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What are the forum's thoughts

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 11:07 am
by JTwig
As I've mentioned in a previous post that some might have read, I have a group of Rifts PCs who are tracking down a group foes who had fled to other dimensions. One is a mummy immortus necromancer whose hideout I'm thinking about placing in the Dead Reign setting. My question is, since the zombies in the setting see P.P.E. as "life energy", how would they view the mummy immortus? She is already dead, but as a necromancer she has a significant amount of P.P.E.

My defult of course is that they would recognize her as a fellow dead/undead, and would ignore her. I'm even thinking that they would even instictively show her deference, with acts such as crowds automatically parting as she passes through or backing off if she claims a kill. Despite this I'm not planning on having them automatically follow her commands like slaves, though she will collect a small group of zombies to use as watch-dogs and servants (though she would prefer humans for the later).

Her personality is such that she won't have much respect for death cults, and will have little interest in conquoring more than a small area to use as a hideout and to regroup after being driven into hiding by the PCs. She will also most likely be surprised that the PCs have followed her to this dimension.

Any thoughts on how the zombies would react to her, or any other suggestions are welcome.

Re: What are the forum's thoughts

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:35 am
by Thinyser
Make the zombies go after her too. PPE is PPE and they are not likely to know the difference in source. That is unless you have smart zombies then maybe they would know and leave her alone but that would only be a small % of the the zombies out there so most would attack to feed.

Re: What are the forum's thoughts

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 7:34 pm
by CarCrasher
I am not familiar with Rifts so I don't know about the mummy immortalus. However from what I have read I would think I agree with relicandcheese. Death priests have more PPE then average joe but don't trigger the dinner bell. So this necromancer I wouldn't think triggers it either. I think also they might be able to command a small amount of the zombies. While not caring for death cults the cults might look upon this necromancer as an extension of the evil god Brulyx and might deign to serve this avatar of their god. So a group of human followers would be handy for it. Just some thoughts I had about the subject.