Random Elven Question

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Random Elven Question

Unread post by TheElf »

If we were to assign numbers to the members of the 15th ATAC squadron, what would Angelo's, Sean's, and Bowie's be? I ask because I am thinking about doing a variant of my Spartas Battloid in their colors. I know it isn't anywhere in the OA, but just from a chain of command perspective, I would think Angelo would be 002, Sean, probably dead last, and Bowie maybe in the middle of the pack? Just wondering...

BTW I updated my DA page again...no big deal... ; )
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Re: Random Elven Question

Unread post by Seto Kaiba »

TheElf wrote:If we were to assign numbers to the members of the 15th ATAC squadron, what would Angelo's, Sean's, and Bowie's be?

It's hard to say exactly how they would be numbered, since both in the original Southern Cross and the Robotech adaptation, the α Tactics Armored Corps is never shown with any formation larger than what they call a squad (the term the original uses is buntai, which is literally "squad", as in the infantry formation smaller than a platoon). Size-wise, I'd find myself inclined to treat it as a platoon instead, since the αTAC 15th was 20 or so tanks. My gut reaction would be to go for something loosely inspired by WW2 tank markings and make it either 15Δ# or 15α#, with Jeanne/Dana being 1, her XO being 2, and so on down the line.
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Re: Random Elven Question

Unread post by TheElf »

Seto Kaiba wrote:
TheElf wrote:If we were to assign numbers to the members of the 15th ATAC squadron, what would Angelo's, Sean's, and Bowie's be?

It's hard to say exactly how they would be numbered, since both in the original Southern Cross and the Robotech adaptation, the α Tactics Armored Corps is never shown with any formation larger than what they call a squad (the term the original uses is buntai, which is literally "squad", as in the infantry formation smaller than a platoon). Size-wise, I'd find myself inclined to treat it as a platoon instead, since the αTAC 15th was 20 or so tanks. My gut reaction would be to go for something loosely inspired by WW2 tank markings and make it either 15Δ# or 15α#, with Jeanne/Dana being 1, her XO being 2, and so on down the line.

Thanks for your thoughts Seto. I considered the WW2 tank marking avenue, but there is also a consistency/continuity piece that I've already tried to represent in the Spartas Battloid I did with Dana. That is a tie in to the RDF. Obviously this requires one to view this all purely through the ROBOTECH prism, not the original series continuity, but I also like to draw on the original design from SDC SC. So there are representations from both.

The Southern Cross, grew out of the RDF correct? I mean, if not totally, then at least in some capacity there need to be similarities, like rank structure, the organization of units. Now, I fully realize that the the original writers of RT didn't bless us with any consistency in the script to pull from, but you could logically conclude that for the most part there would-could-should be similarities from Macross to SC. So that is why I made Spartan One 001, just like Skull one. And I gave Dana's Battloid a Hunter-esque red chest band.

There are so few images of Hovertanks with any kind of original markings. You almost have to infer from the ATAC battle armor what sort of badges their craft would carry. Have you ever seen any original art with markings on a tank?
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Re: Random Elven Question

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Seto wrote:since the αTAC 15th was 20 or so tanks.

12 is the typical strength they deployed with, the only exception that comes to mind is when Bowie gets sprung for the recon mission into the downed cityship (bringing the total to 13, and it isn't that hard to keep track in the episode). 12 is also about how many we see in group shots (if we add missing main characters).
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Re: Random Elven Question

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the use of the name "squadron" implies a an Armored Cavalry tradition was being followed.. which would actually mean 14 tanks.. 3 platoons of 4 and a command group of 2.
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Re: Random Elven Question

Unread post by Seto Kaiba »

glitterboy2098 wrote:the use of the name "squadron" implies a an Armored Cavalry tradition was being followed.. which would actually mean 14 tanks.. 3 platoons of 4 and a command group of 2.

Possible... though in the 15th's "hangar' space, we see a few tanks that aren't being used at the time, so the formation may have been bigger than that, or simply wanting for personnel (since the 15th was apparently something like the army's way of disposing of chronic reg-breakers).
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Zer0 Kay wrote:Damn you for anticipating my question. I've really got to unfoe you, your information is far more valuable than my sanity when dealing with your blunt callousness. :)
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Re: Random Elven Question

Unread post by silvermoon383 »

Or maybe they just had some spares?
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Re: Random Elven Question

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most armor units have spares..not many but a few. enough they can still deploy at full strength even if maintenance issues down check a couple of their vehicles for a time.
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Re: Random Elven Question

Unread post by Seto Kaiba »

silvermoon383 wrote:Or maybe they just had some spares?

What glitterboy said... though for Robotech's purposes, I'd just chalk it up to the fact that the Southern Cross forces are barely established, and therefore are probably running most or all of their units under the nominal strength their TO&E says they should have.
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Zer0 Kay wrote:Damn you for anticipating my question. I've really got to unfoe you, your information is far more valuable than my sanity when dealing with your blunt callousness. :)

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