learnt in under a week or 2, you don't need to use up a one of your leveling up skill to get it.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 9:30 pm
by jade von delioch
Was thinking of doing attribute checks with the following table:

Attributes checks:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3% 6% 9% 12% 15% 18% 21% 24% 27% 30%
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
32% 34% 36% 38% 40% 42% 44% 46% 48% 50%
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
52% 54% 56% 58% 60% 62% 64% 66% 68% 70%
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
71% 72% 73% 74% 75% 76% 77% 78% 79% 80%
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
80% 81% 81% 82% 82% 83% 83% 84% 84% 85%

When making attributes checks, compare the character's attribute to this chart and have the player roll under this number. Follow the same basic rules for making a skill roll. Add any bonuses or penalties the same any. Do not add the attributes bonuses.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 1:49 pm
by pblackcrow
We sometimes use the background table on: ... round.html for determining background.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 7:17 pm
by pblackcrow
In the most recent game...We voted on a few things.

Equal PPE Channeling...5 PPE points per level for everyone. Plus we do bonus actions if the spell is equal to or under 1 PPE per level.

Rifts Druids to replace the standard Druids of PFRPG.

Rifts Book of Magic to be looked at and picked through for spell inclusion.

Modified Atlantians as a player race.

Gun power is both rare and expensive as are explosives! Muskets not popular among any army. They are regarded as Devices for nobility the most trusted guards.

Exp chart changes/additions:
Capturing a ship gives each member 100-2000 exp.
Each member of the crew you capture 50-500 points.
Each member you convert to your crew, you get 75-750 exp.
For helping sinking an enemies ship each member gets 50-1000 25-300 for every life that died on board.
Running your ship according to character 200 exp.
Staying in character the whole game 75.
Using your character voice 10-100..Basically percentage of amount per sessions .
Really being true to character flaws/phobias/obsessions/insanities/whatever 25 per.

-100 exp for cell phones unless it is important.
-25 for not keeping track of money, equipment, or encumbrance.
-50 for not keeping track of HP, SDC, PPE, ISP, Faith Points, updating your skills after you make a new level, etc.
-100 for showing up without a character sheet fully ready and prepared. It ticks both the GMs and players off.
-50 for showing up 75% or less with an unfinished character sheet that does not need stuff verified or approved by a GM.
-25 for talking over a player when it is his turn.
-10 to 100 (GM's discretion) for talking about the crap at the gaming table mid game. Wait til a brake then do your yacking. We gather together to game not to gab about our kids, politics, or the like. ()
-25 for showing up late or leaving early without a valid excuse.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 12:18 pm
by ShadowHawk
One thing I did want to add here, if it's okay for me to do so...In the last game meeting, the group ruled that mythril was equal to titanium. So now we finally have something to go on as far as references for size, weight, hardness, etc goes.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 4:34 pm
by Lukterran

■ All characters start with two (2) melee attacks for living in addition to HTH
■ If a character is reduced to ½ their hit-points or more by one attack than they must save versus shock or be stunned for 1D4 melees.
■ Called shots with missile weapons take two melee attacks.
■ A failed called shot has a 50% hit miss ratio, 50% and under hits target in a random location, 51% and above miss target entirely.
■ Thrown weapons get ½ strength bonuses to damage when throwing large weapons.
■ -10 to parry & dodge arrows is in effect but only -5 if parrying with a shield.

An unmodified roll that successfully hits above the characters A.R. inflicts full damage. A modified roll to hit above the characters A.R. inflicts one half damage to the armor and one half to the character. The exception to this rule is a successful called shot to a specific unarmored portion of opponents anatomy.

Otherwise by the Palladium standard rules armor is almost completely useless. However, you armor does tend to get trashed faster with these new rules.

Shields have a bonues to parry applied to them. +1 for Small round shields, +2 for Large (Normal sized) shields, +3 for Tower or (Full sized) sheilds. This is in addition to any weapon proficiency training.

Shield only takes 10% damage, unless the strike is intentional targeting the shield to break the weapon. This represents the durability of the shield in combat. Plus the strike must be over the natural A.R. of the material of the shield (see armor for details).

The S.D.C. of Shields

Leather------------10--------20-------30-------25gp / 35gp / 45gp
Wood--------------15--------25-------40-------30gp / 40gp / 55gp
Wood & Leather---20--------30-------60-------35gp / 45gp / 75gp
Bronze or Metal---40--------60-------80-------55gp / 75gp / 95gp
Wood & Metal-----50--------75-------100------65gp / 90gp / 115gp
Iron (Heavy)------90--------110------130------120gp / 150gp / 180gp

■ -Anything up to ¼ maximum range is done without any inherent penalty
■ -Anything above ¼ to ½ maximum range is done at a –3
■ -Anything above ½ to ¾ maximum range is done at a –6
■ -Anything above ¾ to maximum range is done at a –9 (in addition to any other penalties due to movement, cover, environmental conditions, etc.)

First edition sniping skill can be used and is the replacement of the sniper skill. It gives a +2 with aimed shot, and does x3 damage for any roll over 20.

If a spell caster is hit or suffers damage while attempting to cast a spell they must successfully roll under their M.E. to finish the spell. Figure in a negative 1 modifier for every 5 points of damage sustained and a negative 5 modifier if spell caster is knocked down.

-Any attempt to parry or dodge results in automatic spell disruption.


This is the basic rule. Instead of the purely time-based system found in all of Palladium's major games the rate at which a magic-using character can channel P.P.E. into casting a spell allows mages to channel five P.P.E. per level of experence per melee action.

So a 3rd level wizard (5 PPE x 3 lvl) that cast a spell could channel 15 P.P.E. per action. So a spell costing 45 P.P.E would cost 3 actions. A 6th level wizard could cast the same spell in 2 actions.


I had a friend of mine one time come up with the idea of "Spell Weaving", allowing a mage to cast a spell with multiple effects.


Chris the Ley Line Walker is fighting invisible monsters in dark ruins. Because he can't see where he is going, let alone see his attackers, he decides to cast Globe of Daylight woven with See the Invisible to create a globe of light that illuminates invisible creatures so that Chris's allies can now see their assailants as well.

The damage, range, and duration of a woven spell is the highest damage, range, and duration values of the spells woven, not a combination of all the spells. The exception to this is a spell containing an "instant" duration. While the other effects of the spell will continue for the duration of the spell, any instant effects will play out once the spell is cast, but will not repeat.


Chris casts Blinding Flash woven with Befuddle to give him a fighting chance to escape Steve. Befuddle has a duration of two minutes per level, but Blinding Flash is instantaneous. When the spell casts, the Blinding Flash will affect Steve instantly, assuming he doesn't save, while Befuddle will continue to affect him for the duration, creating a mage-conjured "flash-bang" effect.

The exact nature of the woven spell, what it accomplishes and its subsequent effects, will be discussed between the player and myself. While there are no exact restrictions to spell weaving, aside from rituals, not every spell will easily weave with another. Weaving Charismatic Aura with Fireball will not just generate both effects, the spells are LINKED so that their effects will have the same target and intertwine with one another.

Spells CAN be woven to expand their area of effect, like the Globe of Daylight and See the Invisible example. The caster's intention is the greatest defining aspect of the woven spell, while two casters may weave the same spells together, they may come out with differing effects, depending on the caster's intention. Occassionally, an intended effect will be determined to require a spell weave that the mage doesn't know. In these cases, the mage won't be able to generate the effect, or will have to consider other possible combinations.

The downside is that it will cost additional PPE and could take longer to intiate. The cost would be the cumulative cost of all the spells in the weave plus 5 PPE per level of the highest level spell. Globe of Daylight with See the Invisible (both level 1) would cost 4 (GoD) + 2 (StI) + 5 (level 1) = 11 PPE.

Rituals cannot be woven with other rituals or incantations due to the exacting nature of rituals. Psionics cannot be woven. Any spell can be woven with any spell a character knows, allowing a generic Incantation be woven with Temporal magic or any other non-ritual spell.


Due to their large size and heavy builds giant arms and armor take more material to construct and are harder to destroy.

Giant sized weapons cost 50-150% more and do an additional die of damage. (Low quality primative weapon +50%, normal quality metal weapon +100%, high quality weapons +150% added to cost of standard listed prices). Giant weapons weight three times as much as normal human sized weapon.


Giant sized armor costs between 100%-200% more (double to triple the cost) depending on quality. Also giant armor has 50% more additional S.D.C. as well as three times the weight.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 12:31 am
by Alrik Vas
I'm all about the old sniping skill. Might have to use that.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 2:40 pm
by Lukterran
Alrik Vas wrote:I'm all about the old sniping skill. Might have to use that.

The skill is still listed in the Yin-Sloth Jungle Book. So techincally it is a 2nd edition rule.

It's an Elective Skill (aka OCC Related)

Sniping: Spy and Long Bowmen, also available to Soldiers, Rangers and Assassins, but counts as two skill selections.

Sniping: The character is skilled at making fantastic, accurate shots with missile weapons. The person is a weapons expert capable of
called shots and is +2 to strike when using these weapons. Sniper weapons are limited to the sling, blowgun, crossbow, short bow or
long bow — the sniper picks one. The sniper bonuses also apply to any of the weapons listed under this skill that are selected as additional
Weapon Proficencies. Bonuses: In addition to the +2 to strike, the sniper inflicts double damage from surprise, long range attacks
(usually limited to the first and second shots) and the standard weapon range is increased by 25% in the hands of this expert. If the
sniper rolls a 20 (or higher), modified or not, the attack does triple damage! Applicable only to the sling, blowgun and bow.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:25 pm
by kiralon
Except that it was updated in the second ed main book, and doesn't do the damage bonus and costs 2 shots and is limited to anything with decent range.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 6:24 pm
by MrDisturbed
Sick of constantly being out of luck because I don't have the appropriate skill.. Has anybody made a simplified skill list. Think of all the things you can do. If you made yourself youd run out of skills very fast. Most 1st level characters are adults. I doubt they can't climb. Or swim. Or get on a horse. Or tie their boots.. Why are there skills for every little action that needs to be done. Anyone have a house rule for this?

Re: House rules...

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 6:35 pm
by eliakon
MrDisturbed wrote:Sick of constantly being out of luck because I don't have the appropriate skill.. Has anybody made a simplified skill list. Think of all the things you can do. If you made yourself youd run out of skills very fast. Most 1st level characters are adults. I doubt they can't climb. Or swim. Or get on a horse. Or tie their boots.. Why are there skills for every little action that needs to be done. Anyone have a house rule for this?

Most things come under 'routine actions' and don't need a skill check.
You don't need cooking to make bacon and eggs in the morning. You DO need cooking skill to whip up a delicious meal for 40 people.
You don't need climbing skill to climb the apple tree in your back yard. You DO need climbing skill to scale a cliff

Re: House rules...

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 6:41 pm
by Lukterran
eliakon wrote:You don't need climbing skill to climb the apple tree in your back yard. You DO need climbing skill to scale a cliff

I am old, overweight and out-of-shape. I personally might need climbing skill to climb the apple tree in my backyard. :lol:

Re: House rules...

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 6:50 pm
by Library Ogre
MrDisturbed wrote:Sick of constantly being out of luck because I don't have the appropriate skill.. Has anybody made a simplified skill list. Think of all the things you can do. If you made yourself youd run out of skills very fast. Most 1st level characters are adults. I doubt they can't climb. Or swim. Or get on a horse. Or tie their boots.. Why are there skills for every little action that needs to be done. Anyone have a house rule for this?

Rather extensive, yes.

Specifically, this makes the relevant attribute part of the skill percentage. If you don't have the skill, but the GM judges you'd be able to perform some functions of the skill, you use the attribute as a base percentage.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 12:01 pm
by pblackcrow
Good question, thank you for asking. Yes, in my game we do have skills that you can learn during game play if you have a teacher with skills at 75-98% that can be learnt anytime regardless of if you have a skill slot opened.

Communications & Performing Arts
Language: Gryphon
Language: Guild Tongue
Sign Language
Sign Language: Guild

Domestics (BASIC ONLY!)

Imitate Voices & Impersonation
Pick Pockets
Track Humanoids (If you already have tracking)

Horsemanship: General

Animal Husbandry
Brewing (Only if you have taken domestic brewing twice and are at 70%)
First Aid


Flag Signalling


Pick Pockets

Mathematics: Basic

Scholar, Noble & Technical
Breed Dogs
General Repairs
Horse Trade
Rope Works

Identify Plants & Fruits
Land Navigation
Preserve Food
Skin & Prepare Animal Hides
Track & Trap Animals

Re: House rules...

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 12:33 pm
by pblackcrow
Edit to Experience Points Dispersal:
Critical Plan or action that saves lives: 25-50-75-100 points per life that was saved. 25 for small numbers, 50 for a good amount of people, 75 for a large number of people, and 100 for an epic amount.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 4:31 pm
by Vrykolas2k
Not really into house rules.
Really the only one I have is, play what you want to play; in general I don't even let the players talk about their characters before the game begins, which avoids the whole "niche-filling" trope.

Re: House rules...

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 4:53 pm
by kiralon
Vrykolas2k wrote:Not really into house rules.
Really the only one I have is, play what you want to play; in general I don't even let the players talk about their characters before the game begins, which avoids the whole "niche-filling" trope.

Well most of the house rules I have seen in the game were mostly made to make sense of the things that are a bit game breaking.