Southern Cross Pics

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Southern Cross Pics

Unread post by Mike1975 »

Anybody know where I can get some decent color images of all of the Southern Cross Battloids? The images I have are all just black and white.
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Re: Southern Cross Pics

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Not all the Battloids/PA appear in the show (Golem, Salamander, Cyclops are in the footage, a few others can also be seen in the Battloid charge in the original RT end credits, with the version I'm not sure when it appears). Robotech Research website's picture archive section has them.
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Re: Southern Cross Pics

Unread post by Seto Kaiba »

Mike1975 wrote:Anybody know where I can get some decent color images of all of the Southern Cross Battloids? The images I have are all just black and white.

Assuming that you mean actual color line art, the answer to your question is "Nowhere".

You see, the creators of the original Southern Cross series did not exactly lavish attention and detail upon their mecha designs the way Macross and MOSPEADA's did... possibly because the show was not a mecha show at all when it was originally proposed and developed. The only mecha that received any detailed specs was the Spartas, though they did create color art for the Logan, Auroran (AGACs), Garm* (GMP Robot), and Bioroid. The various robots used by Glorie's other specialist divisions did not receive names, designations, stats, or anything else beyond the bare minimum one front 3/4 view piece of black and white line art. To further compound the problem, said line art was printed in one magazine article (rather infuriatingly, it was a color insert but the mecha art was still only in black and white) at minuscule size and were left out of the show's official art book (This is Animation 10: Southern Cross).

It's possible that they intended to go back and fill the details in if and when they decided to use a particular specialist unit's robot later in the series, but Southern Cross turned out to be a ratings and merchandising fiasco and got its run cut to half of its planned length when the series was canceled. As a result, there's almost nothing in terms of published line art for the series... particularly for the various background designs.**

* It is possible this is a reference to Garm, the dog that guards Hel (the land of the dead) in Norse mythology.
** Had it not been canceled, Southern Cross would probably have received a total of four art books, three volumes worth of coverage in This is Animation and a Perfect Memory book as well. Instead all we have is a handful of brief articles in The Anime magazine and the one, abortive TiA book. - Home of the Macross Mecha Manual

Zer0 Kay wrote:Damn you for anticipating my question. I've really got to unfoe you, your information is far more valuable than my sanity when dealing with your blunt callousness. :)
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Re: Southern Cross Pics

Unread post by Mike1975 »

Thanks guys, I found a couple of useable tidbits. Better than nothing.
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Re: Southern Cross Pics

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

This site has a few scanned images of inserts in Japanese toward the bottom (2 middle scans for July 1984):

It has some of the 'bots from SDC:SC (Robotech:TRM saga 2E RPG expansion). Other examples of the model kits (not shown) might be out there as well.
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Re: Southern Cross Pics

Unread post by jaymz »

Thanks for that Shadow, I bookmarked it as well :ok:
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Re: Southern Cross Pics

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Your Welcome jaymz. The uRRG has some of the Battloids up as B&W pics, so I was really looking for the package artwork for the models, but the full color spread w/pictures works just as well for what Mike1975 was looking for to cover some of the mecha not depicted in the animation.
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Re: Southern Cross Pics

Unread post by jaymz »

Yeah uRRG is one of my main secondary sources
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

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